Copyright 2008 by Kirby Robinson
Welcome back to the Eye on the Paranormal. It’s time to toss another log on the fire, fill up your cup of eggnog or hot chocolate and settle down to read another week’s worth of insane behavior of para-celebrities and paranormal scoundrels running amok in the paranormal world! And let all of us from both Free All Spirits and everyone associated with the Eye on the Paranormal send holiday wishes to one and all. May you enjoy a wonderful Hanukkah, a great Kwanzaa, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
I’m not giving those who are working for the Paranormal Research Society and Chip Coffey as they lamely attempt to discredit our efforts to expose their lies, distortions, and skullduggery. I’m not going to give out their names, but I will address the issues that they are attempting to use against me.
~1 Yes, I charge for my services if I have to go on site to conduct an investigation, exorcism, or cleansing. Airlines charge. Hotels charge. Food and transportation cost money. I doubt that any of the above services would comp me if I told them I’m there to perform an exorcism. In the cases that I’m brought into by the Christian denominations that contract with me they cover my expenses.
Having ones expenses covered is not unethical at all. Numerous people in the field, like John Zaffis, do the same. And even those para-celebrities involved with Paranormal State do so as well. They have their travel expenses, hotel, car rental, etc. covered.
~2 My work with the Miss Cleo line assisting in getting them shut down while other “readers” in the call center engaged in phone sex, lying about whether the call would cost the client anything, and other dishonorable dealings. The readings I gave were 100% legitimate readings. I gave each caller a numerology reading, a tarot card reading, I put to use Runes, etc. Not everyone that worked on the Miss Cleo line was fakes, frauds, or charlatans. Just like in the paranormal field, you have the fakers over at PRS, the fraud of Paranormal State, and the charlatans of the para-celebrities connected with the show. There were some people who worked for the Miss Cleo line that were gifted, concerned, and genuine. And they worked for far less money than those numerous para-celebrities that charge up to $150.00 for a 30-minute phone reading.
~3 There is no record of my work in the paranormal field prior to 2007. I’m not a paranormal investigator who seeks to prove that the paranormal exists or that demons are real. I know they do and my clients know they do. The Bible as well as all the other spiritual paths that I walk, teaches me this fact as well.
What I found is that those who work in the paranormal field who have tried to “prove” that demons are real and that possession is real have not ended up being as ethical as what they could be within the presentation. Because once the money starts coming in and they want to sell their next story they start to exaggerate, create and out and out lie about their cases to make it more salable to the media.
~4 That the Ghost Divas, Ghost Hunters Inc. and me are joined at the hip. We are not working hand in hand. I send them emails sometimes and comment on their blogs once in a while. That’s the extent of our being partners in the effort. There’s not a grand conspiracy as some are alleging that I am a part of. Just as all those citizens across the country who were partners in the effort to elect Barack Obama into the White House, they worked together, but they weren’t joined at the hip.
~5 That I can’t have a 100% guarantee of spirit removal. That’s false, and they know it. The spiritual paths that guide my life teach me the techniques and the means to remove a spirit or a demon and encourage others to move on towards the light. Now is it always done in one visit? Like 100% of the time that it’s shown on Paranormal State? No. We may have to go back multiple times. Unlike Paranormal State and PRS, who simply stay as long as the cameras are rolling, and then hurry on to their next victims as soon as the cameras stop.
~6 My Paranormal Moment of Truth Challenge. Many people who don’t have any kind of contact with the entertainment industry really don’t know how things work. Mr. Buell nor Mr. Coffey are under contract with A&E. They are under contract with the production company that produces their show. If they seek the credibility and acceptance that they allege to seek, doing a show that would reveal to America that they’re telling the truth 100% about their paranormal activities would not only validate their claims but their talents and expertise as well.
As to the claim that I’m seeking publicity for myself, I have a face for radio I have a voice for print media and my writing style isn’t all that great.
~7 The allegation that I approached the Rob & Big Show to be featured on it is false.
"Feb 11, 2008 12:13 PM
Subject: paranormal investigator needed
Dear Kirby Robinson,
My name is Barry Smoler. I am e-mailing you on behalf of a doumentary series on cable television that is looking for a paranormal investigator. The cast of our show is currently trying to communicate with what they feel is a presence in their house and have had many unsuccessful and rather "phoney" attempts by others who claimed to have been real paranormal investigators or have the ability to communicate with things beyond our basic understanding.
I would love to talk with you more about this and try to schedule you to meet with the cast of our show. Please call me as soon as possible so that we can discuss this further and she if you can help them.
I appreciate your time and hope to hear from you very soon.
Barry Smoler
323-xxx-xxxx phone
Remote Productions, Inc."
~8 The allegation that I am making up the story that I attempted to contact Mr. Coffey and Mr. Buell months ago and never got a response. Here’s the email that I sent:
"From: Kirby Robinson (freeallspirits @
Sent: Sun 8/24/08 3:50 PM
To: chipcoffey @ aol. com; ryanb @ pennstateprs. com
Dear Sirs:
I have expressed concerns about how you conduct your investigations and the validity of those investigations, where anyone with a clear and discerning eye can see that they are not authentic. I have also witnessed heavy-handed tactics being used against people who question your alleged authority within the paranormal community and dared to raise questions concerning the validity of your A&E shows, Paranormal State, and Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal. I can no longer sit by in silence. That is why I came up with The Paranormal Moment of Truth Challenge, which will benefit you, your organization, the paranormal field, and a charity that would be assisted from the donation of the prize money.
1 ~ It would silence your critics if you are determined to be telling the truth about all your claims and how they are presented. There can be no one left to challenge your honesty and integrity.
2 ~ It would not only benefit your organization, but it would also help the entire paranormal field. Because if such evidence is true, it will be brought to a much wider audience, which hopefully would fuel additional legitimate investigations. So it’s a win-win situation for everyone.
3 ~ The charity of your choice would have the prize money donated to them. If the truth is being told, that prize money could reach $500,000.
So, what is The Paranormal Moment of Truth Challenge? I am sure you’ve heard of the Fox Network program entitled The Moment of Truth. This is where a contestant is hooked up to a lie detector test and asked 50 questions, of which 21 of them are used on the actual show. As long as you tell the truth, you keep on winning money -- up to $500,000. The production company, Lighthearted Entertainment Inc., would jump at an opportunity of doing a show with the two of you. And I will put my personal credibility on the line and appear, as well. For if you visit my Free All Spirits page (, you’ll notice that I personally make what some would call outlandish claims concerning my work as a Demonologist/Exorcist/Paranormal Investigator/Caring Spiritual Adviser.
If you would like to be "one step closer to the truth" then this is a way to achieve your goal. If interested, please contact me at this email address and I will get the ball rolling as soon as possible.
Your friend in spirit,
"From: Ryan Buell ryanb @ pennstateprs . com
Sent: Sun 8/24/08 3:50 PM
To: Kirby Robinson freeallspirits @
Thank you for your email. I wish I could respond to everyone's emails right away, but unfortunately it will take some time to sort through them all. Please allow up to one month for a response.
If you are wanting help as a client, please email
If you are with the media in any capacity or are inquiring about an appearance, please email
Take care,
In case you missed issue #14, here is the unedited letter that Mr. John Zaffis sent to me.
"Anatomy of a Paranormal Money Cow
After seeing the blog I find it necessary to respond to it. The recounts of Carmen Reed and John Zaffis are much of the case that I worked on I have no problem with that part of the posting. What I do have a problem with is the book IN A DARK PLACE the author interviewed me and from what I can remember it was very brief I had tried to call him many times after that and he never responded back. I was so excited when the book came out I ran to the store to bye a copy (gee I am in the book and had to bye one so much for getting rich off that book). I sat down and started to read it and realized it was not something I was interested in saying was a true story and to this day I do not indorse it as true or talk about it. What had happen with the Warrens and the author I do no know I was not there or any part of what took place in there conversations? .you can call Lorraine Warren and ask her yourself on that one.
As for Lorraine Warren having anything to do with Chip Coffey and John Zaffis doing the book Demons From the Dark this is not true. Carmen wanted to do the book by her self and I offered to help in anyway I can it will be called A Haunting in Connecticut and for the family doing a new move on that case I guess people are still interested after all these years and I hope the monetary value comes with it for them and any family after going public.
