By Reverend Mark
Even though
it is after the fact now, the Mayan mania raises larger underlying issues which
can be applicable to other situations. Besides,
this was so huge for so long, that we would do well to examine some of the
principals involved in presenting a consistently biblical response. I think
some of the beliefs in the paranormal community would benefit by being exposed
to these truths from God’s word. I originally wrote this on the Eve of
“destruction”, and intentionally left the verb tenses as is to drive home the
widespread fear that prevailed…how quickly we forget. What are you fearful of?
First, God is absolutely sovereign over every
molecule of the universe. For Christians
our worldview is God-centered, and His sovereign control is a defining
characteristic/attribute of our Lord. This is in sharp contrast to pagan gods
like the Mayans worshipped. “…having been predestined according to the purpose
of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will. (Eph. 1:11)
Every single event, or day, that occurs is in some sense predestined by God.
This does not nullify human responsibility, and it is meant to comfort us (Rom.
8:28-30) Even the wicked actions of wicked men/demons are sovereignly
orchestrated for our good. Since God is King over history—His story—no pagan
calendar should ever be conceived as orchestrating the future.
Second, the God of the bible is all-knowing, and
only He can predict the future. (Ps 139, Isaiah 44-50) For what
is worth, most Mayan scholars believe that they did not see tomorrow as the end
of the world, but as the beginning of a new cycle. Regardless, when the oracle regarding
Dec.21st was first uttered, it was a false prophecy. In Deuteronomy
18 there are two tests of a true prophet: 1. EVERY prophecy had to be
fulfilled…100% accuracy (no non-biblical prophet or psychic/medium, ancient or
modern, that I know of, claimed perfection); 2. They must believe and teach in
Yahweh, the only real God. Mayan prophets failed both tests, mainly because
demons and Satan are not all-knowing, which means they cannot predict the
future. Their religion, which included human sacrifice, was animated by demonic
spirits. Hence, the prophecy for tomorrow is a false prophecy and should be
rejected by God’s children. Please take comfort in knowing that this oracle is
less than zero in its authority.
Third, I am quite certain that Satanic and demonic
activity will increase tomorrow.
This is not based on God’s inerrant word (not this specific event), and so it
is not absolute. However, those into dark magick, pagans/witches, and New Agers
are all “praying” that tomorrow will mark the beginning of an unprecedented new
era. Whether wittingly-- as with Satanists, or unwittingly—as with pagans and
New Agers, a worldwide appeal is being made to Satan and his dark forces to amp
things up. Those heavy into higher consciousness beliefs see this as a time of
galactic alignment—there is international amping up of meditation that will
allegedly bring in a new era of evolution with increased energy vibration, and
other powers. The Satanists see through that crap, and are boldly beseeching
their dark master to accelerate the growth of his infernal kingdom…on earth as
it is in hell. How that manifests is anybody’s guess at this point. (None of
this minimizes the reality of the first two points).
Be still and know He is God! Anxiety regarding tomorrow is sinful, and can
only occur if we live in fear instead of faith. To move from fear to faith, remind yourself of
God’s absolute sovereignty, and that God alone is all-knowing. One Christian
has more power than a million demons because the holy and all-mighty Trinity
has made a home in our hearts (Jn. 14). My suggestion is to counter these dark
prayers with holy prayers to the Light of the world. Pray without ceasing and
focus on God pouring His Holy Spirit out to thwart the plans of the evil
one—asking the Lord to use us to extend His kingdom in our sphere of influence.
We made it through Y2K just fine, and this will be the same. Do you know what
Jesus’s most frequent negative command was (telling us what not to do)? DO NOT
BE AFRAID..FEAR NOT. God is on His throne, and He is tenderly saying: fear not!
You are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus…greater is He who is in you, than
he who is in the world. What are you fearful of?
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