Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Special Edition ~ Reap's Open Letter to Chip Coffey

Chip Coffey on the Warpath Again But is His Posse Following?

By Kirby Robinson

Over the weekend, Mr. Coffey returned to his old ways of taking to the internet and asking his army of zombies and attack dogs to do his dirty work for him. It seems he has issues with one of my bloggers, Reap Paden, concerning websites that poke fun of Mr. Coffey. These satirical websites look into Chip's claims of abilities that have yet to be proven. Chip has asked his followers to send emails to Reap.

In all fairness, we have allowed Reap to post his response to Chip’s blog. Unlike Chip, we aren't asking our readers to respond to Chip.

Chris Fleming & Fireburndoctor

On May 31, 2012, a blog by Reap Paden was posted concerning claims of healing by a group of individuals that are doing things no one in the world is doing. Reap mentioned a gentleman by the name of Chris Fleming is featured on the fireburndoctor's website. This includes Mr. Fleming's case, a video explaining the events that led up to his burn, and the amazing results that followed after making a phone call to the fireburndoctors. Someone by the name of Chris Fleming even appeared on the Darkness Dave radio show to discuss this miraculous service. Reap claimed that it was our beloved Chris Fleming of the paranormal world--you know the one that helped exploit children on Psychic Kids. It has been pointed out that this is not the same Chris Fleming, so our enemies danced in the streets claiming we made a huge mistake.

Which was not true. It appears the representative of fireburndoctor gave the impression that the Chris Fleming of the paranormal was the same Chris Fleming featured on their site. Thus, the deception was on their part -- not ours. 

Reap's Open Letter to Chip Coffey

Hello Chip,
Word has been goin around you are upset about something. I don't really pay much (none actually) attention to people who act shitty, do stupid stuff,  treat others like crap and then start crying when someone evens things out a little. Kinda like you've been doing. You thought it was funny to make fun of Kirby's condition, it really shouldn't have been funny. To a person with any compassion it wouldn't have been funny and to a person with any class the thought of making fun like that would never be something they would actually do. I know there has been some bad blood but to go to that level? I've heard a lot of people bad mouthing you over the years Chip. Sometimes I've heard people make fun of your sexual orientation, or say you are a pedophile. I never laughed at those shots, in fact, hard as it may be to believe, I've put a stop to such talk many times because it just isn't right. I wonder where your line is sometimes Chip. How does it make you feel when others take those cheap shots? Does it make you feel good so you thought it would be cool to make another person feel good the same way?

I also know you have a habit of sending your cult-like followers to do your dirty work. Instead of dealing with things like a grown adult you would rather send some easily controlled weak-minded groupies to harass anyone who is bad-mouthing the almighty Chip Coffey. Sure you will probably claim you don't do such things but you must be aware of it happening at least. I've never heard you say "Now now people, don't be bullies. I'm an adult and I will deal with my problems on my own." For instance I have received several emails from people who are less (much less) than sane or intelligent on your behalf. It must be flattering to have the support of people who are not quite playing with a full deck, a few rides short of a carnival, a couple sandwiches short of.....well you get my point. Let me inform you of something. The little moron army that has worked to intimidate people on previous occasions is going down a different road this time. This road leads straight into my yard.  Anyone who emails to say a bunch of crazy shit about going to hell, having no soul, being jealous of you (that one cracks me up!!) or any other babbling will find themselves in the wrong yard. In case you still don't get it I'll make it even more clear--They don't stand a chance, every keystroke they peck out is a complete waste of energy and time.

Speaking of emails it would be polite to take a few minutes and thank everyone who has been sending supportive emails about the site. It's been good to know so many people are finding such satisfaction from Chip Coffey being made to look foolish. It seems you have done a lot of people wrong Chip and they are pissed at ya. Did you ever think maybe you were in the wrong on some occasions? No of course not, you are just a poor innocent victim right? Nope, that's not true, you aren't innocent and the only thing you are a victim of is your own inflated ego. Nobody should consider themselves above any and all criticism. You need to wake up and at least try to understand there is not a special set of rules for you. Nature didn't mutate you so that you have special abilities or the ability to tap into some power everyone else has but just haven't learned to use yet. The laws of nature apply to you too Chip. There is also no special rule that allows for you to behave in any manner you wish, or to treat others unfairly without anyone calling you on it just because you are named Chip Coffey. I know you are able to fool a lot of people with your little act, maybe you have even fooled yourself  but a delusion is a delusion try to snap out of it. Can't you provide a positive message for people without outright deceiving them or possibly doing them harm.

