The McKamey Manor Dare
Just when I thought I’ve seen and heard it all. This torture manor, as I call it, has been around a while. Going back to 2013 or more. So there are many complaints from people claiming they were not let out after using the safe word. I’ve heard of signing waivers but not paperwork from one's doctor and psychiatrist stipulating they can handle the hands-on interaction. Oh yes, you have to provide a letter from your primary doctor saying you passed the physical. Plus one from a psychiatrist stipulating you’re mentally well enough to handle this level of being traumatized--for lack of better words. That has to be an awkward conversation with these doctors. They have to know they do. They claim they call to verify the letters are authentic from both doctors. He talks with people a long time (usually on Skype) before this event happens. That’s how extreme this is. It simulates a lot of popular sinister horror movie scenes. I can’t imagine, and don’t want to. I don’t want to open any doors. That’s just me.
All the fear and torment at a place like this would have to attract the demonic. It’s a perfect storm. I can’t imagine it would be a ‘pleasant scary experience’. I use to LOVE haunted houses as a teenager around Halloween. The thrill of being scared. My father hated it. Lol. He hated that I loved those. He was a Pentecostal Minister so you can imagine. But he didn’t stop me. I was never forced to do anything like go to church and things to that nature. He didn’t shove it down my throat. So I never thought twice about going. I’m getting off the subject here. Forgive me. Also a note that possible water boarding will be done in this haunted house. I hear it’s not even a manor. Just a regular everyday home. I’m not sure how that title got slipped in?
The Bible speaks about things that fall into this category. This just my humble opinion and observation from a biblical point of view. I understand completely that not everyone will agree and that is just fine. I put out information that I think some might want to know. I want to make this very clear. I received an email about this so I wanted to get it out there. These blogs are for everyone. I’m not attacking anybody. I’m concerned. Satan is a slick snake in the grass and his time is near. He knows it too. So let’s descend into morbid, diabolical anarchy! Oh he’d love that. Well the power of Jesus supersedes Satan. On every level. The devil will always up the level. That’s my point to this blog really.
Look at all these horror movies coming out and all the ones that are on Netflix. That is just so scary to me. So many people watch Netflix including me. God only knows what that kind of viewing does to a person on some of these movies.
They are already advertising demonic movies for 2020. This is how the enemy works. He is so very slick. He works on his time. He’d love it if the entire world didn’t believe in him. Oh he could run amok. He could possess anyone and they wouldn’t know it at first. And he never would have to worry about someone resisting.
Jesus loves you. He does not want you tormented by these dark beings. That’s not His plan for us but sometimes free will gets in the way. These dark things hate human beings. They hate our guts. Remember this when you feel you can’t go on. Reach for Jesus Christ when sadness hits. Especially this time of year. Don’t give the enemy any room. He will try but remember the truth, Jesus is King. Satan cannot overtake him. The book of Revelations is worth reading about end times.
When I researched this subject and how this all year around haunted attraction worked I was literally sickened. It is currently not in business but I’m not sure why? It was first in San Diego, California, but it's now in Summertown, Tennessee. I pray for the owner and anyone else influenced by it and anyone hurt by it. It’s just not right. That’s my humble opinion. When haunt participants asked to be let out aren't, the tormenting goes on. If that’s true. I don’t know for sure. But think twice before doing these extreme haunted houses that are year round or just in October. Someone had a heart attack, which the owner of McKamey Manor said “It was pretty cool”. He said it on a YouTube clip. He’s fueled by attention and loves it. Please pray he adjust things so everyone can be happy. No one getting hurt or coming out mortified.
Below is a comment I found from
"You get a lot of people who think it's going to be easy money," Kris Smith, a 37-year-old Michigan native who works as a volunteer remotely for McKamey's tours, told USA TODAY. Smith was first introduced to the operation years ago as a contestant. During his first go-around, he didn't make it past signing the waiver, which details all the physically painful, high-stakes and grotesque things that could happen along the way.
"I read it and I quit," Smith said. "I got to the last page and turned around and went home.... There's so much. You have to pull out your own teeth, there's a chance of getting a tattoo, a chance of your fingernails getting pulled out. It's really overwhelming. There's a chance of death. Accidents do happen."
The I found this random comment to a article about this haunted event.
“Except YOU lose if you touch them, though they CAN touch you. Most of this is set up to make you fail. You basically aren't allowed to defend yourself. Plus you start with a small set of "cards" that you need to be in the positive to "win", he arbitrarily assigns the amount of cards you can lose to said "challenge" so technically, if he thinks you may win, he just sets the amount of card loss to higher than you have and make some ridiculous challenge. You can start with more cards if you hang out in their city for 2 weeks before the game and do a bunch of sightseeing crap. I wouldn't trust him to play fair even if you did every degrading thing asked of you.”
Lord, I shouldn’t be surprised...Feel free to do your own research. Different opinions on this that’s for sure.
Until next time may your pleasures be many and your worries be few.
Written By Jennifer Auld
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Is McKamey Manor Haunted with Demonic Activity?
extreme haunted house,
haunted house,
jesus christ,
kris smith,
mckamey manor,
russ mckamey,
summerland tn
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Crystal Meth And Demons, Part 3
This has been on my heart for a long time to discuss this again. I’ve received a lot of feedback from a lot of different people from the first two blogs in 2014. Some contacted me privately. Somebody also mentioned there was something called the meth Bible. It contained directives on reaching three different realms or dimensions. It was something to that nature. That is a very dangerous tool to play with. Researchers believe sleep paralysis is caused by a very rapid eye movements because it mostly happens as people are falling into or coming out of REM sleep. During this stage, the brains normally paralyze their muscles anyway so they don't act out their dreams.
So what is still making people see demons and such demonic things only when on crystal meth? Below will be a few testimonies that I found at random websites. A lot of testimonials out there since 2014, people still going through this and it’s not getting better. The following are testimonies from random websites about this:
“Meth is the devil's drug and it ruins lives and takes away everything that ment so much to you everyone that you love will leave you and move away far away and sometimes you do finally see the light its to late but don’t let that discourage you God will always forgive and will be by your side just believe in him and his plan for you. I lost a great woman one of a kind and a great son over this. I miss them so much there’s not a second that goes by that I don’t think of them. But as long as they are happy and safe it puts a smile on me and yes I will always want them back but when im a 100% better but when that time comes and it’s to late I will accept it I love you guys and miss you so much”
“My daughter was using meth for 6 years. There were two incidents where she attacked me and tried choke the life out of me. She was screaming I will kill you bitch! I saw her face and it was not my childs. Her eyes were black and her features were strange, I saw the devil in my childs face. I could feel the presence of pure evil….I started praying Psalm 23: the Lord is my sheperd, I shall not want…..somehow I was ablec to alert my son in thecother room and he stooped hercfrom killing me. Whencshec got clean, her facial feautures became softer more like my childs. Very scary and heartbreaking to watch someone kill themselves.”
“You have Satan and you have the demons that he controls. All the other drugs are pretty much the demons. Methamphetamine is Satan itself,” he said. “I mean, I don’t think you can get any more evil than meth.” At
“Plain and simple meth is an evil drug. Those using it for many years end up just a shell of their former selves. We've all seen the “Faces of Meth” pictures. Which include a person's initial picture and then pictures throughout their use. And you can just see them disintegrating. Also in some cases people who have been awake for days and days on end will end up in a kind of psychosis. Uncontrollable movements, can't understand what they're saying at all or what they are saying is just nonsense. Plus all the physical damages the person's inflicted upon themselves from picking.”
Please choose life! Choose God. He will bring you out of this if you truly want that. It’s a awful dark place to be. Don’t you want light and happiness? Don’t let Satan take over your mind because he will if he can. Even inadvertently he can sneak in. Be obsessed with angels, peace and praise in the Lords Glory! The enemy will always have his demons out to thwart our calling but even the devil knows he can’t defeat the word of God. They must flee at the name of Jesus! Speak loud with authority! Your life is so very valuable and Jesus will bring you through.
[SATAN: "The profoundly evil adversary of God and humanity, often identified with the leader of the fallen angels; the Devil. (Judeo-Christian and Islamic religions): chief spirit of evil and adversary of God; tempter of mankind; master of Hell."]
MANY who are struggling with, or have overcome, methamphetamine addiction often speak of being plagued by demons, or of “possession” by negative forces preying on their weakened state. They flatly deny dreaming or hallucinating, insisting that their experiences are lucid, sober and objective.
"Professionals have diagnosed paranoid schizophrenia, but although a doctor can say what you're experiencing isn't real, to me it is as real as any object I can reach out and touch."
There are so many more but you can research for yourself. Very many stories and testimonies. This is so very upsetting. The Lord will help you. Reject Satan and all his devices. We cannot be ignorant to satans devices. The mind is the enemies playground. They can torture you worse than any physical pain. Trust me I know. This is a very serious issue. My first blog was in 2014 on this subject. Now there is so much more information and knowledge then there was before. And this drug is running ramped all over the United States. Why aren’t the authorities not worried about it? It’s worse than opiates. I know I had a OxyContin addiction I shared with you in a blog from my early 20’s battling Endometriosis when no one ever heard of it. It’s a female ailment. It triggered pre-cancer cells. Anyway, all drugs will make you hallucinate. And they will make you see things but what is it about crystal meth that seems to be the absolute worst? Not all these people are lying.
Halloween is almost here. Please, people no creeping around cemeteries please? Demons love those places due to the tears shed from loved ones passing and others paying respects to their loved ones who has been passed on already. That’s a lot of emotion and energy for the perfect storm! You think I’m playing? I sat in the devil's chair in the cemetery at 17. Cassadaga is a small town known to be haunted. Police usually patrol this location all year round. Thank God. It’s a beautiful town. But we all know looks can be deceiving. And yes, I was stupid to do what I did. I’m sharing it now so others learn from my ignorance. Being a preacher's kid, I’ve seen others fall victim to that urban legend that was brought into existence in my opinion. Talk about it enough it can create its own negativity. Like a poltergeist. Willed into existence as some would say. But that’s a whole other blog.
Bring in all your animals on Halloween. I don’t think I need to explain why. If you're confused I’ll clear it up. Just leave a comment. Everyone reading this, you can be anonymous and share your story in the comments section. Read part one and two as well if you haven’t already. I can be contacted personally as well. That happens a lot.
Until next time may your pleasures be many and your worries be few.
Written By Jennifer Auld
Read the blog that started it all:
Part 2:
So what is still making people see demons and such demonic things only when on crystal meth? Below will be a few testimonies that I found at random websites. A lot of testimonials out there since 2014, people still going through this and it’s not getting better. The following are testimonies from random websites about this:
“Meth is the devil's drug and it ruins lives and takes away everything that ment so much to you everyone that you love will leave you and move away far away and sometimes you do finally see the light its to late but don’t let that discourage you God will always forgive and will be by your side just believe in him and his plan for you. I lost a great woman one of a kind and a great son over this. I miss them so much there’s not a second that goes by that I don’t think of them. But as long as they are happy and safe it puts a smile on me and yes I will always want them back but when im a 100% better but when that time comes and it’s to late I will accept it I love you guys and miss you so much”
“My daughter was using meth for 6 years. There were two incidents where she attacked me and tried choke the life out of me. She was screaming I will kill you bitch! I saw her face and it was not my childs. Her eyes were black and her features were strange, I saw the devil in my childs face. I could feel the presence of pure evil….I started praying Psalm 23: the Lord is my sheperd, I shall not want…..somehow I was ablec to alert my son in thecother room and he stooped hercfrom killing me. Whencshec got clean, her facial feautures became softer more like my childs. Very scary and heartbreaking to watch someone kill themselves.”
“You have Satan and you have the demons that he controls. All the other drugs are pretty much the demons. Methamphetamine is Satan itself,” he said. “I mean, I don’t think you can get any more evil than meth.” At
“Plain and simple meth is an evil drug. Those using it for many years end up just a shell of their former selves. We've all seen the “Faces of Meth” pictures. Which include a person's initial picture and then pictures throughout their use. And you can just see them disintegrating. Also in some cases people who have been awake for days and days on end will end up in a kind of psychosis. Uncontrollable movements, can't understand what they're saying at all or what they are saying is just nonsense. Plus all the physical damages the person's inflicted upon themselves from picking.”
Please choose life! Choose God. He will bring you out of this if you truly want that. It’s a awful dark place to be. Don’t you want light and happiness? Don’t let Satan take over your mind because he will if he can. Even inadvertently he can sneak in. Be obsessed with angels, peace and praise in the Lords Glory! The enemy will always have his demons out to thwart our calling but even the devil knows he can’t defeat the word of God. They must flee at the name of Jesus! Speak loud with authority! Your life is so very valuable and Jesus will bring you through.
[SATAN: "The profoundly evil adversary of God and humanity, often identified with the leader of the fallen angels; the Devil. (Judeo-Christian and Islamic religions): chief spirit of evil and adversary of God; tempter of mankind; master of Hell."]
MANY who are struggling with, or have overcome, methamphetamine addiction often speak of being plagued by demons, or of “possession” by negative forces preying on their weakened state. They flatly deny dreaming or hallucinating, insisting that their experiences are lucid, sober and objective.
"Professionals have diagnosed paranoid schizophrenia, but although a doctor can say what you're experiencing isn't real, to me it is as real as any object I can reach out and touch."
There are so many more but you can research for yourself. Very many stories and testimonies. This is so very upsetting. The Lord will help you. Reject Satan and all his devices. We cannot be ignorant to satans devices. The mind is the enemies playground. They can torture you worse than any physical pain. Trust me I know. This is a very serious issue. My first blog was in 2014 on this subject. Now there is so much more information and knowledge then there was before. And this drug is running ramped all over the United States. Why aren’t the authorities not worried about it? It’s worse than opiates. I know I had a OxyContin addiction I shared with you in a blog from my early 20’s battling Endometriosis when no one ever heard of it. It’s a female ailment. It triggered pre-cancer cells. Anyway, all drugs will make you hallucinate. And they will make you see things but what is it about crystal meth that seems to be the absolute worst? Not all these people are lying.
Halloween is almost here. Please, people no creeping around cemeteries please? Demons love those places due to the tears shed from loved ones passing and others paying respects to their loved ones who has been passed on already. That’s a lot of emotion and energy for the perfect storm! You think I’m playing? I sat in the devil's chair in the cemetery at 17. Cassadaga is a small town known to be haunted. Police usually patrol this location all year round. Thank God. It’s a beautiful town. But we all know looks can be deceiving. And yes, I was stupid to do what I did. I’m sharing it now so others learn from my ignorance. Being a preacher's kid, I’ve seen others fall victim to that urban legend that was brought into existence in my opinion. Talk about it enough it can create its own negativity. Like a poltergeist. Willed into existence as some would say. But that’s a whole other blog.
Bring in all your animals on Halloween. I don’t think I need to explain why. If you're confused I’ll clear it up. Just leave a comment. Everyone reading this, you can be anonymous and share your story in the comments section. Read part one and two as well if you haven’t already. I can be contacted personally as well. That happens a lot.
Until next time may your pleasures be many and your worries be few.
Written By Jennifer Auld
Read the blog that started it all:
Part 2:
cassadaga florida,
crystal meth,
devil's chair,
drug addiction,
faces of meth,
psalm 23,
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Dalai Lama on The Middle Way
Teaching Nagarjuna’s ‘Precious Garland of the Middle Way’

Thekchen Chöling, Dharamsala, India - The sun shone in a clear sky this morning as His Holiness the Dalai Lama walked from his residence to the Tsuglagkhang, the Main Tibetan Temple. He greeted members of the public gathered in the yard and around the temple on his way, stroking a child’s cheek here, exchanging a few words there and waving to those beyond his reach. Once in the temple he respectfully saluted the former Ganden Throneholder, Rizong Rinpoché before taking his seat on the throne. A recitation of the ‘Mangala Sutta’ in Pali by Thai monks was followed by the chanting of the ‘Heart Sutra’ in Chinese.
