By Kirby Robinson
Chip Coffey pretends that he's opposed to hate speech and bullying. He does this so that people think he's a good guy. And since he's such a good guy they'll open their wallets and allow him to dip into them. But it's all an act. He doesn't stand against hate speech; he actually takes part in it along with other members of the Chip Coffey Clan.
I've been attacked as being a narcissist, a very popular catch phrase these days. A psychology professor once told me "only a narcissist would label someone as a narcissist." [Not the same as a professional diagnosis]. This whole episode started with a blog posted by Sandra Lynn Sparks a/k/a Old Sparky [clan members need nicknames] based on the fact that Clueless Chris Fleming told her that I was one. How does having a Fine Arts degree give him enough training to make that judgment? But he did and she ran with it.
Truth struggles to come out and we had this site pointed out to us. We traced the owner of the site to Toronto, the city in which one of Chip's main attack dogs, back scratchers and a fan of male para-celebs, lives. Ms. X is always willing to do a favor when asked. Almost everyone featured on the page had shown the truth about Chip and his less than honest actions. So they are attacked. My blindness was even made fun of and they mock my guest spot on the Rob and Big show. [The show is one of the most popular on MTV and still gets high ratings when aired]. Below is a close up of my section. This is how the CCC operates.
Chip appeared on Michelle "Babs" Griffin's show. She lives in the Atlanta area and has hung around with Patrick Burns and Chris Moon in hopes of getting a TV show. She feels that Chip Coffey is a master psychic. Babs also made a brief appearance on Psychic Kids. Babbling Babs hosts an event service and a website that hawks fake para-celebs and encourages the gullible to buy stuff. She also drags out the Psychic Kids cast to exploit them some more.
We have established a link to Chip Coffey, Ms. X, [identity to be revealed later this month] and Babbling Babs who all participate in making fun of my blindness. Here is a clip posted by Scifake of the mocking of blind people that Chip did. See the video at this page:
This proves that Chip is a heartless and mean spirited bigot. The same must be said for Babbling Babs and her co-host [who is an African American and is laughing about a person being a victim of bigotry]. Chip is not psychic -- never was, never will be. I knew he was on Babbling Babs' show, and it was as scripted as all the others: Paranormal State, Psychic Kids, Celebrity Ghost Hunt. Chip has yet to prove he's a genuine psychic. Right now he's in spin control mode as he's peddling a wild story that he was a victim of a hate crime. We doubt the story and find it odd that he made this claim when he committed a hate crime himself.
It backfired on Chippy and the CCC. They ran into a person that won't run or cave in and keeps pressing onward and upward. What does a person do when they get caught? They try to engage in behavior opposite of what they did. This makes them hypocrites.
Oct 5 – Chip made fun of me and other blind people, especially those with macular degeneration.
Oct 6 marked the 13th anniversary of the Matthew Shepard killing [hate crime]. Yet Chip took part in hate speech around the same time.
Oct 6 - Claims he was a victim of a hate crime [we doubt the story] less than 24 hours after he took part in hate speech.
Oct7 - Made a big fuss about marching in a Gay Pride Parade in the ATL as an angel. This was done to bring an end to the hate, yet he took part in hate speech. Notice how he had to tell the world about his good works. Doesn't the Bible encourage one to do good works in secret? Guess Chip spends little time reading it.
Oct 7 - He posted this comment as people started to hear what he had done. "Brilliant words: "If I diminish you, I diminish myself." - Desmond Tutu
Guess he can read but clearly that’s talking about what he had done in his hate speech.
Oct 8 - Chip posted this: "To escape criticism, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing." - Elbert Hubbard.
Sounds new agey but does not block him from taking part in hate speech.
Oct 9 – Chip posted a photo of himself dressed as an angel. Do angels take part in hate speech? The only ones that do are fallen angels, so I guess he's admitting that he walks with fallen ones.
Oct 9 - Posted a photo wearing a t-shirt that reads STOP THE HATE. Chip thinks that hate towards gays is bad but picking on disabled people is okay?
Oct 10 - Posted a song about wishing we only had love, a note talking about his part in the march and a photo of a disabled man in a wheelchair holding a sign saying STOP THE HATE. Guess he was really trying to hide his guilt on Monday.
Oct 11 - He posted a new age sign saying you had no right to judge him. It should have read: "Chip has the right to judge and make fun of the blind but no one better judge hum."
The CCC knows they have been caught in the act and the connections between them are coming to light.
More on this later...
Sandra Lynn Sparks posted on a series of blogs attacking Ron Tebo and myself. Over the next few weeks we'll be taking them apart. Here's the first of the series of Old Sparky's Rants.
Posted Monday October 3, 2011 just two days prior to the Chip Coffey's mockery of blind people.
I've been involved in discussion boards since usenet was popular. I've been a poster, a moderator, an administrator, and a board owner.
I have NEVER run into wackier more in-your-face guys than Ron Tebo and Kirby Robinson. And that's coming from someone who used to post on, where you could run into some really ingenious and mean flamers.
The problem was, the people dealing with depression tended to be a whole lot more intelligent than these two. Ingenious is not part of their package deal. Mean, disturbing, and dishonest are the rules of their very small world.
I know - When you first encounter them they seem a whole lot bigger, with a wider following, but that's due to extremely heavy self promotion, and the use of lots of e-mail personas. I remember Ron from well before he pulled his ultimate publicity stunt, but more on that later on in this blog series.
Today, on his facebook page (which is public view), Kirby Robinson declared about his website: "The Eye On The Paranormal is fast becoming the "Sixty Minutes" of the paranormal world."
