Thursday, December 22, 2011

Even More Danger Lies Within

By Reap Paden

Before we continue please allow me to clear a couple things up. When you post a comment, use your name. When you come onto another person's blog to criticize or praise, use your name. If the words you are putting together have any meaning or value, own them. You can come by and tell the world I am a jerk if you wish but keep in mind- That isn't new news, it's old news. People have either accepted it and moved on or disagreed and stuck around but so far no one has managed to shut me up. You will not quiet me either. This concept should be easy to grasp even for those with stunted intellect who have been posting like maniacal marauding morons to my previous posts. And an FYI to those who question my experience with the paranormal. Read my bio and allow me to add. I have talked to and dealt with many people who are considered 'experts' and 'celebrities' in the paranormal. I know the percentage of bullshit claims by those people, sometimes by them telling me as much themselves. Take that into consideration before you discount my opinion.

In the previous blog I gave you the rundown on what I had found on the Dangers of the Paranormal so far. I had a list of 'dangers' that was so long it could make anybody a paranoid schizophrenic. If someone were to worry about all those things possibly causing them harm at the same time they wouldn't be able to get anything done. For this reason (among others) the list is pretty useless.

Now I'd like to talk about something else I found on this website:

A video interview with a 17-year-old girl named Dawn. Dawn tells a story about an investigation she went on when she was 16 or 17. It was at Waverly Hills. She talks about the Constantinos holding a meeting playing EVPs. As the girl listened she says she heard someone ask "Can you touch one of us?" Then she says she felt something touch her inappropriately. The interviewer asks her if it felt like a male, she replies "yes". Then he asks if it felt like it was inside or outside of her. The girl replies "it felt like it was inside of me."

Watching this crap leaves me with a sick feeling. I don't know who the hell would think this girl's story is just a case of 'the usual' when you go investigating the paranormal. Either this girl is making up the story or she really got touched by someone. In either case she needs some help from a responsible adult, not to be interviewed as a case study showing ghosts like to touch underage girls. If it was my daughter telling this story there would be some heads still rolling around as a result of my anger. (For the record- My daughter would not be out on an investigation, she is too busy with the real world for such things).

Again, just as I've said when talking about Chip Coffey's irresponsible meddling into children's lives, the people doing this interview are enamored with ghost hunting. They will do anything to find stories validating their insane claims of ghosts floating around us, waiting for a ghost hunter recording EVPs so they can contact the living. Usually this is done by the spirit saying something totally random such as "salami sandwich". I've never understood why people can not learn about paradolia and then use that knowledge when dealing with things like EVPs. The fact is our brains will try to make sense out of randomness. This is a well researched and documented fact. That alone should be enough to call any and all EVPs into question. Yes you may have heard something but was that really a ghost talking to you?

This young girl could have very well been a victim of some sort of abuse while she was visiting Waverly. We probably will never know because at the time a bunch of morons were too busy yelling "ghost! ghost!" to think about the more likely causes for this girl's feeling of being touched inappropriately. I don't know, maybe it's just me but I'm not comfortable with a certain percentage of molestation cases being chalked up to "Casper did it" are you?

It is appearing to me that the most dangerous thing about the paranormal is the people in the paranormal. I've wrote about this subject before and I kinda expected some outrage and outcry from the paranormal community. I expected at least some of the 'celebrities' who are featured on this site to voice protest and demand they be removed from the content of this website. You know what? Almost nothing happened. Chip Coffey demanded one of his videos be removed but it was because in the video Chip tells a story that makes Chris Fleming's look like testimony from a nun. He claims a water poltergeist follows him home and puts a hole in his water heater. When Chip calls a plumber he finds out that the poltergeist is the spirit of a African American man who was hung back in the days of slavery. The man's spirit is angry. Chip finds this out through his plumber who also happens to be an African American. It is then that Chip can put the spirit at ease. Who knows what would have happened if the plumber would have been white.It's hard to tell what trait comes through stronger Chip's racism, disrespect, or his stupidity. Maybe it's a tie, I'm not sure.