To this day I lecture on that case and as many have herd me for the last 20 years my story has not changed in any way on what happened to me or the family that summer in 1988 yes Ed Warren was my mentor feel free to go on my site and read it. The story is called Just Remember.
Like I always do send the person your phone number or call them before posting things it can stop a lot of bad or incorrect information from getting out there
Best Regards
John Zaffis"
The author, Ray Garton, was sent a copy of this letter AFTER Mr. Zaffis posted it on his own blog. Here is Ray’s unedited response:
“I really hate to say this, Kirby, but he's lying. I'd had so much trouble gathering the information for the book that had anyone reached out to me by phone or mail, I would've LEAPED at the chance to take advantage of it. I never heard from Mr. Zaffis. Not once. In fact, Mr. Zaffis seemed reluctant to talk to me while I was there in Connecticut. We had one conversation, but it wasn't very lengthy. I was led to believe Zaffis was not that intimately involved in the case -- he was, I was told, hanging around to get a feel for the business. Ed and Lorraine made it clear that THEY were the leaders of this investigation and that my questions should be directed at THEM. Ed and Lorraine kept telling me that they were going to show me VIDEO TAPE EVIDENCE of the supernatural activity in the Snedeker's home. They said more than once that Zaffis would be providing me with this video. It never came. "John is looking for it," Lorraine assured me. Then Zaffis told me they were having trouble finding it. He became more and more sheepish and reluctant to talk to me as my time to leave neared and no tape had been produced. I never saw that tape -- I never saw ANY video tape at all, not even one I didn't watch. It simply wasn't there, and no solid reason was given for their inability to produce it. Had Zaffis called me later, I most definitely WOULD have taken the call -- I had unanswered questions and had never seen the repeatedly promised video. I received no calls from him, nor did he communicate with me in any way.
Zaffis wrote: I sat down and started to read it and realized it was not something I was interested in saying was a true story and to this day I do not indorse it as true or talk about it.
I'm sorry if Mr. Zaffis was disappointed by the book, but it was written according to Ed Warren's instructions. I have never at ANY time claimed that it is a "true story" and go out of my way to take every opportunity to tell the TRUTH behind the book. I have no doubt that Zaffis does not talk about IN A DARK PLACE -- Ed and Lorraine didn't talk about it, either, and Carmen Reed has gone so far as to denounce it. The book and the story behind it reveal the fraudulence of this case and of their "work". These are not honest people. I do not expect a straight answer from any of them about anything related to that book or to the Snedekers' and Warrens' claims about what happened in that house.
Thanks for forwarding this, Kirby.
Ray Garton”
Chip Coffey responded to a question asking where Jimmy Hoffa is buried and where Amelia Earhart’s plane went down, Chip wrote:
“Once again, someone who does not know me serves as my judge and jury!
Yes, I do get paid for providing a service that many people find valuable and beneficial to them. What business of yours is how much money I earn?
You've been "in the business" long enough to know how psychic abilities work and don't work, Bobby. If not, do a little research.
I challenge you to produce any article (other than by Kirby Robinson, one of your "hater cronies") that says I am provided info prior to appearing on set for episodes of Paranormal State. However, no matter what anyone says to the contrary, you a**holes are going to believe what you want to believe.
Grab a mirror, bend over and take a long look behind, Bobby. I predict THAT'S where Hoffa and Earhart will be found.
Go "paranormally police" someone else!”
Posted by Psychic / Medium Chip Coffey on December 12, 2008 - Friday 5:21 PM
We are currently awaiting x-rays to determine whether Mr. Coffey is accurate with this prediction.
If you haven’t already heard, Mr. Chris Moon is currently trying to sell to Hollywood a new fake paranormal TV show! He has been trying to do anything to gain any kind of publicity for his Squawk Box or what some have named it The Bottomless Money Pit. He’s even been putting his services on eBay and when no one was stupid enough to purchase them, he bid on the services himself.
There are so many lies that are being told by Mr. Moon that it would take too long to address them here. And others have already done a complete and thorough job of showing such claims like the fact that Thomas Edison was working on a phone to the dead as Mr. Moon claims. Actually, it’s nothing but a fallacy that exists only in Mr. Moon’s head.
But let’s look at Mr. Moon’s appearance on Paranormal State in Season 1. This is a show that he has close ties to due to his relationship with Lorraine Warren and Chip Coffey. Also, Chip just so happens to be one of the very few people on earth [a mere 30 mortals have this knowledge], who can operate a Frank’s Box or what some have called it Frank’s Cash Cow.
It was on the episode entitled “The Asylum” that Mr. Moon’s device was featured. So let’s take a look at Mr. Moon’s claims and the alleged performance of the box from the episode.
~1 Chris Moon’s explanation of what the Squawk Box does would leave the general public’s collective heads spinning as they try to understand it. That’s an old con technique where the huckster uses so much technical jargon that you make people think that you really must know what you’re talking about. The audience is convinced that all this babble means one thing -- this man is an expert.
~2 The first question that Mr. Moon asks is, “how many demons are here?” We hear, “there were seven.” Not there ARE seven, but in the past tense. Not a proper answer from a learned man like Mr. Edison. You see, one of Mr. Moon’s claims is that Thomas Edison operates a switchboard that allows Mr. Moon to contact the dead along with other deceased celebrities who make appearances from the other side at various times.
~3 Notice that Ryan begins to ask what are the demons names but stops and asks what are the spirits names. Now the question was not originally of spirits but of demons. And to think that only one spirit would give its name, which was Lucy. But it’s not. Listen and you’ll hear “you see.” Notice that it’s Mr. Moon who tells us what we’re supposedly hearing. Again, another old con trick. I’m the expert, I’ll tell you what to hear.
~4 Ryan asks, “is there anything else here?” You already have spirits and demons what else is there? Mr. Moon says, “a demon.” Well, duh, we know that already, but wait! Not only A demon, but A STRONG demon! Watch and listen to the scene. Do it again and again. And you hear nothing about a demon or a strong demon, yet again, another old con trick to make things seem sinister and dangerous. And isn’t it convenient for Mr. Moon that only one of the thousands of spirits that must be stuck in that hell hole, decides to talk?
~5 Ryan asks, “is that what is holding you here?” Answer, yes, Lucy says yes. But do you hear any of this? Nope. Only Mr. Moon’s ego does.
~6 Mr. Moon says Lucy is begging for them to come to the basement. Do you hear it coming from the Squawk Box? Nope, it’s coming from the producers of the show.
They go to the basement and the Moon and Coffey Show goes into high gear. You must note that Mr. Coffey is a frequent guest on Moon’s radio show and Chip’s #1 PR person on My Space, Babs, is a co-host on the show. Things are starting to get really cozy here, folks.
Throughout the basement sequence [and the shots that the producers want you to think is the basement, but it really isn’t], do you ever hear originating from the Squawk Box any of the sounds that Mr. Moon claims to hear? No, you don’t because it’s all a fake, it’s all a sham, and it’s all a fraud.
Mr. Moon claims an 88% success rate with the box. That’s an amazingly high rate, one that even the best psychic/mediums would love to have. So let’s put it to a test. This is the Chris Moon/Chip Coffey Squawk Box Challenge! I will publicly post these 7 tasks and they can choose 6 out of the 7 to answer or complete, which would be close to 88%. If they complete the tasks then it proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that his Squawk Box is real, the Eye on the Paranormal is wrong, and it will close. All these tasks would certainly have hundreds, if not thousands of spirits, on the other side willing to have the truth come out.
~1 Locate the grave of Moses
~2 Locate and find the Lost Dutchman’s Mine in Arizona.
~3 Locate Natalee Holloway’s body. Or if she is alive, where is she at today?
~4 Locate Captain Kidd’s 1699 buried treasure off Gardiners Island, NY.
~5 Please find the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden!
~6 Specially geared toward Chris Moon from Colorado – find the $5,000 to $40,000 worth of gold buried in the mountains by French miners back in the late 18th century.
~7 Locate and produce for the public the Ark of the Covenant.
All the above tasks, if only but half of them are completed, would lead both Mr. Moon and Mr. Coffey to such fame and fortune that they should never have any kind of worry about what people like me have to say. But we know what their answer will be as it was to, and remains still, to the Paranormal Moment of Truth Challenge; they remain silent and ignore it. Because they know that they are fakes, frauds, and paranormal scoundrels.
Beginning next week we will start an in-depth analysis of all the lies that are told within the book “The Demonologist.”
