By Kirby Robinson
In honor of Cinco de Mayo, this blog is being posted to remind others to appreciate and respect all cultures. It also shows how a spiteful posse can run a good image.
In honor of Cinco de Mayo, this blog is being posted to remind others to appreciate and respect all cultures. It also shows how a spiteful posse can run a good image.
Special Report in Defense of Belinda Morgan Qaysi
When Belinda Morgan Qaysi's day began on May 5, 2012, she had no idea that by nightfall she'd be considered a lawbreaker. She didn't break the law with a felony or even a misdemeanor. No police or federal agents surrounded her home. She didn't violate any local, state or federal laws. Far worse, she broke the law of disagreeing with Chip Coffey. Worse still, Belinda wouldn't back down.
I've made every effort not to blog about the man. His story is old and tiresome. His book was a lousy read [I think if they required prisoners to read it they could get the government on cruel and unusual punishment], but you know what, I don't care. Let him do his thing. If you buy it, it's your loss, not mine. There are much bigger issues within the paranormal field. Those that have eyes see, and ears hear. If you still buy into Chip's story, please email me privately and I'll say some prayers for you.
Before sharing this sad tale, here is a memorable quote from psychic-medium, Chip Coffey:
"Of course. No one wants to be ridiculed or tormented for 'being different.' Those who torment and ridicule others are, in my opinion, despicable!"
Keep those words in mind as you read this. They'll come back and haunt Chip by the end of this news story.
Mrs. Qaysi logged onto Facebook just as millions of people do every day, and began surfing about. She came to Chip Coffey's page and saw he had posted a photo concerning the Mexican holiday Cinco de Mayo, which is one of the biggest national days of celebration for that nation. The photo showed a bottle of mayonnaise in the bottom of a kitchen sink with the caption "sink-o-de-mayo."
Happy In-Depends-Day |
What if someone posted a photo of a person wearing Depend underwear with the caption "HAPPY IN-DEPENDS-DAY" on July 4th--would we find it funny?
Some people found Chip's joke funny, but Mrs. Qaysi found it a bit offensive. As an American, she expressed her feelings. Mr. Coffey could've let it slide. Out of the 755 comments the post generated, one person saying it wasn't so funny couldn't be a crime, could it? Well in his book it was. From his page:
Someone commented that my "sink-o-de-mayo" post was ethnically offensive. REALLY?!? Some people need to take out a rent-to-own plan on a friggin' sense of humor! Just sayin'.....
Chip sends Belinda a private message, advising her to get a life and in the process to $*^% herself.
Here is a copy of the Facebook post that Mr. Coffey chose to remove [we wonder why?]
Belinda Morgan Qaysi claims she was "offended" by my "sink-o de mayo" photo and post. The same photo -- and other similar ones -- have been "making the rounds" all day on Facebook. Most people (almost 100% of the comments I have seen) find the photos humorous and non-offensive.
Perhaps Ms. Qaysi is pissed because, after she posted a few negative comments, I blocked her from my Facebook fan page.
To even imply that I posted the photo as an ethnic "slam" is ludicrous. May I heartily suggest that Ms. Qaysi lighten up and stop trying to create a "scandal" where there is none.
-Chip Coffey
Perhaps Ms. Qaysi is pissed because, after she posted a few negative comments, I blocked her from my Facebook fan page.
To even imply that I posted the photo as an ethnic "slam" is ludicrous. May I heartily suggest that Ms. Qaysi lighten up and stop trying to create a "scandal" where there is none.
-Chip Coffey
What does it say about a person? That he only sees one negative comment out of hundreds of positive comments? One would think he was looking for something to complain about, something that'd allow him to be the victim and Mrs. Qaysi the villain. His response to her generated 785 comments and planted a seed in his followers' minds that he was under siege. Mrs. Qaysi didn't buckle under pressure. Mr. Coffey had chosen the wrong person to tangle with. If you say or do things he doesn't like he gets very frustrated. Therefore, he blocked Mrs. Qaysi from his page.
Mrs. Qaysi felt strongly about this topic, and as we live in a celebrity-driven society many people depend on those labeled as celebrities to help form and establish how they think and feel. It's sometimes called the Oprah effect. She turns to the website to express her concern.
Chip uses GOOGLE ALERTS to keep informed on anything that's posted about him on the web. If the news doesn't meet his high standards of making him out to be the Bret Hart of psychics "THE BEST THAT EVER WAS, THE BEST THERE IS AND THE BEST THERE EVER WILL BE" he tries his best to see it removed. When he saw her post, he couldn’t ignore it. Chip even stirred up the troops, his insane clown posse that eagerly rides at his defense immediately.
Check out the page on TMZ about my sink-o de mayo post here on Facebook. The woman who was "offended" calls every one of the 5,000+ people who "liked" my post (that may include YOU) "bigots."
