By Kirby Robinson
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The following blog is not meant to group everyone with spiritual gifts as fakes or frauds. There are good ones and bad ones out there, but we ask the public to use caution when dealing with anyone claiming to have spiritual gifts.
The disclaimer discussed in this blog did not come from any particular psychic but from several psychics' websites. We took the language of their disclaimer and merged it with others.
Psychics Talk for God - Part 2
Did you notice the lack of response by psychics to my previous blog? Why is that? The haters and fakers would say it was simply a lack of interest in my blog. Personally, I think it had more to do with the fact that they know I'm right and they fear where I'm about to go with this blog series.
I recall being part of the new age back in the 80's. I had to chance to meet some of the top psychics, mediums, channelers, and so-called teachers. I drank with them [and we're not talking coffee], I saw their excesses [even new age teachers have groupies and bed hopping was very common], and I took lessons from them [read a bunch of religions and occult practices, mix 'em together, keep your stories straight and soak the public]. This was their best advice then and it hasn't changed. One wonders how many of them are sociopaths, psychopaths and narcissists? How many of them have absolutely no conscience and how many have sold out to the dark side? And their escape clause is that it's all for entertainment purposes only.
One of our readers asked a very interesting question after reading last week's blog.
"Not trying to stir the pot, but ministers and preachers get paid and television evangelists make big bucks. Should they feel bad for charging, too? People have to make a living."
Ministers are people who aren't just doing a job--they are responding to a calling from God. Their hours aren't from 9 to 5, but 24 hours a day. They are on call to their flock at any time. No matter if it's a natural disaster, death, illness, or crisis, they are expected to be there. They are expected to teach the word of God to their flock. They are expected to reach out to the poor, the hungry, the sick, and those who have not heard the word of God/those who are unsaved. It's not just a job to them. More often than not, unless it's a big church, they do this for little or no pay and have to work a side job to make ends meet. In many cases, they have a family to support.
Are there pastors that make a lot of money? Yes. There are new mega-churches that do pay well. Yet at the same time, it's a 24-hour a day situation. And in the mega-churches their responsibilities are even greater; not only to the flock but to the organization as well.
TV and radio evangelists: again there are two categories: the big ones and the small ones. They are responding to the call of God to carry His word to not only a flock but to the world. Again, more often than not, it's a 24-hour a day situation.
The big time organizations have the same issues, but magnified. [No, I'm not naive enough to think that all are legit: there are good ones and bad ones]. The bad ones need to be exposed -- like Bob Larson's.
So, in the case of people working for the glory of God, they certainly deserve to get paid.
Now let's look at psychics. Are they called by God to do this? Are they on call 24/7? Do they give advice and consul for free? Do they visit the sick and feed the hungry? Give water to the thirsty? Clothe the naked? No. It's simply a way to make money. Some say that only being a psychic is a small part of their lives when they are getting paid to give readings. Their life is their life. Do they teach for free? But most importantly, do they give the glory to the Lord?
Again, they say it's a gift. If so, give it to others for free. I've never heard a pastor say I will lay hands on you or pray for you for $29.95. I will share my visions/dreams I have had about you, or the gift of prophecy, for a fee. But the psychic does.
I read a book that was written by the former flavor of the month when it comes to psychics, who said their gift was uncertain. Whatever they saw was open to interpretation. Now is this a gift the public should trust? But remember: it's for entertainment purposes only, it has that escape clause.
Where in the Bible does it ever speak of God's gift[s] of spiritual insights, visions, dreams, prophecy, laying on of hands as uncertain? Would you follow a God that was kind of right sometimes? The Bible teaches us that the God of the Bible is the God of all Gods. He hears everything, He is always there and He is always right. Where does the Bible say the spiritual gifts are not certain? The prophets of old have never been off the mark. Where does it say what He says is uncertain? He stands behind His word and His gifts. And in no chapter or verse within the Bible will you find the phrase: for entertainment purposes only.
The lies these psychics tell and force themselves to follow won't help them when the end comes. Saint Peter at the gate is no respecter of personalities. The judge that sits on the most high throne doesn't buy into popular lies and tools of mass marketing and deceptions.
Next week: Where did these lies get started? Please read the book of Genesis because it goes that far back. [Hint: you'll find a connection to Paranormal State if you do a good job in reading and comprehension].
A CALL TO ACTION! If you have a website, forum or blog you can set up an Amazon Associates Affiliate Program link and sell the Kindle version of INVESTIGATING PARANORMAL STATE, PARANORMAL STATE EXPOSED and PARANORMAL TEACHINGS: THE BEST OF SHEDDING SOME LIGHT and earn money. You can also sell other books and products that Amazon offers. Here's the link.
So are you comparing psychics who make money from their gift akin to televangelists? if so I like your style...
ReplyDeleteYes I am. In many cases televangelists have abandoned the message of Jesus Christ and embraced a religion that is nothing more than self-help pop psychology. They seek millions in claiming to do God's work while in reality they're just smiling towards the camera & dreaming of your dollars flowing in.