Just tell A&E you won’t watch them as long as Paranormal State is on the air. And share with them all the lies and deception that are taking place. Here’s the contact information:
A&E Television Networks
235 East 45th Street,
New York, NY 10017
1925 Century Park East, Suite 900
Los Angeles, CA 90067
It seems some folks just can’t learn to tell the truth and their lies just get sadder and sadder. The people over at PRS/PS have been caught red-handed. It’s time to ‘fess up.
For those who are unaware, during the investigation that was part of Paranormal State’s THE MESSENGER episode, it seems that the participants from PRS decided to plant a cold can of Budweiser on a bed to get Bill the ghost to appear.
Ryan and Chip enter the room and Ryan claims he picks up a cold spot and when the intrepid pair flip on the light they claim they see an outline of a person on the bed. The Messenger, Part 2


There are 3 things everyone can do in the effort to get the truth out to the general public and proper authorities. They’re free, and will only take a few moments of your time. But they can pay off big in exposure.
1) Call, write, and/or email Anheuser-Busch, Inc. and tell them that their product is being used without their permission and in an act of deception. Tell them it is reflecting badly on the image of such a respected corporation. Also, you might pitch some new taglines for their Budweiser Beer product. Mine are:
1 800 DIAL BUD
(1 800 342 5283)
Anheuser-Busch, Inc.
One Busch Place
St. Louis, MO 63118
Copy and paste this into your browser:
2) Lakeshore Entertainment is the production company behind the film “The Exorcism of Emily Rose.” It’s very clear that PRS/PS and/or Laura’s family is ripping off the story from this fine motion picture for the sake of 15 minutes of fame. Even Paranormal State puts to use the 1,2,3,4,5,6 from the film. So the production company should both be warned and compensated, or have the I AM SIX episode yanked. Here is the contact information:
Lakeshore Entertainment
9268 West Third Street, Beverly Hills, CA 90210 USA
Phone: [310] 867-8000
Fax: [310] 300-3015
3) Penn State is an established institution with a spotless reputation for serious research and above board practices. The president of the university needs to know how PRS is using and abusing its image. Call, write, and/or email them about what is happening.
Graham B. Spanier
Office of the President
(814) 865-2507 or 814-865-7611
Dear Ryan Buell, Chip Coffey, Lorraine Warren, Sandra & Keith Johnson, Dr. Ron Milione, Tony Spera, Shannon & Jeff Sylvia, C.J. Sellers, Chris Moon, Michelle Belanger, Chad Calek, Michael & Marti Parry, Mark & Debby Constantino, Kim Russo, David Schrader, Reverend Andrew Calder, Reverend Bob Larson, Grant Wilson, and Jason Hawes:
I have expressed concerns about how you conduct your investigations and the validity of those investigations, where anyone with a clear and discerning eye can see that they are not authentic. I have also witnessed heavy-handed tactics being used against people who question your alleged authority within the paranormal community and dared to raise questions concerning the validity of appearing on the A&E shows, Paranormal State, and Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal. I can no longer sit by in silence. That is why I came up with The Paranormal Moment of Truth Challenge, which will benefit you, your organization, the paranormal field, and a charity that would be assisted from the donation of the prize money.
1 ~ It would silence your critics if you are determined to be telling the truth about all your claims and how they are presented. There can be no one left to challenge your honesty and integrity.
2 ~ It would not only benefit your organization, but it would also help the entire paranormal field. Because if such evidence is true, it will be brought to a much wider audience, which hopefully would fuel additional legitimate investigations. So it’s a win-win situation for everyone.
3 ~ The charity of your choice would have the prize money donated to them. If the truth is being told, that prize money could reach $500,000.
So, what is The Paranormal Moment of Truth Challenge? I am sure you’ve heard of the Fox Network program entitled The Moment of Truth. This is where a contestant is hooked up to a lie detector test and asked 50 questions, of which 21 of them are used on the actual show. As long as you tell the truth, you keep on winning money -- up to $500,000. The production company, Lighthearted Entertainment Inc., would jump at an opportunity of doing a show with the two of you. And I will put my personal credibility on the line and appear, as well. For if you visit my Free All Spirits page (, you’ll notice that I personally make what some would call outlandish claims concerning my work as a Demonologist/Exorcist/Paranormal Investigator/Caring Spiritual Adviser.
If you would like to be "one step closer to the truth" then this is a way to achieve your goal. If interested, please contact me at this email address and I will get the ball rolling as soon as possible.
Your friend in spirit,
To date, this is the response that I’ve received from them.
Why not do the show? Only you, the paranormal field, and a charity of your choice would benefit.
RADIO APPEARANCE: On Sunday, December 21 at 4 PM EST both Kelli Ryan of “The Messenger” episode of Paranormal State and me will be on Strange Frequencies radio.
INFORMATION REQUEST: If anyone wants to share any information with their experiences involving the PRS, Ryan Buell, Chip Coffey, and any other para-celebrity that has made an appearance on Paranormal State, whether it is good or bad, I would like to read it. Your confidentiality is 100% guaranteed.
NOTE: Please feel free to copy and paste this and place it all over the web. And, unlike any of my other blogs, you can even repost this under your own name!
Thanks for your kind comment to my blog here on Blogspot.
Perhaps it is time that we talked by phone? If you will send me an e-mail to, we can make arrangements to speak, if you choose to do so.
He won't talk to you on the phone cause he only knows how to bash people. good luck with that.
I have a challenge for you. You claim to have psychic abilities. There is a man named James Randi who will give one million dollars to anyone who can prove they have psychic ability. Just as you challenge Chip and others to prove their ability by finding Moses grave, etc. I challenge you to prove your psychic ability. You would never have to worry about money again. Think of all those you could help with $1,000,000.00! About Moses' body, I am not sure it was ever buried. In Jude1:9, it says that Michael fought with Satan over his body. I would only guess that the winner took possession.
why won't chip just answer here?
fwiw, chip stated himself that he sometimes meets with PRS producers ahead of time to "strategize" about cases. he stated this on the scifi forums way back when the show first started. the show was getting lots of negative feedback.
no doubt he's had that post deleted by now.
tanila, i bet kirby will take the randi challenge right after chip does. which would be never.
anonymous, kirby isn't bashing anyone. he's bringing up some very interesting points in a humorous way. if chip has nothing to hide why does he always get so defensive and threaten to sue everyone who makes fun of him?
chip chose this path and should man up and face the negativity that being a media psychic will ALWAYS entail, especially if you appear to get everything right on cue, on camera, for a TV show with supposedly no prior knowledge of a case.
If he truly has psychic ability, why does he have to wait for Chip? If I had psychic ability, I would take the challenge in a heartbeat!!! I would be breaking down the door to take it!
tanila pondered: "If he truly has psychic ability, why does he have to wait for Chip?"
what about chip, tanila. do you not ever ask yourself why chip hasn't taken up the randi challenge? i'm guessing not.
do you ever ask yourself why NO PSYCHIC AT ALL has ever taken up the randi challenge?
chip's been claiming psychic ability and CHARGING for it since at least september 2001 (right after 9/11 - what a guy)
honestly, i think chip should change professions. i think he should become a born-again christian televangelist. they're the ones raking in the dough these days.
Gruyereus is a coward who anonymously hides behind his/her computer, bashing others repeatedly on the Internet.
Certainly not unlike kabol or DD (aka Demon Designer or PSBS_101), two of my other "haters."
You know who I am. Now, be man or woman enough to tell everyone who you are.
And by the way, gruyereus, I have been psychic since childhood...not just since 2001.
And, as I have publicly acknowledged, my mediumship abilities did not manifest until later in my life.
You keep bringing up 9/11 whenever you bash me. I have done TWO readings for families who lost loved ones on 9/11. ONLY TWO!
So please do not try and accuse me of taking advantage of the horrible tragedies that occurred on 9/11 in order to further myself as a professional psychic.
I see nothing wrong with charging for services rendered. Physicians charge for use of their healing gifts. Teachers are paid for their teaching gift. Painters sell their work. Ministers are paid. Musicians are paid. Psychiatrists are paid, actors are paid....I could go on and on. I am not sure that I understand why a psychic should charge. I can't think of any other profession that doesn't charge.
CHIP CHAFFED: "Gruyereus is a coward who anonymously hides behind his/her computer, bashing others repeatedly on the Internet."
others? who are these others? i'm only making fun of you, chip. oh, and PRS.