Before I move on I'd like to ask EVP Experts, Mark and Debbie Constantino, John Zaffis, Chris Fleming, Andrew Calder, or any of the others who are featured on I'll ask the reader too. (I won't bother asking Chip, he has already made it clear his stance is "I don't care").

If your 17-year-old daughter came home from an investigation and told you she was touched inappropriately would your reaction be to have her do an interview so she could talk about the ghost that felt her up? If you ran a website would you think such a video would be helpful to other young people? Don't worry kids, when you are ghost hunting and something touches you in an inappropriate's just a ghost. Don't worry about it.

This site isn't new but it's new to each and every person, young and old who comes across it for the first time. Just because material has been posted for a length of time doesn't mean it isn't wrong. I'd like to see some responsible actions on the part of those involved in the paranormal. I wonder if that is just too much to expect.


We would like to ask that people posting comments please limit the use of swear words in their comments. This blog is intended for all ages and we wish to keep it that way. Also, try to stay on topic. What does it really matter who is who and who has done what if it has nothing to do with people being deceptive about psychic/paranormal powers, events, etc.

Often the people we seek to expose as being fakes get their followers to come after those who dare to criticize them -- so why should we be doing the same?

And while I'm at it, let me say thank you to all our special contributors. You are doing a great job -- keep it up! As we go into 2012 we'll be adding even more special contributors and that will attract more readers. Then we can move from Blogger to our own site.

To our new and old readers -- keep your eye out as 2012 will bring new books, radio appearances and even TV appearances for me as well as those who contribute their writing to this site. This will raise the awareness of this site, both in and out of the paranormal community, and those special contributors who grace it with their words of wisdom and insight.

Finally, please keep in mind the reason for the season. Take some time to reflect on the gifts the birth of Christ gave us. Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

P.S. Comments will not be approved that contain swear words even if they have asterisks and/or dashes. Off topic comments such as: personal attacks that have nothing to do with the activity within the paranormal community--will not be tolerated.


Anonymous said...

"Before we continue please allow me to clear a couple things up. When you post a comment, use your name."

So now you are writing special TOS for your blogs on Kirby's site?

Curious, is "Reap" you real name?

*For the record; I changed my user identity to "Anonymous" just for this reply, I wonder what the penalty for this transgression shall be?

Sid Vicious said...

On Topic:

These para-scumbags have no qualms about exploiting children to further their agenda and before you decide to beatify and canonize Chris Fleming in contrast to Chip Coffey, watch a few episodes Of “Psychic Kids” where he played the role of “psychic mentor” and see if you still feel the same way.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Kirby Robinson. The posts by Danny "Reap" Paden and the comments attached to them have turned this site into a profanity-laced battleground and a bigger joke than it was previously.

Reap Paden said...

The only repercussion of posting as anonymous is, as I said, you don't stand behind your own words. In other words, I don't give a shit. If you want to give that impression it's fine with me. You see despite the claims from people who have never met me and don't know shit about me, I am outspoken here and when I get up and walk away from my computer. I'm not shy and I have never backed down when the time comes to step up.Go check out my youtube some time that should put any doubts to rest.
@sid I detest all of them equally they all come out with the same level of respect from me in the end. None.

MeredithHawkins said...

I'm a long time lurker, first time poster. I loved your last article Mr. Paden. Thank you writing a follow up one. It is such a shame that you have to put up with mental midgets who keep posting on your blogs just to keep things stirred up. But, I shall remain on topic unlike those who just can't seem to. I take issue with all of these phonies who like to take advantage of others. Whether it is Chip Coffey, Chris Flemming, Constantine, John Zaffis, or those idiots from Ghosthunters. They are all damaging the paranormal in their own way. They have left their marks on the paranormal and not in a good way. Anyone who pretends to have psychic powers when they do not and they exploit children in the process is a scum bag, plain and simple. Chip and Chris have both done this on numerous occasions. John Zaffis takes items from people and stores them in his little barn of horrors under the guise of protecting the owners of these items from being terrorized by ghosts, curses and so on and so forth. It's all a bunch of crap if you ask me. These people should be ashamed of themselves.

