
Saturday, October 31, 2020

What Happened To 2020?

Hello Everyone. The last time I wrote was before the nightmare Covid 19 started. Florida went crazy. It’s been a while but the world has lost it’s mind. I’m so tired of all this fear and inflating the truth! I pray everyone is safe and have food to eat. I don’t know what to say or how to begin I’m so disgusted. Our government is corrupt to the ninth degree. Epstein was just a drop in the bucket. The truth always comes out in the wash my mama says. There are a lot of things going on and we are being distracted. That’s all I’m going to say about that for now.

We have a real problem! All of this is just my opinion but this is more about good and evil because some of us haven’t realized exactly how deep the rabbit hole goes? And it’s both sides. There is so much under age shenanigans. And I mean little kids ladies and gentlemen. The news won’t tell you about the thousands of people flooding Hollywood every day protesting to save the children. Pedosexual will be added to LGBTQ if a certain party has their way. It’s deplorable. 

Halloween is upon us yet again. My God, time flies by so quickly. It truly seems like I just got through the holidays not long ago and they’re already here. Please everybody like I say all the time don’t be creeping around these graveyards and old warehouses. I’m telling you it’s nothing but trouble! I’m getting more and more emails and being contacted about situations going on and evil is very real and it’s very prevalent and it has many forms. There’s probably about 800 different people on YouTube trying to get a TV show filming themselves doing very dangerous things. I was hoping this would be a phase that would pass because like I said there was a day I had to hide this information or people would’ve thought I was nuts. I had to hide what I did on the side for fear of being deemed crazy and losing all my friends. Now everybody is a professional! Jesus help them.

I understand a lot of people are suffering with anxiety, are depressed, suicidal etc....People are broke. People didn’t ask to lose their jobs or for their jobs to go out of business because of the lockdown. It’s not gonna be pretty. It’s only going to get worse after the election. I pray for peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be upon each and everyone of us. I pray that there’s food and shelter and that you are surrounded by peace and not fear. Avoid watching the news. Only a few YouTube channels tell the truth. Plus on social platforms if you say anything at all that goes against the deep state agenda they are going to censor you. Are we slowly losing our freedom of speech? Are they trying to normalize this? Like making people so afraid they need to wear a mask. They act like you’re gonna die if you don’t have one on all the time.

Now a different topic totally....

Demons and Meth? A Door to Darkness. is a blog which attracted a lot of comments. It was written in early 2014. Now on the Internet there is so much more information about it. Here is a link to the second part: Meth and Demons Part Two. Just like sleep paralysis. I did a blog about that and I noticed now there’s 10 times more on the Internet than there was when I originally researched that. I still receive comments on those Meth blogs. All drugs are doorways but there is something about crystal meth that is just downright more sinister than what you could ever think. I don’t know from personal experience. I only know from what people have shared with me. And I’ve also shared comments that I recovered on the Internet in my blogs. If you’d like to go back and take a read feel free.

Many people have sent me a video of them blowing crystal meth smoke into the air into light and they form into terrifying looking images. Sure it could be Matrixing. There are just some things in my humble opinion that are not coincidences. But evil isn’t behind every single door either. You don’t want to give the enemy that much credit. Please feel free to do your own research and come to your own conclusions. It’s a very scary thing for someone to process.

In conclusion, the way the world is right now is almost anarchy. Some have descended into anarchy and it’s only going to get worse. We need God more than ever! We need God to step in once again and set things right. Bring all this evil, all this disgusting perversion to the light for everyone to see. Stop all this division on our fellow man. Love one another. We are all humans. All this division is being orchestrated and stirred up by our own. If you do research you’ll understand what I mean. Please love your fellow man and show compassion. A lot of people are very scared and unsure right now. I plead the Blood Of Jesus Christ upon this Country. This world. The needless murders need to stop. All the homelessness needs to stop. It’s like a Third World country going outside. They are trying to normalize us to get used to this being at home more and wearing masks. They really love to push the fear of the new second wave of Covid they claim is coming or is already here. Get ready for all the bogus cases written off as COVID again. Use caution of course but this fear mongering is ridiculous.

I wish everyone a great and safe weekend. Don’t forget to bring your animals inside.

Written By Jennifer Auld