The more than 7500 people gathered in and around the temple included individuals from 61 countries. Of these, the principal students were 1127 from Taiwan belonging to 21 organizations under the umbrella of the Taiwan International Tibetan Buddhist Association. Largest among these various groups was ‘Bliss and Wisdom’ and its 850 members.
After reciting the customary verses of homage, His Holiness addressed the congregation.
“Today, Chinese from Taiwan and elsewhere have come to listen to this teaching. We are here to learn how to transform our minds. The Buddhist tradition in general and the Nalanda Tradition in particular teach about the mind using logic and reason. They explain how to counter destructive emotions like anger and jealousy, which has the additional physical benefit of boosting our immune systems.
“We have to identify what disturbs our peace of mind and learn how to counter that, much as we take the appropriate medicine when we are sick. When we are angry, we should ask why. Note that anger may cause you to see someone as an enemy, but that can change. Someone who seems like an enemy today may be a friend tomorrow. When someone criticizes you, if you get angry it doesn’t relieve your irritation, whereas if you remain patient and calm, you don’t get upset. Anger, arrogance and jealousy disturb your peace of mind. They spoil your health and disturb your friends.
“Peace of mind is important because we all want to be happy. Cultivating and preserving it is not so much a religious practice as taking a practical step towards being happy. All religious traditions teach love and compassion because as human beings we are social animals. Our well-being depends on the members of our community. Generally, a child brought up by a loving mother grows into an affectionate adult. In the past, people lived with their families in relatively small groups, but today, we are all dependent on each other. All 7 billion human beings make up one human family. Therefore, it’s crucial that we take account of the oneness of humanity.
“Buddhists talk about helping all mother sentient beings, but those who we can really help are human because we can communicate with them. It’s much more difficult to help animals who have no language. If our brains are slaves to afflictive emotions, they’re not of much use, but if we cultivate love and compassion for others we can achieve happiness. As Shantideva writes:
“If you cultivate the awakening mind of bodhichitta, all beings will be your friends. You’ll see all as amiable and none as foes. On the other hand, if you only think of yourself, everyone will seem like a threat. The scriptures tell us that this human life is hard to find and precious because it enables us to fulfil the aims of others and ourselves.”
His Holiness talked about how all religious traditions commend us to be warm-hearted, although they take different philosophical approaches to this goal. Some theistic traditions, like Judaism, Christianity and Islam place their faith in a creator god, seeing other beings as children of that god and so as brothers and sisters. Non-theistic traditions in India, such as a strand of the Samkhya tradition, Jains and Buddhists see happiness and suffering as dependent on our actions. This point of view gave rise to the idea of non-violent conduct promoted first by Jains, but also adopted by the Buddha.
His Holiness clarified that the Buddha’s foundational teaching was given openly, in public and was later recorded in the Pali language. This tradition is followed in Sri Lanka, Burma, Thailand and elsewhere in Southeast Asia. Later teachings were recorded in Sanskrit, a more scholarly language. He mentioned that since the terms Hinayana and Mahayana, implying a lesser vehicle and a greater vehicle, can be viewed as discriminatory, he prefers to speak of the Pali and Sanskrit traditions. Monks of the Pali tradition maintain good monastic discipline. Scholars of the Nalanda Tradition that exemplifies the Sanskrit traditions emphasized the use of reason and logic. Its members investigated the Buddha’s teaching without taking it for granted.
The Buddha himself encouraged his followers to examine his teaching carefully in the way a goldsmith tests gold. When Nagarjuna and his followers did this, they classified what the Buddha had taught into definitive and interpretable instructions, after subjecting them to analysis akin to a scientific approach.
Reiterating the importance of cultivating and maintaining peace of mind, His Holiness stressed that it is not necessary to be religious to do so. What is important is learning how to tackle disturbing emotions. He mentioned that he has been encouraging the introduction of social, emotional and ethical learning to the education system.
Although he considers Buddhism to have some of the profoundest understanding of reality, what he is particularly interested in is for Buddhists to use that knowledge to help others. He observed that while philosophical and psychological ideas were introduced and explained in religious literature, they can be well employed in an objective, secular and academic context.
His Holiness reported classifying the content of the 300 volumes of the Kangyur and Tengyur, the collections of translations of the Buddha’s teachings and subsequent Indian treatises, under the following headings---science, philosophy and religion. These materials have been compiled into separate books in Tibetan and translated into Chinese, English and other languages. Work on the volumes dealing with science is complete, while work on the philosophical volumes is underway.
His Holiness discussed different ways in which the selflessness of persons and phenomena are explained within the Buddhist tradition.
“The Mind Only School assert that no phenomena exist externally, they are but reflections of the mind. They speak of non-dual emptiness. The Middle Way School allow no kind of essential or intrinsic existence. For them nothing exists independently. Things exist merely as designations.
“In the ‘Heart Sutra’ Shariputra asks "How should a child of the lineage train who wishes to engage in the practice of the profound perfection of wisdom?" Avalokiteshvara tells him, “'Whatever son or daughter of the noble lineage wants to train in the profound discipline of the perfection of wisdom should consider things in the following way. First, he or she should clearly and thoroughly comprehend that the five aggregates are empty of any inherent nature of their own.” Although things appear to have a solid, independent existence, they do not actually exist that way. Form is empty means that it does not exist the way it appears.
“Because things are conditioned by other factors, they exist as mere designations, labelled by language. When we critically examine form, it is empty of intrinsic existence. But when we accept what appears, form exists on a conventional level. “Emptiness is not other than forms and forms are not other than emptiness.”
“Mind exists as a series of moments, moments of consciousness.
“Nagarjuna’s ‘Fundamental Wisdom of the Middle Way’ explains in Chapter 26 how we are brought into unenlightened life in the cycle of existence. Chapter 18 deals with selflessness, and Chapter 24 clarifies the Four Noble Truths. There are commentaries on ‘Fundamental Wisdom’ by Buddhapalita and Chandrakirti. Je Tsongkhapa read these and other classic texts in preparing for his own commentary. At a certain point he had a vision of Manjushri who gave him an answer to a question that he found difficult to understand. Manjushri then advised him to engage in further study and practice. Eventually, it was when he was reading Buddhapalita’s commentary that he achieved a correct insight into emptiness.”
His Holiness remarked that when he gives someone a statue of the Buddha, he explains that the Buddha was a teacher. Consequently, what’s important is to study his teachings. He observed that the Buddha’s teachings reached China before they reached Tibet. However, since the pilgrim Xuanzang studied at Nalanda before returning to China, and Buddhism was introduced to Tibet by the foremost Nalanda scholar Shantarakshita, both Chinese and Tibetan Buddhism belong to the Nalanda Tradition. The difference is that while the key works on logic and epistemology by Dignaga and Dharmakirti were translated into Tibetan, they were not translated into Chinese.
Declaring that he had intended to read the first chapter of Nagarjuna’s ‘Precious Garland of the Middle Way’ today, His Holiness summarized its contents. The chapter distinguishes between being born with high status and achieving definite goodness. “High status is considered to be happiness, Definite goodness is liberation.” It is necessary to transform the mind, employing wisdom and analysis in order to achieve definite goodness, but that is only possible on the basis of life as a human being. His Holiness emphasized that transforming the mind does not come about in a short time, but if you keep up your effort, you’ll achieve your goal. Whatever you read or hear, you must reflect on it over and again, to gain conviction. Through meditation bring about experience of what you’ve understood to transform the mind.
As he brought the session to an end for the day, His Holiness encouraged his listeners to attend the opportunity to review what he had been talking about. He told them not to sit quietly, but to ask questions to settle whatever doubts they might have. He will resume his explanation tomorrow.
original link & photos:
Thekchen Chöling, Dharamsala, India - The sun shone in a clear sky this morning as His Holiness the Dalai Lama walked from his residence to the Tsuglagkhang, the Main Tibetan Temple. He greeted members of the public gathered in the yard and around the temple on his way, stroking a child’s cheek here, exchanging a few words there and waving to those beyond his reach. Once in the temple he respectfully saluted the former Ganden Throneholder, Rizong Rinpoché before taking his seat on the throne. A recitation of the ‘Mangala Sutta’ in Pali by Thai monks was followed by the chanting of the ‘Heart Sutra’ in Chinese.
The more than 7500 people gathered in and around the temple included individuals from 61 countries. Of these, the principal students were 1127 from Taiwan belonging to 21 organizations under the umbrella of the Taiwan International Tibetan Buddhist Association. Largest among these various groups was ‘Bliss and Wisdom’ and its 850 members.
After reciting the customary verses of homage, His Holiness addressed the congregation.
“Today, Chinese from Taiwan and elsewhere have come to listen to this teaching. We are here to learn how to transform our minds. The Buddhist tradition in general and the Nalanda Tradition in particular teach about the mind using logic and reason. They explain how to counter destructive emotions like anger and jealousy, which has the additional physical benefit of boosting our immune systems.
“We have to identify what disturbs our peace of mind and learn how to counter that, much as we take the appropriate medicine when we are sick. When we are angry, we should ask why. Note that anger may cause you to see someone as an enemy, but that can change. Someone who seems like an enemy today may be a friend tomorrow. When someone criticizes you, if you get angry it doesn’t relieve your irritation, whereas if you remain patient and calm, you don’t get upset. Anger, arrogance and jealousy disturb your peace of mind. They spoil your health and disturb your friends.
“Peace of mind is important because we all want to be happy. Cultivating and preserving it is not so much a religious practice as taking a practical step towards being happy. All religious traditions teach love and compassion because as human beings we are social animals. Our well-being depends on the members of our community. Generally, a child brought up by a loving mother grows into an affectionate adult. In the past, people lived with their families in relatively small groups, but today, we are all dependent on each other. All 7 billion human beings make up one human family. Therefore, it’s crucial that we take account of the oneness of humanity.
“Buddhists talk about helping all mother sentient beings, but those who we can really help are human because we can communicate with them. It’s much more difficult to help animals who have no language. If our brains are slaves to afflictive emotions, they’re not of much use, but if we cultivate love and compassion for others we can achieve happiness. As Shantideva writes:
And so, today, within the sight of all protectors,
I summon beings, calling them to Buddhahood.
And, till that state is reached, to every earthly joy;
May gods and demigods and all the rest rejoice.
“If you cultivate the awakening mind of bodhichitta, all beings will be your friends. You’ll see all as amiable and none as foes. On the other hand, if you only think of yourself, everyone will seem like a threat. The scriptures tell us that this human life is hard to find and precious because it enables us to fulfil the aims of others and ourselves.”
His Holiness talked about how all religious traditions commend us to be warm-hearted, although they take different philosophical approaches to this goal. Some theistic traditions, like Judaism, Christianity and Islam place their faith in a creator god, seeing other beings as children of that god and so as brothers and sisters. Non-theistic traditions in India, such as a strand of the Samkhya tradition, Jains and Buddhists see happiness and suffering as dependent on our actions. This point of view gave rise to the idea of non-violent conduct promoted first by Jains, but also adopted by the Buddha.
His Holiness clarified that the Buddha’s foundational teaching was given openly, in public and was later recorded in the Pali language. This tradition is followed in Sri Lanka, Burma, Thailand and elsewhere in Southeast Asia. Later teachings were recorded in Sanskrit, a more scholarly language. He mentioned that since the terms Hinayana and Mahayana, implying a lesser vehicle and a greater vehicle, can be viewed as discriminatory, he prefers to speak of the Pali and Sanskrit traditions. Monks of the Pali tradition maintain good monastic discipline. Scholars of the Nalanda Tradition that exemplifies the Sanskrit traditions emphasized the use of reason and logic. Its members investigated the Buddha’s teaching without taking it for granted.
The Buddha himself encouraged his followers to examine his teaching carefully in the way a goldsmith tests gold. When Nagarjuna and his followers did this, they classified what the Buddha had taught into definitive and interpretable instructions, after subjecting them to analysis akin to a scientific approach.
Reiterating the importance of cultivating and maintaining peace of mind, His Holiness stressed that it is not necessary to be religious to do so. What is important is learning how to tackle disturbing emotions. He mentioned that he has been encouraging the introduction of social, emotional and ethical learning to the education system.
Although he considers Buddhism to have some of the profoundest understanding of reality, what he is particularly interested in is for Buddhists to use that knowledge to help others. He observed that while philosophical and psychological ideas were introduced and explained in religious literature, they can be well employed in an objective, secular and academic context.
His Holiness reported classifying the content of the 300 volumes of the Kangyur and Tengyur, the collections of translations of the Buddha’s teachings and subsequent Indian treatises, under the following headings---science, philosophy and religion. These materials have been compiled into separate books in Tibetan and translated into Chinese, English and other languages. Work on the volumes dealing with science is complete, while work on the philosophical volumes is underway.
His Holiness discussed different ways in which the selflessness of persons and phenomena are explained within the Buddhist tradition.
“The Mind Only School assert that no phenomena exist externally, they are but reflections of the mind. They speak of non-dual emptiness. The Middle Way School allow no kind of essential or intrinsic existence. For them nothing exists independently. Things exist merely as designations.
“In the ‘Heart Sutra’ Shariputra asks "How should a child of the lineage train who wishes to engage in the practice of the profound perfection of wisdom?" Avalokiteshvara tells him, “'Whatever son or daughter of the noble lineage wants to train in the profound discipline of the perfection of wisdom should consider things in the following way. First, he or she should clearly and thoroughly comprehend that the five aggregates are empty of any inherent nature of their own.” Although things appear to have a solid, independent existence, they do not actually exist that way. Form is empty means that it does not exist the way it appears.
“Because things are conditioned by other factors, they exist as mere designations, labelled by language. When we critically examine form, it is empty of intrinsic existence. But when we accept what appears, form exists on a conventional level. “Emptiness is not other than forms and forms are not other than emptiness.”
“Mind exists as a series of moments, moments of consciousness.
“Nagarjuna’s ‘Fundamental Wisdom of the Middle Way’ explains in Chapter 26 how we are brought into unenlightened life in the cycle of existence. Chapter 18 deals with selflessness, and Chapter 24 clarifies the Four Noble Truths. There are commentaries on ‘Fundamental Wisdom’ by Buddhapalita and Chandrakirti. Je Tsongkhapa read these and other classic texts in preparing for his own commentary. At a certain point he had a vision of Manjushri who gave him an answer to a question that he found difficult to understand. Manjushri then advised him to engage in further study and practice. Eventually, it was when he was reading Buddhapalita’s commentary that he achieved a correct insight into emptiness.”
His Holiness remarked that when he gives someone a statue of the Buddha, he explains that the Buddha was a teacher. Consequently, what’s important is to study his teachings. He observed that the Buddha’s teachings reached China before they reached Tibet. However, since the pilgrim Xuanzang studied at Nalanda before returning to China, and Buddhism was introduced to Tibet by the foremost Nalanda scholar Shantarakshita, both Chinese and Tibetan Buddhism belong to the Nalanda Tradition. The difference is that while the key works on logic and epistemology by Dignaga and Dharmakirti were translated into Tibetan, they were not translated into Chinese.
Declaring that he had intended to read the first chapter of Nagarjuna’s ‘Precious Garland of the Middle Way’ today, His Holiness summarized its contents. The chapter distinguishes between being born with high status and achieving definite goodness. “High status is considered to be happiness, Definite goodness is liberation.” It is necessary to transform the mind, employing wisdom and analysis in order to achieve definite goodness, but that is only possible on the basis of life as a human being. His Holiness emphasized that transforming the mind does not come about in a short time, but if you keep up your effort, you’ll achieve your goal. Whatever you read or hear, you must reflect on it over and again, to gain conviction. Through meditation bring about experience of what you’ve understood to transform the mind.
