Reverend Mark Hunnemann
Have you noticed that paranormal
seminars are called "Phenomenology"? Why
are they called that and what does
it mean? I remember studying phenomenology in college as a philosophy major. It
is a modern school of philosophy started by Edmund Husserl. He attempted to
develop a universal philosophic method, devoid of presuppositions, by examining
and describing our experience of phenomena. Frankly, though it has become
fashionable to speak of the phenomenology of this or that, no two people can
agree on a proper definition! Please
Google it and discover this wonderment for yourself!
I will go on record and say that
the way it (phenomenology) is meant in paranormal seminars is that it simply
means the study of our experience of phenomena (in this case, paranormal
phenomena). Another way of
stating it is that of a radical empiricism. By that I mean, conclusions are
deduced from experiences using the five senses AND our intuition. What a
paranormal phenomenon looks, feels, tastes, smells, and sounds like will
determine what the nature of the phenomena IS.
Emphasis is on APPEARANCE in dictating ontology (the nature of being) as we
proceed, I will contrast this method with what I call biblical realism. The
differences are profound and lead to entirely different conclusions regarding
the phenomena. I want to enliven this analysis by using a case study from a
recent episode of the Dead Files. We
shall see that the same basic flawed phenomenological presupposition is shared
by paranormal seminars and the two principles on this TV show…perception equals reality. A thousand
Last week’s Dead
Files hit close to home…literally. This episode took place in a small town
called Browns Summit, which is perhaps five miles from my hometown of
Greensboro, NC. I want to re-tell the story and accent issues along the
way. As usual, the medium Amy, her
assistant husband, and Steve (retired NYC homicide detective) do their various
walk-throughs of the location. From the outset, Steve indicates this is one of
the most difficult cases ever. The parents and their two daughters are
experiencing severely oppressive paranormal activity.
One daughter, we are told, has had 14 brain
surgeries in the last few years.
This has significantly reduced her ability to function normally. What was
visibly moving to Steve (and me) was how viciously a special needs daughter was
being singled out—she was being clawed on her skin, and seeing/hearing
monstrous phenomena. Over time, she had regressed from a happy young lady to
where she was muttering that she wanted to die. At one point in the show, you
could actually hear her sobbing in the background…it was horrible. It did not,
and does not seem fair—but such is demonic reality (jumping ahead).
The whole family is experiencing paranormal activity,
but as is often the case, one person (usually the weakest) was being relentlessly
hammered. They could not afford
to move, but something had to change NOW. They were desperate for help, which
is why they had called the producers. This was no “I Am Six” shameless parental
attention grabbing. It does make me wonder, yet again, why a local pastor was
not handling the case.
As has become the hallmark of this TV show, there
was remarkable agreement between Amy and Steve as they conducted their separate
investigations. Due to a tragic
train wreck early in 20th century near the home, as well as the deaths of two
children on the property, it was posited that these deceased humans were the
causal agents of the oppression.
Let me try to personalize or apply this—have you
ever determined that a paranormal entity or activity was benevolent based on
your perception or subjective feelings?
If you have, then you are engaging in phenomenology. Your starting point for
determining the identity of paranormal phenomena lies within you, and is based
on your perception. Is that appropriate for a Christian? As followers or
disciples of the Lord Jesus, we are called to a life of radical submission to
Him in all areas of life. We do this primarily by conforming our mind,
attitude, and behavior to the authority of scripture--and not our autonomous
reason or subjective states. (Rom.12:1ff)
It makes want
to weep every time a person tells me that they “know” that the presence in
their home is benevolent. Do we not
realize that demons can not only project thoughts into our heads, but also
feelings? That which is pure evil can make itself look and feel as if it were
perfect love. And yet I hear this frequently: “Some entities in my home are
evil, but I know this particular entity is benevolent because of how it acts
and makes me feel.” Do you remember from last week how Laura Maxwell described
how her “deceased sister” had gently brushed her hair on a nightly basis for
years? But when she and her mom decided to leave Spiritualism, then the alleged
sister, and other deceased family members, suddenly turned on them and revealed
their true, demonic nature. Rebuke your benevolent paranormal friend in the
name of Jesus (do it with conviction), and see what happens. This is where
empirical verifiability is appropriate, and it WILL reveal realty. The bible is
the most realistic book in existence because, when we read it, we are seeing
phenomena through God’s eyes….the Creator and sustainer of all phenomena.
Meanwhile, back on DF, the mentally handicapped
daughter is said to be in process of being possessed. While walking the grounds at night, Amy encounters
what she considers is the primary culprit…for possessing the daughter. She
asserts that she does not know what it is because it looks and feels different
from anything she has encountered thus far in her life. However, she describes
the entity as being a large black dog, which quickly begins to shape-shift into
a large, dark humanoid shape, which is leaning against a tree. Amy says that it
is extremely territorial and that she is afraid of it. During the reveal, she
says it is that horrible entity that has been entering the handicapped girl’s
As is often the case, even when a possible demonic
entity like this has been identified, there are other beings she sees which are
innocent. In this case, she
sees a young boy and girl—which perfectly matches the research Steve had done
regarding untimely deaths on the property. Previously, the mom had told Steve
that she was being awakened at night and seeing impressions being made on her
bed, and this frightened her. Well, that was the little kids playing on the
bed, says Amy… nothing to be frightened about.
She says the girl may need an exorcism, but since
that is traumatic, she recommends first using black salt and some powder
blessed by Wiccans (there was a third ritual but I cannot remember). This girls life is in danger, and the reveal is the
most somber I have ever witnessed on TV. It is obvious, to me anyway; that both
Amy and Steve are deeply touched by this young lady’s plight…they seem very
However, it is possible to be sincere, but sincerely
wrong. First, you CANNOT get
rid of demons by using occult rituals—like the burning of sage, black powder, Wiccan
powder and so on. If this young woman survives, it is only because the demonic
are humoring their attempts—in order to further validate the deception. If you
are a disciple of Jesus, then you must get rid of occult paraphernalia…not use
it to exorcise someone or some place.
Second, this is clear illustration of my thesis:
phenomenology vs biblical realism. The
former is incredibly naïve and foolish. What madness has come over us that
makes us think that, how we function in the science lab, is transferable to the
supernatural realm? Are we submitting to the Lordship of Christ or not? Making
distinctions between benevolent and malevolent entities based on our perception
is foolish. Using our five senses, as well as our intuition, is not a wise way
to discern supernatural evil. Why? Because demons can project thoughts and
sensations that will pleasantly (and deceptively) overwhelm all of these. GOD’S
WORD is the only reliable source of information regarding the identity of these
entities. I have said before that observation can yield some data, but it
cannot reveal the identity of paranormal phenomena. IT CANNOT….IT IS UNABLE TO.
Please see that this is an immensely practical issue
that millions of Americans are dealing with.
It breaks my heart when folks tell me they are certain that the apparition in
their bedroom is benevolent. All that glitters is not gold in the paranormal
realm. Remember, the spirit realm is the God ordained temporary home for Satan
and millions of demons (maybe billions). All genuine paranormal activity is
linked to the spirit realm. I can assure you that no family member is standing
guard in your bedroom at night. They are either in heaven or hell, and cannot
come here.
is often your worst enemy when it comes to the paranormal because it is teeming
with master deceivers. Perception or reality (as defined by God)…which will
we choose? Recently, an apparent demonic attempt on the life of my girlfriend
occurred. This attempted murder has only further emboldened me to wrench back
from the enemy that which belongs to God. To do that, we must walk humbly
before our Lord…praying continually and relying on His all-sufficient word.
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