"Behold, all souls are Mine..." (Ezekiel 18:4)
"And do not fear those who kill the body but but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear Him who can destroy both soul and body in hell." (Matthew 10:28)
"...we have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of our souls." (1: Peter 2:24)
"We have this hope as an anchor for our souls." (Hebrews 6:19)
Can our souls fragment after we die? Or can they even fragment while we are alive, and then the fragments disperse at death? While this notion may seem bizarre to some, it is becoming more popular. If you watch The Dead Files, then you will recall that Amy speaks of fragmented souls frequently.Parapsychology is more apt at this stage to discuss this notion than some paranormal investigators, but it is trickling down quickly, and we need to keep abreast of current thought and trends. That way we (the Church of Jesus) will be relevant to the needs and questions of our dear friends.
What is the big deal? What is at stake in this discussion? The issue is nothing less than the identity of human beings--and our continued identity after death. The soul is our essence, and can it be disintegrated or fragmented? Can life become so hard or traumatic that we literally start to fall apart? Please do not mistake what we are discussing with the very real phenomenon of psychiatric meltdown. That can and does happen, even to the most godly. But those are FEELINGS. Not actual fragmenting of the soul itself..
No, this has to do with the soul itself LITERALLY FRAGMENTING. Huge difference, can the trials of life threaten to to destroy our essence? Or as one shaman put it--the karmic weight of living an excessively evil life may become so heavy that it shatters the soul?
Christian theology has two presuppositions--the infinite /personal God really exists, and He has not remained silent but has spoken to us in the bible.Modern man has rejected both, and in doing so, has become bereft of any foundation for understanding invisible reality, like the human soul.
Only God can meet the two deepest longings in our souls--the longing for security and significance. Our security and significance does not depend . upon feelings, but upon our Rock...God Himself, who is an anchor for our souls. What a beautiful and powerful message we have for modern men and women!!
They are like sheep without a shepherd or a boat without an anchor...utterly lost and without any basis for security or significance. No basis for understanding the nature and destiny of our souls after death (or before death).The bible speaks against this notion of soul fragmentation everywhere. The few verses.quoted above scream against this notion.
"It is appointed to man to die once, and then face judgement." (Hebrews 9:27) At death, God (who owns our souls) keeps our souls intact to stand in judgement before His holy throne. Nothing can touch or disintegrate our souls--even though it may feel otherwise.
Yes, we may FEEL insecure or insignificant at times....we may even experience a meltdown...BUT, nothing....NOTHING... can touch our souls.Our feelings are not an accurate judge of the immense worth, dignity, and eternal nature of our souls.
God created our souls and he keeps them from fragmenting, regardless of how psychologically fragmented we feel. How horrible to wonder if one's soul is literally coming unglued while alive (please see quote below). Or how much worse to think that one's soul may be torn asunder after death--with pieces of my essence scattered here and there.
Check out the following quote....
"As part of normal living we all will have created a number of sub-personalities within our being. Each will have a fragment of the soul's energy to sustain its existence. These sub-personalities can continue to co-exist within if this is what is deemed appropriate or they can, at anytime, be reabsorbed into the soul's inner light. Ejected sub-personalities can sometimes seem like possessing entities for they are a part of the psyche trying to get back home.
If a person dies with an ejected sub-personality or one or other of the sub-personalities have been captured by an evil entity then that part does not pass back into the spirit realm but remains stuck close to the Earth plane. These parts of the psyche await the time when the soul is back in incarnation again and they can then be re-united with the soul's energy. To do this fully might also entail clearing any negative attachments that have accrued to them." (excerpt from unknown source)
Huh??!! What you read above is what happens when we speculate about the nature and destiny of the human soul apart from divine revelation--the result is insanity. Our generation is deeply lost, and we should bow our heads and weep...The price for jettisoning God and His revelation is exceedingly high--we lose our souls--temporally and for eternity in hell.
May the Lord use us to touch others lives and hearts.
"Seeing Ghosts through God's Eyes" (also in a Kindle edition)...please consider purchasing my book which uses science, logic, and the bible to analyze the true source of power behind paranormal activity.
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