As he brought the session to an end for the day, His Holiness encouraged his listeners to attend the opportunity to review what he had been talking about. He told them not to sit quietly, but to ask questions to settle whatever doubts they might have. He will resume his explanation tomorrow.
original link & photos:
14 dalai lama,
heart sutra,
mind only,
nalanda tradition,
precious garland,
the middle way
Saturday, September 14, 2019
The Devil Next Door
Hello everyone. I hope you had a great weekend so far. We are dealing with hurricane season again. We were Please pray for The Bahamas. Donate if possible. Pray for The victims as well as their families. Dorian did devastating damage.
This was a difficult blog for me to write. If you have ever seen this on TV, they leave out important details. I’m going to try to fill them in during my research. This was a tricky blog for me. But feel free to do your own research.
I’m going to talk about a satanist who named himself Pazuzzu Algarad. His real name was John Lawson. Ironically Pazuzu is actually the name of a demon....Pazuzu. I knew I heard that name before. He was definitely influenced by the demonic. This young man chose to live in just absolute filth. He felt it made things and him much stronger. Huge tattoo saying Satan on one of his for arms. This story is both sickening and sad. The teachers just had written him off. And I wonder if the police had been forced to do something about it.....And to tell his mother he must be evaluated. This is when Satan sneaks in. Oh that makes me so mad. I wonder if that would’ve made any difference? But the enemy as the Bible says “is prowling about like a lion seeking whom he may devour.” This man cut a slit in his tongue to be like a snake. I’m guessing Satan got a hold of him during weakness, I’m not saying he should be excused. He eventually killed himself.
People would literally go to the bathroom anywhere they wanted in the house. It was the house with no rules. It was a den of iniquity really. Even though it was filthy some went there and hung out and did drugs. Or they were trying to get away from their real life problems at home. It was a small town and not much to do in Clemons, near Salem, North Carolina. Many of his followers were drug users and his house had no rules. He had a way with words and knew how to manipulate very well. Just like Satan. I believe this man was oppressed possibly possessed. He drew people in with a certain appeal. Yes it was gross but his friends said it was a escape for most people. (Idle hands are the Devils tools) the drugs and no rules appeals to people out of work in a small town. It’s sad in many ways but the devil will use these situations to drag your soul to hell.
Let’s take a look at what Pazuzu means? A couple of things depending on personal belief.
“In ancient Mesopotamian religion, pazuzu also called Fazuzu or Pazuza) was the king of the demons of the wind, brother of Humbaba and son of the god Hanbi. He also represented the southwestern wind, the bearer of storms and drought.” He was the demon in the first Exorcist film.
According to Wikipedia, Pazuzu is featured in the 2014–15 NBC television series Constantine in a two-part episode "The Saint of Last Resorts". The protagonist, John Constantine, summons Pazuzu to combat Lamashtu, the primary antagonist of the first part, and later willingly allows Pazuzu to possess him to save himself from another powerful demon. However, Pazuzu has no wish to leave his new host, and emerges whenever Constantine is in danger, causing the deaths of at least eight dangerous gangbangers. Luckily, Constantine's ally Anne-Marie is able to exorcise Pazuzu by the end of the second part.
No one should EVER call on a demon for help. Only call on Christ and you have a calling and have The Lords hedge of protection as the Bible (KJV) tells us. See how these movies are and people believe it to be true. As if you need to summon a dangerous demon for help. That’s a terrible idea floating around.It’s dangerous and becoming highly popular. All over social media you can learn so much dangerous information. It is truly frightening. The world is bad enough without letting demons have a legal right to enter your life. It’s relentless until they have your soul. That’s all they think about. They HATE HUMANS. It goes back to Lucifer when he was an angel. (Another blog for another day.)
A lot of people for some some reason believe pazuzu is also Zozo. A demon that is known to prey on Ouija boards. I’m not sure where they get that connection. The Exorcist was a sensationalized true story. They had to keep the young boy protected. His name was never released. I’ve read in an article somewhere (this is just a side note) that the producer got a true story sent to him in the mail and said this would make a good movie so he read this person‘s true life story. And they add things and change things out in the movies. Most people know this I think. The boy is now a grand father. He remembers nothing from his traumatic experiences. Praise God for that, Satan likes to harass you for life! You’re mind is the devils' playground. Remember this friends. Jesus can remove him from your life. They flee at the name of Jesus when met with someone with rock solid faith. They only want to bring you heartache.
Pazuzu is a demon in charge of a lot of hell. Remember..... I look at this from a biblical point of view. Just my humble opinions when I blog. I have been at this over 25 years. (I'm 45). I started seriously at the age of 19. I took courses on Spiritual Warfare at a local church with a long term boyfriend at the time who was a youth pastor. We learned related subjects too. Later I took courses at Trinity Bible college. No degree. Just a certificate of completion. I’m no expert. Just because my father was a Pentecostal Minister means nothing. It afforded me a great head start on a calling. Okay, back to the blog. I wanted to get that out of the way again. In case someone doesn’t know reading this. As scholar Stephen Bertman notes, "though short on pizzazz, Pazuzu made it to Hollywood: he is the only Mesopotamian demon to have starred in a movie - The Exorcist". In the 1973 horror film (based on the 1971 novel by William Peter Blatty), Pazuzu is the demon who possesses the Linda Blair character and is associated with the Christians Satan and the forces of evil.”
You can research this on your own. But ironically it was on TV two weeks ago. But some things were left out of the documentary. He had three fiancee's. They all lived together. His mother was a Satanist, too. They didn’t say that on the documentary. His followers stipulated while he was very high on crystal meth (Crystal Meth and the devil) he grounded down his teeth to a point so he could bite into his sacrifices easier. He (Pazuzu) stated he had bodies in the basement. Witnesses claimed this house smelled like death. Not to mention it was a very filthy place to live. He didn’t clean or bathe for over a year. People would just use the restroom anywhere they wanted and it wouldn’t get cleaned up if the dogs didn’t eat it. He felt that gave him more power.
His childhood friends said he was picked on a lot. Kids called him names because he always smelled. His mother had him seek mental health several times. But when he took over her home, I know why she did not put her foot down. It could be a generational issue but that is just my guess. I’m guessing it just really did not do well because they failed this young man. When he dropped out of school he decided to become everybody‘s worst nightmare. He was 18 and a freshman. Because he smelled nobody gave him the time of day and they just wrote him off according to what I’ve researched. It’s kind of sad. That’s what I mean about people not judging their fellow man. We know not what they may be going through. As he became older the situation became much worse.
He was arrested once for choking his mother. She didn’t press charges. But she lived at this home too. It was her house. Which a lot of people said it was a nice big home that she kept very nice. It makes me wonder how could she live in that environment and not only that, how can she ignore her son's mental health? It did not take a genius to know something wasn’t right. And throwing drugs into the mix just made things worse. He murdered someone's son as a way to initiate his rituals. That speaks volumes. He was even receiving disability for some type of a anxiety disorder. He could get all the drugs he wanted. All the cigarettes and alcohol too. That makes it even more dangerous when they have a monthly income to support their way of living.
I don’t know how people get away with that. I know people who are truly suffering from cancer and other serious illnesses and they cannot get any Social Security disability. Everybody is always denied at first but they say if you keep trying it after a certain amount of time you get it if it is a legitimate illness. However, people slip under the cracks. Maybe if this man would’ve received the proper mental health treatment when he was younger perhaps two people would still be alive and his soul may have been able to be saved. It started in his teen years. He was 30 when arrested, I believe. They finally found two bodies in his backyard. And there was possibly more. One victim was his ex-girlfriend’s husband and the other one was a young man who was part of the ritual initiation.
Side note: They had to demolish the house as it was deemed inhabitable. That’s how bad it was. One of the neighbors bought the land so no one can build there. They felt the land still had evil ties. God only knows what went on over the years. His mother hasn’t said anything since her son died. She won’t speak to reporters or police.
When he went to jail he committed the suicide. Remember.... during a crystal meth bender he grounded all his teeth down to a point. The jail had a hard time with him on suicide watch. He kept biting into his arm and legs and would be treated by medical. He finally was able to lose enough blood to die one night after biting into his arm. He was found in a pool of blood. But the police are very tight lipped about it all. Remember he had his teeth all grounded to a sharp point. He wanted to be what everyone feared. But what the documentary I saw left out his own mother was a satanist. Now we are getting somewhere. That is probably where he found his ideas. Or inadvertently opened legal doors. And worshiping Satan is one of those doors. It never turns out well. He was fine for years but the devil turned on him. Turn to Jesus Christ. He loves you so much. Just as you are. This was another example of the devil.
Until next time, may your days be bright and your thoughts be light.
Written By Jennifer Auld
This was a difficult blog for me to write. If you have ever seen this on TV, they leave out important details. I’m going to try to fill them in during my research. This was a tricky blog for me. But feel free to do your own research.
I’m going to talk about a satanist who named himself Pazuzzu Algarad. His real name was John Lawson. Ironically Pazuzu is actually the name of a demon....Pazuzu. I knew I heard that name before. He was definitely influenced by the demonic. This young man chose to live in just absolute filth. He felt it made things and him much stronger. Huge tattoo saying Satan on one of his for arms. This story is both sickening and sad. The teachers just had written him off. And I wonder if the police had been forced to do something about it.....And to tell his mother he must be evaluated. This is when Satan sneaks in. Oh that makes me so mad. I wonder if that would’ve made any difference? But the enemy as the Bible says “is prowling about like a lion seeking whom he may devour.” This man cut a slit in his tongue to be like a snake. I’m guessing Satan got a hold of him during weakness, I’m not saying he should be excused. He eventually killed himself.
People would literally go to the bathroom anywhere they wanted in the house. It was the house with no rules. It was a den of iniquity really. Even though it was filthy some went there and hung out and did drugs. Or they were trying to get away from their real life problems at home. It was a small town and not much to do in Clemons, near Salem, North Carolina. Many of his followers were drug users and his house had no rules. He had a way with words and knew how to manipulate very well. Just like Satan. I believe this man was oppressed possibly possessed. He drew people in with a certain appeal. Yes it was gross but his friends said it was a escape for most people. (Idle hands are the Devils tools) the drugs and no rules appeals to people out of work in a small town. It’s sad in many ways but the devil will use these situations to drag your soul to hell.
Let’s take a look at what Pazuzu means? A couple of things depending on personal belief.
“In ancient Mesopotamian religion, pazuzu also called Fazuzu or Pazuza) was the king of the demons of the wind, brother of Humbaba and son of the god Hanbi. He also represented the southwestern wind, the bearer of storms and drought.” He was the demon in the first Exorcist film.
According to Wikipedia, Pazuzu is featured in the 2014–15 NBC television series Constantine in a two-part episode "The Saint of Last Resorts". The protagonist, John Constantine, summons Pazuzu to combat Lamashtu, the primary antagonist of the first part, and later willingly allows Pazuzu to possess him to save himself from another powerful demon. However, Pazuzu has no wish to leave his new host, and emerges whenever Constantine is in danger, causing the deaths of at least eight dangerous gangbangers. Luckily, Constantine's ally Anne-Marie is able to exorcise Pazuzu by the end of the second part.
No one should EVER call on a demon for help. Only call on Christ and you have a calling and have The Lords hedge of protection as the Bible (KJV) tells us. See how these movies are and people believe it to be true. As if you need to summon a dangerous demon for help. That’s a terrible idea floating around.It’s dangerous and becoming highly popular. All over social media you can learn so much dangerous information. It is truly frightening. The world is bad enough without letting demons have a legal right to enter your life. It’s relentless until they have your soul. That’s all they think about. They HATE HUMANS. It goes back to Lucifer when he was an angel. (Another blog for another day.)
A lot of people for some some reason believe pazuzu is also Zozo. A demon that is known to prey on Ouija boards. I’m not sure where they get that connection. The Exorcist was a sensationalized true story. They had to keep the young boy protected. His name was never released. I’ve read in an article somewhere (this is just a side note) that the producer got a true story sent to him in the mail and said this would make a good movie so he read this person‘s true life story. And they add things and change things out in the movies. Most people know this I think. The boy is now a grand father. He remembers nothing from his traumatic experiences. Praise God for that, Satan likes to harass you for life! You’re mind is the devils' playground. Remember this friends. Jesus can remove him from your life. They flee at the name of Jesus when met with someone with rock solid faith. They only want to bring you heartache.
Pazuzu is a demon in charge of a lot of hell. Remember..... I look at this from a biblical point of view. Just my humble opinions when I blog. I have been at this over 25 years. (I'm 45). I started seriously at the age of 19. I took courses on Spiritual Warfare at a local church with a long term boyfriend at the time who was a youth pastor. We learned related subjects too. Later I took courses at Trinity Bible college. No degree. Just a certificate of completion. I’m no expert. Just because my father was a Pentecostal Minister means nothing. It afforded me a great head start on a calling. Okay, back to the blog. I wanted to get that out of the way again. In case someone doesn’t know reading this. As scholar Stephen Bertman notes, "though short on pizzazz, Pazuzu made it to Hollywood: he is the only Mesopotamian demon to have starred in a movie - The Exorcist". In the 1973 horror film (based on the 1971 novel by William Peter Blatty), Pazuzu is the demon who possesses the Linda Blair character and is associated with the Christians Satan and the forces of evil.”
You can research this on your own. But ironically it was on TV two weeks ago. But some things were left out of the documentary. He had three fiancee's. They all lived together. His mother was a Satanist, too. They didn’t say that on the documentary. His followers stipulated while he was very high on crystal meth (Crystal Meth and the devil) he grounded down his teeth to a point so he could bite into his sacrifices easier. He (Pazuzu) stated he had bodies in the basement. Witnesses claimed this house smelled like death. Not to mention it was a very filthy place to live. He didn’t clean or bathe for over a year. People would just use the restroom anywhere they wanted and it wouldn’t get cleaned up if the dogs didn’t eat it. He felt that gave him more power.
His childhood friends said he was picked on a lot. Kids called him names because he always smelled. His mother had him seek mental health several times. But when he took over her home, I know why she did not put her foot down. It could be a generational issue but that is just my guess. I’m guessing it just really did not do well because they failed this young man. When he dropped out of school he decided to become everybody‘s worst nightmare. He was 18 and a freshman. Because he smelled nobody gave him the time of day and they just wrote him off according to what I’ve researched. It’s kind of sad. That’s what I mean about people not judging their fellow man. We know not what they may be going through. As he became older the situation became much worse.
He was arrested once for choking his mother. She didn’t press charges. But she lived at this home too. It was her house. Which a lot of people said it was a nice big home that she kept very nice. It makes me wonder how could she live in that environment and not only that, how can she ignore her son's mental health? It did not take a genius to know something wasn’t right. And throwing drugs into the mix just made things worse. He murdered someone's son as a way to initiate his rituals. That speaks volumes. He was even receiving disability for some type of a anxiety disorder. He could get all the drugs he wanted. All the cigarettes and alcohol too. That makes it even more dangerous when they have a monthly income to support their way of living.
I don’t know how people get away with that. I know people who are truly suffering from cancer and other serious illnesses and they cannot get any Social Security disability. Everybody is always denied at first but they say if you keep trying it after a certain amount of time you get it if it is a legitimate illness. However, people slip under the cracks. Maybe if this man would’ve received the proper mental health treatment when he was younger perhaps two people would still be alive and his soul may have been able to be saved. It started in his teen years. He was 30 when arrested, I believe. They finally found two bodies in his backyard. And there was possibly more. One victim was his ex-girlfriend’s husband and the other one was a young man who was part of the ritual initiation.
Side note: They had to demolish the house as it was deemed inhabitable. That’s how bad it was. One of the neighbors bought the land so no one can build there. They felt the land still had evil ties. God only knows what went on over the years. His mother hasn’t said anything since her son died. She won’t speak to reporters or police.