I think Ron Tebo of would challenge that boast.
Kirby must duke it out for whether he or Ron Tebo will become known as the "Andy Rooney" of the paranormal world, since the majority of what they post are personal opinions.
Ron, in particular, does not seem to realize his title suggests he goes after scientific fakes. But then, the small crowd that follows him probably wouldn't know what a psifake might mean. All they know is the website is a great place for trolls to find juicy hunting.
So who are these guys? And why would anyone care?
You care when you are constantly dodging or dealing with the feces they fling, like battling monkeys. This blog is of most interest to those who have to deal with them. You'll find some very entertaining and truly useful bits of information along the way.
By the way - before we really begin - I gave the two of them every warning this would happen. They have already posted lots of things about me and others: Ron removing his posts (but not before the posts were copied) and Kirby just going for it, trying to twist everything I and friends do or have done to fit his scheme of things. I will not be doing any twisting: As I wrote before, if they didn't provide the material themselves, on the Internet, it's not going to be used here. It will be directly quoted when it is on a public page, because they already, at the time of recording it, had released that information publicly.
Nothing that will be presented here violates the content policy of this blog service.
So - that's it for now. Who knows how long this blog will become. There are hundreds of references to sort through. Thanks to everyone who pointed me in directions I wish I hadn't gone in without a bio-hazard kit. Imagine what use all that energy dedicated to mean ends could have done, in the hands of decent people. Learn from this. Don't waste your energy being mean. Someday your target might turn out to be able to stand up to you, in ways you never expected.
I have NEVER run into wackier more in-your-face guys than Ron Tebo and Kirby Robinson. And that's coming from someone who used to post on, where you could run into some really ingenious and mean flamers.
The problem was, the people dealing with depression tended to be a whole lot more intelligent than these two. Ingenious is not part of their package deal. Mean, disturbing, and dishonest are the rules of their very small world.
I know - When you first encounter them they seem a whole lot bigger, with a wider following, but that's due to extremely heavy self promotion, and the use of lots of e-mail personas. I remember Ron from well before he pulled his ultimate publicity stunt, but more on that later on in this blog series.
Today, on his facebook page (which is public view), Kirby Robinson declared about his website: "The Eye On The Paranormal is fast becoming the "Sixty Minutes" of the paranormal world."
I think Ron Tebo of would challenge that boast.
Kirby must duke it out for whether he or Ron Tebo will become known as the "Andy Rooney" of the paranormal world, since the majority of what they post are personal opinions.
Ron, in particular, does not seem to realize his title suggests he goes after scientific fakes. But then, the small crowd that follows him probably wouldn't know what a psifake might mean. All they know is the website is a great place for trolls to find juicy hunting.
So who are these guys? And why would anyone care?
You care when you are constantly dodging or dealing with the feces they fling, like battling monkeys. This blog is of most interest to those who have to deal with them. You'll find some very entertaining and truly useful bits of information along the way.
By the way - before we really begin - I gave the two of them every warning this would happen. They have already posted lots of things about me and others: Ron removing his posts (but not before the posts were copied) and Kirby just going for it, trying to twist everything I and friends do or have done to fit his scheme of things. I will not be doing any twisting: As I wrote before, if they didn't provide the material themselves, on the Internet, it's not going to be used here. It will be directly quoted when it is on a public page, because they already, at the time of recording it, had released that information publicly.
Nothing that will be presented here violates the content policy of this blog service.
So - that's it for now. Who knows how long this blog will become. There are hundreds of references to sort through. Thanks to everyone who pointed me in directions I wish I hadn't gone in without a bio-hazard kit. Imagine what use all that energy dedicated to mean ends could have done, in the hands of decent people. Learn from this. Don't waste your energy being mean. Someday your target might turn out to be able to stand up to you, in ways you never expected.
Not sure if Old Sparky understands what the truth is. Maybe she has been grass dancing way too long [or smoking it] but we'll try to point things out to her and let the public know what is the truth.
1 She fails to mention that she works for Chip running his board. She doesn't tell you she is close to Babbling Babs, nor does she tell you that Chip had her at the Psychic Kids Facebook page acting as a moderator and site attack dog. [No offense to any dogs]. Does she admit that she directed people to boards she owned and was compensated for it via receiving traffic? Did she reveal that she is behind the psychic school and psychic tutor sites?
2 Yes, Old Sparky, EYE ON THE PARANORMAL is becoming like a paranormal 60 Minutes. We're posting new blogs 5 to 7 days a week with guest writers joining in. Unlike the Chip Coffey Clan, we want to help and inform everyone. The CCC only wants to help themselves to other people's money and misinformation.
3 Neither Ron nor I pulled any posts from the Psychic Kids page. That was done by A&E when you tried to become the moderator. A&E took over the page, removing you as the false moderator. So you and the CCC created a Facebook page PSYCHIC KIDS: AFTERWORD [whatever that means] to act like an official page -- which it isn't. Wonder what A&E will say about that? Links to Chip's and Sandra's sites began popping up. Again, Sandra created new accounts to make it look as if many post there, but in reality only the CCC and a few backscratchers are.
4 I'm happy to be compared to a legend like Andy Rooney. When he got old he didn't become bitter or mean and sick in the head. He did something with his life.
5 Ron uses SCIFAKE to expose fakers like many who are in the CCC. We at EYE ON THE PARANORMAL have no issues with SCIFAKE. And, Old Sparky, it wasn't until all the lies, attacks and deceptions you took part in finally got me and Ron to talk on the phone. In fact, Ron might begin posting a blog on the EYE once a week.
