Read Part 1 here: The Lesser Keys Of Solomon And Dark Magic
The Key of Solomon, in Latin Clavis Salomonis or Clavicula Salomonis, Hebrew Mafteah Shelomoh (מפתח שלמה), is a grimoire, or book on magic, attributed to King Solomon, probably dating to the 14th to 15th century Italian Renaissance and presenting a typical example of Renaissance and magic. The Lesser Key of Solomon, or the Goetia, is a medieval magickal text that claims to give the techniques and materials needed to embark on the mystical path of Solomon. It gives directions for casting magick circles, and invoking demons and dark Djinn into the consciousness of the magician. Here like Solomon the magician must unleash the demon from the brass vessel and symbolically slay the demon with a magical sword. Like the Djinn trapped in the magick lamp, the demon may also grant the wishes and desires of the magician, but it is the test of fortitude for the magician to resist these temptations and expel the demon from his mind. As smart as he was in his last days people don't know that he just spoke this gibberish type language. Made no type of sense. His mind was not there sadly.
These are from what I know, ancient hebrew spells, rooted in hebrew mysticism. Solomon the wise king of Isreal, son of David supposedly used the magic formulae laid down in the Clavicles to gain power over Demons. For example, he is reputed to have cast a spell to put the Demon Asmodeus into submission and make him build the Temple of Solomon. At the end of Solomons life He spoke in jibjerish and no one heeded his calling until his death. This was a very sad end for one who thought it was okay to walk with only 1 foot in God's Word. And all because he heeded the invitations of his foreign wife who had nothing to do with our God all powerful creator of the Heavens and Earth. He did what he should not. when he summoned Samuel, He was rebuked.
This is basically a book on how to summon 74 (I think) different demons. It should only be used for research or study in certain callings, it's not a safe book in the wrong hands. It drove King Solomon was crazy in the end of his life. Can you believe that? As I mentioned above, he spoke gibberish in his last days. Wise King Solomon even fell victim to temptations. He would summon demons to have them do his bidding for him. Such building buildings and anything else that he wanted. Whatever he wanted he would make them do it. And God did not give him permission to use to demons in that manner. It's nothing but dark magic. That is highly dangerous stuff to tamper with. You could really open up a dark world for yourself and loved ones. The emotional torture is pure hell. Someone using that book feeling is just as dangerous as someone doing that that knows how.
These are from what I mentioned before, I believe these come p ancient hebrew spells, rooted in hebrew mysticism. Solomon the wise king of Isreal, son of David supposedly used the magic formulae laid down in the Clavicles to gain power over Demons. For example, he is reputed to have cast a spell to put the Demon Asmodeus into submission and make him build the Temple of Solomon. At the end of Solomons life He spoke in jibjerish and no one heeded his calling until his death. This was a very sad end for one who thought it was okay to walk with only 1 foot in God's Word. And all because he heeded the invitations of his foreign wife who had nothing to do with our God all powerful creator of the Heavens and Earth. He did what he should not. when he summoned Samuel, He was rebuked.
Dabbling in dark magic is very dangerous. And It puts you on their "radar" and now you are familiar to them. Eventually they will use that interest or curiosity against you. I've said it before, demons are very patient. Some people don't suffer repercussions still down the road year two years of mine you just don't know. It's like I said just because you've left the location in one piece doesn't mean all the provocation and taunting said person did will eventually come back on them. Demons and Satan are not and never were humans. And they never can be. They fear Jesus Christ greatly because they know how everything ends and their time is near.
According to Wiki Black Magic or Dark Magic has traditionally referred to the use of supernatural powers or magic for evil and selfish purposes. With respect to the left-hand path and right-hand path dichotomy, some believe black magic is the malicious, left-hand counterpart of benevolent white magic. In modern times, some find that the definition of "black magic" has been convoluted by people who define magic or ritualistic practices that they disapprove of as "black magic". There are many different opinions on that subject. People have strong feelings about this and doing this kind of dark arts.
A Few Examples Of The Type Of Attacks:
Exaggerated emotional states: fear, anxiety, anger, panic, shame, rejection, grief that is over-extended or out of proportion, hopelessness, helplessness. Attacking Our Mind Mentally. Tormenting thoughts of suicide, self-mutilation thoughts, confusion, forgetfulness, blocked memory, self hate, feelings of worthlessness and thoughts of being unloved and thoughts that God won't ever forgive you and He doesn't love you.
Demons will always, and I mean always, horn in at the worst time in your life. Our minds are the devil's playground. And sadly it's true. But if we put our faith in God and wear the armor of God everyday the enemy will hate this left with no choice but to flee.
Written By Jennifer L Auld
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