JohnCunningham said...

Just found this site. Hey Reap, Im with ya man. Damn shame when people are taken advantage of by others but its the nature of the beast. The weaker minded will always be preyed upon. Keep up the good work, love what youre puttin down. Ignore the other stuff thats been goin on since its meant to take away from what ya been writing.

GreggGerber said...

Neat site, Mr. Robinson! I have been reading the blog entries for a long time now but have not had the time to post until now. It seems that only a few have been ruining your site. From what I can see, it is Sid Vicious along with the person who hides behind their Anonymous moniker. I think that if you want to clean your site up, start with those two. I find it funny that Anonymous is whining about this turning into a profanity laced battleground when Anonymous is the main one participating in all of the sniping. Pot meet kettle!

Anonymous said...

@GreggGerber - Do not be so quick to ass-ume that every anonymous post is written by the same individual because I assure you that isn't correct.

Anonymous said...

Hey Reap, I’ve noticed that people are much more interested in my hijinks than discussing the issues outlined in your blogs.


“Pot, meet Kettle”?

Back from the Cliché chasm with all new identity I see Enigma.

Anonymous said...

*off topic

Sid and Anonymous are one and the same. He likes to post under his Roid rage name of Sid, and then sign off and post under anonymous. For someone who claims to be above, or have no time for the likes of Reap, has decided to now stalk his blogs. So, yes he is the mental midget.

*On topic

Not only should the psychics be held accountable for exploiting children, but the parents as well. It is up to the parent to protect their child, and lead them away from harms way, primarily when the child is clearly showing signs of emotions distress. Like shown in Psychic Kids.I wonder what liability the networks who create these shows have in this as well.

Enigma said...

E.S.A.D, Aanica. Seriously. So I am the ONY one in the entire universe who has ever said the phrase: That's like the pot calling the kettle black"? Really? You are so entirely ignorant if you think so. And yes, YOU are behind all of the Anoymous posts. You raving psycho. I told you that I have your information and I will post it on every site that you have ever been banned from, as well as those sites that are currently harassing people on if you keep throwing my name out there every time some catch phrase gets embedded in your deluded mind that you think has come from me. I realize that you're obsessed with me and cannot help trying to bully & harass those you are jealous of but good God move on already and go get some help. Stay on those meds, Mary.

Enigma said...

@ Beth

Make no mistake about it, Sid Vicious and Anonymous are one in the same. Same nonsensical drivel and the same tired, played out use of the thesaurus in their lame attempt to sound educated when we all know differently. It's Aanica/Merita. As you can see, she has a plethora of issues! A small fish in a big pond, floundering around trying to belong yet alas, trolls do not belong on any web site. She will keep posting because she simply cannot help herself. She has to try to get in the last word and has this insane need to try to "one up" everybody with her non-existent intelligence. LOL! It's pathetic, but what can you do? She has no life and lives to harass and bully people on the internet.

Sid Vicious said...

For the record: I didn't write this albeit the fact that it may seem congruent with some of my previously expressed opinions.

Anonymous said...
"Congratulations, Kirby Robinson. The posts by Danny "Reap" Paden and the comments attached to them have turned this site into a profanity-laced battleground and a bigger joke than it was previously."

Personally I'd prefer to confine the baby banter to the other thread as this IS an important topic regardless who wrote it. So if anyone wants to pretend to be some unbiased bystander just appalled with my behavior, take it to the other thread (over 85 comments and counting).


GreggGerber said...