"Certainly not unlike kabol or DD (aka Demon Designer or PSBS_101), two of my other "haters." "
so you only have 3 or 4 "haters", huh? LMAO!! you'd better start using a caculator and stop counting with one hand.
"And by the way, gruyereus, I have been psychic since childhood...not just since 2001. And, as I have publicly acknowledged, my mediumship abilities did not manifest until later in my life."
sure. conventiently right after 9/11!
"You keep bringing up 9/11 whenever you bash me. I have done TWO readings for families who lost loved ones on 9/11. ONLY TWO!"
i'm so happy for you, chip. gee, i thought i read it on your own blog that you started your career as a psychic in september 2001. maybe that's why i keep bringing it up when i "bash" you.
facts are pesky things for psychics, eh? facts and the truth --- pesky AND inconvenient!
Kirby has shown that he is a man of his word, and a man of integrity. We definitely disagree with his opinion about Chip Coffee, and I do not agree with the things he has posted about him. He has a right to his opinion, and I have a right to take him to task. But Kirby found out that a filthy lie, scandalous had been posted about Chip. He requested proof of the post from a friend of mine. When proof of the post was provided, he immediately blocked the person who posted the horrible lie, and removed that person's posts from his blog. I know that Kirby doesn't really care about my opinion of him, but it has changed. He has shown that he is, indeed a man of integrity, who will not stoop to allowing someone to post a filthy lie just to try to destroy someone. Kirby, I still disagree with you about Chip. If you allow me to, I will continue to take you to task about the things you say about him, but I thank you for taking a stand on the side of right in this situation.
so kirby is going to block chip? i mean, didn't chip put all of it on his own blog?
chip's really handy with that whole foot in mouth thing as he blabs away about himself all over the internet.
hey, maybe THAT is why he's starting to ask people to email him or call him privately! he's smartening up about trying to control the bad (most mostly true) PR. (i guess he is trying to redeem himself by privately attempting to manipulate the scores of people who have started blogs online featuring his BS.)
chip can manipulate his loyal fans and any other poor sods who believe he is really psychic, that's for sure.
regarding psychics charging for their "services": tanila, please tell me i just misread your response and you didn't just equate psychics with doctors and teachers among other professions.
number one, psychics are NOT professionals. they didn't go to accredited universities and pay money to earn a degree which would quantify their ability to deliver a service.
number two, there is NO PROOF AT ALL ANYPLACE that anyone really is 'psychic'.
sure, they line up by the millions to use online psychic websites and telephone businesses to cold read and scam gullible people by the thousands. one almost wants to say who can blame them? almost, but not quite. THEY ARE RIPPING PEOPLE OFF. sure, misguided - clueless and ignorant people, but people just the same.
tanila -- go here:
type in the words "psychic scam"
so out of those thousands of internet and telephone scamsters, some who start to get really good at their cold readings and desire to gain a media presence start hitting the pavement for TV and radio spots. a few actually get lucky. next thing you know, they're charging $400 an hour to DO THE SAME THING THEY WERE DOING ON THE INTERNET/PHONE SCAM SITES.
$400 an hour? that's some pretty expensive "entertainment".
so -- are you KIDDING ME, tanila????
People have the right to choose to spend their money in any way that they wish. Some people buy lottery tickets. Am I equating a psychic to a physician??? No. I am saying that there are many people who believe that psychic ability is real. If they wish to contact a psychic, that is their business. My son is a wonderful musician. His gift is from God. He charges money for his CD's. He gets paid for his performances. He didn't get a degree in music from a university. Does that mean that he can't call himself a professional? You don't have the right to choose what people may and may not believe in. My husband and I were in Japan on vacation few years ago. On the temple grounds, there would be tables set up by psychics to give readings to the worshipers. Vedic Astrology is a large part of the Hindu religion. What you believe and what I believe has absolutely nothing to do with what the people who use psychics believe. That is their right!!! Whether they want to pay $60 and hour or $400 an hour is completely up to them. No one holds a gun to their head and makes them seek the counsel of the psychic. My son gets paid quite a bit to perform. Some people disapprove of rock music and say it is a sin, and shouldn't be allowed. Do they have the right to say what type of music others can listen to?? I fractured my leg very badly about 3 years ago. I was in surgery for 8 hours getting the bones pieced back together. The surgeon charged $40,000 for repairing my leg. Some people might say that is foolish because they don't believe in doctors. They say God will heal you is that is His will. Should I have followed their advice? $5,000 an hour is quite a hefty fee, but I had faith that the surgeon would fix my leg to the best of his ability, so I was willing to pay whatever fee he charged. People pay hundreds of dollars to go skiing at large resorts. People pay hundreds of dollars to go on cruises or on other vacations - entertainment. People go to Vegas and spend hundreds of dollars gambling. I think that it the most incredibly stupid thing I can think of but people have the right to spend their money any way they wish. You may think it is utterly ridiculous, but it isn't your decision to make.
i THOUGHT that i made it clear, tanila, that the issue is not how someone chooses to spend their money.
the issue is whether the "service" being provided is legitimate.
but i'll humor you -- by your reasoning some people choose to spend thousands of dollars on drugs and/or prostitution. it's not legal, and it's not good for them, but hey -- it's their money!
you didn't take me up on my suggestion to google psychic scams in the news, did you tanila?
chip is your friend and you are going to blindly defend him no matter what. i totally get that.
if he was a drug dealer/addict or a prostitute you would likely still defend him and not pass judgment on the ethics, morals or LEGALITIES involved.
but think about how things would be if everyone turned such a blind eye to exploitation of ignorance.
It is not illegal to give psychic readings. If it were, John Edwards, Sylvia Brown and others would be in jail! There are several metaphysical stores in our area that offer psychic readings. Many newspapers carry astrology reports. Whether or not you and I believe in psychic ability has absolutely nothing to do with whether people have the right to pay any amount of money to get a reading from whomever they wish. You may consider them frauds, and you certainly have the right to your opinion, but what you don't have is the right to impose that opinion on others. People are seeking for answers in life. They need neither my permission, nor your permission to seek answers in any place they wish, from anyone they believe in. There are pastors on television that tell people to send them money and they will pray for healing. Do I think that is right?? It doesn't matter what I think. If the people believe, and want to send the money, that is their right. Seeking help and/or guidance from a psychic is not illegal. That is the bottom line. I don't have to believe or approve. Drug dealing and prostitution on the other hand are illegal. So by using that as a comparison, you are talking apples and oranges.
Why should posting anonymously be an issue for a real psychic? Mmm?
What I don't understand is why Mr. Coffey comes over here and posts on Kirby's blog is it just to drum up support or gain sympathy? Has that phone call been arranged yet?
Kirby you need to let us know!
Have you all read the blog that he transferred off my space to here?while Mr. Coffey claims he's only defending himself, against Bea, he should have just handled this via a lawyer - but instead he posts these things all over the internet
by using her name, he is just as guilty as Bea for saying this publicly- !
Anyone that fails to see this should go look up the definition of slander, and here we have both
parties guilty of it...
Coffey's blog was moved here- because its a violation of my space TOS if Chip hadn't moved it my space would have deleted it
however this blog continues to be a TOS violation here,
yet blogger won't delete a blog like this or his privileges away
so its safe place to continue this
high school type battle that should
be held between Bea and Chip not
cyber space
and Kudos to Kirby for this on going eye on the paranormal blog
and also allowing the anonymous option so one does not have to deal with the wrath of hate mail
that comes with speaking anything
negative about PRS or Mr Coffey
And p.s. Morality can't be legislated. If it could be, who would be in charge of deciding what is moral and what is immoral? Some societies think women should wear burkas and walk behind their husbands. Should they define morality? I think there is a basic code of ethics that is adhered to by most civilized societies - it's wrong to steal, it's wrong to kill - but when you get down to deciding what people can believe, you are on a slippery slope indeed.
Anonymous, I still think it is a coward who won't stand up for what they believe and hide behind a computer.
/ˈslændər/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [slan-der] Show IPA Pronunciation
1. defamation; calumny: rumors full of slander.
2. a malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report: a slander against his good name.
Chip only posted what Beatrice wrote. It wasn't a malicious or false that she wrote the statement. She said it!! Just like she called my husband (a black man) a gorilla, just like she called a young man a Jap. So when I post her words for others to see, it isn't slander, because it isn't a lie that she said it.