When he went to jail he committed the suicide. Remember.... during a crystal meth bender he grounded all his teeth down to a point. The jail had a hard time with him on suicide watch. He kept biting into his arm and legs and would be treated by medical. He finally was able to lose enough blood to die one night after biting into his arm. He was found in a pool of blood. But the police are very tight lipped about it all. Remember he had his teeth all grounded to a sharp point. He wanted to be what everyone feared. But what the documentary I saw left out his own mother was a satanist. Now we are getting somewhere. That is probably where he found his ideas. Or inadvertently opened legal doors. And worshiping Satan is one of those doors. It never turns out well. He was fine for years but the devil turned on him. Turn to Jesus Christ. He loves you so much. Just as you are. This was another example of the devil.
Until next time, may your days be bright and your thoughts be light.
Written By Jennifer Auld
crystal meth,
jesus christ,
john lawson,
ouija boards,
pazuzzu algarad,
spiritual warfare,
The Exorcist
Saturday, August 17, 2019
The Devil's Toy Box And My First And Last Experience With A Ouija Board
Hello everyone. I hope you had a fantastic weekend. It’s hurricane season so here in Florida we’re a tad nervous. Orlando was in the ‘eye’ of Irma when hit. We also had four hurricanes in 2004 back to back make landfall here in Orlando and surrounding areas.
The subject this week was brought to my attention by a few emails. How do people come up with these ways to contact the devil? They need to be contacting God! If people were focused on being kind to one another instead of putting so much energy into trying to see the devil or a demon, the world would be a lot better. People need to be obsessed with Christ, be obsessed with angels, be obsessed with kindness and showing respect to your fellow man.
Contacting demons isn’t new. I knew about this back in the mid-90’s. But now YouTube has step-by-step videos with instructions on various ways to get in touch with the dark side by making a devil's toy box. Plus, instructions on how to summon demons and make your own Ouija board. This is very dangerous. There is easy access to so much danger on YouTube.
Using six mirrors all the same size is put together forming a cube and tightly seal making sure all the reflective surfaces of the mirrors are pointing inward. Once you put this together, you let it sit around a while and eventually over a period of time it's said by some that noises can eventually be heard coming from the box. This is sort of an old tactic. Not that it makes it any safer. I remember it in the early 90’s. From the box, apparently growls can be heard along with hissing. The notion is that the reflective properties facing each other creates a perpetual and focused feedback loop. Some type of energy that bounces back-and-forth off the mirrors' surface. If done properly and in alignment, can open a portal of which anything on the other side can pass through into our world and/or dimension and into the box and be heard.
The length that people will go to reach a demon or the devil is astounding.
I was about 19 years old, and I knew better! My dad used to preach about those things in churches--that Ouija boards were conduits for demons to come through. I don’t know till this day what compelled me to want to do that. I knew better. I don’t have the excuse that I didn’t know what they were. So without further ado here is my story.
Three friends of mine were hanging out at his house. It was him and my girlfriend and I. I saw the Ouija board up in his closet and suggested that we use it. My friend said that was all fake he didn’t believe in it and then I found out he was just really scared as he didn’t want to do it. But being a guy he probably didn’t want to show his fear, as we were so young. The planchette only moved with my fingers on it and to prove to people I wasn’t pushing it I took my hands off of it and it flew up in the air. You don’t have to believe me. Make your own conclusions. I have no reason to lie. I’m not gaining anything from it.
I started asking various questions. Nobody else would ask. Such as ‘ are there truly demons coming from this board or can you travel through this board’. As I said I took control of the board. And it spelled out my dad’s name and even his middle name, which nobody knows. It was bringing up things in my girlfriend's past that had to do with the splitting of her parents. That was very private information that I didn’t even know. And we were best friends. It was trying to instill fear. The light started to flicker and it became extremely hot and too quiet...for a few moments. I was challenging it show itself. My friend had two Rottweilers and they were barking at hallway and we could not see anything.
Both of them started throwing up a green substance. Which according to the owner hasdnever happened before. He had his regular diet as usual. But that wasn’t the worst of it. We heard growling coming from the dark hallway and we could visually see with our own eyes a yellow-eyed shadow person who shot right out of the bedroom down the hallway through the living room and scared us half to death.
We discarded the board in a dumpster about 20 miles away after breaking it in half. After that, I had an attachment. The Lord showed my father this several hundred miles away. He was taking over a church just until the original pastor could get over his surgery. When, unbeknownst to me and my mom, he took a plane and flew back home. My dad wanted to know what was going on with me. Again, you don’t have to believe me but this is what happened.
I had protection prayed over me. A deliverance prayer for people who help others who do the type of work. I was Oppressed. Other than it messing with me big time, I didn’t have any physical marks. I put myself on their radar. I guess I was trying to be rebellious. I don’t know what compelled me and I knew better. I would see shadow demons in my apartment tormenting me and my cat I had at that time. It was just a big mess and it was very scary. They were not good beings! I’m ashamed of myself because I knew better.
Needless to say we did not go back to my friend's house that night and we all stayed the night at my friend's apartment we were so shook up.
So that is my story. I’m not proud of it, but I’m sharing it as an example. Anything you use to contact the dead, another realm, is taking a chance especially the Ouija board. And I say to the people who want to do this is it really worth the risk? Think about that.
Until next time may your days be bright and your thoughts be light.
Written By Jennifer Auld
The subject this week was brought to my attention by a few emails. How do people come up with these ways to contact the devil? They need to be contacting God! If people were focused on being kind to one another instead of putting so much energy into trying to see the devil or a demon, the world would be a lot better. People need to be obsessed with Christ, be obsessed with angels, be obsessed with kindness and showing respect to your fellow man.
Contacting demons isn’t new. I knew about this back in the mid-90’s. But now YouTube has step-by-step videos with instructions on various ways to get in touch with the dark side by making a devil's toy box. Plus, instructions on how to summon demons and make your own Ouija board. This is very dangerous. There is easy access to so much danger on YouTube.
Using six mirrors all the same size is put together forming a cube and tightly seal making sure all the reflective surfaces of the mirrors are pointing inward. Once you put this together, you let it sit around a while and eventually over a period of time it's said by some that noises can eventually be heard coming from the box. This is sort of an old tactic. Not that it makes it any safer. I remember it in the early 90’s. From the box, apparently growls can be heard along with hissing. The notion is that the reflective properties facing each other creates a perpetual and focused feedback loop. Some type of energy that bounces back-and-forth off the mirrors' surface. If done properly and in alignment, can open a portal of which anything on the other side can pass through into our world and/or dimension and into the box and be heard.
The length that people will go to reach a demon or the devil is astounding.
My Ouija Board Experience
I was about 19 years old, and I knew better! My dad used to preach about those things in churches--that Ouija boards were conduits for demons to come through. I don’t know till this day what compelled me to want to do that. I knew better. I don’t have the excuse that I didn’t know what they were. So without further ado here is my story.
Three friends of mine were hanging out at his house. It was him and my girlfriend and I. I saw the Ouija board up in his closet and suggested that we use it. My friend said that was all fake he didn’t believe in it and then I found out he was just really scared as he didn’t want to do it. But being a guy he probably didn’t want to show his fear, as we were so young. The planchette only moved with my fingers on it and to prove to people I wasn’t pushing it I took my hands off of it and it flew up in the air. You don’t have to believe me. Make your own conclusions. I have no reason to lie. I’m not gaining anything from it.
I started asking various questions. Nobody else would ask. Such as ‘ are there truly demons coming from this board or can you travel through this board’. As I said I took control of the board. And it spelled out my dad’s name and even his middle name, which nobody knows. It was bringing up things in my girlfriend's past that had to do with the splitting of her parents. That was very private information that I didn’t even know. And we were best friends. It was trying to instill fear. The light started to flicker and it became extremely hot and too quiet...for a few moments. I was challenging it show itself. My friend had two Rottweilers and they were barking at hallway and we could not see anything.
Both of them started throwing up a green substance. Which according to the owner hasdnever happened before. He had his regular diet as usual. But that wasn’t the worst of it. We heard growling coming from the dark hallway and we could visually see with our own eyes a yellow-eyed shadow person who shot right out of the bedroom down the hallway through the living room and scared us half to death.
We discarded the board in a dumpster about 20 miles away after breaking it in half. After that, I had an attachment. The Lord showed my father this several hundred miles away. He was taking over a church just until the original pastor could get over his surgery. When, unbeknownst to me and my mom, he took a plane and flew back home. My dad wanted to know what was going on with me. Again, you don’t have to believe me but this is what happened.
I had protection prayed over me. A deliverance prayer for people who help others who do the type of work. I was Oppressed. Other than it messing with me big time, I didn’t have any physical marks. I put myself on their radar. I guess I was trying to be rebellious. I don’t know what compelled me and I knew better. I would see shadow demons in my apartment tormenting me and my cat I had at that time. It was just a big mess and it was very scary. They were not good beings! I’m ashamed of myself because I knew better.
Needless to say we did not go back to my friend's house that night and we all stayed the night at my friend's apartment we were so shook up.
So that is my story. I’m not proud of it, but I’m sharing it as an example. Anything you use to contact the dead, another realm, is taking a chance especially the Ouija board. And I say to the people who want to do this is it really worth the risk? Think about that.
Until next time may your days be bright and your thoughts be light.
Written By Jennifer Auld
devil's toy box,
ouija board,
shadow person
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Dalai Lama: How We Create Problems for Ourselves
His Holiness the Dalai Lama talks about how human beings create problems for themselves during his meeting with medical students from Tulane University in the USA at his residence in Dharamsala, HP, India on July 17, 2019.
Venue: His Holiness's Residence, Dharamsala, HP, India
Date: July 17, 2019
Duration: 2 minutes and 10 seconds
Languages: English
Original link:
14 dalai lama,
compassionate nature,
happy life,
inner peace,
material values,
mental hygiene,
tulane university,
us and them
Saturday, August 3, 2019
Christian Witches And Angel Spirit Boards
Hello everybody. I hope you’ve enjoyed your weekend and you’re having a good Sunday. It’s definitely hot here but I don’t have to tell you guys that. I just pray that Fall gets here quickly. It’ll be nice to have it cool off a little bit here in Florida. Before we know it just in a couple of months it’ll be Halloween and the holidays again. I can’t believe it! It seems like time flies by so quick. No day is promised.
In my beliefs in my humble opinion, so many people are deceived. Now some Christians say that you can still be a Christian and practice witchcraft for the greater good, which is false. It is breaking my heart that there is this kind of evil in the churches and so called men of God and church leaders are not talking about this issue!!!!! Why?????? They really need to address this and explain the ramifications. People with the very best of intentions will inadvertently open the wrong doors. The dangers of attachment is so high. I’m not saying that people do this on purpose because they’re looking to conjure evil and do all this trouble..... of course not. Like I said I don’t believe everybody has bad intentions. But, sadly, like any religion, it can be taken too far.
It’s an oxymoron. Christian Witch. You can’t be lukewarm in Christ with one foot in and one foot out. That’s exactly what this is. The Bible forbids this type of activity. Any type of divination tools as well. And warns against all this and the consequences. It’s just not worth it. I was very much a thrill seekerchris as a teenager and I’ll never touch one of those spirit boards again after my experience. I still keep in contact with one of the people that were there that night. It was when I was 19-years old. To this day, he won’t even discuss it. He refuses to, I think, because he’s scared to do or say anything to stir that up. It really was a frightening experience. And I’ve never touched one since and I never will. Call me a chicken or crazy all you want. Not worth it to me.
I was able to speak to a Christian witch via Skype. We had a forty-minute civil conversation. Great women. And because we have the same beliefs I could biblically come at her for lack of better words. In a nice civil manner, not nasty at all. Basically, according to this Christian witch they only do good 'spells’ and are called Christian light bearers. At least her group. I brought up all the verses that are very clear about staying away from witchcraft, divination, wizards, fortunetellers, speaking to the dead, casting spells, conjuring demons, etc.
Basically it’s so new that there’s no particular rules set forth yet according to the women I interviewed. She could not answer me as to why this subject has not come up before and why are we just finding out now that Christian witches exist? Just like the paranormal field, it’s not governed. This is a very new group that has emerged. Again, I am not speaking against anybody’s religion. Like I’ve said before there’s always people that can take it too far no matter what you believe in or do not believe in. And when you start dabbling with things that you don’t know about or you think you’ve watched enough TV shows to know what you're doing and you start messing with -- you're inadvertently opening the doors that lead to darkness.
Deuteronomy 18:10: “There shall not be found among you . . . anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens.” First Samuel 15:13 compares rebellion to the “sin of divination.”
Leviticus 19:31
“Regard not them that have familiar spirits, seek after familiar spirits, wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God.”
But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”
Well nothing is sacred anymore. People are buying something called an Angel Board. It’s the same thing as a Ouija board, only they are decorated with pictures of pretty angels in pastel colors. That’s the only difference. You’re not talking to angels. Anything can come through those. It’s no different than any other Ouija board or any type of device channeling the dead. It just leaves the door open for any and everything to come flooding through. And it leaves the door for any and everything to go wrong as well. Please understand I’m not trying to put fear into people. I’m just trying to inform you and to be ready when you do you mess with these type of things because there are always people that will. but the dangers are no different. Please don’t be deceived..
There’s always somebody that’s going to test it to see if it really works. Like what they see on TV/Internet. Or some think it’s a bunch of hocus-pocus so they want to prove it by doing the ritual or using the spirit board. Please expect anything to happen. It’s just prudent not to start that kind of thing to begin with. I know several people that wish they never touched one. It actually ruined their lives. It’s like I said the familiar spirits easily can come through and are quite convincing. They will mimic children or maybe somebody who died there. Worst of all, they'll prey on your emotions by claiming to be one of your loved ones.
It’s so important to always have your armor of God on. Every morning and every night suit up and pray up. The worst is yet to come in this world. And again these are just my particular beliefs and I know everybody has different beliefs and I may not agree with them but you do have the right to an opinion and your own beliefs. I’m just putting out there what’s going on in the world. There is so much you don’t see on the news. There’s so much going on that I don’t see on the news and I want to know why? Completely unrelated to this subject I’m speaking of other things that the news is conveniently not letting everybody know about. I’m thinking of writing about it so everybody is aware.
Until next time. May your days be bright and your thoughts be light.
Written by Jennifer Auld
In my beliefs in my humble opinion, so many people are deceived. Now some Christians say that you can still be a Christian and practice witchcraft for the greater good, which is false. It is breaking my heart that there is this kind of evil in the churches and so called men of God and church leaders are not talking about this issue!!!!! Why?????? They really need to address this and explain the ramifications. People with the very best of intentions will inadvertently open the wrong doors. The dangers of attachment is so high. I’m not saying that people do this on purpose because they’re looking to conjure evil and do all this trouble..... of course not. Like I said I don’t believe everybody has bad intentions. But, sadly, like any religion, it can be taken too far.
It’s an oxymoron. Christian Witch. You can’t be lukewarm in Christ with one foot in and one foot out. That’s exactly what this is. The Bible forbids this type of activity. Any type of divination tools as well. And warns against all this and the consequences. It’s just not worth it. I was very much a thrill seekerchris as a teenager and I’ll never touch one of those spirit boards again after my experience. I still keep in contact with one of the people that were there that night. It was when I was 19-years old. To this day, he won’t even discuss it. He refuses to, I think, because he’s scared to do or say anything to stir that up. It really was a frightening experience. And I’ve never touched one since and I never will. Call me a chicken or crazy all you want. Not worth it to me.
I was able to speak to a Christian witch via Skype. We had a forty-minute civil conversation. Great women. And because we have the same beliefs I could biblically come at her for lack of better words. In a nice civil manner, not nasty at all. Basically, according to this Christian witch they only do good 'spells’ and are called Christian light bearers. At least her group. I brought up all the verses that are very clear about staying away from witchcraft, divination, wizards, fortunetellers, speaking to the dead, casting spells, conjuring demons, etc.
