
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Another So-called Paranormal Team Out for Fame

By Chris Baricko

This blog is the most absurd one I have heard of yet.

There is a group call New England Spiritual team trying to raise $50.000 so they can land a TV show. But wait that's not the best part.

"Click here to support Bringing Paranormal Believer to TV by Michael Carroll" [link doesn't work]

'Paranormal Believer' is the brainchild of Michael Carroll & Elisabeth Pfeifer, founders

The founder Michael won 2 million in lotto just over a year ago. So the big question is where is all the money he won? I heard he did help people and donate some that is great and hats off. But to openly ask people to donate money for their own personal gain is a outrage.

Why would anyone with common sense donate anything to a person who had 2 million just over a year ago even after he helped people?

He they did not put any away for savings why ask others to foot the bill?

Donating to that would be like asking a buzzard to guard a gut factory pointless and foolish.

When I asked him about it here is the reply I got:

Really Chris? Really? I have never met you and only heard bad things about you. BUT, yet you post here talking as if you know everything about me and my group. Did I post to you bashing you with the solid evidence of misdeeds you've committed against other locations, in the desperate bid to get yourself on TV? No! I took the high road and left well enough alone. Buying my way onto TV? Hell, I won $2 million. If I wanted to buy my way on, I could have. Except, I did the RIGHT thing and donated to others and helped others. And as for not knowing me, I'm damn glad of it. Just cause you never heard of me and my group, doesn't mean that we weren't putting in the work. We have been public since 2009 and worked with many 'higher' people in the field on cases of our own, including Thomas D'Agostino and Arlene Nicholson, Jeff Bartley, Eric Perry, Joe Andrade, Leo Ryokan, Andrea Perron and her father, CC Carole, Sandra Selesky Bartlett, Keith Johnson, Carl Johnson, and many many more. We have done numerous cases around he Eastern seaboard and in parts of the South. NEVER have we pitched to TV or claimed to be famous. As for selling the ambulance, how about you don't worry about anything that doesn't pertain to you. What we do with our money is our business. You don't like it? Tough. You don't approve? I don't need your damn input nor appreciate it. I've heard horror stories about you and am not here to appease you. YOU, my good sir, need to stop bashing people to put your own name in lights.

Guess the truth hurts so I will point out a few things no local groups heard of them till they were on counting cars. He said they only been in public since 2009. He states what we he does with the money is his business this would be true if he did not start a go fund me page asking the public to support him.

And he stated he heard bad things about hey we all have people who line or dislike us.

Wanting my name in lights I can't sing or dance so Broadway is out of the question so there goes that theory he had. I don't bash people I call out ones who try to mislead people I to donating money for their personal gain. He paid over $70.000 to get the ambulance restored. Now if he was planning on a show how about just getting a normal car. But nope they wanted to stand out and get noticed.

I mean really would most clients want to have a fancy all done up ambulance parked out front of their location? Not many I know of unless a event.

And after myself and others posted comments we got blocked so they want your money but not opinions.

This is the 2nd group this year trying to get money. anyone person or group who supports this type of activity should pack their bags and go home.

Let the groups out there that raise money for great causes do it for the right reason helping people not themselves.


  1. Oh yes, I am going to comment! Some people are so preposterous in their idea of what the public would swallow it makes me just utterly shocked at the stupidity. I saw this episode on Counting Cars. I was not impressed with the people spending so much money on a van to do ghost hunting and even then, it was a showy and bad move. I took it then that these people had no idea of what this field was about. The whole fact they named dropped like that drives that fact home even more. WE DO HAVE A RIGHT TO SAY SOMETHING HERE! How does ANYONE get off asking for money after winning that much money and think for a minute people would not be raising an eyebrow? Are they completely ignorant of the public way of viewing things, never mind the much more critical Paranormal Community? I am pretty sure most people would see that obvious bid for fame that Chris is talking about even if he said nothing. If you had something of worth, you could sell the idea to a production company and they would pick up the idea. Obviously, they did not even do this or have no idea how to do this or don't have anything worth while to even invest in. Seriously, there is a wrong way to do things and a right way. This, is just sad. Just in that launch of what they are doing killed their reputation to go much further. I believe that it may be a criminal offense to even solicit money for something like that publicly. Remember the Ghost Hunter's doing so and the backlash when they were not? Great job on that Chris and thank you for doing this blog!