Now you need to get a backbone. If you don't have the courage to stand behind what you say, then you shouldn't say anything.
using her name in public just as she used his is- slander HELLO once he put her name on the net he bacomes just as guilty duh??
what planet do you live on???
Why must you defend him??
Is he leaving you something in his will?
Good grief get a life and study some law--
I am sorry, but she uses her name in public. The email indicated it was from her. It would only be slander if he had said that she said it, and she didn't! DUHHH!! One can repeat anyone that a person says to them and about them. DUHH Slander is spoken, libel is written so it isn't slander in any way! Both slander and libel is saying something that you know isn't true to defame the other person. Now, I will no longer respond to someone who hasn't the nerve to stand behind what they say. Get some gonad, then you will be worthy of responding to.
TANILA: "It is not illegal to give psychic readings."
well, it SHOULD be illegal to charge for them.
"If it were, John Edwards, Sylvia Brown and others would be in jail!"
oh, for that to ever happen! fwiw, plenty of psychics ARE starting to go to jail, but you refuse to either notice or comment on that fact.
"Whether or not you and I believe in psychic ability has absolutely nothing to do with whether people have the right to pay any amount of money to get a reading from whomever they wish."
that's where you are wrong. how do you think laws are made, tanila? someone just blinks and they appear? like psychic magic?
laws come about from discussion and debate and attention to PROBLEMS.
"You may consider them frauds, and you certainly have the right to your opinion, but what you don't have is the right to impose that opinion on others."
you're quite a tenacious little chip chihuahua, tanila. i'm not IMPOSING anything on anyone. i'm posting comments on the internet JUST LIKE YOU ARE.
maybe if you throttle back on that self-righteous indignation a bit and you might be able to think a bit more clearly where psychics in general and chip in particular are concerned.
then again, i won't hold my breath.
What psychics have gone to jail? None in our state, and that is where Chip is. I watch the news daily, and I have never seen it mentioned. What I've seen regarding the psychics in our area, the psychic fairs in our area, new television shows, and things such as that, most people don't seem to think it needs to be outlawed. I think quite clearly about psychics, and not just Chip. There are people who get a lot of comfort from them. I have never had a psychic reading, but if people want to get them, who am I or who are you to tell them that they shouldn't.You are the one who is self-righteously indignant when it comes to psychics. You are the one also calling names - not I. I will never willingly give up my constitutional right to watch what I want to watch; read with I want to read; listen to what I want to listen to; believe the way I want to believe. It is people who want to decide what is good for me and what is not that are scary to me. Yes, I am tenacious, because I truly believe I am right. NO ONE should be allowed to tell me that I can't see a psychic if I want to. Should we outlaw the lottery? Some people go and spend their entire pay buying hundreds of dollars of tickets, hoping to be a winner. Should I be told that I can't go to a particular church, because they might teach a doctrine that you disapprove of.? Any time the government starts outlawing what people believe, they are taking away our rights. Are you sure you would want that?
Why should it be illegal to charge for psychic readings?
Gruyereus, can you not discuss something without resorting to ugly name calling?? I haven't called you any ugly names.
does someone need a brick wall? i think i'm finished with it and it's giving me a headache.
surely you know how to use google, tanila. i pointed you to google news and told you what to type in.
what ugly name(S) am i calling you?
chip chihuahua?
since when are chihuahuas ugly? i think they're rather cute. and very, very loyal and protective.
when you think about it, it's really a compliment. sort of.
and it's FAR from "ugly".
it would seem that you are really quite sensitive. must be kind of hard to move on to other points in internet conversations when your fixating on a "name" that someone has used here or there.
if you think that i have been "ugly" toward you, tanila - i might suggest taking a break from following chip around. in case you hadn't noticed, he gets a LOT of "ugly" thrown his way.
most scam artists do.
fwiw, this is the internet, not your church's social.
oh sorry, missed one, as to why it should be illegal for psychics to charge money. hmmm, how to put this...ok - go back to your post above - the one that starts with "What psychics have gone to jail? None in our state, and that is where Chip is. I watch the news daily, and I have never seen it mentioned."
got it? ok. now *substitute* the word "con artist", or "huckster" if you prefer -- every time you see the word "psychic".
Thank you for letting me know that you weren't trying to be ugly or calling me names. I will accept that you are not.
There are many people in the medical profession that think chiropractors are con artists. Do you believe that anyone has psychic powers? I am not sure what I believe about that. Some people are much more intuitive than others. This is a sincere question. I am not meaning to be argumentative in the least. What do you truly think about psychic power.
Gruyereus, I tried to look at your profile to find out a little about the person I am talking with, but it is private. Would you be willing to open it so I can find out about you?
what do i believe about psychic power? i don't believe it's a "power" at all. i don't believe someone can talk to a dead person; *especially* not on cue, on camera, and at will as ALL media psychics appear to do.
do i know any of this for a fact? of course not -- but i've reached this opinion after a very long journey, lots of reading and listening and watching. i trust my ability to see when someone is conning someone else.
what is "love". what is "hate". are they real? sure. are they "powers"? not usually. are they "paranormal" ? maybe.
(i was going to ask "should they charge money for love" but that just didn't work.)
are some people more "intuitive" than others, no doubt.
**should they charge money for their hunches?** no way. not unless they're very, very good and very, very accurate every single time. anyone that good in your circle of psychic pals?
ESPECIALLY for $400 an hour. do some research, tanila. look up "cold reading". google all of those recently jailed psychic articles. don't automatically consider skeptical questions as evil incarnate.
some psychics claim to have worked with law enforcement in an official capacity. look at what so many so-called psychics say when offering their "expertise" searching for missing children, presumed dead. "i see trees, i think there is some water, there's a grassy area"
ya think?!
you mean you don't see a crowded bowling alley?
you know what, some mroe research. see if you can find one actual documented instance where the FBI or any other law enforcement entity has used psychics.
you seem to know a lot of psychics there in georgia. next time you hear one saying they worked with law enforcement, try to get an officers name and badge number and or a contact phone number.
good luck with your research.
"Would you be willing to open it so I can find out about you?"
why, so you can tell chip and he can "wow" me with a free reading.
no thanks!
i don't give out any specific personal info to anyone online.
you really shouldn't either.
I wasn't going to give the information to anyone. I just wanted to find out about you for myself.
When I retired from nursing, I went into a metaphysical store close to my home to buy some incense. I love incense. I talked with the lady who rang up my purchases. She seemed like a nice lady. Later that evening she called me at home. She had gotten my phone number off of my check. She told me that she owned the business, and asked if I would like to come to work in their store. I found out that she and her husband owned the store. I told her that I was a Christian, but she said that was okay, that people from many faiths came in there. I have worked off and on for them for about 7 years. They are good, caring people. I scheduled appointments for the psychics. I got to be very good friends with them, and found them not to be kooks at all, but warm, kind, caring people who truly wanted to help others. Have I met any that were not so nice and wanted to take others for whatever they could get? I did indeed, but I also found that to be true in the church. I have to say, though with all sincerity, that the vast majority of them were just people who were trying to help others.
Please do not attempt to try and talk sense into this hillbilly from hell . . . you will no doubt develop Carpal Tunnel Syndrome!
Tanila, thank you for posting my blog on RR . . . I am sure Chip will just love you for it.
Kirby, I am saddened to say that I must recant my statement that you are a man of integrity You made the statement to Chip Coffey, that if you were given proof that Beatrice Marot had made filthy, admittedly untrue statements about him, you would remove her posts and block her from your site. Spiritchaser Tammy copied and pasted Beatrice's own written words to you. You then did indeed remove Beatrice's comments from your blog. I was so proud of you!! But today on your blog, there she is again. You have been shown the racist remarks this lady has made - the bigoted remarks this lady has made - the homophobic remarks this lady has made, but still you allow her to post. Yet, you have blocked many of my remarks favorable to Chip Coffey. You are not simply working as an investigative reporter and posting what you find. That would require you be unbiased. You are only posting things which you think help you in your quest to destroy Chip Coffey. That you align yourself with a racist is very sad, especially since you quite frequently quote the Bible, and present yourself as a Christian.
To the person that is hiding anonymous, please get your facts straight. How and where has Mr. Coffey ever tried to slander or defame Beatrice Marot? There is also nothing in MySpace's or Blogger's TOS that says one can not post another's name. They do, however, state they do not allow profanity, nudity, or pornographic material.
