Thank you to Kirby and Lisa M. for working to keep Eye On The Paranormal a resource for those who want to know what is really going on supernaturally and not fall prey to all the false theology, fakes, or thrill seekers who are unknowingly playing with fire.
I've taken many of the articles I've written for Eye On The Paranormal, and put them into book form. It's divided by topics with all the links (which work in the ebook) with the Bible Scripture references so you can see How Real Science Proves The Bible by Lisa Grace ($3.49).
Don't fall for quicksand theories that have holes big enough to drive a quasar through, but go by the real science based on facts like DNA, thermodynamics, photons, plasma, and quarks that ALL point to an intelligent designer, "a genius beyond genius" a quote from anonymous in this video) watch The Biologist on You Tube.
Lisa Grace
Angel In The Shadows, Book 1 - Free
The difference between vampires and angels? Angels are real.
Books 1 & 2 are optioned for film, in development now.
Self Publishing RoundTable - Lisa Grace Interview #4
Rocking Self Publishing Podcast - Lisa Grace
Guest Post by Lisa Grace on JA Konrath
Angel In The Shadows, Book 1 - Free
The difference between vampires and angels? Angels are real.
Books 1 & 2 are optioned for film, in development now.
Self Publishing RoundTable - Lisa Grace Interview #4
Rocking Self Publishing Podcast - Lisa Grace
Guest Post by Lisa Grace on JA Konrath
Congratulations on your book Lisa. I miss you so much I miss our chats we need to catch up. My cell phone number is still the same and I will share this blog on my Twitter