I know some people (including you) think I am just doing this because I hate you, or I'm jealous (ha ha man that's funny!) or I'm just a childish jerk who needs attention, none of those reasons are correct. The reason is because you are being and have been a dick yet you portray yourself as a good, wholesome person. You have in the past supported Chris Moon, Dana, Blabs and the other mooniacs while they slandered me claiming I had done things that were totally untrue. You acted as if you knew the things they were saying were factual. That is when you gained my attention. The things they said were all lies however so I said as much and went on with my life because I am an adult. Then I start to hear about you causing others to fear for their safety due to your little moron army intimidating your critics. My respect for you went down again. Then you start the Psychic Kids gig. No matter how many people spoke out questioning your actions you blew them all off as tho they had no valid concerns whatsoever. Over and over again I see you acting like you are so pure and positive while you act like an inconsiderate prick (to say the least) behind your facade. I'm tired of you now Chip, someone needs to give you a reality check. At this point I don't expect you can start acting like a normal human being but it's worth a try. I am not going to let you continue to abuse, disrespect, and harm others without saying or doing something about it. There are plenty of people who think the same way as I do Chip, its not as if I am acting alone. You deserve to be mocked for the things you do and have done.

Reap Paden


Beatrice Marot said...
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Karla said...

This blog entry and Beatrice Marot's comment are more examples of how this blog is being used to inflict harm on others. Is that really how you want to treat others, Kirby?

Anonymous said...

Bravo Reap and omg coward/Karla/blabs/whoever give it a rest, we see through your fake concern, let Beatrice have her say God knows she has been chips&company's victim for over 15 years which says tons about chip and you for supporting him.

From me to you /coward/karla/blabs/sandra/whoever 'Chip' is an A-C-T-O-R that spells actor, (not m-o-o-n)

Reap at least you have the guts to stand up. chip is the personification of coward who picks on women and has his maniacs fetch and get for him

Karla said...

I am not supporting Chip. I am saying that some of the things that are written here are mean and your reply to me is a perfect example.

Beatrice Marot said...
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Beatrice Marot said...
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Anonymous said...

Ok lets not turn this into the Beatrice show OK, if you steal the limelight NO ONE will remember that its CHIP we want in the spotlight!

Sidney said...

If you scroll down "Chip's Blog you will see him try to quell the public backlash he received over his alleged "Native American Medicine Woman" granny (it's very trendy and fashionable amongst the idiotic, New Age, Para-TV brain-dead to declare yourself to be of Native American ancestry these days)...he just tried to laugh off the skeptics but offered ZERO evidence to validate her existence.

I like the part where he insinuates that reinforcing the delusions of children (the way he CONTINUES to do so) to promote himself is morally and ethnically preferable to having your child evaluated and treated by a certified medical/clinical professional because if you do so, it will ALWAYS result in your child being "drugged and institutionalized" ...

What a piece of garbage and an obviously vindictive, nasty little man. I am delighted that his career is ending and his popularity is diminishing rapidly.

Yes I saw him send his fat old hags and dippy twits to attack that Hispanic woman that took umbrage and questioned his imbecilic "Sinko-De Mayo" joke (just hilarious stuff there Chip you witty devil) and yes I saw him mock a blind man on the crappy web cast with that drunk blithering idiot Blabs.

I don't necessarily agree with Reap on more than one issues but you would have to be a scumbag yourself to not back him on this.


Sidney said...

Yes Bea, we all know the story but please don't derail this blog and make yourself look silly (like you did at Skeptic-Blog recently)

You will only divert attention from the long overdue dissection that dirtball Chip and his insipid sycophants have coming, it's LONG overdue and every moment this turd goes unchecked countless children are psychologically abused because of HIM!

The end is near.

X said...

Just doing a X drive-by, I think your going to love this, Jen Arnold has a personal demonologist? WTF!

Come see me and read the best paranormal blogs in the business! (yea I said "business")

Beatrice Marot said...

