Hope everyone had the chance to hear me last night on Dave Schrader's Darkness Radio . We had a full hour to talk about the book. If you missed it here is the March 2, 2011 show.
Will be doing some interviews in the next week. Here is a listing of three upcoming radio interviews, giving you a chance to hear about the book that has been called "shocking" to "the best paranormal book of 2011."
Join us Saturday, March 5, 2011 from 5 to 7 PM [Pacific Standard Time] for Claranormal Talk Radio's special Saturday show entitled: Close Up on Paranormal State.
Maine Ghost Hunters radio show. Our radio show is held on Sunday nights from 9:00 to 10:00 PM [EST] on Sunday, March 13, 2011.
Wednesday, March 9 on Ghost Chatter from 8 to 9 [EST]. Hosted by Jimmy Morris of Texas Paranormal Research Team. Link forthcoming.
Where Did Everybody Go?
Having faced demons and evil spirits over the past several years and my past battles with para-celebs and fake paranormal reality series, I'm used to going at it alone with only my faith to back me up. But what has happened since my book came out is surprising. All those internet radio show hosts who used to have the guts to stand up to the fakers have remained silent, not even bringing up the name of the book. The hosts of one such program were eager to have me on their show, but now refuse to say anything about it. Even the sites that claim to stand up for the truth remain silent and, gosh darn, they are even mentioned in the book!
Some say folks are just tired of all the drama and want to move on when it comes to gossip about who is sharing a bed and what a person is doing in his or her personal life. Clearly that kind of information should be off limits. But when it comes to conduct that has the potential to harm the public or make false claims or fake evidence or stage fake paranormal events -- that should always be up for public discussion. If we just brush it under the rug or turn our backs, we are just as guilty, if not more guilty, than those who take part in such actions.
Others say it's jealousy, wanting to tear successful people down. They claim we would do it if we had the same chance. Is the moral level of the average person in the paranormal field on the low side? We hope not, as we don't think that everyone would sell their soul for fame. Not everyone would want to cheat people, and not everyone would go on TV and participate in a scripted and fraudulent para-reality show.
When it comes to the Eye on the Paranormal we do not mind going it alone we will keep posting each week what the eye sees and just what we think about it … rest assured!
Frank's Box o' Fakery
Frank's Box is about as useful as a box of dirty socks. Well, at least you can wash those dirty socks and turn them into cleaning rags…
If you had a chance to read Paranormal Reality: Investigating Paranormal State, Chris Moon and his broken radio to the dead don't come across in a very good light. One reader took offense with how we expose the thing as worthless as the e-mailer thinks the radio is the best thing since sliced bread and peanut butter. Let's send a challenge to Chris Moon to prove that the radio is a useful tool. If Chris Moon does find any of the four listed below, it would prove that he really has something:
1 Find Jimmy Hoffa's body.
2 Find Natalie Holloway's Body.
3 Locate the Ark of the Covenant.
4 Locate missing boy Kyron Horman.
If he could locate even one, that would bolster claims that the device works. Until then, we assume the radio's broken and the dead aren't talking to him.
Return next week for more news and views.