Mr. Coffey is good at what he does [not referring to being a so-called psychic medium], but in stirring the fires. Let's look at the key words of his post:
- "Offended" - He wants people to think she was mad. Was she? What words indicate she was mad? There aren't any. Mr. Coffey knows to use this "offended" because he imagines that he's threatened by Mrs. Qaysi and must be protected.
-"Bigots" - No one likes being called a bigot. Chip fans even more flames of anger towards Mrs. Qaysi by using such a word.
-"YOU"- Implies all of his 5000+ fans have been attacked.
Nevertheless, did she say any of these things in her post? You can read it right here and find out for yourself.
Chip Coffey's SInk o De Mayo joke while sporting NOH8 face paint
check out Chip Coffey's cinco de mayo joke, making fun of the the mexican holiday while posting a NO H8 profile pic on Facebook !
Did she say anything about "BIGOTS"? Were any of Chip's followers called BIGOTS? No. In Chip's mind, he sees a threat where there is none. He's lit the fuse and will sit back and let others fan the flames.
This has been his M.O. Ron Tebo, Beatrice Marot, and I have been victims of this tactic for years. At one point, he [and his manager Michelle Babs Griffin] even went public making fun of me due to my failing eyesight.
Mr. Coffey states that he has no control over his fans and what they say and do is up to them, not him. [This was similar to the Kelli Ryan case. She was the firstParanormal State client that came forward to raise issues about PRS/Paranormal State. Someone posted her home address and fans of Chip and Paranormal Stateshowed up at her front door at all hours making threats. When Mrs. Ryan asked Chip to ask for some sanity from his followers, he claimed he couldn't do anything.]
Did his followers engage in a calm discussion--one in which manners and a civil code of conduct reigned? No, far from it. Mrs. Qaysi received such comments as:
- Die and the world would be a better place.
- Her last name sounds Arabic so she is a terrorist [she's married to a gentleman from Mexico].
- Stick a tampon somewhere and let it blow up.
Here is a very interesting post:
Kelli Dowdell 3 days ago
@Belinda Morgan Qaysi - You need to go get your bottle of Prozac And have a HUGE glass of Shut the F' Up! Your mouth is writing checks your A$$ can't cash! If you knew a single thing about Chip you would of never opened your big ole' Pie hole to start with! and if you don't know what the hell a joke is Then you need to come out from under the rock in the mountains that you live under and get with the program! Your a sad sad sad excuse of a human! and YOU are the reason WOMEN SHOULD SWALLOW
@Belinda Morgan Qaysi - You need to go get your bottle of Prozac And have a HUGE glass of Shut the F' Up! Your mouth is writing checks your A$$ can't cash! If you knew a single thing about Chip you would of never opened your big ole' Pie hole to start with! and if you don't know what the hell a joke is Then you need to come out from under the rock in the mountains that you live under and get with the program! Your a sad sad sad excuse of a human! and YOU are the reason WOMEN SHOULD SWALLOW
This shows Mr. Coffey is really trying to lead an enlightened band of supporters, yes?
It gets even better:
This woman needs to get laid or something.. This is just ridiculous.. Some people have absolutely no sense of humor.. She is one of those people.. People are entitled to say what they what and do what they want in case you have forgotten.. This is America!! I use to have a drama obsessed friend like you and you people just can't get enough.. Chip, I am half hispanic and I can honestly say that nothing about your picture or "slogan" offended me.. It's funny to me that you talk about Cinco De Mayo being about pride in Mexico and yet people spend the whole day getting drunk.. You ma'am need a life and a lightening up wouldn't kill you either
Here is where we ask you to stop and print the above comment out. Now, make sure you get the second and third lines: "Say what they what [assuming she meant want?]do what they want"!
- Visit your local grocery store, load up your cart, and leave without paying.
- Walk up to a policeman/woman and punch them in the face.
- Go to a crowded movie theater and shout FIRE!
When you're arrested show them the above comment and say, this is America we can do and say what we want!
I could go on, but I think you get the point.
What Chip doesn't want you to know, is that the woman who is at the center of a very vicious attack by an angry para-celebrity, is a 52-year-old grandmother of 12 who is disabled. But Mrs. Qaysi loves kids so much that she's working a Ph.D. in psychology in order to help troubled children.
There are bullies out there online and offline. They're found on playgrounds or classrooms, and yes, even in the paranormal field. How can a person with a NOH8 photo take part in such behavior? How can a person who claims to be a light worker act in this manner? How can a person who works with young children and teenagers engage in such actions?
In closing, here are Mrs. Qaysi's words. Let them ring in the ears that will hear and let them bring tears to the eyes that can read and understand.
My mom used to say if wishes were horses then beggars would ride, so I thought if wishes were horses, abused children and children with anti social disorders and attachment disorders can learn to love,
do it for the kids, that is what matters
God Bless
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