Excuse me Sidney, but I did not make myself look silly on the skeptic blog . . . I am assuming you are speaking of Mark Edward's blog advocating adults to act like idiots and go to Chip Coffey's events and harass his fans and hassle and boycott his sponsors . . . is that the blog you are talking about? The one where I tried in vain to answer questions politely to the best of my ability and was met with the usual tired old skeptic shtick, stupidity and narrow mindedness . . .

John Lennon and I had a good laugh on that one. . .

"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." Albert Einstein

Beatrice Marot said...

I deleted my comments . . . I have no desire to get into it with skeptics that is for sure.

Thank you Kirby and David . . .

Beatrice Marot said...

And Sidney,

What was John Lennon's message on that blog lol . . . use COMEDY to take this guy down.

And it looks like a certain highly intelligent and hysterically funny Grim Reaper got the message loud and clear!!!

I call that the Woo Hoo in Woo . . .

David, you are da man. Da funnyman!

Mark Chapman said...

I hate the frigging beetles

Mark Chapman said...

btw, Who's "David"?

Beatrice Marot said...

Not very cool at all to use the moniker of man who murdered John Lennon.


Sword of 1000 Truths said...

Oh yes, he seems very sincere when it comes to "urging" parent to seek out "appropriate professionals"...
perhaps he means...

From Chip's Blog:

June 3, 2012
"Another FYI, regarding Mr. Paden’s response to me: I ALWAYS urge parents whose children claim to be experiencing paranormal or psychic occurrences to have their children thoroughly evaluated by appropriate professionals"

But less the 2 months earlier:

April 16, 2012

"I did not write my book to be a "scientific tome." I have always asserted that the paranormal is a largely misunderstood and uncharted territory. But I AM adamant about the fact that many children (and adults) who profess to having paranormal experiences are NOT psychologically unstable or simply seeking attention.

How do we explain their VALIDATED experiences? As yet, we do not...and THAT is the purpose of my book. To stir questions and interest and exploration into the subject of psychic and paranormal phenomena. And to further the cause of stopping naysayers who mistreat, misdiagnose and/or viciously malign those who have those experiences."

Of course Chip's version of "appropriate professionals" are quacks like Lisa Miller and Edy Nathan.

Beatrice Marot said...

When I read this article, I thought I was reading Chip Coffey's resume . . . this is Chip Coffey to a perfect T.

Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.

Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time.

Sociopaths seek to dominate others and “win” at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.

Sociopaths are incapable of love and are entirely self-serving. They may feign love or compassion in order to get what they want, but they don’t actually FEEL love in the way that you or I do.

Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.

Beatrice Marot said...

To this day Chip Coffey has never apologized for registering my names and demanding $3000 for them. And he kept the domains for an entire year.

And he said to me once "Well, you got them for free."

I could not create a website for a year because of Chip Coffey and his other lie of why he purchased my name . . . was that I had been harassing him for "weeks" and he got pissed.

The truth is, I became number one on Keen and the very next day, Chip calls me all chipper and happy and said, "Guess what I just did? I just purchased your name Beatrice and Beatrice and I want $3000 for 'em.


Reap Paden said...

Just thought I'd stop in and say thanks to the people who are actually taking a look at chip and coming to an honest opinion about him. Sidney you have my respect.I don't expect anyone to be on my side, just because. When that is the case then it is meaningless. So thanks for that, I wish more people could think like an adult.
I got some hate mail over the site but not much (hmmmm??) and I answered every one. I also did a podcast where I ex[plain some of the problems I have with chip. You can find it at its about 10 min in for those of you who want to cut to the chase. There is also an article being written about chip. Once the writer heard the story he realized it was a project that needed more time than he had thought. It should prove very interesting. Now, a message for those who disagree with the site First I would suggest you not go to it if it disturbs you so much, no one is forcing you. Second- chip deserves every bit and more. If you know anything at all about him, if you can read then it is painfully easy to find example after example of him being a jerk to people for no other reason than they disagree with him. Most of the time the concerns are valid. Chip goes out of his way to squash the free speech of anyone who doesn't support him. He, on the other hand, is allowed to do whatever he wants to others. Screw that. I'm not goin anywhere, as long as chip is being a jerk-off I'll be around to point it out. No one is above all criticism. Last thing is I'm not going to debate on the threads here, I'm too busy. If you have something to say to or about me then have the balls to send an email. If its a question I will answer. If you are talking shit then I can go that route too. Its your call. Peace

Anonymous said...