Basically it’s so new that there’s no particular rules set forth yet according to the women I interviewed. She could not answer me as to why this subject has not come up before and why are we just finding out now that Christian witches exist? Just like the paranormal field, it’s not governed. This is a very new group that has emerged. Again, I am not speaking against anybody’s religion. Like I’ve said before there’s always people that can take it too far no matter what you believe in or do not believe in. And when you start dabbling with things that you don’t know about or you think you’ve watched enough TV shows to know what you're doing and you start messing with -- you're inadvertently opening the doors that lead to darkness.
Deuteronomy 18:10: “There shall not be found among you . . . anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens.” First Samuel 15:13 compares rebellion to the “sin of divination.”
Leviticus 19:31
“Regard not them that have familiar spirits, seek after familiar spirits, wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God.”
But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”
Angel Spirit Boards
Well nothing is sacred anymore. People are buying something called an Angel Board. It’s the same thing as a Ouija board, only they are decorated with pictures of pretty angels in pastel colors. That’s the only difference. You’re not talking to angels. Anything can come through those. It’s no different than any other Ouija board or any type of device channeling the dead. It just leaves the door open for any and everything to come flooding through. And it leaves the door for any and everything to go wrong as well. Please understand I’m not trying to put fear into people. I’m just trying to inform you and to be ready when you do you mess with these type of things because there are always people that will. but the dangers are no different. Please don’t be deceived..
There’s always somebody that’s going to test it to see if it really works. Like what they see on TV/Internet. Or some think it’s a bunch of hocus-pocus so they want to prove it by doing the ritual or using the spirit board. Please expect anything to happen. It’s just prudent not to start that kind of thing to begin with. I know several people that wish they never touched one. It actually ruined their lives. It’s like I said the familiar spirits easily can come through and are quite convincing. They will mimic children or maybe somebody who died there. Worst of all, they'll prey on your emotions by claiming to be one of your loved ones.
It’s so important to always have your armor of God on. Every morning and every night suit up and pray up. The worst is yet to come in this world. And again these are just my particular beliefs and I know everybody has different beliefs and I may not agree with them but you do have the right to an opinion and your own beliefs. I’m just putting out there what’s going on in the world. There is so much you don’t see on the news. There’s so much going on that I don’t see on the news and I want to know why? Completely unrelated to this subject I’m speaking of other things that the news is conveniently not letting everybody know about. I’m thinking of writing about it so everybody is aware.
Until next time. May your days be bright and your thoughts be light.
Written by Jennifer Auld
angel spirit boards,
christian witches,
ouija boards,
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
10 Questions to His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Time Magazine interviewed His Holiness in New York City in May of 2010 for its "10 Questions to His Holiness the Dalai Lama".
Question: Do you ever feel angry or outraged? —Kantesh Guttal, PUNE, INDIA
His Holiness: Oh, yes, of course. I'm a human being. Generally speaking, if a human being never shows anger, then I think something's wrong. He's not right in the brain. [Laughs.]
Question: How do you stay so optimistic and faithful when there is so much hate in the world? —Joana Cotar, FRANKFURT
His Holiness: I always look at any event from a wider angle. There's always some problem, some killing, some murder or terrorist act or scandal everywhere, every day. But if you think the whole world is like that, you're wrong. Out of 6 billion humans, the troublemakers are just a handful.
Question: How has the role set out for you changed since you first came to be the Dalai Lama? —Andy Thomas, CARMARTHEN, WALES
His Holiness: I became the Dalai Lama not on a volunteer basis. Whether I was willing or not, I [had to study] Buddhist philosophy like an ordinary monk student in these big monastic institutions. Eventually I realized I have a responsibility. Sometimes it is difficult, but where there is some challenge, that is also truly an opportunity to serve more.
Question: Do you see any possibility of reconciliation with the Chinese government in your lifetime? —Joseph K.H. Cheng, MELBOURNE
His Holiness: Yes, there is a possibility. But I think past experience shows it is not easy. Many of these hard-liners, their outlook is very narrow and shortsighted. They are not looking at it in a holistic way. However, within the People's Republic of China, there is wider contact with the outside world. There are more and more voices of discontentment among the people, particularly among the intellectuals. Things will change — that's bound to happen.
Question: How can we teach our children not to be angry? —Robyn Rice, GRAND JUNCTION, COLO.
His Holiness: Children always look to their parents. Parents should be more calm. You can teach children that you face a lot of problems but you must react to those problems with a calm mind and reason. I have always had this view about the modern education system: we pay attention to brain development, but the development of warmheartedness we take for granted.
Question: Have you ever thought about being a normal person instead of being the Dalai Lama? —Grego Franco, MANILA
His Holiness: Yes, at a young age. Sometimes I felt, "Oh, this is a burden. I wish I was an unknown Tibetan. Then I'd have more freedom." But then later I realized that my position was something useful to others. Nowadays I feel happy that I'm Dalai Lama. At the same time, I never feel that I'm some special person. Same — we are all the same.
Question: Do you miss Tibet? —Pamela Delgado Córdoba, AGUASCALIENTES, MEXICO
His Holiness: Yes. Tibetan culture is not only ancient but relevant to today's world. After seeing the problems of violence, we realize that Tibetan culture is one of compassion and nonviolence. There is also the climate. In India during monsoon season, it is too wet. Then, I very much miss [ Tibet].
Question: What do you say to people who use religion as a pretext to violence or killing? —Arnie Domingo, QUEZON CITY, PHILIPPINES
His Holiness: There are innocent, faithful people that are manipulated by some other people whose interest is different. Their interest is not religion but power or sometimes money. They manipulate religious faith. In such cases, we must make a distinction: these [bad things] are not caused by religion.
Question: Have you ever tried on a pair of trousers? —Ju Huang, STAMFORD, CONN.
His Holiness: When it's very, very cold. And particularly in 1959, when I escaped, I wore trousers, like laypeople dressed. So I have experience.
Question: Do you believe your time here on earth has been a success? —Les Lucas, KELOWNA, B.C.
His Holiness: Hmmm. That's relative. It's so difficult to say. All human life is some part failure and some part achievement.
original link:
Question: Do you ever feel angry or outraged? —Kantesh Guttal, PUNE, INDIA
His Holiness: Oh, yes, of course. I'm a human being. Generally speaking, if a human being never shows anger, then I think something's wrong. He's not right in the brain. [Laughs.]
Question: How do you stay so optimistic and faithful when there is so much hate in the world? —Joana Cotar, FRANKFURT
His Holiness: I always look at any event from a wider angle. There's always some problem, some killing, some murder or terrorist act or scandal everywhere, every day. But if you think the whole world is like that, you're wrong. Out of 6 billion humans, the troublemakers are just a handful.
Question: How has the role set out for you changed since you first came to be the Dalai Lama? —Andy Thomas, CARMARTHEN, WALES
His Holiness: I became the Dalai Lama not on a volunteer basis. Whether I was willing or not, I [had to study] Buddhist philosophy like an ordinary monk student in these big monastic institutions. Eventually I realized I have a responsibility. Sometimes it is difficult, but where there is some challenge, that is also truly an opportunity to serve more.
Question: Do you see any possibility of reconciliation with the Chinese government in your lifetime? —Joseph K.H. Cheng, MELBOURNE
His Holiness: Yes, there is a possibility. But I think past experience shows it is not easy. Many of these hard-liners, their outlook is very narrow and shortsighted. They are not looking at it in a holistic way. However, within the People's Republic of China, there is wider contact with the outside world. There are more and more voices of discontentment among the people, particularly among the intellectuals. Things will change — that's bound to happen.
Question: How can we teach our children not to be angry? —Robyn Rice, GRAND JUNCTION, COLO.
His Holiness: Children always look to their parents. Parents should be more calm. You can teach children that you face a lot of problems but you must react to those problems with a calm mind and reason. I have always had this view about the modern education system: we pay attention to brain development, but the development of warmheartedness we take for granted.
Question: Have you ever thought about being a normal person instead of being the Dalai Lama? —Grego Franco, MANILA
His Holiness: Yes, at a young age. Sometimes I felt, "Oh, this is a burden. I wish I was an unknown Tibetan. Then I'd have more freedom." But then later I realized that my position was something useful to others. Nowadays I feel happy that I'm Dalai Lama. At the same time, I never feel that I'm some special person. Same — we are all the same.
Question: Do you miss Tibet? —Pamela Delgado Córdoba, AGUASCALIENTES, MEXICO
His Holiness: Yes. Tibetan culture is not only ancient but relevant to today's world. After seeing the problems of violence, we realize that Tibetan culture is one of compassion and nonviolence. There is also the climate. In India during monsoon season, it is too wet. Then, I very much miss [ Tibet].
Question: What do you say to people who use religion as a pretext to violence or killing? —Arnie Domingo, QUEZON CITY, PHILIPPINES
His Holiness: There are innocent, faithful people that are manipulated by some other people whose interest is different. Their interest is not religion but power or sometimes money. They manipulate religious faith. In such cases, we must make a distinction: these [bad things] are not caused by religion.
Question: Have you ever tried on a pair of trousers? —Ju Huang, STAMFORD, CONN.
His Holiness: When it's very, very cold. And particularly in 1959, when I escaped, I wore trousers, like laypeople dressed. So I have experience.
Question: Do you believe your time here on earth has been a success? —Les Lucas, KELOWNA, B.C.
His Holiness: Hmmm. That's relative. It's so difficult to say. All human life is some part failure and some part achievement.
original link:
14 dalai lama,
buddhist philosophy,
calm mind,
Dalai Lama,
tibetan culture,
time magazine
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
Reverend Jim Jones--Jonestown: The Peoples Temple Mass Suicide/Death 1978
Reverend Jim Jones--Jonestown: The Peoples Temple Mass Suicide/Death 1978
Hello everybody. I hope you had a wonderful weekend and are enjoying your day. We had a few fires on the Fourth of July. This was due to the carelessness of people using fireworks too close to homes and dry woods. Here in Florida I don’t have to tell you we’re hitting heat factors over 100°. When you walk outside and get in your car and get it started and by the time the air is somewhat cooled down you are most likely drenched in sweat. It’s awful! Especially if you’re oily anyway like I am. I have always struggled with that but from what I hear it helps slow down the aging process but who knows. I’ve gotten completely off the subject friends. Lol. Please forgive me. ADHD slips through now and then.
James Warren Jones was an American cult leader. He started what he called the Peoples Temple, originally located in Indiana. Then in the 1960s, he moved the Peoples Temple to San Francisco, California. He gained quite a bit of notoriety when the Peoples Temple moved to San Francisco in the early 1970s. He was the head and dictator for leading the 1978 mass murder-suicide in Jonestown, Guyana, 918 members of his Temple including 276 children, were found dead by drinking cyanide-laced Kool-Aid. Many say Jim Jones is one of the prominent psychopaths in American history. The motive of the mass revolutionary suicide, (he had a unhealthy obsession with death when he was young and as an adult.) Revolutionary suicide I’ll have to explain in another blog. Anyway, according to Jim Jones himself, he wanted to "protest the conditions of an inhumane world." Jones is thought to have shot himself in the head at the final stage of the mass suicide. He was found dead at the scene with a gunshot wound on the back of his head. Let’s not forget he was also responsible for the death of those visitors including Congressman Leo Ryan, was making a visit to Jonestown Temple to investigate human rights violation complaints against Jim Jones. Jones had six adoptive children and one biological child with his wife, Marcy.
I’m going to use this particular cult as an example because it is based on Christianity. Exactly what I believe in. I have no illusions that all religions and beliefs can go too far. Or there is always somebody that just takes it too far as I said in my last blog. The Jonestown event is a great but heartbreaking example of that. Any religion or personal beliefs can get radical and this was one of them. I stipulated in my last blog I would write about Jonestown and Reverend Jim Jones a little further and explain. There are a lot of YouTube videos for you to watch, if you'd like. There are a lot of different tapes he purposely recorded himself to leave behind for everybody to hear. Typical narcissistic psychopath, in my opinion. There was a loudspeaker that played they said almost 24/7, using fear and mind control. Can you imagine hearing somebody go on and on and on? He did this while they slept! The people who were part of his cult were underfed and overworked. I bet the devil was sure dancing when that horrible event took place that day. This man was very cruel he was NO prophet of God. That’s why the Bible tells us to be aware of these false prophets. Many will try and claim this. title.
I’m certainly not exaggerating on anything I say. There were tapes found. He recorded that very violent event that was all over the news. Jim Warren Jones truly was disturbed... a very sick man. Sick with power. He was having sexual relations with men, women and even the young teenagers. When you’re in that kind of position you should not be getting intimate with anybody in your congregation but your wife. From what I understand, she turned a blind eye to all his sexual escapades. Just like with many others, and the human race in general, eventually his ego became so big as his power kept rising. That’s what initially caused him to go dark in the first place, in my humble opinion. It takes a special kind of person to be in that type of position. It’s a calling by God to be in that kind of leadership. It’s not for everybody. There are many temptations and the enemy is just waiting for that person to make a mistake. Or have a weak moment in time.
Let’s discuss from my research about what kind of childhood he had. A lot of times with people like this they don’t always have a bad childhood. But Reverend Jones had a raging alcoholic for a father. His mother would send him to vacation Bible school to help, I guess trying to shelter him from his father. But Jim Jones took to Bible study with great joy. He was never seen without his Bible. As a ten-year-old, they said he would give funerals to all the animals that would die in the neighborhood. But what’s very disturbing is that a girl who grew up with him and was latern interviewed, alluded to the fact that he killed a couple of animals just to be able to give them funerals. She mentioned he was always an "odd duck" for lack of better words.
He was a very handsome man. Also very charismatic. He had, I believe, that southern drawl similar to Elvis Presley. He just had a way with people and making them feel good and wanted, and loved. On the plus side, he was big into civil rights to stop segregation. He could’ve done so many wonderful things. That’s what makes me so sad. He was on the right track for a while. He even had the respect from some political figures at one time. And other people of that nature. The more everybody revered him because there was nobody else like him at that time in the Bible Belt community. Sticking up for civil rights and speaking their mind whether you like it or not. No matter who you were. You have to remember it started in the 1950s and ended in the 70s.
Once he was able to move The Peoples Temple to Guyana, almost 1000 members followed him. In the United States people were starting to catch on to what was spreading around from former temple members that something wasn’t right. There would be public punishments in front of the whole congregation, slapping people and so-called beatings. There were very concerned family members. They just really wanted to get the other family members out. But he used fear to brainwash these people. In November 1978, the Congressman from California, Leo Ryan, along with other delegattes, the media, and concerned relatives flew to Guyana to see exactly what was going on.
Jim Jones ordered his death and everybody with him along with the people who left Jonestown. Fifteen people left and he couldn’t handle it. To him, that was a betrayal. The Congressman‘s assistant survived and I believe two cameramen from NBC as well. There were other survivors that were able to run into the jungle in the middle of the chaos, avoiding detecton. Thank God! Jim Jones had men surrounding that compound with a variety of military type guns. It was said that he even had grenades; however, I can’t confirm those allegations. But it wouldn’t surprise me. How did he get past U.S customs with cyanide and all those guns? That’s something that they never figured out, or maybe not telling. It could go either way. The point is the survivors and their families of the non-survivors still hurt very much over this. How do you get over a mass murder like that? I know some did drink the poisoned punch willingly but not all 274 children did. They did not have a choice. It’s heartbreaking.
People who are brainwashed and will kill at any moment people who would kill their own family members. This is how badly brainwashed they became a little at a time. Jones said they were all going to be in so much trouble. He told them since the congressman was dead, they would be back to torture the babies and kill all of them. Which was a huge lie. He lied to them and said that they had to shoot in self-defense. He didn’t tell them that they shot them all down -- he left that part out. He had them thinking people were going to come back to torture their babies and put them in prison because the the congressman and his group was shot.
In conclusion, this is an example where any religion can go radical or there’s always somebody your small group that takes it too far. Sadly this was one of those events.