Off topic, but had to clear this up. I am not this Enigma person. My wife Tina has been using the phrase: "Pot meet kettle" for like the last decade. She was using it even while we were dating. She got the phrase from her grandmother who used it all the time when she saw some type of double standard going on. So its not an uncommon phrase and one that has been in my wifes family for quite some time.

Enigma said...

@ Gregg Gerber

Thank you!!!!! While I have used this phrase in the past, I knew that I could not possibly be the ONLY one in the world who had used it. :) I am tired of being falsely accused of things by a raving lunatic who thinks she knows everyting.

Anonymous said...

@Beth Hedrick Are you Rape's...I mean REAP'S wife/girlfriend/bitch?

Anonymous said...

"Nonsensical drivel", "pot meet kettle", Yes the undisputed Cliche Queen is back.

Speaking of psycho stalkers posting under multiple identities, Thus far we have adequately established beyond a shadow of a doubt that Enigma IS in fact "Sandra" on this site and likely has posted under 2-3 other identities in another blogs here at EOP that was also infested with her lunacy (textbook cyber bully behavior), what a schizo-whackball, talk about a coward!

So read this below and try to dispute that Enigma isn't "Sandra" and several other identities.


August 25, 2011 at 12:32 pm
Oh, brother….What nonsensical drivel.

March 2, 2009 at 12:44 am
... which is pretty much his normal method of operation. He likes to play the ‘victim’ and puts on this ‘pity poor me’ act, which is not only nauseating, but entirely fake. ..

Enigma said:
October 1, 2009 at 8:34 am
"To write Britt’s actions off as just something funny that he did is (in my opinion) indicative of why we live in such a screwed up world where this type of asinine behavior is encouraged..."

Sandra said...
So full of envy and hate...Poor little Aanica. Save the "net" for yourself. I don't think I have ever encountered someone as loony or obnoxious on the internet as you. But then, this type of petty, asinine behavior has been your method of operation for several years now, and on many other web sites. You have been banned and run off from so many sites now that it mus be hard for you to keep track. Hopefully, Mr. Robinson will end your tyrranical bullying and non-stop attacks on various posters his web site. You can keep on denying that you need mental health assistance, but anyone who reads your nonsensical drivel can discern for themselves that you are crazier than an outhouse rat. You must be a real peach to be around in real life! I sincerely hope that you do not have children, as I pray that you have not passed on your insanity to them. Now go up your dose.

Enigma says:
September 14, 2009 at 1:36 pm
"Cuckoo-cuckoo…cuckoo-cuckoo….cuckoo-cuckoo…Time to “up” your dosage me thinks! ....

TomTom said...

"...Poor thing. Do you feel better yet? Try upping your dose."

December 13, 2011 5:23 AM
Anonymous said...

*Here she uses "subterfuge" twice in this one post were Enigima, the undisputed matriarch of pretentious para-drama, pretends to care about "TAPSCON" with more of her usual ridiculously laughable, exaggerated phony righteous indignation which has come to be known as her modus operandi. Wow, what a crusader for the collective greater-good of the para community this dingbat has comported herself to be! LOL

March 30, 2009 at 9:24 am
"Many people (myself included) have been waiting for other credible individuals (who are tired of seeing unscrupulous people keep clouding the real issues with useless subterfuge) come forward and share their stories.........."

"Many of those who are supporting Brent and Nancy are hoping that people will lose sight of the real reasons why people are speaking up and speaking out about TAPSCON—especially if they inject enough drama into the situation. However, there is no amount of subterfuge that will ever lessen or in any way take away from the facts that you have outlined..............."


Sandra said...
."..She is an expert at trying to create subterfuge and she likes to try to take the focus off of her insanity, but her past history alone speaks volumes as to her obvious mental illness!..."
December 13, 2011 5:28 AM


Enigma said...