Beatrice Marot said...
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Beatrice Marot said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Beatrice Marot said...

This is the kind of person that gets a phone call from Chip Coffey to bully people namely me . . . and here is the proof . . .

This is a link to one the the 12 completely ridiculous pages twisted truth and misinformation and just outright lies and made up b.s. that Kimberly created. This link has a photo of Chip Coffey

Beatrice Marot said...

And you should know since you stalk me all the time . . .

Beatrice Marot said...

Kirby, I'm sorry . . . I posted on the wrong thread which is why I deleted my posts. I thought it was the bully posse thread . . . sorry about that.

Anonymous said...

Kirby, is it OK for people to bash Chip Coffey and others you hate, but you delete comments posted about those who are doing the bashing?

Karla said...

Aligning yourself with people like Reap Paden and Beatrice Marot isn't a smart move, Kirby.

eyeontheparanormal said...

Kirby, is it OK for people to bash Chip Coffey and others you hate, but you delete comments posted about those who are doing the bashing?

Keep your eye on the Eye on the Paranormal because we have a lot of exposing to do!

Please engage in a discussion of the facts instead of personal attacks. Also, please refrain from swearing as this is a G-rated blog.

Use your own name/company name if making a comment.

eyeontheparanormal said...

Karla said...

Aligning yourself with people like Reap Paden and Beatrice Marot isn't a smart move, Kirby.

ODD how these 2 comments came in back to back

Karla if you would like to respond to Bea or Reap send me a blog and will post it

Beatrice Marot said...

"People like Bea and Reap" What is that supposed to mean?

Reap is a comedian and a damn good one . . . and he is poking fun at a complete and total fraud and he does a great job.

Laughter is the best medicine and could cure cancer . . . and hopefully it will cure the cancer that is Chip Coffey who is a lying double crossing, backstabbing dirtbag.

I know from personal experience. Libel is a spreading of lies and I don't spread lies. I have never spoken anything but the truth.
Chip Coffey lies without blinking and eye like all sociopaths do.

And free speech means just that.

Karla said...

Kirby, you have allowed evil to enter your heart and soul. I will pray hard for you, asking God to heal you from the destructive things you are doing.

eyeontheparanormal said...

Kirby, you have allowed evil to enter your heart and soul. I will pray hard for you, asking God to heal you from the destructive things you are doing.

Soto use your logic we should not point out deceptions and lies when we find them

why because a para celeb can do anything they like to anyone they like

Beatrice Marot said...


The most evil person I have ever dealt with is Chip Coffey. Why don't you pray for that lying piece of human garbage who exploits children for profit.

There is nothing worse in my book then parading sensitive children on television when you have ZERO qualifications to help them.

Chip Coffey is a legend in his own mind. His entire entourage is just soaking money from a gullible public.

Go see a show on Broadway, a great band, buy something nice for yourself but do not spend a dime seeing a fake psychic do his fake shtick . . .

Chip Coffey is a fraud . . . pray for him to find real faith and tell the truth.

Karla said...

I will pray for you, too, Beatrice. I will ask God to heal you from the anger and bitterness and hatred that you have inside of you.

Beatrice Marot said...

Just pray for yourself that you get eyes to see the truth Karla

eyeontheparanormal said...

Karla are you not judging us for judging others thus you to are judging others as well

Karla said...

Please do not twist God's truth to serve your own purposes, Kirby. That's blasphemy. WWJD

Beatrice Marot said...

Karla, what Chip does is going to send him to hell for eternity . . .

So you better pray for him . . .

Personally, I believe we all go to the light and I believe in reincarnation.

I am assuming that you believe in heaven and hell and if you do and hopefully you won't see him there but I guarantee you Chip Coffey will be doing the Cha Cha Cha with his buddy Lucifer . . .

Beatrice Marot said...

I had fun doing your show Reap. Thanks for being such a cool skeptic. Please let me know when you have a link for our segment . . . I would like to post it on twitter. Thanks again for a really fun 20 minutes of letting me air my dirty laundry and psychic panties . . . that Chip Coffey would love to wear on his head so he could actually get some accurate psychic hits.