Pick apart all the lies and attacks that we've uncovered and you're left with nothing. Watch your appetite, Old Sparky, because next week you'll be getting another heaping plate of the truth.
On October 12, 2011, Ron Tebo and Babbling Babs talked on the phone. She told Ron that she is very upset with what Chip Coffey did on the show. She said she wasn't laughing at Chip's blind comments, but seeing Chip poking his face into the camera lens is what she found funny.
Personally, I don't buy it. Here's why:
1Why did she tell Ron this and not me?
2 She was contacted hours after the incident took place and she never said this at the time.
3 Watch the video and note that she's already laughing when Chip sticks his face into the lens.
4 Babbling Babs posted about the aforementioned hate site concerning me and Ron that featured a joke about me going blind and even used a phrase that was featured on the site.
If she is telling the truth she can send a post for next week in which she goes public with this information. Send it to me at and it will posted, as is.
Follow us on Twitter:!/eyeonparanormal
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Terrific update, Kirby! You have clearly outlined all of the events as they have been unfolding and there is no doubt in my mind that Sandra Lynn Sparks is an absolute whack job! It's comical that Chris Fleming used the word "narcissist", considering he appears to be one himself, but whatever! Chip showed his true colors by making fun of your blindness and Michelle Griffin is just trying to do some damage control after she sat there and laughed over Chip's antics. I don't buy her story about laughing at Chip giving the camera a close-up of his ugly mug either. However, the video is out there for all to see, and people can draw their own conclusions. Keep doing what you're doing and do not let these bastards deter you because that is exactly what they are trying to do by making fun of your diability as well as all of the other attacks and accusations that have been made against you. Those people really are the scum of the Earth.
ReplyDeleteHey Kirby, I love the way you write! hard to deny that evidence and with a touch of class, beautiful :)
**The link to the FB account is not showing, so I made a tinypic for you and now everyone can see Michelle babs Griffin and how she WAS making fun of you BEFORE the show ever aired, its all in her own post, right here
I do have to give you credit, Mr. Robinson. You are handling yourself a whole lot better than some who have come to your aid.
ReplyDeleteRon,I think someone (coward by name 'anonymous')just took a shot at you!
ReplyDeleteOl' Sparky just cant get over you huh Ron, lol
Actually Tempy, I was talking about you. Even Mr. Tebo handles himself better than you do. One can at least reason with Mr. Tebo. But you on the other hand, not so much. Its ok though, everybody knows youre an insignificant twit.
ReplyDeleteAhh Sparky you are Tooo easy! LMAO I know that was you, sparky/chockwa
ReplyDeleteoh again you make me laugh so hard, wow looks to me like you'd hate to keep being the joke of the world, did you see my new victory flag at FB?
I uploaded just for you, to let you know WE WIN.. haha
Oh and that lil'love crush you have on Ron, You do know that's one way right? LOL!
ReplyDeleteMY guess was not sparky but Michelle, she has a thing for Tebo I hear ;)
ReplyDeleteTempy the drone, you are the one who is too easy! I feel sorry for you, I really do. So full of hate and anger. We all know that your references to God are phony so stop using His name. I will pray for you. You obviously need it.
ReplyDeleteWhat is this fascination with saying that people have crushes on Mr. Tebo and Mr. Robinson? And Michelle is supposed to have a thing for Ron Tebo? Ha! I seriously doubt that! I hear she cant stand him.
How pathetic that attacking my faith is all you have left but at least I have the courage to stand up to child exploiters using my name and not "Anonymous".
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of phonies, here is Chip brazenly continuing to mock Kirby's blindness even after getting called out on his bigotry following the now infamous webcast.
Oh yes, he is certainly a loving spiritual mentor, psychic medium and enlightened guru.
I hear Michelle in in Ron's pocket! oh she likes him alright LOL
ReplyDeleteYou have no faith child. You make a mockery of it. You hide behind God's name while hurling insult after insult. Any true woman of God would never act the way you do. You are a phony. We all see it. You poor creature.
ReplyDeleteMore like Ron wishes Michelle was in his pocket!
ReplyDeleteRon would have to be wearing his parachute pants from the 80's for Michelle to "fit in his pocket".
ReplyDeleteExample after screenshot and video example of Chip and Michelle shamelessly mocking a legally blind man and you have the audacity to question my virtues and religious convictions? No wonder you are posting anonymously with such impotent arguments LOL
ReplyDeleteI hear Blabs is having a beautiful ensemble tailor made from a tarpaulin for the next "Through The Veil"
ReplyDeleteOne of the titles from Sandra Lynn Spark's hate blog (moderator of Chip Coffey's forum) specifically inteded to mock a legally blind man
ReplyDelete"Looking For Fame When You're A Blind Man With A Forked Tongue."
You are one sick bitch.
Looks like this blog has become nothing more then the national enquirer of bullying. Sad.
ReplyDeleteIt is sad. But thats what you get when drones like Tempy start attacking others all the while pretending to support God's work. She is just a troll looking for a fight anywhere she can get one.
You followed me here demon because God defeated you and took you from the perch where you THOUGHT you would lure children away from their parents and our view,
ReplyDeleteYou have been forced out by God And because you have lost the attention you once enjoyed, you try to come here for it, you are our witted, you are not a high level demon, you are a bottom-feeder looking and hoping for scraps from which to feed, maybe hoping to please another you wish favor from, lol
God is stronger than you and in his holy name and the name of his most holy son, Jesus we cast you out, Your word cannot harm me as I am his child and he gives me the strength to know you for what you are demon, You are beneath my Father and you are beneath me,
Hiss what you like demon you are defeated, God Wins, We win begone demon, its over hahaha!