Written by Jennifer Auld
Hello everybody. I hope you had a wonderful weekend and are enjoying your day. We had a few fires on the Fourth of July. This was due to the carelessness of people using fireworks too close to homes and dry woods. Here in Florida I don’t have to tell you we’re hitting heat factors over 100°. When you walk outside and get in your car and get it started and by the time the air is somewhat cooled down you are most likely drenched in sweat. It’s awful! Especially if you’re oily anyway like I am. I have always struggled with that but from what I hear it helps slow down the aging process but who knows. I’ve gotten completely off the subject friends. Lol. Please forgive me. ADHD slips through now and then.
James Warren Jones was an American cult leader. He started what he called the Peoples Temple, originally located in Indiana. Then in the 1960s, he moved the Peoples Temple to San Francisco, California. He gained quite a bit of notoriety when the Peoples Temple moved to San Francisco in the early 1970s. He was the head and dictator for leading the 1978 mass murder-suicide in Jonestown, Guyana, 918 members of his Temple including 276 children, were found dead by drinking cyanide-laced Kool-Aid. Many say Jim Jones is one of the prominent psychopaths in American history. The motive of the mass revolutionary suicide, (he had a unhealthy obsession with death when he was young and as an adult.) Revolutionary suicide I’ll have to explain in another blog. Anyway, according to Jim Jones himself, he wanted to "protest the conditions of an inhumane world." Jones is thought to have shot himself in the head at the final stage of the mass suicide. He was found dead at the scene with a gunshot wound on the back of his head. Let’s not forget he was also responsible for the death of those visitors including Congressman Leo Ryan, was making a visit to Jonestown Temple to investigate human rights violation complaints against Jim Jones. Jones had six adoptive children and one biological child with his wife, Marcy.
I’m going to use this particular cult as an example because it is based on Christianity. Exactly what I believe in. I have no illusions that all religions and beliefs can go too far. Or there is always somebody that just takes it too far as I said in my last blog. The Jonestown event is a great but heartbreaking example of that. Any religion or personal beliefs can get radical and this was one of them. I stipulated in my last blog I would write about Jonestown and Reverend Jim Jones a little further and explain. There are a lot of YouTube videos for you to watch, if you'd like. There are a lot of different tapes he purposely recorded himself to leave behind for everybody to hear. Typical narcissistic psychopath, in my opinion. There was a loudspeaker that played they said almost 24/7, using fear and mind control. Can you imagine hearing somebody go on and on and on? He did this while they slept! The people who were part of his cult were underfed and overworked. I bet the devil was sure dancing when that horrible event took place that day. This man was very cruel he was NO prophet of God. That’s why the Bible tells us to be aware of these false prophets. Many will try and claim this. title.
I’m certainly not exaggerating on anything I say. There were tapes found. He recorded that very violent event that was all over the news. Jim Warren Jones truly was disturbed... a very sick man. Sick with power. He was having sexual relations with men, women and even the young teenagers. When you’re in that kind of position you should not be getting intimate with anybody in your congregation but your wife. From what I understand, she turned a blind eye to all his sexual escapades. Just like with many others, and the human race in general, eventually his ego became so big as his power kept rising. That’s what initially caused him to go dark in the first place, in my humble opinion. It takes a special kind of person to be in that type of position. It’s a calling by God to be in that kind of leadership. It’s not for everybody. There are many temptations and the enemy is just waiting for that person to make a mistake. Or have a weak moment in time.
Let’s discuss from my research about what kind of childhood he had. A lot of times with people like this they don’t always have a bad childhood. But Reverend Jones had a raging alcoholic for a father. His mother would send him to vacation Bible school to help, I guess trying to shelter him from his father. But Jim Jones took to Bible study with great joy. He was never seen without his Bible. As a ten-year-old, they said he would give funerals to all the animals that would die in the neighborhood. But what’s very disturbing is that a girl who grew up with him and was latern interviewed, alluded to the fact that he killed a couple of animals just to be able to give them funerals. She mentioned he was always an "odd duck" for lack of better words.
He was a very handsome man. Also very charismatic. He had, I believe, that southern drawl similar to Elvis Presley. He just had a way with people and making them feel good and wanted, and loved. On the plus side, he was big into civil rights to stop segregation. He could’ve done so many wonderful things. That’s what makes me so sad. He was on the right track for a while. He even had the respect from some political figures at one time. And other people of that nature. The more everybody revered him because there was nobody else like him at that time in the Bible Belt community. Sticking up for civil rights and speaking their mind whether you like it or not. No matter who you were. You have to remember it started in the 1950s and ended in the 70s.
Once he was able to move The Peoples Temple to Guyana, almost 1000 members followed him. In the United States people were starting to catch on to what was spreading around from former temple members that something wasn’t right. There would be public punishments in front of the whole congregation, slapping people and so-called beatings. There were very concerned family members. They just really wanted to get the other family members out. But he used fear to brainwash these people. In November 1978, the Congressman from California, Leo Ryan, along with other delegattes, the media, and concerned relatives flew to Guyana to see exactly what was going on.
Jim Jones ordered his death and everybody with him along with the people who left Jonestown. Fifteen people left and he couldn’t handle it. To him, that was a betrayal. The Congressman‘s assistant survived and I believe two cameramen from NBC as well. There were other survivors that were able to run into the jungle in the middle of the chaos, avoiding detecton. Thank God! Jim Jones had men surrounding that compound with a variety of military type guns. It was said that he even had grenades; however, I can’t confirm those allegations. But it wouldn’t surprise me. How did he get past U.S customs with cyanide and all those guns? That’s something that they never figured out, or maybe not telling. It could go either way. The point is the survivors and their families of the non-survivors still hurt very much over this. How do you get over a mass murder like that? I know some did drink the poisoned punch willingly but not all 274 children did. They did not have a choice. It’s heartbreaking.
People who are brainwashed and will kill at any moment people who would kill their own family members. This is how badly brainwashed they became a little at a time. Jones said they were all going to be in so much trouble. He told them since the congressman was dead, they would be back to torture the babies and kill all of them. Which was a huge lie. He lied to them and said that they had to shoot in self-defense. He didn’t tell them that they shot them all down -- he left that part out. He had them thinking people were going to come back to torture their babies and put them in prison because the the congressman and his group was shot.
In conclusion, this is an example where any religion can go radical or there’s always somebody your small group that takes it too far. Sadly this was one of those events.
Written by Jennifer Auld
congressman leo ryan,
death cults,
reverend jim jones,
the peoples temple mass suicide
Tuesday, July 9, 2019
Dalai Lama Meets with Educators to Discuss 'Human Education in the 3rd Millennium'
Meeting with Educators Discussing ‘Human Education in the 3rd Millennium’
Thekchen Chöling, Dharamsala, India - This morning, His Holiness the Dalai Lama met with 15 educators from India, Germany, Brazil, Mexico, Finland, USA, Australia, Bangladesh, Britain, and Russia, who are participating in an initial roundtable conference on the theme, ‘Human Education in the 3rd Millennium’.
After His Holiness had entered the room and asked everyone present to relax, Project Coordinator, Margarita Kozhevnikova explained that the present conference was in preparation for a world forum about education. She outlined four areas of interest: education policy, being human, education for democracy and human oriented education. She introduced Scott Webster who was to moderate the morning session. He summarized what had been discussed so far.
He told His Holiness that as far as educators are concerned, things are getting worse. Schools and universities are increasingly focussing on training students in skills for jobs. Human flourishing is not addressed. If values come up, it’s only in relation to work and being a worker as opposed to being a human being. Education is being reduced to what can be measured. Teachers find they are unable to be creative so the opportunity to provide human education is lost. The policies that govern this are written by governments or by businessmen, not by professional educators.
There is a consensus among educators that there is more to being human than being an economic unit as a worker or consumer. Knowledge and skills have a role, but there is a need for values too. Following their discussions, participants in the meeting say there is a need to take action.
With regard to democracy, it seems to represent human freedom with dignity, justice and inclusiveness. It’s a moral way of living that is coming under attack in the face of rising populism and nationalism, which tend to be exclusionary. Teachers are eager to see democracy restored and strengthened.
In terms of pedagogy and how students develop, participants have noted that questioning can help us become better human beings.
Webster asked His Holiness how education policy might be challenged, what it means to be human, whether he thinks democracy represents human flourishing and what it means to be an educator.
“If education is supposed to have produced individuals living a happy life, in happy communities, in a happy world, it seems to have failed,” His Holiness replied. “We all want to live a happy life and yet every day on the television we can see people facing problems. There are unthinkable conflicts in the name of religion.
“Before they enter the education system young children’s basic human nature is fresh. They don’t care about their playmates’ religious, racial or national background. Their basic outlook is compassionate.
“Children survive because of their mother’s kindness and concern, which gives them a lifelong sense of security. Because we are social creatures, individuals survive in dependence on a group. However, once children go to school not much attention is paid to basic human values.
“Modern education evolved in the West with the emergence of the industrial revolution and a greater need for people to understand maths and science. Its goals tend to be materialistic, with little concern for peace of mind. Students are not taught how to tackle their anger, fear or anxiety. In the absence of any other solution, they turn to drugs and alcohol for relief. We teach physical hygiene from an early age. There seems to be a need for a corresponding sense of emotional hygiene. You can make a simple beginning by asking children if they prefer to see smiles or frowns.
“Pursuing self-interest is legitimate, but we need to be wisely rather than foolishly self-interested. To be happy we need a positive attitude and the best way of doing this is to show concern for others—to take care of other members of the community. Education should explain how to develop peace of mind and maintain inner strength.
“In India we have the traditions of ‘ahimsa’ and ‘karuna’ and the practices for cultivating a calmly abiding mind and insight, ‘shamatha’ and ‘vipashyana’—mind is important. Not just on a sensory level but on the level of mental consciousness. Anger and fear arise on a mental level. If we had a map of the mind, a map of the emotions, we’d understand the workings of the mind much better and we’d be able to tackle our negative emotions.
“What destroys our peace of mind is anger, fear and self-centredness. The quantum physics observation that nothing exists as it appears, which corresponds to what Nagarjuna taught, can help loosen the grip of these negative emotions. I’m 84 now and I’ve thought about the wisdom understanding emptiness, compassion and cultivating infinite love for 70 years. I find this very helpful in securing peace of mind. And although instructions about these things are to be found in religious texts they can be regarded as means to better health and studied objectively in an academic way.
“When the education system is focussed on materialistic goals, as modern education too often is, those brought up under it tend to follow a materialistic way of life. In India I am trying to revive interest in the ancient understanding of the workings of the mind and emotions. I hope that in the long run India will be able to combine this ancient knowledge with modern education. If we can train teachers to promote ‘ahimsa’ and ‘karuna’, we can make a significant contribution to a more peaceful world. They can also learn that it’s possible to cultivate love and compassion through the application of intelligence based on scientific findings and common sense.
“This kind of meeting confirms that modern education is not sufficient. And for that reason I hope discussions will continue into the future.”
Responding to questions, His Holiness pointed out that democracy is rooted in having a sense of concern for others and respecting their views, similar to the concern a teacher has for her students. He confirmed that since human beings need to live together like brothers and sisters, the proper way to settle conflicts is to engage in dialogue and avoid violence and the use of force.
Acknowledging how serious global heating and the climate crisis is, His Holiness reported that a Chinese ecologist had suggested to him that after another 80 years the world will be like a desert. He noted that water resources are already diminishing alarmingly. He confirmed that solutions will involve everybody modifying their life-style, abandoning fossil fuels and turning to renewable sources of energy.
“Humanity is one community,” he declared, “and we have to use our intelligence to take care of each other. For democracy to succeed will depend on our motivation and employing our brilliant intelligence with warm-heartedness.”
Bringing the session to a close, Margarita Kozhevnikova mentioned that many educators want to impart human values to their students, but find little room in the curriculum in the system as it is. They are prevailed upon instead to provide measurable results in the form of high test and exam results.
The Ven Samdhong Rinpoché was pleased to share with the gathering that permission has been given for the launch of a six month teacher training course in ancient Indian wisdom in conjunction with Dharamsala College. There will also be 2-3 days training workshops to make them more familiar with secular ethics. It is hoped that 2000 teachers will benefit. Plans are underway to introduce elements of ancient Indian wisdom in schools from KG up to class 8.
Margarita Kozhevnikova thanked His Holiness for taking time to speak to the conference participants. Thanking her in turn for organizing the meeting, he told her that he regards Russia as bridge between East and West. He concluded that to build a better more peaceful world, we need to use our intelligence for peaceful goals rather than for producing ever more sophisticated weapons.
His Holiness invited all the participants and observers to join him for lunch.
Original link & photos:
Thekchen Chöling, Dharamsala, India - This morning, His Holiness the Dalai Lama met with 15 educators from India, Germany, Brazil, Mexico, Finland, USA, Australia, Bangladesh, Britain, and Russia, who are participating in an initial roundtable conference on the theme, ‘Human Education in the 3rd Millennium’.
After His Holiness had entered the room and asked everyone present to relax, Project Coordinator, Margarita Kozhevnikova explained that the present conference was in preparation for a world forum about education. She outlined four areas of interest: education policy, being human, education for democracy and human oriented education. She introduced Scott Webster who was to moderate the morning session. He summarized what had been discussed so far.
He told His Holiness that as far as educators are concerned, things are getting worse. Schools and universities are increasingly focussing on training students in skills for jobs. Human flourishing is not addressed. If values come up, it’s only in relation to work and being a worker as opposed to being a human being. Education is being reduced to what can be measured. Teachers find they are unable to be creative so the opportunity to provide human education is lost. The policies that govern this are written by governments or by businessmen, not by professional educators.
There is a consensus among educators that there is more to being human than being an economic unit as a worker or consumer. Knowledge and skills have a role, but there is a need for values too. Following their discussions, participants in the meeting say there is a need to take action.
With regard to democracy, it seems to represent human freedom with dignity, justice and inclusiveness. It’s a moral way of living that is coming under attack in the face of rising populism and nationalism, which tend to be exclusionary. Teachers are eager to see democracy restored and strengthened.
In terms of pedagogy and how students develop, participants have noted that questioning can help us become better human beings.
Webster asked His Holiness how education policy might be challenged, what it means to be human, whether he thinks democracy represents human flourishing and what it means to be an educator.
“If education is supposed to have produced individuals living a happy life, in happy communities, in a happy world, it seems to have failed,” His Holiness replied. “We all want to live a happy life and yet every day on the television we can see people facing problems. There are unthinkable conflicts in the name of religion.
“Before they enter the education system young children’s basic human nature is fresh. They don’t care about their playmates’ religious, racial or national background. Their basic outlook is compassionate.
“Children survive because of their mother’s kindness and concern, which gives them a lifelong sense of security. Because we are social creatures, individuals survive in dependence on a group. However, once children go to school not much attention is paid to basic human values.
“Modern education evolved in the West with the emergence of the industrial revolution and a greater need for people to understand maths and science. Its goals tend to be materialistic, with little concern for peace of mind. Students are not taught how to tackle their anger, fear or anxiety. In the absence of any other solution, they turn to drugs and alcohol for relief. We teach physical hygiene from an early age. There seems to be a need for a corresponding sense of emotional hygiene. You can make a simple beginning by asking children if they prefer to see smiles or frowns.
“Pursuing self-interest is legitimate, but we need to be wisely rather than foolishly self-interested. To be happy we need a positive attitude and the best way of doing this is to show concern for others—to take care of other members of the community. Education should explain how to develop peace of mind and maintain inner strength.
“In India we have the traditions of ‘ahimsa’ and ‘karuna’ and the practices for cultivating a calmly abiding mind and insight, ‘shamatha’ and ‘vipashyana’—mind is important. Not just on a sensory level but on the level of mental consciousness. Anger and fear arise on a mental level. If we had a map of the mind, a map of the emotions, we’d understand the workings of the mind much better and we’d be able to tackle our negative emotions.
