This was a difficult blog for me to write. If you have ever seen this on TV, they leave out important details. I’m going to try to fill them in during my research. This was a tricky blog for me. But feel free to do your own research.
I’m going to talk about a satanist who named himself Pazuzzu Algarad. His real name was John Lawson. Ironically Pazuzu is actually the name of a demon....Pazuzu. I knew I heard that name before. He was definitely influenced by the demonic. This young man chose to live in just absolute filth. He felt it made things and him much stronger. Huge tattoo saying Satan on one of his for arms. This story is both sickening and sad. The teachers just had written him off. And I wonder if the police had been forced to do something about it.....And to tell his mother he must be evaluated. This is when Satan sneaks in. Oh that makes me so mad. I wonder if that would’ve made any difference? But the enemy as the Bible says “is prowling about like a lion seeking whom he may devour.” This man cut a slit in his tongue to be like a snake. I’m guessing Satan got a hold of him during weakness, I’m not saying he should be excused. He eventually killed himself.
People would literally go to the bathroom anywhere they wanted in the house. It was the house with no rules. It was a den of iniquity really. Even though it was filthy some went there and hung out and did drugs. Or they were trying to get away from their real life problems at home. It was a small town and not much to do in Clemons, near Salem, North Carolina. Many of his followers were drug users and his house had no rules. He had a way with words and knew how to manipulate very well. Just like Satan. I believe this man was oppressed possibly possessed. He drew people in with a certain appeal. Yes it was gross but his friends said it was a escape for most people. (Idle hands are the Devils tools) the drugs and no rules appeals to people out of work in a small town. It’s sad in many ways but the devil will use these situations to drag your soul to hell.
Let’s take a look at what Pazuzu means? A couple of things depending on personal belief.
“In ancient Mesopotamian religion, pazuzu also called Fazuzu or Pazuza) was the king of the demons of the wind, brother of Humbaba and son of the god Hanbi. He also represented the southwestern wind, the bearer of storms and drought.” He was the demon in the first Exorcist film.
According to Wikipedia, Pazuzu is featured in the 2014–15 NBC television series Constantine in a two-part episode "The Saint of Last Resorts". The protagonist, John Constantine, summons Pazuzu to combat Lamashtu, the primary antagonist of the first part, and later willingly allows Pazuzu to possess him to save himself from another powerful demon. However, Pazuzu has no wish to leave his new host, and emerges whenever Constantine is in danger, causing the deaths of at least eight dangerous gangbangers. Luckily, Constantine's ally Anne-Marie is able to exorcise Pazuzu by the end of the second part.
No one should EVER call on a demon for help. Only call on Christ and you have a calling and have The Lords hedge of protection as the Bible (KJV) tells us. See how these movies are and people believe it to be true. As if you need to summon a dangerous demon for help. That’s a terrible idea floating around.It’s dangerous and becoming highly popular. All over social media you can learn so much dangerous information. It is truly frightening. The world is bad enough without letting demons have a legal right to enter your life. It’s relentless until they have your soul. That’s all they think about. They HATE HUMANS. It goes back to Lucifer when he was an angel. (Another blog for another day.)
A lot of people for some some reason believe pazuzu is also Zozo. A demon that is known to prey on Ouija boards. I’m not sure where they get that connection. The Exorcist was a sensationalized true story. They had to keep the young boy protected. His name was never released. I’ve read in an article somewhere (this is just a side note) that the producer got a true story sent to him in the mail and said this would make a good movie so he read this person‘s true life story. And they add things and change things out in the movies. Most people know this I think. The boy is now a grand father. He remembers nothing from his traumatic experiences. Praise God for that, Satan likes to harass you for life! You’re mind is the devils' playground. Remember this friends. Jesus can remove him from your life. They flee at the name of Jesus when met with someone with rock solid faith. They only want to bring you heartache.