Half the harm that is done in this world
ReplyDeleteIs due to people who want to feel important
They don't mean to do harm
But the harm does not interest them.
Or they do not see it, or they justify it
Because they are absorbed in the endless struggle
To think well of themselves.
T. S. Eliot
Another the title from Sandra Lynn Spark's hate blog (moderator of Chip Coffey's forum), this post was specifically intended to mock a man who was molested alongside his sister in his youth. .
ReplyDelete"Sometimes I Feel Like A Sexually Abused Child"
Sick, sick woman.
If This is the Enquirer, Chip can be our Jeanne Dixon. LOL
ReplyDeleteTalk about a sick bitch! Look no further than Tempy. The God rant shows how loony you are! You poor thing. I will pray for you.
ReplyDeleteHere is your sickness demon,
ReplyDeleteMORE of the titles from Sandra Lynn Spark's hate blog (moderator of Chip Coffey's forum)
*Looking For Fame When You're A Blind Man With A Forked tongue
*Kirby Robinson: The Mirror Gazer
*Sometimes I Feel Like A Sexually Abused Child
*Suppose You Were A Web Designer Like Ron Tebo
This is a very ill individual who mocks those who as children had abuses, YOU Sandra, one who profess to teach necromancy to children are one in the same who mock those like Ron Tebo and his little sister who were sexually molested as children of 5 and 6 years old. that is no less than evil incarnate.
Yes you demon, who we now see for what you are, defeated
I have thoroughly and sufficiently backed my stance and all you have are angry little abbreviated jabs under an anonymous ID.
ReplyDeleteNo defense for Sandra's atrocious hate blog post titles.
No defense for the screenshots and video clip mocking a legally blind man, yet I am the sick one?
* PLEASE keep your children as far from these people as possible!
You will "pray" about my my "God" rants?
ReplyDeleteI'd love to hear THAT prayer LOL
Yawn! Bored now! I dont have to defend Chip, Tempy. He can defend himself. The prayer for you would involve God forgiving you for your phony attempt at pretending that what you say and do is in HIS name, when we all know its not. Youre the true demon. So laugh away, phony.
ReplyDeleteYou "don't have to defend him" or you can't?
ReplyDeletenext (yawn)
Oh, Tempy! You have turned this into a real yawn fest. You just dont get it do you? I don't have to defend Mr. Coffey. It has nothing to do with cant, its just not my place to defend him. I will say it again, Chip can defend himself. Just like Mr. Robinson can defend himself. Kirby doesnt need you to do it thats for sure! Its just an excuse for you to attack others, something you seem to enjoy doing. Youre boring and predictable. Yawn, yawn, yawn.
ReplyDeleteYou followed ME so who is the stalker and bully? You no longer have an audience do you? God took it from you demon, you no longer can perch upon your branch waiting for innocents to stumble in. But since you are someone who is so obsessed with Kirby and Ron, it's becoming very disturbing and very obvious why others wont follow you (hahaha),
ReplyDeleteGod wins because that's the way it is, you embrace darkness and necromancy your soul belongs to what ever you traded it to, ever wonder why your life for sucks? why your sick? why your obsession eats at you because you can't take losing? it's because you embrace things against God that's why, the words you hiss mean nothing to me demon, you are below me and you have been defeated.
Followed you? Hardly! This is Kirby Robinsons blog NOT Tempy 'the pretend Christian' head case. Anyone who wants to come here to post is free to. And no one is bullying you. it is the other way around. You are demanding that I explain or speak for Chip Coffey's actions when it is not my place to do so. Only he can speak for himself. But keep hiding behind your false devotion to God, its entertaining! Ya Lunatic!
ReplyDeleteYou still refuse to address the issues at hand, you can only attack my faith and hurl weak personal epithets like petulant school girl.
ReplyDeleteYour lies and deceitful words have no meaning here. You are defeated harlot, your evil has been vanquished by those that dwell in light. You that scurry in darkness and shadows shall not subvert our children as planned, your plot has been foiled and you have been exposed as the miserable servant of The Deceiver that you are.
Here Sandra pretends that she has removed the vast quantities of comments supporting her hate blog (there were none) to keep her many supporters from being "attacked".
ReplyDeleteI doubt even her 2-3 cronies buy this one:
Quote the hate blog of Sandra Lynn Sparks:
"Thanks for the private messages of support. Please contact me through my website. I am removing any supportive messages here because I don't want anyone else attacked. But I'll leave theirs up, so you can see what kind of people they are.
Posted by Sandra at 6:07 AM 0 comments:"
Sorry Tempy, but it is YOU who dwells in darkness. And every one of your posts proves it. It must suck to be you. Living such a huge lie, pretending to be a woman of faith when all you can do is attack, attack, attack, name call and harass. A true woman of God would never act as you have. You are a phony. But no one is buying your claims of being religious. Even demons can recite scripture, claim to be from God and pretend to be something that they are not. Sound familiar? It should! Its what you do with many of your posts. We will all keep praying for you poor child.
ReplyDeleteLet's take a closer look at one of Sandra Lynn Spark's hate blog (moderator of Chip Coffey's forum), intended to mock a man who was molested alongside his sister in his youth:
ReplyDelete"Sometimes I Feel Like A Sexually Abused Child"
In addition to her multitude of multimedia artistic talents, acting ability, musicianship, psychic expertise and political punditry, Sandra claims to be an expert at interpreting body language and by comparing one of Ron's network news interviews to that of an alleged abuse victim on "Dr Phil", she has applied her proficiency as a body linguist to determine that Ron is lying about his abuse as a child.