Beatrice Marot has not only committed slander and libel as well as defamation of character.
She likes to give Mr. Coffey far more credit for doing things, such as having blogs removed than he can possibly do.
Mr. Coffey came on here to thank Mr. Robinson in his support of having removed her posts since she has outright lied saying that she never sent him such an email in the first place - which she did. I sent Mr. Kirby the exact post off of RR where she herself claims as to having done this.
She then has enough gall to turn around and state that she never sent this email to him, let alone called him that name.
I fully believe in psychic's and and their abilities. That is my right. Yes there are fakes/frauds out there, just as there are in many many fields.
Do I believe Beatice is psychic? I really have no clue, she may very well be. I have never had a reading done by her, so I have no clue. However, I do not agree that she is a Light Worker as she lays claim to be.
To Gruyereus, you claim that because psychic's do not possess a degree they can not be called professional. How about people that are in the construction industry. Carpenter's, bricklayers, glazer's and so on. Many many many of them did not attend college or even any trade school at all. Are they not considered Professional?
There are many career's where there are professionals, however they do not require a Degree.
Does this mean that they do not require their fee's that they set forth?
The same goes for products. What may work for one person, may not work for another. Does this mean that because it doesn't work for the majority of the population it should not be marketed at all? No. Just because psychic may not 'work for you' does that give you the right to say that do not work everybody? No.
Now ones that say give my your hard earned money and I'll show you the way to riches by telling you certain things, there should be something done about. The ones that give comfort to a person that has had a loved one that has passed on? What is so wrong with that?
I'm sure you are going to say the fee. Again I refer you to my above comment about professionals. Joe Blow A charges you three times the amount that Joe Blow C does yet there is no difference in their years in the business or experience. You just happen to have chosen Joe Blow A to do your job.
Are you following what I'm saying?
If you are interested in the truth not the half baked lies and contrived twisted truth of Chip Coffey and his pit bulls Tanila and Tammy, then please do check out my latest blog titled "THE TRUTH ABOUT CHIP COFFEY!" And enjoy reading a few of my other blogs so you can see the difference between a true Prophetess and a Profiteer!
And Tammy if posting three rip off reports claiming I am a racist and a homophobe as well as Chip's blog accusing me of calling him a pedophile is not slander, then once again you prove that you have s**t for brains!
There is a thing called a timeline
From: ChipCoffey
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2008 2:32 PM
To: bea
Subject: Re: You really are something else, feeding lies to Tanila and everyone you know.
See, there you go making assumptions again. You have never been on the set of PS and yet you KNOW that is is "scripted, coached and totally fake."
I have lied about NOTHING, Bea. I'm sure we'll never agree on that issue.
You believe that I owe you an apology. After the many times you have sought to damage ME, do you honestly think I'd ever again apologize to you?????
The choice is this: you back off, I back off and let the past remain in the past.
Otherwise, as I said, GAME ON!
BEATRICE MAROT - RACIST, HOMOPHOBE, DEFAMATION OF CHARACTER Racist - Homophobe - Defamation of Character Los Angeles Area, Burbank California
The following day, I send him this email
From: bea
Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2008 8:27 AM
To: 'ChipCoffey
Subject: Honestly . . . why would you ruin your own career like that
I spent Thanksgiving with all my gay friends. All gay men and just me. I’ve healed three men who were at death’s door with AIDS.
You could not just tell the truth and say I’m sorry Bea.
On December 15th I wrote an email . . . not a post or a thread . . . a personal email.
From: bea
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008 10:21 AM
To: 'ChipCoffeY
Subject: This is why you will burn in hell for being a lying scumbag
It is interesting, also, to note that Beatrice has, in the past, openly bragged (most notably, on The Howard Stern Show) about the fact that she slept with actor, Robert De Niro ... even recounting, at one time, on her personal website, details of their sexual antics. (She edited this information when I suggested to her that it was too graphic and revealing.)
I never did any such thing and this never happened “She edited this information when I suggested to her that it was too graphic and revealing.” You see this is the kind of lies you have no qualms saying that make you a despicable human being. Amazing that we were never friends yet . . . I would tell a perfect stranger all these personal things about my life.
Should I tell people how you divulged to me your desire for young boys and your struggle with pedophilia which is why I was so upset when you were doing Psychic Kids? How would that go over on Ripoff Report?
Posted by Chip Coffey at 7:38 PM 3 comments
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Now, I am PISSED!
December 20, 2008 - Saturday
Okay ... NOW, I am PISSED!
Current mood: disgusted
Personally, I have had many allegations leveled against me. I have been called many nasty names, like fake, fraud, fag. But recently, a heinous and repugnant threat was made against me by a woman named Beatrice Marot, a psychic in California who calls herself 'The High Priestess of Hollywood.'
While I was on location in Kansas, taping an episode of Paranormal State, Miss Marot sent me several E-mails. Below, you will find a portion of one of those E-mails in which she makes a dangerous threat:
Should I tell people how you divulged to me your desire for young boys and your struggle with pedophilia which is why I was so upset when you were doing Psychic Kids? How would that go over on Ripoff Report?
Of course there is absolutely no truth to the accusation that Beatrice Marot has made. This woman has been attacking me for several years, all because of a silly spat we had a few years ago. I've known for quite sometime that Beatrice is psychologically unstable, but she has now proven herself to be a vile and wicked human being!
Falsely accusing someone of being a sexual predator is defamation of character at its lowest form. Certainly not unlike a woman who falsely accuses a man of rape. Lies like these can ruin a person. It is beyond ridiculous that I would EVER have to address, much less deny, such allegations! It is pathetic and sickening!
There is nothing in my past that would even begin to substantiate such accusations! An extensive and thorough background check was run on me before I was approved to appear on Psychic Kids and AT NO TIME, DURING THE ENTIRE PROCESS, IS A CAST OR CREW MEMBER EVER ALONE WITH A MINOR DURING THE TAPING OF ANY TELEVISION SHOW THAT I HAVE BEEN A PART OF.
For many months, some folks within the paranormal community and viewers who dislike certain TV shows have used the Internet and various radio shows to attack others and spew venomous comments.
I sincerely hope that all sane and rational people who read this blog will wisely realize that much of what is being written or said about others is assumption, accusation, half-truths and, often, outright lies.
AND CHIP COFFEY YOU ARE THE KING OF "accusation, half-truths and, often, outright lies"
Beatrice sent this to Chip in an email
"Should I tell people how you divulged to me your desire for young boys and your struggle with pedophilia which is why I was so upset when you were doing Psychic Kids? How would that go over on Ripoff Report?"
She said he took that out of context. How in the name of all that is Holy can it be taken any other way? She admits that it is a lie, that he never told her that in an email, yet she says she never lies. This is one incredibly evil woman.
Tanila, you are the poster granny for evil. I sent an email . . . I did not post a blog. Keep ruining your friend's reputation you are doing a great job. Your stupidity is simply mind boggling . . . and your friends as well.
Subject: This is why you will burn in hell for being a lying scumbag
It is interesting, also, to note that Beatrice has, in the past, openly bragged (most notably, on The Howard Stern Show) about the fact that she slept with actor, Robert De Niro ... even recounting, at one time, on her personal website, details of their sexual antics. (She edited this information when I suggested to her that it was too graphic and revealing.)
I never did any such thing and this never happened “She edited this information when I suggested to her that it was too graphic and revealing.” You see this is the kind of lies you have no qualms saying that make you a despicable human being. Amazing that we were never friends yet . . . I would tell a perfect stranger all these personal things about my life.
Should I tell people how you divulged to me your desire for young boys and your struggle with pedophilia which is why I was so upset when you were doing Psychic Kids? How would that go over on Ripoff Report?
But one thing . . . Chip will not burn in hell because there is no such place . . . just right back here over and over until you get it right . . and that is
Love is the Key
To opening the Door of Eternity
I like love a whole lot better than the bs that has been going on because of blind hate.
I can see clearly now, the pain has gone.
So now Beatrice will hijack someone else's blog to make it her own venue. Real high class. Tell you what, why don't you just let us post what we have to say on your blog, then you don't have to hijack Kirby's blog, which has nothing to do with you.
Again Beatrice, Chip may have written a blog about it, BUT you were the first one to post that email on the net, on R&R.
