
Saturday, October 4, 2014

Aftershocks--Long Term Affects of Exposure to "Spirits"

By Rev. Mark Hunnemann

Once in awhile, the GAC crew invites folks from previous investigations for "post-op" interview, which they call "Aftershocks". Often, the comment is made that things got worse after they (Ghost Adventures Crew) had left. Recently, in his darkened dungeon, Zak Bagans made this comment, "There should be a doctor who studies the long term affects of interacting with spirits." He then bemoaned how all his girlfriends had been attacked and dumped him. Well...

I have made the very same comment on more than one occasion. With the Ebola virus now seemingly in the US, there is a spiritual pandemic definitely threatening the entire globe.

As an increasing number of people disregard the safeguards of Deuteronomy 18:12 ff and intentionally attempting to contact the "spirits of the dead", they are putting themselves at risk of catching something much worse than Ebola--because it has eternal consequences.

I have been personally involved in dozens of cases and have seen or heard of many people getting very sick or dying because of long term exposure to the demonic. This is the deep, dark secret of the paranormal community. It must be exposed. I have friends who are exorcists/demonologists/ deliverance who tell of many other cases of severe illness.

To my knowledge, there is not an on-going study by an MD of how widespread this spiritual pandemic has become, and its physical consequences. But, as was mentioned, there should be.

It is embarrassing for many to report their ailment and link it to their paranormal activity...or others who are innocent but still get "infected" due to unfortunate circumstances.

When I received a triple scratch/claw on my left shoulder several months ago--scar is still visible--I was concerned about getting sick, especially since I already have a heart condition. But who could I tell? a few close friends...Some getting sick are those on the front line fighting this vicious, desperate, end-times attack of Satan. This is not the norm for most Christians.

Please do not lose your confidence in the Lord--if we humble ourselves before Him, submit to God, and resist the devil, then he will flee.But for those millions being drawn into the occult, Christians need to be aware of a pandemic already raging. In Jesus,  
Mark Hunnemann

Mark Hunnemann is the author of Seeing Ghosts Through God's Eyes: A Worldview Analysis of Earthbound Spirits. It's also available in eBook format.

1 comment:

  1. OMG Mark, I'm writing about this very subject for my next blog! Wow. Excellent blog here my friend and thank you for exposing this! Everyone should read this and take it very seriously! I'm sharing it on my Twitter if you don't mind. Love this great read!


Keep your eye on the Eye on the Paranormal because we have a lot of exposing to do!

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