Quote Sandra:---------------------------------
"I've spent a good deal of time looking at the video of Ron recalling his story for reporters. As I brought up in my previous blog entry: Remember that looking down to the right with the eyes can be an indication of lying. This is one of Ron's biggest habits. Look at the video on this page. By the way - in the video that was on youtube, one could see that when Butch was recalling things, he looked down to the left. This, according to body language, was a man remembering - not making things up. Ron looks down to the left when talking about his sister's abuse. He looks down to the right when talking about his."
Quote Sandra:.....................................................
"Have you ever seen men or women confront their abusers on, for example, The Doctor Phil Show? There's a universal body language that shows up when someone goes back into the mouth of that particular hell: We have a tense curve to our shoulders that shows the weight we have born because of the abuse. The spine is braced for a new blow. We hold ourselves tight, we are tense, unless something has happened to take that weight off of us. You might the impression that we know if we let go, we'll explode. Ron's body language was relaxed throughout the video, even when he was talking about getting Butch for what he had done. His face would be animated with emotion at times, but his body remained relaxed."
In the first paragraph it "CAN be an indication of lying"
In the second paragraph it's "universal body language" . please pick one and stick to it Sandra.
God knows Sandra would never question the credibility of an alleged victim of abuse that appeared on The Dr Phil Show. Thankfully only a very small group of old bittys and dingbats believe her nonsensical pseudo insights at this point, these are the dimwits that cry every time Chris Flaming laments over the loss of one of his precious cats LOL.
After reading this i have to say that i can see why you and others were so upset with was going on the A&E page. God is good. You have won the battle. I would never leave my kids in the hands of these people after reading all this. Keep up the good work Kirby.As for the others i hope they find there way and may God bless them as well.
ReplyDeleteGod is good and they hate that, too bad they reject his love, it does not make me happy to see the lost but there is nothing we can do except move on, rejoice and praise Jesus for his victory's! :)
ReplyDeleteBoy Tempy, you are such a phony! Your blasphemy is sickening. Your posts are sickening because they are false. You will deserve whatever happens to you for pretending to be a woman of God and pretending to praise Jesus. There is no victory for you because your faith is insincere.
ReplyDeleteI suppose exploiting children, mocking those with disabilities or those that were victims of abuse as a child would make me pious by your standards?
ReplyDeleteDon't you have a troubled child you need to tell they see dead people to feed your own ego or something?
I'm sure this moron will fail to see the irony of posting anonymously, while calling someone else a "phoney". LOL!
ReplyDeleteI see that little pea-brain of yours is struggling to come up with something new to post. Sad, simple little sheeple that follow the charlatans and false prophets unquestioningly. Why are fans of Paranormal State and Psychic Kids always SOOOOOOOOOO STUPID?
ReplyDeleteSeriously, statistics have shown that they are the absolute dumbest and least educated in the paranormal target audience demographic.
This astrophysicist has effectively proven my point (thanks). :)
-Praising Jesus is not blasphemy.
ReplyDelete-Convincing children that they have special gifts from God that enables them to see dead people IS blasphemy.
Hopefully your little 5 watt brain will be able to comprehend this important distinction.
And it is the children who have won here, not us.
Tempy, the big crusader for children???? I think not! Pretedning to praise Jesus like you do is blasphemy. And you are no doubt a blasphemer. You throw God's name out there pretending to live by HIS word and it is obvious that you do not practice what you pretend to preach. You do not care about these kids, you only care about the opportunity to use these kids as an excuse to attack people on the internet. We can all see right through you. So stop pretending to praise Jesus and care about these kids, you sick phony.
ReplyDeleteHow ironic:
ReplyDeleteThose that exploit children call the critics the exploiters, those that are fake psychics call others fake. LOL!
Address the issues that are the topic of this blog please and stop pretending to care about children because we all know anyone that supports "Psychic Kids" obviously does not.
ReplyDeleteThere is no excuse for this and your reluctance to acknowledge or address it speaks volumes.
One of the titles from Sandra Lynn Spark's hate blog (moderator of Chip Coffey's forum) specifically intended to mock a legally blind man:
"Looking For Fame When You're A Blind Man With A Forked Tongue."
Another the title from Sandra Lynn Spark's hate blog (moderator of Chip Coffey's forum), this post was specifically intended to mock a man who was molested alongside his sister in his youth:
"Sometimes I Feel Like A Sexually Abused Child"
*PLEASE keep you children as far away from these people as possible
This site has become nothing but a bash fest and a complete waste of time to even read. Come on Kirby, get a hold of things on here and stop letting this Temperence person turn your blogs into a hate site full of bashing and insults. You know, your site was never this bad in the past. I used to enjoy reading your work but if this is how things are going to be from now on, I doubt that I will keep coming back.
ReplyDeleteI doubt Kirby is concerned with the opinion of someone that cares about child exploiters, hate bloggers, frauds, those that mock a man's blindness and a man getting abused as a child getting "bashed' with cold hard facts.
ReplyDeleteYour feeble little no match for me simpleton. The Serpent can hiss venomous lies all it pleases but we will never stop fighting for the children.
Wither, and die, I banish the to dryer places.
I doubt Kirby is concerned with the opinion of someone that cares about child exploiters, hate bloggers, frauds, those that mock a man's blindness and a man who was abused as a child getting "bashed' with cold hard facts.
