Monday, February 11, 2013

Bad Bad Thing Award Goes to Jose Luis De Jesus Miranda – Self-Proclaimed Antichrist

By Kirby Robinson

Bad Bad Thing Award goes to:
Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda

Branding a child with 666 is not of GOD…

Anyone with eyes can see that for the most part the churches here in America and pretty much the  rest of the world  have sold out to the new age and the new world order. Many have embraced false doctrines of cult leaders and false teachers and have left behind the message of the Cross.

One prime example of this can found down in Miami, Florida with a cult leader named Jose Luis De Jesus Miranda. De Jesus calls himself the Antichrist and encourages members to have 666 tattooed on their bodies. The former heroin addict claims that in 1973 two angels came down from heaven to inform him that he was the reincarnation of Jesus Christ.

In this article he predicts the world will end on June 30, 2012.

Some informative videos:

The mainstream media hasn’t said much about the church due to fears of not being politically correct. They’re worried that if you go after one false teacher you might come after my false teacher.

The following video shows a mother holding down a very young child who appears to be in pain and crying out as he’s tattooed with the number 666.

This cult leader is a sick and twisted man who serves not GOD but Lucifer. Jose, you have done a BAD BAD thing.

Do you know of a para-celeb, psychic, ghost hunter, demon chaser or false teacher who’s eligible for the award? You can take part by sending us a name and why you think they should receive the BAD BAD THING award. Contact for more information.

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Joyous Tibetan Buddhist New Year (Losar) – February 11-25, 2013

Tibetan Prayer Flags

(CHAKRA) Losar, also known as Tibetan New Year is celebrated mainly by Tibetans for fifteen days. Losar commemorates miracles performed by Lord Buddha. Activities consists of rituals, dances, and sculptures are offered to drive out evil spirits and to protect and benefit all sentient beings. Celebrations end on Chotrul Duchen.

The main celebrations take place on the 1st 3 days. On the 1st day, a drink called changkol is made from chhang (similar to beer). The 2nd day of Losar is known as King’s Losar (gyalpo losar). Losar is traditionally preceded by the five day practice of Vajrakilaya. It often falls on the same day as the Chinese New Year (sometimes with one day or occasionally with one lunar month difference). Losar is culturally more related to Tsagaan Sar in Mongolia than the Chinese New Year festival. Although Losar is mainly celebrated by Tibetans worldwide, it is also celebrated by some Yolmo, Sherpa, Tamang, Bhutia communities.

Losar celebrations predates Buddhism in Tibet and can be traced back to the pre-Buddhist Bön period. However, Losar later evolved into an annual Buddhist festival which is believed to have originated during the reign of Pude Gungyal, the ninth King of Tibet.

The Chakra Team would like to wish all Buddhists and Tibetans a Joyous Losar and New Year in 2013.


NOTE: It is also Chinese New Year--the year of the Black Water Snake. May it be auspicious for everyone!