You then went on and lied and said that you NEVER sent an email like that to him - guess you had forget that you had already posted it on R&R.
You call Kirby your friend, and you come on his blog, hijack it, and start promoting yourself. Didn't you do that on some one else's blog? Oh yea, I think you did.
Kirby, I hope in the long run you really see what this woman is truly like. It has nothing to do with being someone's friend or not, it has to do with only BEATRICE, BEATRICE, BEATRICE!!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Yet More Enlightenedment From Beatrice Marot
Well, I'm trying to keep these blog posts kind of short, as I know it it can get tiring reading a long blog, I know I've done it, lol. But, I just wanted to post some more lovely comments from Beatrice Marot on how she feels about people of the South.
Now, let me clarify something here, these are her views and hers alone. I lived down in North Georgia for the last 4 years - down amongst the 'hillbillies' and they are absolutely nothing like Beatrice Marot describes. They are the most down to earth people you would ever want to know. They are in touch with their hearts and the earth. Yes, there are some that backwards, but you know what? There are those types everywhere, not just in the south. Do they have 'Southern Pride' - yes they do and with every reason to. I was very honored and proude to have been adopted by more than person in the south as a 'redneck hillbilly'.
You read some of the other posts of how she views 'hillbillies', now here are some more:
In the south hillbillies would round up their buddies and say . . . "Why boys, let's go have a barbecue and then find a n**a to string up." That is also your heritage in the south. Slavery, torture and the brutal lynching of thousands of blacks. White only Jim Crowe laws . . . such a proud and noble heritage!!
Posted by Bea Happy on Nov 20, 2008 2:41 PM
[Reply to this]
Oh My Lord and let us not forget the venerable Ku Klux Klan . . . why they are the most noble of all organizations of Southern Heritage!
Here is a little rhyme from Tupac who likes to channel through racist psychics. lol
If you're a member of the KKK
This is what I have to say
You can bet your white sheets my friend
You'll be right back on this Earth again
But this time . . . with a beautiful black skin!
Make sure you post that one Tanila!
Posted by Bea Happy on Nov 20, 2008 3:22 PM
And that is not you talking either Tammy . . . this person actually knows how to speak English not hillbilly!
Posted by Bea Happy on Nov 20, 2008 10:58 PM
You are the epitomy of pure ghost chasing, beer guzzling, whisky swigging, mob lynching hicks from hell and pure white trash as well just like your new drinkin buddy Tanila.”
Posted by Bea Happy on Nov 20, 2008 11:03 PM
Hillbilly is a term referring to people who dwell in remote, rural, mountainous areas of the United States, primarily southern Appalachia and the Ozarks and the people themselves came to be seen as backward, quick to violence, and inbred in their isolation. Fueled by news stories of mountain feuds, such as that in the 1880s between the Hatfields and McCoys,
The "classic" hillbilly stereotype - the poor, ignorant, feuding family with a huge brood of children tending the family moonshine still - The term hillbilly is a reference in describing socially backward people that fit certain "hillbilly" characteristics.
Posted by Bea Happy on Nov 21, 2008 9:28 PM
[Reply to this]
Yet Beatrice says she is not racist or bigoted? Isn't she a wonderful light worker?
Thank you, Tammy. We hillbilly hicks are proud to claim you as one of our own.
tammy the other chihuahua yipped:
"To Gruyereus, you claim that because psychic's do not possess a degree they can not be called professional."
i made no such claim. i stated that psychics can **hardly be compared to doctors and teachers** or any other people who spent time and money for an education.
and that is a fact.
interesting that YOU would bring up a degree, though, cause chip claims to have a couple but won't tell anyone about them -- either very mysterious or sheer lies.
we're NOT talking about doctors, teachers, construction workers or fish mongers.
we're talking about "PSYCHICS" who charge exorbitant amounts of money for an "entertainment purposes only" service **that has been proven over and over again to be fraudulent.**
am i following what you're saying? well, yeah. it's not hard. chip chihuahuas are very one-tracked and monotonous in their defense of fraud for a friend.
too bad you're not following what i'm saying. you and a whole lot of other gullible types.
i thought the 'hillbilly' stuff was pretty funny -- i have roots in that area AND i am southern.
tanila, you are obviously VERY easily offended and, as such, should probably not even bother with the internet anymore. i wonder what you'd say if you could see some of the things chip himself has posted online in other forums.....
actually, who cares -- but just know that a sense of humor and a thick skin can make for a much more enjoyable online experience.
so either grow a pair when following chip around to defend him or give it up altogether.
and for god's sake stop posting your own blogs and other people's blogs in the comments on someone else's blog.
if people want to read you or your friends' blogs they'll visit them and do so.
I have a wonderful online experience! If you don't like what I post then don't read it!! You can scroll down or leave the site altogether! We are back to censorship. I hadn't mentioned Beatrice at all on this thread until she posted about me. I have no problem with what people call me. I know who and what I am, and I am well pleased with the person that I am. When someone presents themselves as a Light Worker, and then says vile, racist, bigoted things, people have a right to know who they truly are. Isn't that what you are saying that you are doing with Chip??? Isn't that the reason that you say you are posting things about Chip Coffey??
tanila squeaked: "Isn't that what you are saying that you are doing with Chip??? Isn't that the reason that you say you are posting things about Chip Coffey??"
chip coffey USED and exploited children on national TV (with the aid and apparent blessing of AandE and the kids' either confusedly frazzled or intensely stupid parents) to attempt to boost his media presence as a "psychic".
BIG difference from someone calling another person names on an internet forum(s).
chip coffey has also been dishonest about his "psychic" abilities on television AND his background in an attempt to garner credibility and "fame".
bea called you(or whomever else)names online. waaaaaaaah.
chip used children in an attempt to gain "fame".
there's no comparison.
The things you say about Chip are your opinion. That is all - simply your opinion. I never saw the show, but I have heard from and read postings from others who liked the show a lot. You have your opinion, they have theirs. What type of business are you in? (What do you do for a living?)
I have also noticed that neither you nor Beatrice can discuss a matter with someone without making derogatory remarks. Do you feel that your attempt to belittle me makes your argument sound more effective? I think it makes you sound rather childish. People who are able to articulate their argument effectively don't need to stoop to cursing, or belittling language to get their point across. I have never addressed you in that manner, even though I find in your argument only pettiness.
And how do you know that Chips has been dishonest about his psychic ability, and his education. Just because he doesn't divulge the name of the college he went to doesn't mean he didn't go. You won't divulge your true name. Does that mean you don't exist? Chip has the courage to stand up, using his own name, as well as a picture of himself to state his case. You will supply neither. Where did you go to school? What is your chosen profession? What is your real name?
here tanila goes again with the "name calling" thing. where have i cursed or called you a derogatory name? dare i say it again: YOU ARE OBVIOUSLY WAY TOO SENSITIVE to take part in a discussion about your good pal chip.
though, even IF i did call you a name SO WHAT? does it change the FACT that chip coffey rips people off for a living and exploited children on national television to boost his scamster career?
i think it's hilarious that you've never even seen the show.
maybe you should see if you can find some episodes on youtube, then come back and offer an EDUCATED opinion.
for every one person online who expressed something positive, i'll show you 5 who expressed something negative.
why do you think AE pulled the show from their lineup?
what i do for a living has no bearing on this discussion nor on the FACT that chip coffey pretends to be psychic and used kids in a shameless attempt to be seen as some sort of "psychic mentor".
he has also participated in ridiculously melodramatic "psychic" episodes of "paranormal state" and made rather a campy fool of himself....evidently not much of a stretch for his acting abilities.
"just because he doesn't divulge the name of the college he went to doesn't mean he didn't go"
who said he didn't go? i'm saying he's being dishonest about his **educational background** -- ie, made public claims about educational degrees that he REFUSES to back up.
i don't need to prove anything about myself - i didn't make myself into a public figure in order to promote myself and make money off of television shows, books, appearances, conventions, readings, "counseling psychic children" --- i have made no public claims at all.
yeah, chip is brave all right. he made those kids "face their fears" too.