  2. Ooops, I meant... Remember the Ghost Hunter's having a button for donations on their site to support their ghost hunting early in on the show and the drama that happened when they did not have a 501c3. They ended up pulling that off their site and it NEVER came back.

  3. First off he won the lottery that's his business do we bring up the point that mr baricko has numerous lawsuits against him and everyone has sided with the other party do people bring up that or the fact that chris does not pay his bills the ambulance is they nitch I think its cool people like chris should stop bashing people and darlene get you're facts straight its not that they didn't have a 501c3 its because the team went in another direction get it straight

  4. Is it because no one would pay either Chris or Darlene for anything because they no nothing?! Hmmm easier to point fingers at others when behind the publics view you both are trying desperately to get on tv! And let us not forget that Kirby gets money from this blog so why isn't he lumped into this too

  5. Case closed two losers can't do anything but bash people I would love to put both of them one in Amityville and one in the welled house and see who cries like a little girl first

  6. Darlene you are just jealous and Chris you need to go hunt your melon heads and leave serious ghost hunting to others

  7. This is a horribly written article. You sure don't get paid for writing do you? How's all your pending cases going Chris?

  8. well it goes to show you that they spout off at the mouth and they have no clue jackasses get whole story before you spout off and chris have a drinl

  9. darlene you have no clue before you think you know what you are talking about a 501c3 make sure you have youre facts right the state of Rhode island where taps is from requires you to have a 501c3 if you are doing this also the network requires allot and if you have a office you are considered a business there for you have to file taxes do you think for once that taps would risk not having the right filling status for a business so before you say something that is totally not true lets get our facts straight and also can you teach chris to spell for god sake

    For God alone is our judge ..I have visited the mansion on few occasions and have found Edwin and Lilly to be the nicest people they open up there home when people would knock on there door they are very hospitable.. the home is beautiful and was there when a roofer did some work. Edwin only does a few tours and investigations the home is very active and donates his time to help anyone..he does close it down now cause he is not living there so no need for running water..Last year an investigator who harasses other haunted locations Baricko from CT who targets and bullies people has gone after the Mark Twain House, The Sterling Opera house and so many others including Lorraine Warren who is 87 because she did not spend a long time talking to Baricko and his wife..he called Edwin and asked him questions and than called the Board of Health to shut them down and told the media that its condemned..ITs NOT it needs a few repairs and I was present when Jeff Belanger a writer for Ghost Adventures contacted Edwin to do a show so I don't get why people are hating them..the shows do what they want and film what they want he has no say. Tom D'Agostino contacted Edwin for Ghost Adventures and A Haunting so why are people saying this..Cash cow how if he is paying a mortgage, repairs, taxes more like money pit..HELLO Zak Bagans has a respiratory illness..the 3rd fl is fine..and did you noticed that other haunted location charge people the houghton mansion does so why is it that fine ...i went there and investigated it and found very little at 100 bucks to go there. The Victorian does maybe 8-10 investigations a year at 40 bucks and they have destroyed there home by clogging toilets..they are both happily married so mcosta47 you sound jealous...they dont use GROUPON groups that come in do that who gives a $@#% why is it there fault you have issues..99% of people have no

  11. Do. You really want me to put court records up

  12. Lorraine W is as fake as a 3 dollar bill no matter what age she is 97 oe 21 she was on Paranormal State many times need I say more

