
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Spiritual Warfare Basics

We're heading into the 4th of July weekend so go out and enjoy the long weekend. But don't forget to take a moment to reflect the reasons for the holiday.

Next week we return with a review of Chip Coffey's remake of Paranormal State, and the start of our series exposing all the fake demonologists out there.

Spiritual Warfare Basics
Copyright 2008-2011 By Kirby Robinson

When one is attacked by the dark side, and you will be attacked as it goes with walking the path of any faith, there are 4 facts that you need to keep in mind.

~ 1 God has defeated Satan, Lucifer and the devil along with their demonic forces. At some point they will remove them from our world during the final stages of the end times. Until then we must fight them knowing that victory is already ours.

~ 2 As followers of God we are no longer subject to the kingdom of darkness. We may live in this world but the world or kingdom that rules us is one of light, love and compassion.

~ 3 When we go into battle we must put on all the armor of God’s protection. How do we do this? A. We must be honest to God, others and to ourselves; B. Respond to the truth of God’s love by living a righteous life; C. We must study, apply and share God’s truths.

~ 4 The great majority of spiritual battles need not happen. We can stop it prior to it starting by always keeping God’s armor on our body, mind and spirit.

There will always be 5 specific times in our daily lives when we will be attacked. They are:

1) During times of spiritual growth.

2) When we invade the enemies territory.

3) When we expose the kingdom of darkness to the light.

4) When we start to walk in the light, our world of pain and sadness tries to pull us back in.

5) When we are learning and developing our gifts for the help of others.

When it comes to faith your faith has to be unshakable. You can’t stand up and say, “My God can do anything!” when times are easy, then say when the seas get a little rough, “Well, maybe he can’t do everything.” Rev Lester Summrall, a great and dear friend, used to say, “There is not one passage of the Bible that ever teaches us to be afraid at any time.” Your faith must be sure, strong, consistent and unwavering. Faith is something that we think about. The biggest battleground is in your mind and we all have monkey minds jumping here and there from branch to branch and tree to tree. We must stop all that jumping around and train the mind to be singly focused. How do we do this? In the Christian path, prayer is a great way. I’ve blogged about this in the past. But the more you pray the healthier the mind becomes. Not only praying for our needs, but the needs of others. Don’t just pray when we are asked to for others, but learn to sense the need and jump right in.

Now that we know what we can do to prepare for spiritual warfare for our lives when do we take part in it for others? The best thing to do is not automatically assume that someone needs an exorcism. That should always be the last thing for you to think about. Due to time restraints I can’t get into the subject of exorcisms. Please take a look at my past blogs on the subject. Most often if you will help the afflicted person become delivered from a negative state of mind or a sinful life style. You are helping to close the doors that the dark forces use to get inside. Doing this is so important for a couple of reasons:

~ You are helping others move towards the light.

~ You are increasing your own spiritual understanding and spiritual walk.

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Keep your eye on the Eye on the Paranormal because we have a lot of exposing to do!

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