“What destroys our peace of mind is anger, fear and self-centredness. The quantum physics observation that nothing exists as it appears, which corresponds to what Nagarjuna taught, can help loosen the grip of these negative emotions. I’m 84 now and I’ve thought about the wisdom understanding emptiness, compassion and cultivating infinite love for 70 years. I find this very helpful in securing peace of mind. And although instructions about these things are to be found in religious texts they can be regarded as means to better health and studied objectively in an academic way.
“When the education system is focussed on materialistic goals, as modern education too often is, those brought up under it tend to follow a materialistic way of life. In India I am trying to revive interest in the ancient understanding of the workings of the mind and emotions. I hope that in the long run India will be able to combine this ancient knowledge with modern education. If we can train teachers to promote ‘ahimsa’ and ‘karuna’, we can make a significant contribution to a more peaceful world. They can also learn that it’s possible to cultivate love and compassion through the application of intelligence based on scientific findings and common sense.
“This kind of meeting confirms that modern education is not sufficient. And for that reason I hope discussions will continue into the future.”
Responding to questions, His Holiness pointed out that democracy is rooted in having a sense of concern for others and respecting their views, similar to the concern a teacher has for her students. He confirmed that since human beings need to live together like brothers and sisters, the proper way to settle conflicts is to engage in dialogue and avoid violence and the use of force.
Acknowledging how serious global heating and the climate crisis is, His Holiness reported that a Chinese ecologist had suggested to him that after another 80 years the world will be like a desert. He noted that water resources are already diminishing alarmingly. He confirmed that solutions will involve everybody modifying their life-style, abandoning fossil fuels and turning to renewable sources of energy.
“Humanity is one community,” he declared, “and we have to use our intelligence to take care of each other. For democracy to succeed will depend on our motivation and employing our brilliant intelligence with warm-heartedness.”
Bringing the session to a close, Margarita Kozhevnikova mentioned that many educators want to impart human values to their students, but find little room in the curriculum in the system as it is. They are prevailed upon instead to provide measurable results in the form of high test and exam results.
The Ven Samdhong Rinpoché was pleased to share with the gathering that permission has been given for the launch of a six month teacher training course in ancient Indian wisdom in conjunction with Dharamsala College. There will also be 2-3 days training workshops to make them more familiar with secular ethics. It is hoped that 2000 teachers will benefit. Plans are underway to introduce elements of ancient Indian wisdom in schools from KG up to class 8.
Margarita Kozhevnikova thanked His Holiness for taking time to speak to the conference participants. Thanking her in turn for organizing the meeting, he told her that he regards Russia as bridge between East and West. He concluded that to build a better more peaceful world, we need to use our intelligence for peaceful goals rather than for producing ever more sophisticated weapons.
His Holiness invited all the participants and observers to join him for lunch.
Original link & photos:
14 dalai lama,
industrial revolution,
materialistic goals,
modern education,
Saturday, July 6, 2019
Dalai Lama Discusses His Best Birthday Gift!
14 dalai lama,
3 committments,
happy birthday,
Sunday, June 30, 2019
Witchcraft And The Occult On The Rise
Before I start, I would like to say that this is not targeting anybody of any religion whether I agree with it or not. Everybody has the right to believe in what they want to believe in. I respect that. As I’ve said many times I go at it with a biblical point of view. But I do not tear down what others believe in. I’m not perfect, no one is. And on the other side of that I will never deny or be ashamed of giving my heart and soul over to Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. That doesn’t require being perfect. You’re allowed to still love Jesus whether you’re perfect or not. But no one is perfect. However, no matter what they do, if they repent God forgives. You can’t tell somebody they still can’t love the Lord Jesus Christ because of mistakes they made. That’s completely ridiculous. If they are in a leadership type of position that’s a different story.
I know that there are Wiccans that mean well. They want peace and joy and are genuinely kind people that have their personal beliefs. I spoke to one for about 25 minutes before I wrote this blog. They want peace. Just like any type of group or society or religion you’re going to have your radicals. Just like in politics. That’s a good example to use. You know someone going dark. Taking it too far. There are ‘Christian witches’ (oxymoron) now. I received a couple of emails asking me if that was in the Bible, and it’s not. Christians that were also witches but for doing good. That will be a whole other blog that I intend to explain into further details about that. I’m seeing more and more of that as well.
I’m nondenominational. I believe in what the King James Bible says. So I guess you would call that Christian. I’m not a member of any church. In my humble opinion the churches just preach and preach about things that really make them look bad. A lot of them hardly read out of the Bible. They promise crazy things if you send them money and what happens is that leaves a bad taste in people‘s mouth, as it should. But it ruins it for the people who are honest and their church uses those resources to help feed the hungry or when there’s disasters like hurricanes and things of that nature. But there are still good churches around, don’t get me wrong, but it’s mainly turning into this new age from what I have been told.
Here’s a little information on a Christian Minister who took his beliefs way too far. Jim Jones was a man who was responsible for, I think, about 912 people who drank poisoned Kool-Aid. It was a mass suicide in the name of God. He wasn’t stable mentally. He took his beliefs way too far and wanted to be like God. He wanted to be worshiped and revered. Doesn’t that sound familiar? That’s exactly what Lucifer did in heaven. That 1979 event was the origin where that phrase was coined. ‘don’t drink the Kool-Aid’. I think. I will actually be blogging about that in more detail very soon. I just wanted to use Christianity as an example. I have no illusions, denominations just divide people. And I know some people in the church are very corrupt. Some of these churches are not safe anymore. They are cherry picking out of the Bible to their convenience. Or even worse, rewording it. They need to be preaching the word of God and explaining the end times. They need to dig into the Bible and try to save as many souls as possible. Yes, people should tithe, I believe you should give what you can. That helps them feed the hungry and help out in disasters, that’s the reason why. To do God's work.
There are so many accounts of evil spirits in scripture to really affirm the reality of powerful spiritual forces of evil and wickedness. Evil spirits (also known as demons or devils), are depraved and quite familiar with our human weaknesses and desires. They know them very well. Some are more vile than others. It is said that evil spirits speak to all of us to inject ungodly beliefs into us. These are thoughts that steer us away from our relationship in and with Jesus Christ.
YouTube is full of HUGE resources on how to summon demons, cast dark spells, blood atonement, etc. Some of you may not understand what blood atonement means. That is another topic that I will go into and explain. If I try to explain it now it would get too far away with our original subject. But it really blew my mind -- with just a few words I typed into the search engine generated all of this stuff and everything related to it. There are satanic temples being built. The first one is in Boston. With a very large baphomet statue in the front. It will also show people doing stuff on camera going into places or playing with ouija boards and that is just opening the door to possible negative activity.
There is a gentleman who has a YouTube channel with a large following, I won't mention his name as I do not want to advertise for him, but he is showing step-by-step instructions on how to do all kinds of rituals. A lot of them have to do with summoning Satan and all kinds of demons. This individual has many viewers backing up his beliefs. They have the right, and he has the right to believe in that. I am just pointing out how easy it is to gain access to dangerous information. This person even showed how to do a revenge ritual and he even warns ‘be careful that you are mentally capable to handle any bad consequences you send that person's way, including death.’ This man has such a huge following and support. He claims to work with a lot of demons. He does demonstrations in the desert, in the woods... in different places. And thousands watch. And how many try to emulate it? God only knows.
This is scary. And it’s not getting any better, it’s getting worse. There are so many things out there to target the youth or anyone who is interested. They’re already trying to push pedophilia on people. They’re trying to groom us, by normalizing pedophilia. They want us to think ‘God pedophiles have been around for years’ (pedosexual is another term they prefer). They may not see it as a present danger. And all this blood atonement is quite real. As I said in any religion or belief things can go too far and go radical. There’s always somebody that will take it too far. You can count on it.
I feel like I need a shower after my researches. For real! There’s only so much I can research in a day without it really taking an emotional toll. That’s why I do it in increments. And when I’m done, I don’t think about that subject and I go on about things till it’s time for me to research and write a blog. I can’t dwell on it. If I did I’d go crazy. People need to be aware of it. Which is why I've written this blog and am writing many more--to help spread light and truth in these dark times.
Written By Jennifer Auld
blood atonement,
jesus christ,
king james bible,
new age,
ouija board,
satanic temple,
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
Dalai Lama Meets with Iranian Business People
Meeting Members of a Group from Iran
Thekchen Chöling, Dharamsala, HP, India - At his residence this morning, His Holiness the Dalai Lama met 58 members of Iranian CEOs of small and medium sized enterprises who describe themselves as messengers of peace. As His Holiness entered the room they greeted him with friendly applause.
“I’m very happy to meet people from Iran,” he told them. “Some people are suspicious of Iranians, but I recall that there are reports of links between Tibet and Persia during the time of King Songtsen Gampo during the 7th century. And whereas Persians were described as rich, the Mongolians were referred to as war-like.
“I have certain commitments. As just one among 7 billion human beings, who all want to live a happy life, I’m committed to helping people understand that this can be achieved if they cultivate a calm, happy mind based on love and compassion. Simply put, if you can be compassionate and warm-hearted, you’ll be happy.
“Secondly, as a Buddhist monk I feel a moral responsibility to promote inter-religious harmony. On a philosophical level there are all sorts of differences between religious traditions, but the common message of them all is the importance of cultivating love. I’m convinced that religious harmony is possible—look at India where so many religious traditions have lived side by side for thousands of years. Because I value religious harmony I’m happy to meet members of other faiths, so it’s a real honour for me to meet you Shia brothers and sisters today.
“These days to see people fighting and killing each other in the name of religion, whether in Egypt, Burma or Afghanistan, is really unthinkable. Next week in Delhi I’ll be attending a meeting to celebrate diversity among Indian Muslims. I’ve heard no reports of friction between Sunnis and Shias in India, so I’ve encouraged my friends in Ladakh to take more active steps to reconcile differences between their brothers and sisters of different denominations.
“When I meet people of different spiritual traditions, I remember that at a fundamental level we’re all the same as human beings. In the part of Tibet where I was born, we had Muslim neighbours and as children we played together joyfully with no differences between us. Once I reached Lhasa, our capital city, with the name Dalai Lama, I found there was a small Muslim community there too. They’d been there since the time of the 5th Dalai Lama who gave them land on which to build a mosque. There were almost no reports of disputes between local Buddhists and these Muslims, who were peaceable, cooked delicious food and spoke with an impeccable Central Tibetan dialect.
“I’m looking forward to the coming meeting and hope that representatives of the embassies of various Muslim countries will also attend. I believe it will be an opportunity to promote religious harmony.”
Among the questions put to him, His Holiness was asked if Buddhists don’t believe in God, how do they account for creation? He replied that like Jains, Buddhists believe in life after life with no beginning. Whether you have a happy or difficult life depends on how you’ve conducted yourself before. Being kind and compassionate to others and avoiding doing them harm are good causes for a happy life in the future. The important thing is to make life meaningful—His Holiness mentioned that he appreciates how thinking of your fellow beings as children of a merciful God can help you do that.
Asked his response to the harassment of Muslims in Burma His Holiness explained that when he first heard about it he was in Washington DC. He expressed his sadness at what was happening and appealed to the Burmese Buddhists not only to remember the Buddha, but also to reflect that if he was there, he would have protected these Muslims. His Holiness explained that he had also expressed his dismay to Aung San Suu Kyi, who replied that the situation was very difficult and there wasn’t much she could do. As a mark of his sympathy and concern for the well-being of these displaced people, he directed the Gaden Phodrang Foundation of the Dalai Lama to make a donation towards their relief and rehabilitation through the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. The Iranians showed their appreciation with another burst of applause.
Before the occasion came to an end, the visitors gathered around His Holiness in smaller groups to have their photographs taken together—clearly very happy to have met him.
Original link & photos:
Thekchen Chöling, Dharamsala, HP, India - At his residence this morning, His Holiness the Dalai Lama met 58 members of Iranian CEOs of small and medium sized enterprises who describe themselves as messengers of peace. As His Holiness entered the room they greeted him with friendly applause.
“I’m very happy to meet people from Iran,” he told them. “Some people are suspicious of Iranians, but I recall that there are reports of links between Tibet and Persia during the time of King Songtsen Gampo during the 7th century. And whereas Persians were described as rich, the Mongolians were referred to as war-like.
“I have certain commitments. As just one among 7 billion human beings, who all want to live a happy life, I’m committed to helping people understand that this can be achieved if they cultivate a calm, happy mind based on love and compassion. Simply put, if you can be compassionate and warm-hearted, you’ll be happy.
“Secondly, as a Buddhist monk I feel a moral responsibility to promote inter-religious harmony. On a philosophical level there are all sorts of differences between religious traditions, but the common message of them all is the importance of cultivating love. I’m convinced that religious harmony is possible—look at India where so many religious traditions have lived side by side for thousands of years. Because I value religious harmony I’m happy to meet members of other faiths, so it’s a real honour for me to meet you Shia brothers and sisters today.
“These days to see people fighting and killing each other in the name of religion, whether in Egypt, Burma or Afghanistan, is really unthinkable. Next week in Delhi I’ll be attending a meeting to celebrate diversity among Indian Muslims. I’ve heard no reports of friction between Sunnis and Shias in India, so I’ve encouraged my friends in Ladakh to take more active steps to reconcile differences between their brothers and sisters of different denominations.
“When I meet people of different spiritual traditions, I remember that at a fundamental level we’re all the same as human beings. In the part of Tibet where I was born, we had Muslim neighbours and as children we played together joyfully with no differences between us. Once I reached Lhasa, our capital city, with the name Dalai Lama, I found there was a small Muslim community there too. They’d been there since the time of the 5th Dalai Lama who gave them land on which to build a mosque. There were almost no reports of disputes between local Buddhists and these Muslims, who were peaceable, cooked delicious food and spoke with an impeccable Central Tibetan dialect.
“I’m looking forward to the coming meeting and hope that representatives of the embassies of various Muslim countries will also attend. I believe it will be an opportunity to promote religious harmony.”
Among the questions put to him, His Holiness was asked if Buddhists don’t believe in God, how do they account for creation? He replied that like Jains, Buddhists believe in life after life with no beginning. Whether you have a happy or difficult life depends on how you’ve conducted yourself before. Being kind and compassionate to others and avoiding doing them harm are good causes for a happy life in the future. The important thing is to make life meaningful—His Holiness mentioned that he appreciates how thinking of your fellow beings as children of a merciful God can help you do that.
Asked his response to the harassment of Muslims in Burma His Holiness explained that when he first heard about it he was in Washington DC. He expressed his sadness at what was happening and appealed to the Burmese Buddhists not only to remember the Buddha, but also to reflect that if he was there, he would have protected these Muslims. His Holiness explained that he had also expressed his dismay to Aung San Suu Kyi, who replied that the situation was very difficult and there wasn’t much she could do. As a mark of his sympathy and concern for the well-being of these displaced people, he directed the Gaden Phodrang Foundation of the Dalai Lama to make a donation towards their relief and rehabilitation through the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. The Iranians showed their appreciation with another burst of applause.
Before the occasion came to an end, the visitors gathered around His Holiness in smaller groups to have their photographs taken together—clearly very happy to have met him.
Original link & photos:
14 dalai lama,
aung san suu kyi,
muslims peace,
Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Dalai Lama's Long-Life Ceremony
Offering of a Long-Life Ceremony to His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Thekchen Chöling, Dharamsala, India - An estimated 7500 people packed the Tsuglagkhang, the Main Temple and Yard adjacent to His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s residence this morning to participate in offering prayers for his long-life. The route from the palace gate to the temple through the yard and the temple itself had been richly decorated with garlands of flowers and bouquets. The pillars were painstakingly wrapped in coloured cloth. Tashi Shölpa, Gyal Shay and Lhamo dancers welcomed His Holiness as walked from his residence.