    Amityville was never haunted no proof it ever was

    1. Let me ask u eyeonthe paranormal, have u ever experienced something that's left u completely terrified that simply can't be explained by logic or science? Have u ever been terrified to even b in ur own house n that's made u really question ur own sanity, made u think maybe there's something extremely wrong with u? Well if u had, which I doubt, finding someone to help, especially 20+yrs ago, is like walking a fully loaded minefield. Lorraine and her late husband Ed Warren were and still are highly respected both within n outside of the paranormal. They have helped so many people when no one else would I.e. priests, vicars n the church. Yes everyone's entitled to thir own opinion most def but thats all it is an opinion n what u have said here about Lorraine being fake is urs. If u have got 100% concrete proof of this please show us n we can eat humble pie whilst apologising to u, if u don't then may I suggest u shut up n find a subject to talk about that u actually have factual knowledge of. They say ignorance is bliss well u my dear must be extremely happy

  13. I take it you were there when everything happened or you going on what people say ut is fact that the city said it was not haunted to keep people away unless you were there you don't know

  14. Then to use your logic e could never convict a criminal unless all 12 people of the jury was there when the crime took place

    to use your logic every woman that cried rape every man would go to jail as you say it must have took place due to she said so and we was not there

  15. First of all to say someone is a fake just because they were on a tv show is ludicrous, its a ridiculous as saying that everyone that is associated with the eye is a fake, liar, kidnapper, raper, alcoholic, lunatic etc. Until you have documented proof that lorraine is a fake then you might want to look in the mirror and see who is the faker! And yes I would like to see documents on chris baricko as he is famous for submitting documents to rally his cause. You know chris you might want to grow up and shut up get a job shut your mouth so you dont loose it, actually do something good in your life, like go back to school and learn how to write, then perhaps you will be asked to do an event, and you wont have to back out, and possibly the good Dr will pick on you!

  16. Your the one that should be sorry but then your head is up her butt and the butt of many other fakes just type in fake for her or PS an you get the info you need to open your eyes to the truth

    all reality shows are faked

  17. love to see new sparks flying, lol

    always a pleasure Kirby

  18. Chris learn how to spell and write untill then you should really stick to something you are good at also you are talking about Ryan bell taking money and not refunding people how about you not paying you're land lords multiple ones documented in court system you're talking about people taking advantage well let me see every landlord you had not paid you're rent and had multiple court cases against you you are the real looser lets not pay our rent and accuse Ryan b uell about taking money you lost all you're court cases and are still paying who's the real looser

  19. More mud slinging as usual no wonder this "community" is looked at as such a joke on this level,low life's with nothing better to do then to out each others dirty laundry..omg lol

  20. apples and oranges my friend what Chris has or has not done is personal but you take these fake groups and Ryan D buell that has and will impact 1000s

    grown people crying that they are not on TV and want others to pay to put them on so they can chase fake ghosts driving a used van that show is already on GH lol

  21. We do not allow such posting with those words

    Here is a idea use your real name and give me some time to see what is in your past people like you normally beat there partners, kids and parents not to mention pets

    and talk about criminal records bet yours is a long run

    but I have to ask why not use the money he won not rely on others money

  22. By the way this is the number 4 most viewed blog today

  23. Evan, Kirby, Darlene and Chris the bible says do not attempt to remove a splinter from your brothers eye with out first removing the beam from your own

  24. the Bible says thou shall not lie- para reality T lies Para groups lie

  25. Anonymous. it is pretty clear you have way to much time on your hands and need a hobby. first off when they go to the public asking for money it becomes a open book and anyone will ask were did all there money go? Why would you want to donate to anyone who had 2 million less then 2 years ago and is not asking for donations? Is that not like asking a buzzard to guard a gut factory?
    But I will set a few things straight.
    1-Edwin called the Travel Chanel and asked them to come film there. NO ONE asked him. I have the Email from them that was posted in a blog I did a while ago

    2-There is a Video of Ryan saying he thought he was sick but was thankful he was not.

    3-Lorraine Warren I never did a blog about her. I did a blog on a event her son in law held that left many my self one of them upset by not getting what we paid for or were told it would be.

    Now everyone else has out names for all to see. So our question to you is. What is your name ? or should we guess your just another person with keyboard courage.
    So if you want anymore replies unless you state your name all your other comments will go unanswered.


  26. That true if your going to come on here all high and mighty identify yourself, or it means nothing, you could have been the person in question !