@ Reap:

So sorry to have your blogs continually hijacked by Sid and Anonymous. Let's be frank: We all know that its Aanica. She is up to her usual tricks. She can try to keep denying it but whatever. Now all of a sudden Sid wants to be a positive contributor to your blog? Yeah, sure. After all of the personal attacks and derogatory talk about Reap, we are supposed to believe that you want to be civil now. What a joke....Fortunately, none of us are that daft.

Enigma said...

Like I said to you before, Aanica. You are not even original enough to use your own insults! I called you a cliche yesterday and now you are trying to use it!!! LOL! Talk about pathetic! LOL! Keep copying & pasting all you like, it proves absolutely nothing. Just your delusions. Per usual. Better run for that hot bath and some of your meds honey, as clearly, you need both!

Anonymous said...


Why do you ask? You want to be Reaps bitch?

Enigma said...

@ Beth

Aanonymous Aanica already has the "bitch" part down quite well...So, it probably wouldn't be that much of a stretch for her to become Reap's bitch, but I think that Reap has MUCH better taste in his women than to lower his standards for THAT psychotic skank! LOL!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

So Enigma, are you going to deny that you were posting under the name "Sandra" and other identities in another blog here at EOP?
Anyone with a triple digit IQ will surely see the posted evidence as substantiation of this as incontrovertible so why pretend it isn't there? By refusal to acknowledge or address it, you are only exacerbating the problem.

BTW I said “exacerbating” before you get all worked up and jump in the tub. LOL.

Enigma said...

Oh Aanica/Merita/Anonymous/Sid Vicious/Cassiel/And so many other idiotic names:

You do NOT know me personally so keep right on spouting your erroneous garbage. For the reord, I have never worn artificial Birkenstocks, nor do I make it a habit of listening to listen to Sarah Mclaughlin. also, I have never heard of! And as far as my parents go, I have a fantastic relationship with both of them. As a matter of fact, my Dad lives with me, my wife and my child. So, as usual, you are WAY OFF THE MARK and quite CLUELESS.

More to the point, you have NO IDEA what you are even talking about!!! I love how you keep spouting useless garbage that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever!!!! Now go take your meds and run that hot bath for yourself psycho. And while you're at it, why don't you spend some time with your kid. The time you waste bullying and harassing people on-line surely detracts from the time and attention that you should be giving to them. I truly feel sorry for your kid. Doesn't even have a chance...Poor thing. Especially with a raving psycho for a mother.

And yes, please do go to Scifake everyone and see for yourselves that I have NOT bullied or harassed a single person on that entire site EVER. Not once. Contact Ron tebo (who owns the site) and ask him if I have ever conducted myself in such a manner and he will tell you: NO. Unlike you, Aanica, who has a very long history of doing so. You have been banned from countless sites for your antics. I have NEVER been banned in my life.

So much for your cold, hard facts and compelling evidence! LOL! You have presented nothing of the sort. And as far as your use of the word cliche, I told you yesterday what a cliche YOU are, because you are one! What's the matter Mary? Not intelligent enough to come up with your own insults and have to keep using MY material? Ha ha ha...Talk about LAME. You are such a sad sack of human dung.

Oh, and before I forget, I have told you before, my real name is no secret and it is no big deal to me that you have revealed it. Say it all you like. unlike YOU, I have nothing to hide. I have done nothing wrong. I am not a coward like you are. Remember that it was YOU (and your little boyfriend) who ran like scared, little bitches when Chip Coffey threatened to sue Scifake. So you erased all of your posts and deleted your accounts and totally disappeared.

And lets not forget about how the two of you made up a bunch of usernames and posted back & forth to one another in an effort to make it look like SciFake had more traffic than they actually did. Good grief, talk about loony! All you know how to do is lie, attack, snipe, harass and bully people all across the internet. It's your speciality. Your only specialty really.

Well, that and making a HUGE ass of yourself. You are the one who is losing badly and that is why you can't seem to leave well enough alone. Myself, along with Reap, Beth, and NickE have been spanking your ass daily. Your just too easy!

Enigma said...