Inside the temple, which was filled with monks, sat representatives of Tibet’s religious traditions: from the Bön tradition, Menri Lopon Trinley Nyima Rinpoché; from the Geluk tradition, Jangtsé Chöjé, Gosok Rinpoché and Ganden Tri Rinpoché, Jetsun Lobsang Tenzin; Head of the Sakya tradition, Sakya Trizin, Ratna Vajra Rinpoché; also from the Geluk tradition, Sharpa Chöjé, Lobsang Tenzin; from the Karma Kagyu tradition, Situ Rinpoché; and from the Nyingma tradition, Ringu Tulku.
To the right of His Holiness’s throne, behind Ganden Trisur, Rizong Rinpoché, sat the Abbots of Sera, Ganden, Drepung, Tashi Lhunpo, Gyumé and Gyutö Monasteries, while to the left sat serving and retired Kalöns.
His Holiness greeted them with a broad smile when he arrived, before taking his seat on the throne. Looking out over the audience he saw six monks from Thailand and directed that they be seated with the Abbots on the dais.
The ceremony, conducted by monks from Namgyal, Gyutö and Kirti Monasteries began with a prayer invoking the former incarnations of Avalokiteshvara in India and Tibet composed by the late Trulshik Rinpoché. Next, the ‘Praise to the 17 Masters of Nalanda’ was recited. The offering requesting His Holiness’s long life was a rite focussed on Amitayus by the Fifth Dalai Lama and belonging to the collection of his Secret Visions. Its performance had been recommended by Nechung, the State Oracle, during the customary New Year trance and was offered by the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) and the People of Tibet.
At a certain point in proceedings, after the dispatching of the five dakinis, the Nechung Oracle and the oracles of Dorje Yamakyong, Nyenchen Thangla, and Kharak Khyung Tsün approached His Holiness in trance, dancing and offering prayers. They were followed by the representatives of Tibet’s religious traditions who paid His Holiness their respects and offered prayers. Tsog was offered to him.
Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay stood with Sakya Trizin as he made the mandala offering and recited from memory a long supplication to His Holiness to live long. The supplication mentioned that he has been inconceivably kind to the Tibetan people and has taught all over the world. He has encouraged harmony among the world’s religious traditions, the protection of the environment, and the preservation of the Tibetan cultural heritage. He has advocated non-violence. He has presented the knowledge contained in the Kangyur and Tengyur collections in terms of philosophy, science and religion and promoted secular ethics for the benefit of all.
The supplication ended, “May your life be as firm as an indestructible vajra, may the Tibetan people be reunited and may you return to Tibet to sit on the Lion Throne in the Potala Palace. Please guide us from life to life. We request you accept our prayer.” With that the Sakya Trizin presented a statue of Amitayus to His Holiness, followed by trays bearing the eight auspicious emblems, the seven symbols of royalty and the eight auspicious substances.
The religious heads and dignitaries from the CTA offered silk scarves.
His Holiness addressed the gathering. “People from the Three Provinces, representatives of our spiritual traditions and protector deities oath-bound at the time of King Trisong Detsen have made this Long-Life Offering—I’d like to thank you all.
“When I recently fell ill many people around the world, as well as inside and outside Tibet, prayed for me, and again I’d like to thank you all. Karma is such that if you haven’t done something, you won’t experience the consequences, nor will the consequences of someone else’s action ripen on you. However, because of close relations within a family and close links between teachers and students prayers between them can be effective. Those who prayed for me did so sincerely—I’m sure it will have been powerful and effective. Thank you.
“I can’t talk about my past lives, but in this life I became a monk and I’ve studied and practised, as Jé Rinpoché writes towards the end of ‘Dependent Arising: A Praise of the Buddha’:
His Holiness described his deep respect for the 17 Masters of Nalanda. He observed that there had earlier been a praise for the ‘Six Ornaments and Two Supremes’, which overlooked several masters whose works were influential in Tibet. Consequently he composed his ‘Praise to the 17 Masters of Nalanda’ and encouraged the study of their respective treatises.
“I’ve given serious thought to emptiness,” he continued, “thanks to the encouragement of my debate assistant Ngodup Tsognyi. Later, when I reported to Kyabjé Ling Rinpoché my experience as a result of contemplating the Second Dalai Lama’s ‘Songs of the Correct View’, he remarked, ‘Before long, you’ll be a ‘space-yogi’. As Choné Lama Rinpoché put it, ‘It’s because of my teachers’ kindness that I have anything to say about emptiness, the luminous nature of the mind and bodhichitta’.
“As far as bodhichitta is concerned, I found my mind was transformed as a result of hearing Khunu Lama Rinpoché’s explanation of ‘Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life’ in 1967. I’ve gained some experience of the view of emptiness and the extensive path of bodhichitta and I’ve shared it with others because I’ve seen them to be beneficial. I continue to generate bodhichitta on a daily basis and reflect on what Shantideva wrote:
“In this life I’ve been able to serve the Tibetan people and the Tibetan tradition and I’ve been able to show others how helpful an altruistic mind can be. Predatory animals only kill when they are hungry, but human beings do harm to each other on almost any pretext. In such a context we need to be more altruistic.”
His Holiness quoted the Buddha’s advice: ‘As the wise test gold by burning, cutting and rubbing it, So, bhikshus, should you accept my words—after testing them, and not merely out of respect for me.’ He observed that only the Buddha encouraged such a sceptical, reasoned approach. He noted that in his first round of teachings, the Buddha explained the Four Noble Truths and the 37 Factors of Enlightenment. During the second round he clarified the Perfection of Wisdom and in the third round he revealed the clear light nature of the mind, which is the basis for tantric practice. Thus, the Buddha gave his teachings in a progressive way.
Referring to his three commitments, His Holiness remarked that as a simple human being himself, he is committed to serving humanity. As a Buddhist he is committed to promoting harmony amongst religions, which as a result of its longstanding traditions of ahimsa and karuna (non-violence and compassion), flourishes in India. The aim of all religious traditions is peace. Thirdly, as a Tibetan, His Holiness reported that he has done his best to educate Tibetans in exile. Although it’s been difficult for him to be very effective in Tibet, in exile he has done what he could to support and enrich Tibet’s cultural heritage.
“Buddhism in Tibet is a complete tradition,” he asserted, “including the Fundamental Vehicle, the Universal Vehicle and Tantra. Shantarakshita, a philosopher and logician, established Buddhism in the Land of Snows. Sakya Pandita followed his lead when he wrote the influential ‘Treasury of Logic and Epistemology’. It’s on the basis of this that we’ve had successful and mutually beneficial interaction with modern scientists. I’ve made some contribution to general well-being over the last 60 years, but the unflinching spirit of the people in Tibet has been my inspiration. It’s because of them that we’ve been able to keep our culture alive.
“The First Dalai Lama, Gyalwa Gendun Drup, who lived to be 84, had no wish to be born in a pure land. Since I have the opportunity to benefit beings, it will be good if I’m able to live longer. I make prayers to him for his blessing that I may live another 10-15 years.
“Once I had a dream that I was swimming, even though I can’t swim, and Palden Lhamo was riding on my back. She remarked, ‘There’s no doubt you’ll live till you’re 110 years old.’” Applause rippled through the temple. “Other people too have dreamt that I may live till I’m 113. As I told people in Ladakh, what would you prefer, that you keep asking me to come here and there, or that I live long?
“People and gods have made this Long-Life Offering. I’m sure it will have a positive effect and I hope I will live to 110.”
Several auspicious prayers were recited as former and serving cabinet ministers paid their respects to His Holiness, concluding with the ‘Words of Truth’.
original link & photos:
Thekchen Chöling, Dharamsala, India - An estimated 7500 people packed the Tsuglagkhang, the Main Temple and Yard adjacent to His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s residence this morning to participate in offering prayers for his long-life. The route from the palace gate to the temple through the yard and the temple itself had been richly decorated with garlands of flowers and bouquets. The pillars were painstakingly wrapped in coloured cloth. Tashi Shölpa, Gyal Shay and Lhamo dancers welcomed His Holiness as walked from his residence.
Inside the temple, which was filled with monks, sat representatives of Tibet’s religious traditions: from the Bön tradition, Menri Lopon Trinley Nyima Rinpoché; from the Geluk tradition, Jangtsé Chöjé, Gosok Rinpoché and Ganden Tri Rinpoché, Jetsun Lobsang Tenzin; Head of the Sakya tradition, Sakya Trizin, Ratna Vajra Rinpoché; also from the Geluk tradition, Sharpa Chöjé, Lobsang Tenzin; from the Karma Kagyu tradition, Situ Rinpoché; and from the Nyingma tradition, Ringu Tulku.
To the right of His Holiness’s throne, behind Ganden Trisur, Rizong Rinpoché, sat the Abbots of Sera, Ganden, Drepung, Tashi Lhunpo, Gyumé and Gyutö Monasteries, while to the left sat serving and retired Kalöns.
His Holiness greeted them with a broad smile when he arrived, before taking his seat on the throne. Looking out over the audience he saw six monks from Thailand and directed that they be seated with the Abbots on the dais.
The ceremony, conducted by monks from Namgyal, Gyutö and Kirti Monasteries began with a prayer invoking the former incarnations of Avalokiteshvara in India and Tibet composed by the late Trulshik Rinpoché. Next, the ‘Praise to the 17 Masters of Nalanda’ was recited. The offering requesting His Holiness’s long life was a rite focussed on Amitayus by the Fifth Dalai Lama and belonging to the collection of his Secret Visions. Its performance had been recommended by Nechung, the State Oracle, during the customary New Year trance and was offered by the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) and the People of Tibet.
At a certain point in proceedings, after the dispatching of the five dakinis, the Nechung Oracle and the oracles of Dorje Yamakyong, Nyenchen Thangla, and Kharak Khyung Tsün approached His Holiness in trance, dancing and offering prayers. They were followed by the representatives of Tibet’s religious traditions who paid His Holiness their respects and offered prayers. Tsog was offered to him.
Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay stood with Sakya Trizin as he made the mandala offering and recited from memory a long supplication to His Holiness to live long. The supplication mentioned that he has been inconceivably kind to the Tibetan people and has taught all over the world. He has encouraged harmony among the world’s religious traditions, the protection of the environment, and the preservation of the Tibetan cultural heritage. He has advocated non-violence. He has presented the knowledge contained in the Kangyur and Tengyur collections in terms of philosophy, science and religion and promoted secular ethics for the benefit of all.
The supplication ended, “May your life be as firm as an indestructible vajra, may the Tibetan people be reunited and may you return to Tibet to sit on the Lion Throne in the Potala Palace. Please guide us from life to life. We request you accept our prayer.” With that the Sakya Trizin presented a statue of Amitayus to His Holiness, followed by trays bearing the eight auspicious emblems, the seven symbols of royalty and the eight auspicious substances.
The religious heads and dignitaries from the CTA offered silk scarves.
His Holiness addressed the gathering. “People from the Three Provinces, representatives of our spiritual traditions and protector deities oath-bound at the time of King Trisong Detsen have made this Long-Life Offering—I’d like to thank you all.
“When I recently fell ill many people around the world, as well as inside and outside Tibet, prayed for me, and again I’d like to thank you all. Karma is such that if you haven’t done something, you won’t experience the consequences, nor will the consequences of someone else’s action ripen on you. However, because of close relations within a family and close links between teachers and students prayers between them can be effective. Those who prayed for me did so sincerely—I’m sure it will have been powerful and effective. Thank you.
“I can’t talk about my past lives, but in this life I became a monk and I’ve studied and practised, as Jé Rinpoché writes towards the end of ‘Dependent Arising: A Praise of the Buddha’:
“Becoming ordained into the way of the Buddha
by not being lax in study of his words,
and by yoga practice of great resolve,
this monk devotes himself to that great purveyor of truth.”
His Holiness described his deep respect for the 17 Masters of Nalanda. He observed that there had earlier been a praise for the ‘Six Ornaments and Two Supremes’, which overlooked several masters whose works were influential in Tibet. Consequently he composed his ‘Praise to the 17 Masters of Nalanda’ and encouraged the study of their respective treatises.
“I’ve given serious thought to emptiness,” he continued, “thanks to the encouragement of my debate assistant Ngodup Tsognyi. Later, when I reported to Kyabjé Ling Rinpoché my experience as a result of contemplating the Second Dalai Lama’s ‘Songs of the Correct View’, he remarked, ‘Before long, you’ll be a ‘space-yogi’. As Choné Lama Rinpoché put it, ‘It’s because of my teachers’ kindness that I have anything to say about emptiness, the luminous nature of the mind and bodhichitta’.
“As far as bodhichitta is concerned, I found my mind was transformed as a result of hearing Khunu Lama Rinpoché’s explanation of ‘Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life’ in 1967. I’ve gained some experience of the view of emptiness and the extensive path of bodhichitta and I’ve shared it with others because I’ve seen them to be beneficial. I continue to generate bodhichitta on a daily basis and reflect on what Shantideva wrote:
"Whatever joy there is in this world
All comes from desiring others to be happy,
And whatever suffering there is in this world,
All comes from desiring myself to be happy.
If I do not actually exchange my happiness
For the sufferings of others,
Not only shall I not attain the state of a Buddha
Even in cyclic existence I shall have no joy.
As long as space endures,
As long as sentient being remain,
Until then, may I too remain
And dispel the miseries of the world.
“In this life I’ve been able to serve the Tibetan people and the Tibetan tradition and I’ve been able to show others how helpful an altruistic mind can be. Predatory animals only kill when they are hungry, but human beings do harm to each other on almost any pretext. In such a context we need to be more altruistic.”
His Holiness quoted the Buddha’s advice: ‘As the wise test gold by burning, cutting and rubbing it, So, bhikshus, should you accept my words—after testing them, and not merely out of respect for me.’ He observed that only the Buddha encouraged such a sceptical, reasoned approach. He noted that in his first round of teachings, the Buddha explained the Four Noble Truths and the 37 Factors of Enlightenment. During the second round he clarified the Perfection of Wisdom and in the third round he revealed the clear light nature of the mind, which is the basis for tantric practice. Thus, the Buddha gave his teachings in a progressive way.
Referring to his three commitments, His Holiness remarked that as a simple human being himself, he is committed to serving humanity. As a Buddhist he is committed to promoting harmony amongst religions, which as a result of its longstanding traditions of ahimsa and karuna (non-violence and compassion), flourishes in India. The aim of all religious traditions is peace. Thirdly, as a Tibetan, His Holiness reported that he has done his best to educate Tibetans in exile. Although it’s been difficult for him to be very effective in Tibet, in exile he has done what he could to support and enrich Tibet’s cultural heritage.
“Buddhism in Tibet is a complete tradition,” he asserted, “including the Fundamental Vehicle, the Universal Vehicle and Tantra. Shantarakshita, a philosopher and logician, established Buddhism in the Land of Snows. Sakya Pandita followed his lead when he wrote the influential ‘Treasury of Logic and Epistemology’. It’s on the basis of this that we’ve had successful and mutually beneficial interaction with modern scientists. I’ve made some contribution to general well-being over the last 60 years, but the unflinching spirit of the people in Tibet has been my inspiration. It’s because of them that we’ve been able to keep our culture alive.
“The First Dalai Lama, Gyalwa Gendun Drup, who lived to be 84, had no wish to be born in a pure land. Since I have the opportunity to benefit beings, it will be good if I’m able to live longer. I make prayers to him for his blessing that I may live another 10-15 years.
“Once I had a dream that I was swimming, even though I can’t swim, and Palden Lhamo was riding on my back. She remarked, ‘There’s no doubt you’ll live till you’re 110 years old.’” Applause rippled through the temple. “Other people too have dreamt that I may live till I’m 113. As I told people in Ladakh, what would you prefer, that you keep asking me to come here and there, or that I live long?
“People and gods have made this Long-Life Offering. I’m sure it will have a positive effect and I hope I will live to 110.”
Several auspicious prayers were recited as former and serving cabinet ministers paid their respects to His Holiness, concluding with the ‘Words of Truth’.
original link & photos:
14 dalai lama,
eight auspicious emblems,
long life ceemony,
namgyal monastery,
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