  27. If U could google their name and put fake and fraud with it you would have your proof

  28. i dont think ano is talking about paracelebrities i think they are talking about chris,kirby,even,and darlene

  29. Lynn.

    The only reason I am not saying my name is there Son in law likes to get nasty when called out. I will tell you I know for a fact not everything in there museum came from a so called Haunted location.

    They have a item they bought from my friend at a yard sale years ago. I have the photo to prove this. Then we went to one of there event and did the tour of the museum. My friend who sold Lorraine & Her late Husband the item asked Tony about it. He said don't touch it it's evil.
    When we asked for the story behind it what a tall tail they gave. My friend after supper said to them you know Ed & Lorraine bought that at our yard sale years ago?
    There face dropped they said how can you be sure. She said cause here it is at our house and showed the photo. They had nothing to say just walked away.
    Most of there Items were bought or made to look old. They found a nitch and cashed in on it all these years. Nothing wrong with that but be honest don't make tall tales up

  30. I love watching para-TV emulating cretins criticizing other para-TV emulating makes me giggle :)

  31. I wonder how many of the 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
    lawsuit threats I have read over the years on these type of supernatural/paranormal related sites were ever actually filed (0).

  32. It's so funny how pple will back up a para celeb which IS NOT a celeb at all thinking they are just good ole buddies after maybe 1 meeting or email exchange. You are the last to say facts regarding someone you do,NOT know. They won't be there to defend you, I can assure you that!

    Someone asked me not long ago "how did we know each other college, high school or are you a fan? " omg....I may be a supporter but there is way too many people,calling their supporters fans. yOU LOOK STUPID! Y ou aired once on a ghost show for 2 min then next day you have a fan page. Or a few from the The Haunted tv show that use to air back before 2004 that shared their story our now CELEBS made fan pages milking it for as much as possible. It's sickening. Why did you people not do it before the para band wagon? And all the ones who,say "I've been at this 30" yrs" but are unable to provide anything no references prior to the craze starting in 2004. It's disgusting. But God for if The eye or anyone call anyone out. You people want ur face all over tv but don't dare question anything. Keep backing up ur wanna be para celebs, they call you people psychos and stackers by the way. Which is probably true for some but praising these wanna be's misfits of society just like you will not gain their attention.

  33. It's so funny how pple will back up a para celeb which IS NOT a celeb at all thinking they are just good ole buddies after maybe 1 meeting or email exchange. You are the last to say facts regarding someone you do,NOT know. They won't be there to defend you, I can assure you that!

    Someone asked me not long ago "how did we know each other college, high school or are you a fan? " omg....I may be a supporter but there is way too many people,calling their supporters fans. yOU LOOK STUPID! Y ou aired once on a ghost show for 2 min then next day you have a fan page. Or a few from the The Haunted tv show that use to air back before 2004 that shared their story our now CELEBS made fan pages milking it for as much as possible. It's sickening. Why did you people not do it before the para band wagon? And all the ones who,say "I've been at this 30" yrs" but are unable to provide anything no references prior to the craze starting in 2004. It's disgusting. But God for if The eye or anyone call anyone out. You people want ur face all over tv but don't dare question anything. Keep backing up ur wanna be para celebs, they call you people psychos and stackers by the way. Which is probably true for some but praising these wanna be's misfits of society just like you will not gain their attention.

  34. I knew Michael Lee Carroll for three years. He was engaged to my daughter and lived in my house. He still owes my father in law $1600 and almost every week, a bill collector calls here looking for him. He bought two houses (fixer uppers) two cars, one a 1950's that he bought on ebay for $17000 dollars and had to have shipped. He opened a dungeon and dragons store in Ct. that closed in less than one year. (Sure they was some kind of problem.) He paid $1000 to go on stage at a Rascal Flatts concert to propose to his new gf with a $8500 diamond ring. This is what white trash people do when they come into money. I'm sure he will forget to pay the taxes on the properties that he bought and it will only be a matter of time before we see them in foreclosure. Karma always gets her man!

  35. Are all of the paranormal investigators in Connecticut elitists??? I guess paranormal unity died long ago...

  36. Wow that was an interesting read lol


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