Nope, not Sandra. Sorry. Keep guessing! You have proven nothing other than you know how to copy & paste useless posts from other conversations where you think you have uncovered something useful. Congratulations on your non-victory! I would tell you not to quit your day job, but alas, you don't actually have one!!!! Stop living off of the rest of us, will ya? You don't have to be a welfare recipient piece of white trash all of your life, Aanica. You can rise above, sweetie!!! Well, maybe not...

Enigma said...

Poor, jealous little Aaanica...Has ZERO talent and is hateful of anyone who does. It is like I have told you before, I am not the only person in the world who uses certain words and terms you idiot! If you think that is "proof" or "evidence" then you have got another thing coming! But it makes for a good laugh if nothing else. All this wasted time & energy copying and pasting like a moron out to prove nothing...LOL! Obsessed much?

Reap Paden said...

Wow 26 comments in the time it takes me to drive home? I'd like to thank the sane people who enjoyed the post. I do have a blog of my own that deals with various topics if you would like to read more but I can't promise you will agree with everything I post there. Just search Reap's Truth. I'm listed on several blog sites because obviously not everyone shares sid's opinion of me or my writing. I didn't make this point before now because it was fun to watch sid act like he was making my day by posting on this blog. I have a couple of podcasts too sid and I am at this very moment inviting you and your fancy mouth to step up and have this little spat out on live radio. I want to hear you spout that big bad vocab spontaneously. I'm calling you out, you in? This is no time to be a chicken shit, my podcasts are not pathetic shows with 30, 50 or even 100 listeners. I've been featured on the James Randi Educational website. A lot of people listen. This is your big chance to make me look like a stupid meth smokin caveman in a public forum. Is this Tuesday good for you?

Anonymous said...

Reap don't be silly! You know they will come back with some "I don't have time to waste, or I have nothing to prove, or my gerbil is lodged in my ass" type of excuse, as to way they wont. Only thing they are "so called tough" with is themselves and their keyboard.

Anonymous said...

Quick sid, I had a typo.

eyeontheparanormal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
eyeontheparanormal said...


We would like to ask that people posting comments please limit the use of swear words in their comments. This blog is intended for all ages and we wish to keep it that way. Also, try to stay on topic. What does it really matter who is who and who has done what if it has nothing to do with people being deceptive about psychic/paranormal powers, events, etc.

Often the people we seek to expose as being fakes get their followers to come after those who dare to criticize them -- so why should we be doing the same?

And while I'm at it, let me say thank you to all our special contributors. You are doing a great job -- keep it up! As we go into 2012 we'll be adding even more special contributors and that will attract more readers. Then we can move from Blogger to our own site.

To our new and old readers -- keep your eye out as 2012 will bring new books, radio appearances and even TV appearances for me as well as those who contribute their writing to this site. This will raise the awareness of this site, both in and out of the paranormal community, and those special contributors who grace it with their words of wisdom and insight.

Finally, please keep in mind the reason for the season. Take some time to reflect on the gifts the birth of Christ gave us. Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Oh please Enigma/Sandra/Stephanie, get a grip LOL

I didn’t encourage anyone to go to Scifake now because we all know how inactive it is since you are there. I suggested they Google “Enigma Scifake” or “Enigma paranormal” for definative proof of your long history of cyber bullying, stalking, harassment etc.

Oh sure, everyone that has a much focused personal vendetta against one particular individual uses terms like: “Mea culpa”, “nonsensical drivel”, “up your meds/dosage”, “light candles, drink wine and diddle yourself in the bathtub”, “method of operation”, “asinine behavior”, nutty", "nut-job", "whack-job" and the list goes on. (She’s extremely repetitive)

Curious, why did you pretend to be someone named “Sandra” here at EOP right after you posted a picture with the caption “Sandra Lynn Sparks” with your recent Scifake blog? Would you mind explaining that please?

Thanks :)

Reap Paden said...

