By Kirby Robinson
Here are two blogs
that were originally posted back in May, well before the release of her new
book—and mine. They concern the credibility of the Long Island Medium, Theresa Caputo. For
the past few years, she has become America's so-called number one medium.
Nowhere has she ever claimed to be a psychic, as those claims can easily be
disproven. Also, the Long Island Medium claims she is never wrong.
Americans are
embracing psychics and mediums. Go to Google and type in psychics and mediums--
you could spend 8 hours a day for a year, and never visit every site on the
You can spend hundreds
to thousands of dollars getting a phone reading, Skype, and in person readings.
You can attend gallery readings, which is a group reading, and you're not even
promised to receive one bit of information from the other side.
Sylvia Browne is the
former number one psychic of record who has been featured onLarry King Live and
appeared frequently on The Montel Williams Show. Ms. Browne has
more than 50 books in print, 21 books in audio format, and all her so-called
nonfiction titles can't stand a serious test of legitimacy. For example, her
book "Afterlives of the Rich and Famous" is impossible to fact
check—she can make up any story. And she does---as her books are simply flights
of fantasy and fiction.
Why is this? Why has
the public become so accepting of these modern day snake oil salespeople?
- Rejection of
God's message and embracing a feel good new age false religion.
- Uncertain times
force people to find sanctuary in something. Some find it in drugs while others
find it in people who will tell them what they want to hear.
- Searching for the
truth about life after death. Going by what the psychics and mediums say, we
can live any way we want. We can do anything we want. We can think any way we
want to and sin any way we want to. If we accept their words, whether written
in a book or spoken on TV, there will be no price to pay. There is no hell, no
punishment -- just a bright and sunny afterlife.
- A society should
embrace a learning process. Now, everything is spoon-fed to us. Our ability to
think, question, and engage in a scientific manner has been reduced. If anyone
on TV says it is so, then it is so. If I read it on the Internet, it is so. If
some "expert" appears for a few minutes on Oprah or Ellen and
says it is so – then it must be so.
Like every other
medium and psychic out there, The Long Island Medium is a fake. She feeds on
the emotionally needy and the spiritually insecure. Like all the others, she
increases her bank account by tricking her audience that she has all the
answers. She convinces her cult-like followers that she has something called
"the spirit" that feeds her the information that you crave.
When I go to funerals,
you won't see me cry. It's not that I am heartless. It's due to my faith. I
know the saved have gone on to heaven. Why? Because that is what my faith
teaches me. When the unsaved die, they made the choice to go to hell. No matter
how many prayers one would say, no matter if some church baptizes them after
death, that is where they are going. It is clearly stated that way-- no doubts,
no worries. But so many new age "thinkers" are left in doubt. So, the
new agers must turn to a medium to find out where they are at and are they all
The Long Island Medium
talks to "SPIRIT." [Some Christians might say that is a demon feeding
her information as they point out she never talks about angels, she never sees
God, only mentions "a God" and the word Jesus never crossed her lips
-- and they might be right].
What I've seen of her
readings and our investigation into her televised Florida road trip, we uncover
her so-called talent for talking to the dead.
Let me share a video
from the show "LIVE! with Kelly
and Michael" of a reading she did with the audience and show
how she tricks the audience.
Notice she's working
with an audience of over 150 people. Medium or not, you can safely ask:
- Who here lost a
- Who here lost a
husband, wife, parent, sibling, or a grandparent?
- Who here lost a
- Who here lost
someone to cancer, AIDS, heart attack, car accident, etc.
You're going to have
hands shoot up because these things happen. They're fairly common so you're
going to get it right.
When they go out
looking for an audience to fill their studio they tell people who the guest is
so she knows why people are there.
Earlier on, she had a
long string of misses and she had to come up with an explanation for it. She
claimed it was confusion in interpreting the signs that she received.
She goes for "who
over here has lost a husband?" and she sees several admitted widows.
Notice that she goes over to an older female time. Cue violins, it's time to
yank the heartstrings. The next step is to go into her cold readings mode,
asking questions in such rapid-fire fashion you fail to notice Theresa isn't
really telling her anything but simply asking questions.
Once she starts
talking to the woman start counting the seconds.
- She says,
"People leave this world in many different ways." The purpose of that
statement is to fool the audience into believing that Theresa is knowledgeable
in the ways of the spirit world. Listen to what comes up next.
- Theresa complements
the woman for all the unselfish things she did. That is what the widow wants to
hear. Have you ever heard a medium say, "Hey stupid, your husband says you
were a lousy mother, couldn't cook worth a damn, were lousy in the sack and I couldn't
wait to die!"
- Have you been
counting? If you have, then ask yourself how could she be talking to the spirit
of the dead man and never get a name from him? When she starts to miss with the
food questions, she has to cover her tracks. These are signs and symbols she
gets. She isn't wrong only responding to the symbols that she's seen.
- She quickly breaks
it off and goes to her next reading. In reality, this isn't a reading but an
endorsement of her abilities. She tries, but fails, to get the audience to
laugh. Again, no name is given.
- She tells the group
that things she says might apply to them even though she isn't looking at them.
This gives the audience a false sense that they got something from the session.
In reality, they got nothing.
- She talks about a
"blood illness" that is head to toe and has something to do with the
liver. Anatomy 101—blood circulates throughout the entire body. All blood
illnesses are head to toe and all blood diseases impact the liver.