ReplyDeleteThe Serpent can hiss venomous lies all it pleases, but we will never stop fighting for the children.
Wither, and die unclean spirit, I banish thee to dryer places.
Address the issues that are the topic of this blog please and stop pretending to care about children because we all know anyone that supports "Psychic Kids" obviously does not.
ReplyDeleteThere is no excuse for this and your reluctance to acknowledge or address it speaks volumes.
One of the titles from Sandra Lynn Spark's hate blog (moderator of Chip Coffey's forum) specifically intended to mock a legally blind man:
"Looking For Fame When You're A Blind Man With A Forked Tongue."
Another the title from Sandra Lynn Spark's hate blog (moderator of Chip Coffey's forum), this post was specifically intended to mock a man who was molested alongside his sister in his youth:
"Sometimes I Feel Like A Sexually Abused Child"
*PLEASE keep you children as far away from these people as possible
@ Temperence
ReplyDeleteIm not from the Psychic Kids page, I have no idea who it is that you think I am, but I am a fan of Kirby and his work. Have been a supporter of his for awhile now. I really doubt that you speak for him. So when I say that his site has turned into a bash fest ever since you started posting here, its a fact and not just from someone that you have been trading insults with on the Psychic Kids page. So just know that. You have turned Kirbys site into a hostile, unfriendly place with all of your venom.
Kirby, as a supporter I will ask you again, please get a hold of this Temperence person. They are ruining your site with all of this hateful bashing. Temperence has some issues and cant seem to leave well enough alone. Stick to exposing liars and frauds in the paranormal, not bashing. You are a classy gentleman and your site used to have class, now it is does not. Please take out the trash and get back to doing what you do best.
You are not fooling anyone demon!
ReplyDeletebegone, if you are sooooo upset why do you return? You support Kirby?
YOU LIE because this blog proves you don't, hiss your venom elsewhere because I'm here to stay, Your IP is always the same loser LOL,
God took your perch and you lost hahahaha!
Praise Jesus!
Getting in the last word and claiming that you are not going anywhere is not winning the fight or proving anything other than you dont know when to shut the hell up. All you do is run your mouth. Its all lip service, as usual. You are a very disturbed person as your posts have shown. You dont care about any of the children from the Psychic Kids show, you just enjoy the bashing and venom spewing. Its all that you are about. I agree with whomever said that you are faking being a christian because a true christian would never behave like you have been behaving. God is more than likely ashamed of your behavior and for making such a mockery of HIS name. Calling people demons and banishing them makes you sound nutty! Like you should be in a padded room and shot up with Thorazine nutty! Heres a thought, go run yourself a nice bubble bath, turn off the lights, light some scented candles, put on some soft music, diddle yourself and then go take a nap. It sounds like you need it and it just might release some of that anger and frustration that you have!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDelete-Still no comment on the bigotry aimed at a blind man.
ReplyDelete-Still no comment on mocking a man who was abused as a child.
-Still no acknowledgment that the show Psychic Kids was child exploitation.
-Still no expression of outrage over the fact that these charlatans with no qualifications (or kids of their own) continue to attempt exploiting children on webcasts, internet forums and conventions.
>Run from the light cockroach, you have been exposed.
-God has blessed me with a man that is more than capable of satisfying my carnal needs but thanks for the advice, all of your lonely, man-less friends will probably make good use of it.
ReplyDelete-Perhaps you should take your own advice and hit the tub since all of those exclamations points you added at the end of your post implies an extreme degree of frustration on your end. LMAO!
God Bless!
Ha ha ha ha ha! I highly doubt a real man would put up with the likes of you! You are so very pathetic. And nowhere near convincing! I think youre late for your Thorazine injection Tempy! Youre coming apart at the seams you poor, loony little twit. Better get running along to that bubble bath! Your lame attempt at a proper comeback shows how on the mark I am about you. Oh, and you know where you can stick your phony "God Bless" comments. The very same place that you speak from daily, your anus. What you are reading is nowhere near anger or frustration from me, its more like amusement!!!! Youre such a phony, laughable fool that it has become comic relief!!!!! Thanks for the giggles. Keep 'em coming!
ReplyDeleteThis obscene, vile harpy (Chockwa/Sandra) wants desperately to deceive parents and children that may have psychological or emotional issues to serve her purpose which is the degradation and ultimately the destruction of the family. Her service to The Despised has denied her a family of her own by making her womb barren and her soul black, therefore she hates that which she cannot have.
ReplyDeleteHer and her minions have been decimated and these last desperate whimpers of the beast writhing in agonizing defeat are no less than pathetic.
PLEASE keep you children as far away from these vipers as possible. (the ones that use exclamation points exorbitantly are particularly angry and frustrated).
Remember, "Psychic Kids: Afterwords" is not a page sanctioned by A&E and there already is a dangerous individual with multiple arrests in a single year proven to be a member there.
Sancte Michael Archangele, defende nos in proelio; contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium. Imperat illi Deus; supplices deprecamur: tuque, Princeps militiae coelestis, Satanam aliosque spiritus malignos, qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo, divina virtute in infernum detrude.
is this the woman who keeps harassing everyone and wrote the paranormal troll files hate blog?
ReplyDeleteYou got to see this omg LOL
Did you really just type this? "Her service to The Despised has denied her a family of her own by making her womb barren and her soul black, therefore she hates that which she cannot have".