And would you mind explaining why you felt the need to have this out here?? Don't you have an email address or somethin? USE IT

Sid Vicious said...

Gee Reap mentioned me 3 times in his last comment! By this I am convinced that my opinion obviously doesn't concern him in the least LOL.

I did at least try to rein in the discussion to the topic at hand, did I not?

Haha, you were adminished for foul language by Kirby! Haha!

*I just scan past Beth's forehead to the next post at this point (sorry)

Sid Vicious said...

I had a typo too it would appear:

adminished = admonished

I called it so it doesn't count, haha!

I'm having so much fun!

Anonymous said...

Is this what you are talking about Reap?

"Curious,(Enigma)why did you pretend to be someone named “Sandra” here at EOP right after you posted a picture with the caption “Sandra Lynn Sparks” with your recent Scifake blog? Would you mind explaining that please?"

Is this what you are talking about Reap?

Sid Vicious said...

I may have to issue a retraction; Cha-Ka looks more like Beth than Reap.

Bwahahahahaha, I'm priceless.

Enigma said...


You are absolutely right. And in the spirit of the season, I will respect your site and honor your wishes. I have made my points and have said all that I need to say here. I have absolutely nothing to prove to anyone (especially to those who take such joy in attacking others every site they go to). I apologize for my involvement in letting those with obvious mental health issues pimp me into bantering back & forth with them. It won't happen again, my friend.

Merry Christmas to you and yours...

Reap Paden said...

@sid I'm going to assume that by ignoring my invite you are telling us that you aren't quite the man you claim to be. Hmmmm I wonder why such a big strong fella would be afraid of little ol' me? Actually I know exactly why. For the same reason you use neanderthal jokes over and over. For the same reason you only address 1/4 of what I say about you, and for the same reason you have lost some of the vigor in your posts. You can't keep up.
Let me tell you a story.....Once upon a time there was some whacked out slut who figured it would be smart to come onto my blog posting and start some stupid internet retard drama as stupid whores so often do. When she got her ass handed to her she called her bf in...lets say Chicago. She told him to grab his thesaurus and come a runnin so he did because he knew she was a whore and that was exactly his kind of woman. The problem was they didn't count on the author of the blog being me. I don't allow morons to go running around unchecked. I also do not hesitate to take things to whatever level is necessary in order to stop people from being idiots and picking on others just because they can. Now the tramp lets call her .....Aanica and the tramp's bf we will call him god of war for now thought it was all fun and games and it was at first. Then they posted someones real name on the thread and that isn't nice. Meanwhile Reap knows Ron Tebo and he knows that there is a rumor that Ron knows aanica. Ron even talks to her on the phone in fact Ron knows her real name. And you two don't know me so let me tell you a thing or two. When I find out who you are you are I'm gonna fuck with you, a lot. One time I flew all the way to Kentucky just to meet a guy with a big mouth like yours sid.
The moral of this story is you can shut the hell up and get out of my face or this can go up a notch. I'm not bluffing thee is a reason for my nickname. I am a huge dick when I'm pissed off and you are getting close to that. I don't care what you say about me but you are not going to publicly harass others who haven't done anything accept point out you are crazy.

Anonymous said...

While we are making faux apologies:
I'm sorry I posted irrefutable evidence linking that psycho-skank Enigma/Stephanie Hatton to multiple aliases here and others sites, I’m sorry I suggested that if anyone needs an example of a compulsive cyber bully just Google: “Enigma paranormal” or “Enigma Scifake”
(I’ll be doing some more of that myself later)

I’m also sorry for posing another question to which she refuses to answer that sent her spiraling into yet another psychotic break:

"Curious Enigma, why did you pretend to be someone named “Sandra” here at EOP right after you posted a picture with the caption “Sandra Lynn Sparks” with your recent Scifake blog? Would you mind explaining that please?"

I’m sorry, really I am.

Anonymous said...