- She then asks who is
being tested for other illnesses? That's a very safe one to toss out as people
are always being tested for something.
- She talks about the
blow to the chest cause in death. It doesn’t pertain to those she reads for but
it applies to those seated on the other side of the studio. Then it goes from a
blow to the chest to her father died in front of her. The great message is
don't feel bad about it! Who wouldn't feel bad about something like that?
Notice that Theresa
Caputo has a string of misses and questionable hits so she decides to opt for
humor to keep the viewer derailed and bring in the hosts for a laugh.
Theresa tosses out the
question, who lost a daughter? No hits, so she jumps on to a brain aneurysm or
Alzheimer’s [you don't die from that illness]. A male reacts but she rejects
him. Nope, it's a young good-looking woman who takes advantage of the diseases
beginning with the letter A. It's easier to bring a woman to tears than a man.
This woman accepts everything sent her way, right up to the question "Do
you have any of her clothing?" That's a fairly safe one to ask, knowing
that you'll get a yes. But when the Long Island Medium starts to ask about
recent deaths, it's a big miss and Theresa breaks it off.
So let’s break down
this so-called certified medium readings down. [Ms. Caputo has been
certified by the Family Forever Foundation.]
1 Did she give us any
names? No.
2 Dates? No.
3 Places? No.
We are left to ask
this question--when people pass, do they get dumber? Do they lose the ability
to communicate with us? Are they unable to speak clearly through mediums? If we
go by what we see of the Long Island Medium, they can show up but are unable to
say who they are, whom they are here to visit. The deceased person can't give
their own name and the name of the loved one, not do they give a clear message.
People will always ask
how can people like this do such things? Theresa Caputo is not unique in any
way. She's just one more in a long list of flavors of the month/year when it
comes to fake psychics. She's now in the company of The Amazing Kreskin, Uri Geller,
Sylvia Browne, John Edwards, and James Van Praagh. Whether they claim to be
mind readers, magicians, mentalists, or mediums they all have the same basic
1 They always claim
that the gift came to them early in life. Theresa Brigandi [maiden name] states
that her gift always sent her parents and brother into a crazy sort of ghost
hunt. At times, it led to having her father climb onto the roof of their home
looking for things with green scary eyes. This flies against what she now
claims -- to have never seen anything evil looking.
2 They always claim
that they did not really use their gift in life while they were children.
Except as a way to entertain others.
3 Others always found
them different.
4 They'll always find
a mentor which in the case of Theresa, was Pat Longo, a Long Island medium
herself. Mrs. Longo claims that she can heal you in person or over the phone
for just $175. Here's her website:
In bold letters on
Mrs. Longo's website it says "…and in some God gave the gift of
That is found in the
bible: 1 Corinthians 12
But nowhere will you
find the passage: "And some the gift of healing which you can charge
Not to turn this into
a Bible thumping blog, but the moment money is connected to anyone carrying out
the gifts of the spirit, it stops being a genuine gift from God. The alleged
gift of healing means that it's either outright fakery or a gift from someplace
other than heaven.
In the May 26th episode, Why
Me, we learn that Pat had to deal with cancer and she had an operation. She
also mentions that her husband died from cancer five months ago. Why she did
not turn to her faith for healing? From the new age viewpoint, cancer is caused
by a negative spirit and/or negative energies being blocked at the chakra
points. This isn't something we'd expect from a healer.
We don't know if
Theresa went to Pat and was told that she was a medium or not. Or did she go to
Pat and say you're making a killing in this line or work, teach me how you fake
it. I'll take a look at the view that this so-called "spirit" they claim
to talk to is a demonic one.
Additionally it seems
that Pat feels she can teach anyone to do what Theresa claims to do. That means
it is not really a "gift" at all but simply a trade like driving a
truck or being a cook.
It seems her teaching
days are over as of 6/15/13.
Further digging into
the site leads us to a Wordpress blog made up of even more wacky new age
teachings on topics that were taught in the new age world back in the 1980s.
But there was a blog
that had an interesting title which lead us to a question to even more of her
claims. This is written by a participant in one of Pat's healing sessions. The
author writes about a mishmash of new age and eastern topics and describes
herself as a sensitive soul.
7 Ways to raise your Vibration: according to Pat Longo, Long
Island Theresa Caputo’s healer.
Pat apparently didn't
tell TLC that she was a medium [have you ever heard of a psychic telling their
client he/she is not psychic when asked?]. Anyway, she was/is Theresa's mentor
as well as her healer. Therefore, the Long Island Medium endorses people that
take part in illegal activates. Additionally, nowhere on the site is there any
evidence of medical science certifying that she is really a healer.
Pat seems she know how
to make a buck as she appeared on her student's show in the second episode of
the past season. If you want to see the pair together in the Season 2 episode
called Drumming and Healing, you can go to Amazon and see it
for $1.99.
This season, Theresa
complained that her shoulder hurt. Did she go to her healer for that magic
touch? No, she went to All-Star Physical Therapy.
Her brother is on the
staff there and took care of her needs.
Michael Brigandi PT,
Guess she's afraid of
making Pat Longo a big star…
Check out my eBook Is the Long Island Medium the Real Deal?
It's available in eBook and paperback formats.
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