By Reverend Mark Hunnemann
In this blog I want to focus on the most common form
of alleged haunting…the residual haunt.
The consensus in the spiritistic community (I refuse to call it paranormal anymore) is that most
supernatural activity is residual in nature—for that reason alone, it is
exceedingly important. I know some Christians who don’t believe in trapped
spirits, but DO believe in residual haunts because it does not involve the
trapping of a human soul (well, only a portion of it). I need to say one more
word of introduction—this notion is yet another expression of the
energy-centric worldview that has descended upon our nation like the dust of
death…Energy is ultimate reality (instead of a Creator distinct from His
creation). Without this distorted presuppositional foundation, residualism
would have no hope of being taken seriously.
First, the human soul is indivisible… it cannot be
divided in parts. However,
residualism implies that very thing, because allegedly part of the soul is left
behind as an energy imprint (life-force, consciousness—the bible calls it the
soul). What percentage of the soul has been ripped off the whole? How much is
needed from the whole if it is to function properly? Sorry, but our souls are
indivisible—UNABLE to be divided…that is biblical ontology (nature of being).
Secondly, the soul is invisible because it is
immaterial. No surgeon has ever discovered it during an operation. Also, it is not to be equated with the electrical
activity in our hearts and brains. I had severe, potentially lethal, electrical problems with my heart a few years
back which required an operation to stop some of the electrical flow…my soul
was not damaged (some might argue otherwise). How does an intrinsically
invisible entity (the soul) suddenly acquire the ability to become visible—as
in an intelligent or non-intelligent human haunt? Does the experience of death
suddenly and radically alter a salient aspect of soul-ishness? As an invisible
entity while the person was incarnate, how does it suddenly acquire the ability
to become visible when dis-incarnate, as an apparition or shadow figure, and so
on? Who gives it the ability to? How? It would have to change its own essential nature if we believe in either
type of haunts. Occam’s razor dispenses with this convoluted explanation of the
phenomena, known as residual.
Thirdly, do you realize how subjective the process
is, from one individual to the next, to determine if supernatural activity is
intelligent or not? Is there some
activity you just assume is residual
without even testing it? It (residualism) is hopelessly mired in subjectivism.
What questions does one ask, and how many, to determine intelligence? What
other means do you use to make what is really an incredibly significant and
profound call or decision? The reality is that many investigators already
assume it is residual unless proven otherwise. It is alarming to see how much of a snap judgment this usually boils
down to. Each investigator has
residual criteria…that if they were asked to spell it out, they would most
likely be embarrassed. Based on a single EVP which seems non-relevant (to
whom?), many investigators will classify at least some of the activity as
residual. How much of the activity is residual…some or all…how do you determine
what percentage? If some, how much of
it is supposedly non-intelligent? What if they were messing with you? Which
brings us to the next objection….
Fourth, it is naïve and smacks of demonaphobia. Consider this real scenario…Gettysburg has regular
reenactments (Battlefields are said to be notorious for residual activity due
to men dying young and violently…leaving energy). If demons are real, and if
the Angel of Light principle is operative, why wouldn’t demons play pretend
just like the human re-enactors? If demons are anything, they are
deceptive…brilliantly and cruelly so. If you believe in residuals, where in
your thinking is demonic deception? How do you make allowance for it? Is it not
at least as plausible to believe that the demonic are play-acting…just like we
do in human re-enactments? Residualism is naïve because it readily discounts
the possibility of demons intentionally
mis-leading us into thinking they are non-intelligent. If demons exist,
that is precisely the kind of activity one would expect of them, is it not?
They know we believe in residual haunts, and that the hallmark is
non-intelligence. It seems eminently reasonable to me to assume that they
intentionally give mis-leading answers to EVP’s (which we sin grievously in
doing anyway), in order to cause us to mis-identify them—as non-intelligent. If
they are classified as residuals, then they are safe! UNDERSTAND THIS—demons are pure evil and they
are not hip on being dislodged. They
have means, motive, and opportunity—Occam’s razor please, because demonic
play-acting most simply and comprehensively explains the phenomena.
In my book, I humbly challenge anyone to show me an
alleged residual haunt which cannot be un-masked by biblical provocation. So far as I know, nobody has taken me up on my
challenge. Many times, what appears to be a non-intelligent residual haunt,
suddenly becomes very intelligent (and evil) when challenged in the name of
Jesus. Mine is an empirically verifiable hypothesis…earnestly and persistently
challenge the phenomena in Jesus name and it WILL spring to life—I’ve seen it
happen over and over.
Fifthly, there are the analogies which attempt to
explain residualsim—almost all require some trigger being pressed (e.g.
recorder). How can an alleged
cluster of energy be re-animated or brought out of hibernation, by an
anniversary (it is NOTHING ontologically)? What is the equivalent of the FINGER
PRESSING THE START BUTTON? Who or what can cause this re-play in space and
time? It cannot act upon itself…Most of these points I am only able to state
the objection without elucidating it sufficiently.
Lastly, residualism contradicts two of God’s most
absolute scientific laws…the second and third laws of thermodynamics. Unlike Newton’s laws of motion, there are no known
exceptions…they hold true across the board absolutely—that is how God wove them
into the fabric of the cosmos. Simply put, once energy is released from its
container, it WILL disperse until equilibrium is reached…unless external force
is pressed upon it. If you put a few drops of green food coloring in a clear
glass of water, then pretty soon the drops will disperse throughout the entire
glass of water. Similarly, when energy is dispersed from the container of the
body—as in a traumatic burst of energy associated with violence—it (and this is
KEY) must disperse. To state that
the traumatic release of energy can result in energy clustering in an
environment, is utterly absurd and anti-scientific. The notion of energy being
absorbed by its surroundings and kept clustered is ridiculous, because the
released energy MUST DISPERSE UNTIL equilibrium has been reached. There is no
external force to hold those maverick energy particles together and just lie
dormant, until the right trigger is pushed. In an article by a
parapsychologist, he admitted that this inviolable law had to be circumvented
for ghosts to be trapped. Whether it is intelligent or residual, the absolute
laws of thermodynamics are not circumvented, they would have to be
CONTRADICTED—which is usually called a miracle. (residual energy is not to be
confused with what is called potential
energy, which is a horse of a different color!) To believe in residual haunts, you
must acknowledge that it is contrary to one of the most absolute laws of
God/science. This is but a skeletal outline—each point
could be elucidated further.
My goodness- settle down. One could speculate that apparent paranormal events are the result of "residual activity that occurred in a location without believing in the proposition that the soul has somehow been split in order for this to occur. The author's assertion that the two are necessarily linked is logically flawed. There are people from some cultures who don't want to have their photo taken because they believe part of their soul is taken - and I don't believe that either.
ReplyDeleteVideo, movies, photos, microwaves, and even our cell phones all harness energy and imprint on the environment. Our souls are far beyond this. I believe that IT'S POSSIBLE that one explanation for paranormal phenomena oould be residual activity, but that this would be no more significant to the soul than a video record of a person. In the coming years we may find through science that there can be environmental conditions that can result in imprinting , but to make the leap to link this with soul splitting is an error in my opinion.
Did you read my last objection? If you reduce it merely to energy, then thermodynamics come to play. And as long as people are being eternally deceived by this wretched notion of ghosts, I will not settle down.