Pazuzu is a demon in charge of a lot of hell. Remember..... I look at this from a biblical point of view. Just my humble opinions when I blog. I have been at this over 25 years. (I'm 45). I started seriously at the age of 19. I took courses on Spiritual Warfare at a local church with a long term boyfriend at the time who was a youth pastor. We learned related subjects too. Later I took courses at Trinity Bible college. No degree. Just a certificate of completion. I’m no expert. Just because my father was a Pentecostal Minister means nothing. It afforded me a great head start on a calling. Okay, back to the blog. I wanted to get that out of the way again. In case someone doesn’t know reading this. As scholar Stephen Bertman notes, "though short on pizzazz, Pazuzu made it to Hollywood: he is the only Mesopotamian demon to have starred in a movie - The Exorcist". In the 1973 horror film (based on the 1971 novel by William Peter Blatty), Pazuzu is the demon who possesses the Linda Blair character and is associated with the Christians Satan and the forces of evil.”
You can research this on your own. But ironically it was on TV two weeks ago. But some things were left out of the documentary. He had three fiancee's. They all lived together. His mother was a Satanist, too. They didn’t say that on the documentary. His followers stipulated while he was very high on crystal meth (Crystal Meth and the devil) he grounded down his teeth to a point so he could bite into his sacrifices easier. He (Pazuzu) stated he had bodies in the basement. Witnesses claimed this house smelled like death. Not to mention it was a very filthy place to live. He didn’t clean or bathe for over a year. People would just use the restroom anywhere they wanted and it wouldn’t get cleaned up if the dogs didn’t eat it. He felt that gave him more power.
His childhood friends said he was picked on a lot. Kids called him names because he always smelled. His mother had him seek mental health several times. But when he took over her home, I know why she did not put her foot down. It could be a generational issue but that is just my guess. I’m guessing it just really did not do well because they failed this young man. When he dropped out of school he decided to become everybody‘s worst nightmare. He was 18 and a freshman. Because he smelled nobody gave him the time of day and they just wrote him off according to what I’ve researched. It’s kind of sad. That’s what I mean about people not judging their fellow man. We know not what they may be going through. As he became older the situation became much worse.
He was arrested once for choking his mother. She didn’t press charges. But she lived at this home too. It was her house. Which a lot of people said it was a nice big home that she kept very nice. It makes me wonder how could she live in that environment and not only that, how can she ignore her son's mental health? It did not take a genius to know something wasn’t right. And throwing drugs into the mix just made things worse. He murdered someone's son as a way to initiate his rituals. That speaks volumes. He was even receiving disability for some type of a anxiety disorder. He could get all the drugs he wanted. All the cigarettes and alcohol too. That makes it even more dangerous when they have a monthly income to support their way of living.
I don’t know how people get away with that. I know people who are truly suffering from cancer and other serious illnesses and they cannot get any Social Security disability. Everybody is always denied at first but they say if you keep trying it after a certain amount of time you get it if it is a legitimate illness. However, people slip under the cracks. Maybe if this man would’ve received the proper mental health treatment when he was younger perhaps two people would still be alive and his soul may have been able to be saved. It started in his teen years. He was 30 when arrested, I believe. They finally found two bodies in his backyard. And there was possibly more. One victim was his ex-girlfriend’s husband and the other one was a young man who was part of the ritual initiation.
Side note: They had to demolish the house as it was deemed inhabitable. That’s how bad it was. One of the neighbors bought the land so no one can build there. They felt the land still had evil ties. God only knows what went on over the years. His mother hasn’t said anything since her son died. She won’t speak to reporters or police.
When he went to jail he committed the suicide. Remember.... during a crystal meth bender he grounded all his teeth down to a point. The jail had a hard time with him on suicide watch. He kept biting into his arm and legs and would be treated by medical. He finally was able to lose enough blood to die one night after biting into his arm. He was found in a pool of blood. But the police are very tight lipped about it all. Remember he had his teeth all grounded to a sharp point. He wanted to be what everyone feared. But what the documentary I saw left out his own mother was a satanist. Now we are getting somewhere. That is probably where he found his ideas. Or inadvertently opened legal doors. And worshiping Satan is one of those doors. It never turns out well. He was fine for years but the devil turned on him. Turn to Jesus Christ. He loves you so much. Just as you are. This was another example of the devil.
Until next time, may your days be bright and your thoughts be light.
Written By Jennifer Auld
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