You are quite aware of the belittling remarks that you make. You have a sense of superiority when you do that. Got news for you, you're wrong. What does where Chip went to school have anything to do with the discussion?? You make a big deal out of that, but you will divulge nothing about yourself!! When people have white hoods on, they are incredibly brave. Make them face people without the hoods so that they can be held accountable for their statements. They slink away and hide. That you don't have the courage to remove your hood speaks loudly. You may not like what Chip does or says, but he has the gumption to stand in front of the world and make his statements while you, on the other hand hide behind your hood. I, too have no trouble with people knowing who I am. I stand for what I believe in. I don't hide my face and stick my tongue out. If I have the courage to stand up for myself, my family and my friend, I certainly have the nerve to meet my antagonists head on, face to face, toe to toe. You can't say that, and I am just a 58 year old, 4'11" grandmother!! But I have the courage of my convictions!
On what grounds do you say Chip lied about his education? He doesn't have to provide you with a curriculum vitae! He doesn't have to prove a thing to you. You won't even step out from behind your anonymity to make your accusations! What should he supply you with any information?
Gruyereus, what do you think of a person who would say this?
"OK all you hicks and hillibilles here is the foul mouthed psychic and personal favorite hooker of Jesus saying sayonara!
And like Jesus told me to tell Robert De Niro once 'You can tell Martin Scorsese that I was The Last Temptation of Christ and to me the Second Coming means . . . the night is young!' Posted by Bea Cool on Nov 22, 2008 1:24 PM"
Do you think this person should be able to work with children? These are her own words! She talks on her blog about leading guided meditations with children.
tanila informed: "You are quite aware of the belittling remarks that you make. You have a sense of superiority when you do that. Got news for you, you're wrong. What does where Chip went to school have anything to do with the discussion??"
you have no idea of what i am or am not aware. try to remember that. do i feel superior to you? yes, because you believe in chip coffey -- also because i'm far better prepared and able to handle internet blog comments / banter. (i don't whine incessantly about people being "ugly" to divert the points being made about their friend.)
tanila, you are correct. where chip went to school has nothing at all to do with the discussion.
chip's refusing to back up HIS OWN ONLINE CLAIMS has a LOT to do with this conversation and with the point of kirby's entire blog.
some of chip's very public claims happen to be about his education. why did he make such claims and refuse to back them up, tanila?
do you suppose he made such claims to provide his ever blooming media biography as a "psychic" with some sense of credibility?
why WOULD someone go on and on about "it doesn't matter, you don't need a degree to be a psychic" once they were actually questioned about their own claims about having degrees?
hey, tanila, why don't YOU ask him to provide proof of diplomas in the degrees that he has claimed (all over the internet) to have.
he's your friend and trusts you.
surely he'll show you his diplomas and divulge the schools at which he received his masters in counseling and/or psychology and/or any other degree he's claimed to possess at any given time.
tanila, your KKK allusions are inept at worst and pathetic at best.
as for "Bea Cool" and children, i have no idea. i've never read that blog.
just from your quote, that person sounds like a sarcastic funhouse.
as soon as that person gets a TV show and starts exploiting kids like chip did with AandE, watch and see what i think.
til then, what do you think about chip, on national television, featuring and telling children who may or may not have psychological issues that they are "psychic" and that they should "face their fears" and confront unseen and unproven ghosts and demons???
"Sarcastic funhouse"??? That's what you call a person who profanes the religion of millions of people?? I, do not follow the Buddhist religion, but I would NEVER make profane, filthy statements about either the Buddha or his followers. I can only assume from your answer that you would.
"KKK allusions are inept at best and pathetic at worst?" Tell me why you think they are inept or pathetic. The "men" in the KKK hide their identities as they spread hate. They want to turn as many people as possible against a person or a group of people, yet they do not want to be accountable for their actions, so they hide behind a mask. You want to turn as many people as possible against Chip Coffey, yet you do not want to be held accountable. You hide behind a computer. I seem to be missing the ineptness of my comparison. Maybe you can point it out.
"I seem to be missing the ineptness of my comparison. Maybe you can point it out."
why do i have the sneaking suspicion that even if i provided you with a written textbook including pictures you still wouldn't see my point about the ineptness of your comparing anonymous internet comments to KKK terrorism....
i have answered many of your (off topic and irrelevant) questions, yet you never answered any of mine which ARE relevant to the topic of this blog.
i'm finished with you - i'm tired of wasting my time on a brainwashed chipchampion.
I have gone back and read all our posts, and I find no question that you asked me that I didn't answer. Could you ask again? I promise that I will answer.
all of my questions to you are there, i'm not going to repost. i counted at leat 4 in my January 4, 2009 5:06 PM comment -- that's not even going back through the rest of my comments on this entry.
honestly, tanila, i'm really not interested in your answers any more. like i said, i'm finished with you. i find your dogged defense of chip tiresome.
back to the intial point of my earlier comments wondering why chip wanted to take this private -- he is obviously a master manipulator.(he BSes people for a living, after all.)
chip pulls this contact-me-privately stuff whenever someone publicly disses him in anyway. he phones them, he emails them, he may even ask to appear on their podcast...
i hope the people he is attempting to manipulate keep that in mind (that he BSes people for a living).
Psychic Kids to be on Tyra Banks show tomorrow! Along with them will be Allison DuBois. What is your opinion of her?
I thought these questions were rhetorical, but here goes:
1. why did he make such claims and refuse to back them up, tanila?
How do you know he has refused to back them up? Because he won't give you and the others of your genre that information, doesn't mean at all that he hasn't given it to the people who matter i.e. the people from A&E. You won't even give your NAME, why should he feel the need to supply you with any information? you suppose he made such claims to provide his ever blooming media biography as a "psychic" with some sense of credibility?
It would appear that, as he is returning for several more appearances on Paranormal State, they find him quite credible. You have absolutely no proof that these are "claims" and not in fact the truth.
3. hey, tanila, why don't YOU ask him to provide proof of diplomas in the degrees that he has claimed (all over the internet) to have.
I have no need to see degrees that he has. I have worked in the ER for many years, and I never showed my nursing degree to a single patient. My employer had those records, and they were the only people who needed them. I have stated in LOTS of places on the internet that I am an RN. Chip has never seen my degree, either.
4. til then, what do you think about chip, on national television, featuring and telling children who may or may not have psychological issues that they are "psychic" and that they should "face their fears" and confront unseen and unproven ghosts and demons???
This is FAR out of my field of expertise. How do I know they aren't psychic? There was with him a psychiatrist, who I think is far better able to make that judgment than you. What type of training have you had in psychological matters? I DEFINITELY believe in demons. Jesus did, too. He cast them out!!!
The reason that you are tired of talking with me, is that I am an intelligent, well educated woman. You can't bully me. I can hold my own against you in an argument, and you don't like that. You are accustomed to being able to silence people with your little "Tanila squeaked" type remarks, and I won't back down from you. You also want to hide behind your cowardly anonymity, and I am not going to let that go! If you're not man/woman enough to identify yourself, why should any credence be put into any of your statements. Again, why should Chip give you ANY information, when you won't even give your name????
P.S. What is your educational background? What state do you live in? What are you trained in? Do you have a degree? If so, from where?
tanila reiterated, again, for about the 14th time: "If you're not man/woman enough to identify yourself, why should any credence be put into any of your statements."
no problem.
please, please *don't* put any credence in my statements and do yourself and me a favor and just ignore me.
especially since i've already addressed (at least twice) your redundant points regarding why chip should back up his own claims (ie: claim = provide proof / no claim = no proof necessary) and how my background and my choice of anonymity relate to kirby's blog comments and the entire discussion. (they don't)
buh bye.
The "fraud" who worked with Chip Coffey on Psychic Kids.
Lisa Miller, Ph.D.
Tenured Associate Professor of Psychology and Education
Director Child & Adolescent Clinical Psychology
Teachers College, Columbia University
President, Division of Psychology of Religion
American Psychological Association
Lisa Miller, Ph.D. is a leading clinical psychologist who works with children and parents with the goal of bringing families closer together and more full of sharing. She works with psychic kids and their parents to offer support and to clear a path for psychic children in our culture. Dr. Miller helps children and their parents understand their experiences as having meaning and showing direction for their lives.
Dr. Miller and her lab extensively research spirituality in childhood, adolescence and as part of thriving families. She is an eminent scholar in the field of psychology and spirituality and has extensively published in mainstream academic journals and lectures nationally and internationally.
Dr. Miller graduated from Yale College and earned a Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania. Her work has been funded both by private foundations and the National Institute for Mental Health. Dr. Miller is a tenured associated professor at Columbia University, Teachers College and current President of the Division of Psychology of Religion of the American Psychological Association.
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