ReplyDeleteThat statement alone shows what a low-life you are. Stooping so low as to accuse someone that you do not even know of being such a bad person that she has been denied the ability to have children and that she hates those who have children? I knew from reading your other posts here that you are a childish fool, but you are also very cruel. You have no idea why that woman cannot give birth but to say something so vile about someone that you do not even know proves that it is you whose soul is pitch black. You go on and on about God and Jesus yet, neither God nor Jesus would ever be so negative and nasty. This also proves that you do not really worship anything that is Holy or just. Your attempts to appear educated in Latin are also a joke. Nice try, but anyone can look up the English to Latin translator and copy & paste the translations. Poor, little Tempy so full of hate and anger over the fact that she is just a phony simpleton trying her best to appear educated and well versed amongst those who actually are! We can all see right through you. You are an evil woman. Rotten to the core and highly disturbed.
-Still no comment on the bigotry aimed at a blind man.
ReplyDelete-Still no comment on mocking a man who was abused as a child.
-Still no acknowledgment that the show Psychic Kids was child exploitation.
-Still no expression of outrage over the fact that these charlatans with no qualifications (or kids of their own) continue to attempt exploiting children on webcasts, internet forums and conventions.
>Run from the light cockroach, you have been exposed.
LOL! Poor Tempy. Keeps throwing tantrums because her demands are not being met. Well, no one owes you anything, let alone an explanation about Chip's comments about Kirby, Sandra's comments about Ron, or anything else. Who do you think you are? Youre a nobody. You run your mouth over the internet spewing hate and venom and thats about the sum of it. You try to appear educated, but anyone can copy & paste Latin from an Englsh to Latin translator, just like anyone can pretend to be a christian (like you keep doing) by throwing God's name around continuously. You act as if you are a crusader for children and that you are attacking people due to these things, but it is obvious that you just enjoy being evil. I think that you should address the following: Why it is that anyone should answer to you? Why do you pretend to be a christian when youre really not? Why do you pretend to be educated in Latin when you are not? Why do you keep acting as if Ron Tebo cannot defend himself? Why do you keep acting as if Kirby cannot defend himself and that only you can do it for him? Why are you claiming that a woman who cannot have children is barren because she is a bad person, when you do not even know why this woman never had children? Why are you hiding behind the phony name of Temperence English when we all know that is not your real name?
ReplyDeleteI will tell you why, because you are an evil wench. An internet bully and troll who gets her jollies bashing people as she hides behind her keyboard making up numerous phony names. The true cockroach is is you.
I also posted this (below) but as usual you only clip and snip that which you feel will distract from the real issues.
ReplyDelete"This obscene, vile harpy (Chockwa/Sandra) wants desperately to deceive parents and children that may have psychological or emotional issues to serve her purpose which is the degradation and ultimately the destruction of the family."
OH wow, I just noticed this:
What mother in her right mind would feel comfortable with this obviously disturbed woman interacting with their child on the interment or worse, teaching them to develop their psychic abilities?
PLEASE keep your children as far away from these people as possible.
btw is she naked? GAG! LMFAO!
If you weren't so guilty and had nothing to answer for, you would not be here so desperately trying to change the subject and shift the focus of blame.
ReplyDeleteIf you beg me, perhaps I will cast you into a swine (from what I've seen that would be an improvement)
It is you who is trying to distract from the real issue at hand! LOL! Im not placing blame n anyone, I am just pointing out what a hypocritical little twit you are. But let me get this straight, one minute you are pretending to be a devoted warrior for God & children alike, the next you are threatening to do a little hocus pocus and cast me into swine? LOL! Which is it, Tempy? Are you a warrior for God or an English to Latin web translatin' witch? Are we seeing 2 different personalities coming through here or are your true colors shining through once again? You have once again revealed yourself to be nothing but a hypocritical troll. You are not a christian at all. That much has been proven. you dont really care about these children either, that much has been proven. Youre here to bash people and hurl lame threats over the internet (all from the safety of your computer desk of course) about how you can turn others into swine. Put your money where your mouth is and do it then. Lets see you do it big mouth. Oh wait, thats right. Your a phony christian and a phony witch as well but a real piece of human excrement. Just shut up and go away already. You are such a joke. Stop embarrassing yourself.
ReplyDeleteOh gross!, is there any way I can get that youtube video "exorcised" from my memory? I'm going to have nightmares about the Michelin Tire Man dancing naked in my bedroom.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Temperance on much of this, but do think the "barren womb" thing was a bit overboard. These idiots that encourage children to live a lie or worse, complicate the mental state of a confused child is just inexcusable. I had no idea that show created such an ongoing wave of dangerous child mistreatment this way. Just my 2 cents.
You can try to divert the issue as much as you like with pathetic inanities and blame displacement but this is not going away. There is no excuse for this and your reluctance to acknowledge or address it speaks volumes.
One of the titles from Sandra Lynn Spark's hate blog (moderator of Chip Coffey's forum) specifically intended to mock a legally blind man:
"Looking For Fame When You're A Blind Man With A Forked Tongue."
Another the title from Sandra Lynn Spark's hate blog (moderator of Chip Coffey's forum), this post was specifically intended to mock a man who was molested alongside his sister in his youth:
"Sometimes I Feel Like A Sexually Abused Child"
*PLEASE keep you children as far away from these people as possible
I figure that every minute they dedicate to typing out those demented, repetitive rants meant to subterfuge the real issues (child exploitation, mocking the disabled etc.) that this is time away from them possibly harming a child with their unqualified psychic counseling. I care not what they say about me about me, they have no power here,Only God does,
ReplyDeletePraise his name in all its Glory!!
