It's been another wild week in the paranormal as we work to uncover misconduct on the part of various para-celebs. The EYE ON THE PARANORMAL just keeps growing! On Monday we set a record for the number of hits we ever received for that day.
We are having guest bloggers who will post different takes on the issues facing the paranormal community. Currently we have blogs on Monday and Wednesday. We plan to have new blogs 7 days a week. If you would like to post a paranormal blog, we'll add you to the list. Contact me at and we will get you set up.
On Saturday, October 15th, Martha Hazzard Decker will begin posting. Every Friday, starting on October 14th, we'll be getting blogs from an insider who will post anonymously to protect their privacy.
Bishop Long on Sunday Nights
Join Bishop Long on Sundays from 8 to 10 pm on for his show Sacred Division. My segment is called SAY WHAT? I talk about things within the paranormal community that has caught my eye and raised my dander.
The Good, The Bad & the What the %$&! of "THE DEAD FILES"
If you'd been surfing cable on Fridays you might have stumbled onto a new para-reality show called The Dead Files. Personally, I received a Facebook event invite from one of the shows stars to tune in. I found this odd as my track record is well known for uncovering deceptive acts on such shows as: Paranormal State and its New Class along with the Demon Exorcist, Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal, and Celebrity Ghost Hunt, to name as few. Also, there have been some that we had no issues with such as: Paranormal Challenge, A Haunting and Haunted Collector. So we decided to tune in and see if it could pass muster. In some ways it did, but in others it fell way short of a legit show.
This show could be called Paranormal State on Steroids as it copies the visual style of the show and the format of the investigations to a tee.
A psychic by the name of Amy Allan does a walkthrough that greatly reminds you of Chip Coffey's walkthroughs. One wonders if he'll be asking for his act back? An unnamed video guy follows her every step, filming her as she picks things up. Across country, and at a [presumably] different time, a former NYPD detective by the name of Steve Di Schiavi does a fact gathering investigation on his own. They both meet to share what they uncovered. See if it matches. Then they meet with the client. They all compare details and offer the client help. Does this replicate any episode of Paranormal State?
I wish I could give it a glowing review as the two hosts seem to be very nice people, but unfortunately I can't. So here is the good, the bad, and the What the %$&!
GOOD - The work of the detective seems to be a very good way to handle a historical investigation of a case. Detective Di Schiavi has a very logical way of working and asks great questions.
GOOD - Amy Allan seems to be a nice person: the type of person you would like to sit down and have a chat with.
BAD - After watching the first two episodes, we see that Amy is never wrong about anything. She picks up everything and is100% on the mark 100% of the time. Just like with the psychics on Paranormal State, nobody in real life is that good all the time.
BAD - In the second episode they claim to encounter a demon, so they are very much in my territory. Unfortunately, everything pretty much falls apart from this point.
Amy claims that she rarely encounters them, which is good, because they aren't that common. But then she makes a very odd statement: "I am not sure there is a hell." Well where else would a demon come from -- the pages of a Stephen King book? She complicates the whole thing by claiming "the Catholic church would call it demon." Demons aren't the sole property of the Catholic Church but pretty much the entire Christian faith deals and directly addresses the demon topic. [This is proof of what I try to teach. If and when a psychic encounters a demon, they should excuse themselves and have a demonologist called in].
WHAT THE %$&!- But where the show falls apart, and I don't want to give the story away, is when they directly address the client concerning the demon.
1 They completely fail or refuse to realize that the demon was the cause of the crime and never offer the man sitting in prison any help.
2 They tell the client they can help the person deal with the demon. How, you ask? Do they have the building blessed by a man/woman of God? Do they call in a demonologist to confront the demon? No. All they do is walk around the building using sage and some kind of New Age speak that a demon would laugh at!
Watch for Part 2 of The Good, the Bad and the What the %$&! next Wednesday.
Chip Coffey & Chris Fleming Remain Silent
Just what are they hoping to hide from the public? We have been asked that repeatedly due to the fact that we have yet to hear anything from either of them. What don't they want the public to know about? In the weeks to come we will be exposing just what they are trying to hide!
Did Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal Break State Laws & Endanger Children?
Over the next several weeks we will be list three episodes of the show, the state in which it was filmed, and the first names of the children featured in the show. We'll also provide a link to that state's department of Children and Family services website so the concerned public can ask them to begin a investigation into the matter. This is due to the fact that mental health advice was given to children by a unlicensed people such as Chip Coffey, Chris Fleming, and Michael Griffin.
1. Ashley, 13, from Wisconsin Dells, and Dalton, 15, from Danville Illinois were taken to a location in the state of Wisconsin in which Chip Coffey gave them and their family mental health advice. Mr. Coffey has no licensing nor is he certified to do so. Here is the link for the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families to report this child endangerment.
People who endanger the safety of children or practice mental health without proper licensing need to face the law.
I talk to Chip Coffey's Lawyer!
More GOOD/BAD and what the ^%&$ of The Dead Files!
Even more paranormal madness!
Follow us on Twitter:!/eyeonparanormal
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