I am so proud of our churches Pastor's, Staff, congregation and the family and friends that came to participate too. I almost forgot. We had a 7th grade class from one of the local schools show up and prepared meals as a class project. Bureaucrats want God out of the schools? Then let's bring the schools to the churches. AMEN †
One bag contains 13.6 oz. and there are six servings per bag. Many of the top food scientists and food manufacturers, have participated to come up with a meal, that has the highest grade of protein, vitamins and minerals combined to make the healthiest meals available for children around the globe. Amen to them as well AMEN †
This is one fun awesome mission for churches each year. Even if you can't host an event, you still can contribute to them directly with your $ gifts. Watch that video at the top and see the pictures of the boy that was starving starving and in six months brought to full health. God did, does, and will continue to Bless us and show that miracles can happen in today's world too. Please, if you don't do anything else, share this particular page with your friends and family. You too can and will cause a change in someone's life †
Feed My Starving Children is a non-profit Christian organization committed to nourishing God’s children hungry in body and spirit. The approach is simple: children and adult's hand-pack meals specifically formulated for malnourished children, and we ship these meals to nearly 70 countries around the world. Click here the following link to learn more about how you can become involved http://www.fmsc.org/aboutus/statement-of-beliefs
May God shine his light through you
Pastor Stephen Piersall
God's Preservation Ministry Soul Care, http://www.gpmsc.org/
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