
Friday, October 23, 2015

Fifty Shades of Mommy Porn & Demonic Sex

By Reverend Mark Hunnemann

What does it mean that the fastest selling paperback in history is a trilogy of soft-porn novels that wallow in sadomasochism? Erika Leonard--aka E.L. James--is British author of The Fifty Shades of Grey trio of novels. This unholy literary trinity is defiling the consciences and imaginations of millions of women, including many professing Christians. So  many young woman are reading Fifty Shades, these books have been dubbed "mommy porn". Very sad...

As with many cultural phenomenon, the popularity of these novels is both symptom and cause of the status of our culture. It is symptom in that, the author expresses the spiritual/moral collapse of Western Civilization (similar to dynamics of the decline of the Roman Empire--moral rot from within). Moral/ethical relativity is at the core of Ms. Leonard's worldview as expressed in these books. On the other hand, its incredible popularity is effecting many millions of women in a deleterious way.This book is not merely being read, it is  being experienced--in a variety of ways, but the minds/imaginations (which is where the spiritual battle normally begins) of its readers are being defiled. That can be a gateway to the demonic.

My purpose is not to write a book review, nor an in-depth discussion of demonic sex, but to think aloud with you as to what is happening in our country. The explosion of interest in the paranormal is not happening in a cultural vacuum, and I am passionate about understanding the dynamics of what is feeding into this continuing fascination with the paranormal. 

Two simultaneous trends, both of which are experiencing explosive growth: fascination with all things paranormal, and popular"art"  expressing graphic sex. The common denominator of these two trends is the primacy of experience over reason and God's revealed truth. Whether it be erotic or the spirit realm (or both), lusting for direct experience is what I see as the link between these two phenomena.The desire behind experience is the idolatrous quest for happiness.

It was Francis Schaeffer who commented that personal peace (happiness) and affluence have become the dominant life values of most people. This is tragic in light of the fact that glorifying and loving God is our purpose, and happiness will often (but not always) follow. Certainly joy will...

Another connection we must note is that this mass defilement of minds and imaginations is a cause for the increase of cases of incubii and succubii....demonic sex.

I have no doubt that demonic sex is increasing in frequency.

However, there are many women (and some men) who are ashamed to admit their diabolical sexual encounters to a pastor or priest. And as horrible as it may sound, some folks do not want the encounters to stop, because of how pleasurable it is.They are addicted... Personally, I have spoken to perhaps 3 dozen women and men who were/are in agony over this horrific reality. Make no mistake--people are really being sexually aroused and assaulted by demonic entities. The folks I talked to were mostly wide awake when the episodes take place...and they ranged from exquisite sexual arousal/orgasm to violent demonic rape....ripping,and tearing of genital flesh. Some are being touched and diabolically pleasured while walking down the sidewalk.

If this blog helps one person to commit to living a disciplined, holy life, or encourages them to overcome their fear and seek help, then it will been a "success."

Please keep this in mind as I discuss the sexual component--I have written of how our country has seemed to have reached a critical mass of interest in the paranormal. I THINK this has simultaneously removed (to some degree) God's restraining common grace protection, and unleashed an unprecedented amount of overt demonic activity in the US. Please don't lose track of that as we discuss this other.It has become more dangerous because fascination with the paranormal has opened the floodgates to spiritual darkness/oppression.

The "Twilight" series (which had a major impact on (E.L. James), "Being Human" and scores of other TV shows and books, have replaced the "old bad boy" with a vampiric bad boy. He's a lot badder...This interest in vampirism and/or the pornographic Fifty Shades are a step towards creating an invitation to the demonic, because the daydreaming/lust may include the desire for an illicit supernatural encounter.Combine that with a super-heated paranormal atmosphere (demonized), then we have a potent brew.

Often moving progressively,  it starts with sexually explicit dreams....moves to sleep paralysis episodes....and finally one night they see the footsteps on their bed. and the touching begins. And a wide-awake nightmare ensues...

Now, here is the problem--reading a book like Fifty Shades of Grey primes the woman for adultery/fornication by proxy ( I am not picking on women, because everyone knows that many men have terrible problems with pornography....and this book is being read primarily by women).Their imaginations are being corrupted by the antics of Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele.

Not long into the book, they are going at it, in graphic detail. The plot is not even worth mentioning because it boils down to this sequence, which repeats itself over and over--two pages of various characters interacting, and then 3 pages of wild, S&M sex. Over, and over, and over....Christian (curious choice of name) is a 27-year-old billionaire who makes Brad Pitt look like an ugly nerd. Her constant, breathless descriptions throughout the book of Mr Grey makes any living man/husband/boyfriend look hopelessly inadequate.

The demon cannot read their mind, but it knows what they are reading has put them in a spiritually compromised position. Some are then tempted to lust for a midnight "visitor" .In other words, reading pornographic trash is a door-opener because it can give them the "legal right" to attach and attack. Some readers or viewers of pornography may even yearn aloud, "If only I had..." Any demon within earshot will be eager to surprise them one night with an experience that is other-worldly pleasurable.

I am having trouble knowing which direction to take this (maybe because I am in the midst of the chaos of moving). Let me say two things.

First, please...I beg of you to get the help that you need. You can always contact me and I will find someone to help if you are too far away. Please do not remain silent out of embarrassment. And if addicted to demonic sex--it happens--you must look beyond the pleasure and see that you are being used and destroyed. Demons are incapable of loving humans...they hate you.

Second, as I pondered this issue, I was reminded of the Song of Solomon in the bible. It contains beautiful and sensuous poetry expressing erotic love between a man and a woman in the covenant commitment of marriage. Eros was created by God, as were all the lawful pleasures. The Word of God is not prudish, and a proper appreciation of the attractiveness of the of the opposite sex, of both form and face, is explicitly celebrated in the The Song of Solomon. It is amazing to me that this part of the inspired bible can be so "earthy", but without a hint of the pornographic.

Here are the key themes in that amazing book.

1. God's covenant, which commands sexual purity, provides just the right framework (marriage) within which His people may properly enjoy the gift of sexual intimacy (Gen. 2:23-24) Thus God's people honor Him and commend Him to the world when they demonstrate with their lives that obedience in such matters brings genuine delight.

2. Marriage is a gift of God, and is to be founded on loyalty and commitment which allows delight to flourish. As such, it is a fitting image for God's relationship with His people, in both the OT and the NT.

The fall of mankind damaged every aspect of human lives, and God's work of redemption aims to restore every aspect  to its proper functioning. God's goal is that romantic love, with all its potential pain and degradation, should be an arena of enjoyment for His redeemed people. (ESV Study Bible, pg 1213)  Amen.

Mark Hunnemann is the author of Seeing Ghosts Through God's Eyes: A Worldview Analysis of Earthbound Spirits. It's also available in eBook format.

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