People understand this please, there is NO such thing as 'Christian Yoga'. One cannot go into certain poses (which by the way are submission acts to certain gods) and then profess scripture of the Lord God Almighty. You are serving TWO masters at that point in time. Saying that you are doing ‘Christian Yoga’ is like going to a strip club as a woman or man, taking off your clothes and pole dancing claiming all of this in the name of Christ Jesus! See how ridiculous that sounds, but it is absolutely the truth!
So let’s examine where Yoga actually started. Here is what we can find out. Yoga’s history has many places of obscurity and uncertainty due to its oral transmission of sacred texts and the secretive nature of its teachings.
The early writings on yoga were transcribed on fragile palm leaves that were easily damaged, destroyed or lost. The development of yoga can be traced back to over 5,000 years ago, but some researchers think that yoga might be up to 10,000 years old. Yoga’s long rich history can be divided into four main periods of innovation, practice and development. The source of this history was taken from (
The doctrine of Yoga is as follows, that the practice of Yoga is pagan at best, and occultism at worst. The teachings emanate from the Eastern religions, all of which teach that self is God, only many just don’t realize it until they do the techniques and rituals of Yoga. The goal of Yoga is self-realization-to look deeply within to what ought to be the temple of the one true God and to discover the alleged true Self or higher Self to be God. Nothing could be more religious than that, yet with straight faces, all of the Yogis insist that practicing Yoga does not change anyone’s religious beliefs.
Christianity cannot be integrated with yoga and remain Christian. To think otherwise imperils the Christian truth and faith. By doing so integrates the East and West together. The east is east and the west is west, the two shall never meet Psalm 103:12. By doing this act you are opening the demonic doorways to higher powers! Understand there is a common misconception in the West that Yoga which there are many forms, is just merely a neutral form of exercise, a soothing and effective alternative for those who hate jogging and calisthenics. However, that is so far from the truth!
The sickening truth of the matter is this that one cannot separate the exercises from the philosophy. The movements themselves become a form of meditation. The continued practice of the exercises will, whether you intend it or not, eventually influence you toward an Eastern/mystical perspective. That is what it is meant to do! There is, by definition, no such thing as ‘neutral’ Yoga! However, many Christians I have spoken to will argue this over this point. They refuse to see the blatant Satanic aspects because the god of this world hath blinded them! 2 Cor. 4:4.
What I would like to state is that no believer should ever partake in any type of yoga class. Why can't one simply call it an exercise class? Why not call it, "An Ultimate Workout & Lose Weight Now Class?" Of course, some folks do; however, there is a very HEATHEN reason why New Age occultists are promoting "yoga" classes all across the nation. The reason is that the Devil is working round-the-clock to kill, steal and destroy people's lives. John 10:10.
People "Yoga" is NOT harmless at all! If it's so harmless, then why call the class, a Yoga Workout? "Yoga" always involves mind-control. Now look I realize that some sincere folks may go to a yoga workout session simply for the exercise; however, they are supporting WITCHCRAFT. In other word’s it would be like going into a bar for a drink of water, or a strip club to use a phone book. As believers in Christ Jesus, we are commanded to "Abstain from all appearance of evil" (1 Thes. 5:22). "Yoga," no matter what type you engage in is evil, demonic and will bring Demons into you!
So you understand I recently traveled to the State of Minnesota (June 2nd – 5th) to perform two Exorcisms that weekend, one with an almost certified Yoga instructor and the other was with a woman whom another clergy member made worse and did not know what do to do. (A blog for another time). In the Exorcism with the ‘almost’ certified woman the battle that she went through to get set free from aspects of Hindu and Buddhist ways was not fun at all for her!
The amount of vomiting and spewing forth left her drained and limp! Then another case which was engaged upon on the 10th of June of a certified instructor as well was handled to break down the door ways of the demonic! I will say this many people witnessed this woman’s feet swell so badly the shoes had to be removed. In the end her feet returned back to normal and she could walk and stand!
I'll say it like this - have you ever made a phone call and accidentally dialed someone else and the wrong person answered? Guess what when you do this kind of act you are getting not someone else, but something else. Realize this - THEY ALWAYS ANSWER THE PHONE CALL!!! Satan is a VERY faithful servant to the Christian. The devil and demons are waiting for you to slip up and faster than your heart beats they are on you!! That is how much they wait for a Christian to slip up.
By making certain 'chants' you are offering aspects to Brahma and others, not the Lord God Almighty. If you are doing this false act as a 'way to meditate' upon the word of God, then you're guilty of doing the ways of the PAGANS and the bible does NOT state you are to do YOGA at all. Once again a Man Made Aspect, not a Lord God Almighty ordained aspect!
You need to repent of these demonic acts, ask forgiveness and sadly start to command and close off the demonic portals that you have now opened up and to kick out those forces within you. So if you DO not understand what the word YOGA means here is what it means - TO YOKE and by an extension of UNION. Amos 3:3, 2 Cor. 2:15-16 apply but yet a Christian practicing yoga refuses to believe this!! But by doing this act you openly DISOBEY God. Disobedience is Rebellion, and Rebellion is WITCHCRAFT 1 Sam. 15:22-23!! So God views you as partaking in Witchcraft which is another layer of Demons you must be delivered from!
Written by Rev. Bradley Luoma
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