Call it a tip, a freebie, or plain ole advice. You might want to look into who it is you are playing your games with. Go ahead, take your time, ask, email, call whoever and ask about Reap Sow. You may back your mouths up an out of this one.

Sid Vicious said...

What invite Reap? I only skim your meth addled babble TBH.

Please don't start with the keyboard chest pounding again, you are a laughably scrawny worm whereas I have been a hardcore weight trainer for many years, so seriously; drop the internet tough-guy routine it is the epitome of pathetic. Do feel free to re-post the "invite" so you look silly all over again if inclined.

I do have to admit, I would love to see the look on your face when actually met me face to face though, I'm especially huge now.

*Huge as in muscle mass not huge as in Beth's forehead.

Anonymous said...

@Danny "Reap" Paden:

So let me see if I have this straight; you are threatening to gather information in order to establish someone’s identity for the expressed purpose of flying across the country to accost/assault them or quote: "F**k with you alot"? And you admit to having done this in the past? ( BTW-It doesn’t matter if you are wrong about who you think you are threatening, the intent is there)

Multiple felonies already, keep going Captain Caveman :)

Eye of the Tiger said...

Wow, You post - P.S. Comments will not be approved that contain swear words even if they have asterisks and/or dashes. Off topic comments such as: personal attacks that have nothing to do with the activity within the paranormal community--will not be tolerated.

Yet, it's okay to make personal attacks on people in the paranormal community? Wow is this blog kettle ever black...And to think children are being taught, right here, that it's okay to swear on blogs and it's okay to attack people like Chip Coffey and others, and put them down on a blog - just becauzzzzz they are in the paranormal. Just because WE don't like them. Just because what WE say MUST be the TRUTH. Well, how special! No Wonder kids are committing suicide nowadays from internet bullying. One can learn how to do it from Reap and Eye of the Paranormal blog, right here, right now. Yup, I am sure this comment will be moderated and not posted. Wouldn't want to post any flaws with this article, nope. It just might contradict what Eye of the paranormal is about.

So what you are saying's okay to make personal attacks. But just not to your writers, for it's their job to make personal attacks on others!?

I wonder, what would Jesus do? He never made personal attacks on anyone did he? Did Buddha? I don't think so. So that leaves, humanity to make the same mistakes it has for thousands of years. He said, she said, I hate you, you hate me. You can do this, but you can't do that. My truth your truth. Merry Christmas everyone!

I guess I'll just stock up on marshmellow and wait for the fire that is supposed to scorch the earth. Anyone need a stick? How about some kernels, we can make some popcorn as well. Gonna be one helluva show, we humans always mess things up with our egos! Glad we can't take that with us when we die. Oh wait, there is no such thing as life after death, right Reap? That's paranormal or Spiritual? Not sure, waiting for the article on that topic....don't want to get ahead of ourselves, do we.....My bad.

Hail Caesar!

KidCreole said...

*YAWN* Talk about 'off topic' remarks! That entire last post was nowhere near 'on topic'.


Keep the articles coming, Reap. I hope that 2012 is the year that frauds like Chip Coffey are put right out of business. It's too bad that there are no laws against fraudulent psychics scamming people and ripping them off. These psychics should have to prove that they are really psychic before they are permitted to take money from people. Otherwise, it is deception by fraud.

Sid Vicious said...

Eye of the Tiger said:

"just becauzzzzz they are in the paranormal"


"In the paranormal"?
What exactly was that mean?

I think it's absurd to equate adults criticizing charlatans that exploit children comparable to cyber bullying and thus the catalyst for child suicide.

I'm more inclined to feel that enabling the delusions of emotionally unstable or worse; mentally disturbed children for ratings on a TV show like "Psychic Kids" is one of the most repulsive and unconscionable act of psychological abuse for sensationalism I have witnessed to date.

Anonymous said...

@ Eye Of The Tiger

I know what Jesus wouldn't do.

He wouldn't tell children they really do have the ability to see and hear dead people for their own self aggrandizement

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