You all are cracking me up
ReplyDeletehey she needs some back-up dancers LMMFAO
oh crap! LOL
ReplyDeleteGet real, Tempy! Youre the demented one. You dont worship God, you worship the dark one. Pretending to praise God one minute then threatening to cast spells that turn people into swine the next. You could only keep up that phony fascade for so long until you revealed your true face, huh? LOL! Stop pretending to support God and HIS word, you lying hypocrite. The only one ranting here is you. I am pointing out what a liar and hypocrite you are and have done exactly what I set out to do. Expose you for the lying fool and internet troll that you are. So long, Tempy. My work here is done. You have no power or control over anyone. That is why no one is bothering to answer any of your pathetic demands. You are a complete nobody trying to prove moot points that no one really cares about because they are being presented by a mentally disturbed individual such as yourself. Tempy, you have been measured & weighed and found to be totally lacking. Ta Ta moron!
ReplyDeleteI have been "measured and weighed" by someone that believes Psychic Kids and Paranormal State was real LMAO
ReplyDeleteThe weakening serpent cannot twist the truth. Christ cast a demon into a swine this a is not a spell-casting like you practice. More proof that you your faltering heresy shall fall upon deaf ears.
God IS Victorious!
Kirby have you performed any exorcisms? If so how many?
ReplyDeletethere is no way Kirby wrote this article, Lisa Maglidia must have. Lisa are you writing and asking Kirby a question. Makes no sense. u guys must be pretending, even an 18 year old can figure this out.
ReplyDeletewho is this temeprance chick? not a very nice person. dont understand how you can preach god and then blast people, jesus would never do that nor would mary. you are mkaing yourself look black as a kettle.
ReplyDeleteDemons are vile and only God can make them flee, as we laughed at the feeble attempts of coercion from the vile low life child exploiters from the Psychic kids fan page and blabs herself try multiples of posts hoping this would be detracted from its original topic we stand firm with God,
ReplyDeleteA demon will attack the faith of a Christian, twist and turn to seek an audience of approval in hopes of success but as always when God is in control they will fail,
Those individuals like blabs and Sandra have embraced the darkness and necromancy, if there were anything of God left within them they would know this is a not a battle they will win.
Constantly Hissing barely intelligible words in hope of penetrating any wavier of faith from those here in full spiritual warfare, these individuals will never win nor crack the Armour of God!
Once again I say to thee vile unclean spirits you have no place in this world nor will we wavier in our faith your words cannot harm us.
Sandra and her minions have been decimated and these last desperate whimpers of the beast writhing in agonizing defeat are no less than pathetic.
PLEASE keep you children as far away from these vipers as possible. (the ones that use exclamation points exorbitantly are particularly angry and frustrated).
Remember, "Psychic Kids: Afterwords" is not a page sanctioned by A&E and there already is a dangerous individual with multiple arrests in a single year proven to be a member there.
Sancte Michael Archangele, defende nos in proelio; contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium. Imperat illi Deus; supplices deprecamur: tuque, Princeps militiae coelestis, Satanam aliosque spiritus malignos, qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo, divina virtute in infernum detrude.
-Still no comment on the bigotry aimed at a blind man.
ReplyDelete-Still no comment on mocking a man who was abused as a child.
-Still no acknowledgment that the show Psychic Kids was child exploitation.
-Still no expression of outrage over the fact that these charlatans with no qualifications (or kids of their own) continue to attempt exploiting children on webcasts, internet forums and conventions.
>Run from the light cockroach, you have been exposed.
This Temperence chick has a long history of attacking people over the internet. Just received some juicy information from an "anonymous" source that Temperence used to post as Aanica over on Ron Tebo's web site SciFake. She ran off when Chip threatened to sue Ron. She was running her mouth on that site for several years before she got freaked out and split. Guess the heat got too hot for her. But little Tempy/Aanica has been a naughty girl all over the internet! Everything from pretending to speak Latin and being called on it and schooled by someone who actually does, to threatening to cast spells (yes, she has identified as being a witch in the past), to bullying and stalking people she doesn't like. See for yourselves:
So, whomever called her an internet troll is barely scratching the surface of how evil and twisted Tempy/Aanica is. Go get some help for your "issues" Tempy/Aanica. You can keep pretending all you want, but once again, Karma has caught up with you and you have been exposed for the lying hypocrite and total nut case that you are.
As we said demon you are finished, God has defeated you!, hiss all you please we will not be detracted from this topic Michelle 'babs' Griffin torments a disabled man and laughs at his going blind, God has seen you and so we expose you charlatan,
ReplyDeleteYou can try to divert the issue as much as you like with pathetic inanities and blame displacement but this is not going away. There is no excuse for this and your reluctance to acknowledge or address it speaks volumes.
One of the titles from Sandra Lynn Spark's hate blog (moderator of Chip Coffey's forum) specifically intended to mock a legally blind man:
"Looking For Fame When You're A Blind Man With A Forked Tongue."
Another the title from Sandra Lynn Spark's hate blog (moderator of Chip Coffey's forum), this post was specifically intended to mock a man who was molested alongside his sister in his youth:
"Sometimes I Feel Like A Sexually Abused Child"
*PLEASE keep you children as far away from these people as possible
Notice how Tempy/Aanica keeps repeating the same things over and over again in a lame attempt to divert attention away from who and what she really is? LOL! How pathetic. If anyone is a demon, it is you, Tempy/Aanica and it is you who has not only been revealed as a liar & hypocrite but has been soundly defeated with the truth. You are a phony. You are not trying to defend Kirby, Ron, or children. You can slither back under your dark rock now, your true face has been revealed! Your history of attacking and flaming others over the internet speaks volumes troll. It must really suck to be you!