The Natural World
If there is one area in which both education and the media have a special responsibility, it is, I believe, our natural environment. This responsibility has less to do with questions of right or wrong than with the question of survival. The natural world is our home. It is not necessarily sacred or holy. It is simply where we live.
It is therefore in our interest to look after it. This is common sense. But only recently have the size of our population and the power of science and technology grown to the point that they have a direct impact on nature. To put it' another way, until now, Mother Earth has been able to tolerate our sloppy house habits. However, the stage has now been reached where she can no longer accept our behaviour in silence. The problems caused by environmental disasters can be seen as her response to our irresponsible behaviour. She is warning us that there are limits even to her tolerance.
Nowhere are the consequences of our failure to exercise discipline in the way we relate to our environment more apparent than in the case of present-day Tibet. It is no exaggeration to say that the Tibet I grew up in was a wildlife paradise. Every traveller who visited Tibet before the middle of the twentieth century remarked on this.
Animals were rarely hunted, except in the remotest areas where crops could not be grown. Indeed, it was customary for government officials annually to issue a proclamation protecting wildlife: Nobody, it read, however humble or noble, shall harm or do violence to the creatures of the waters or the wild. The only exceptions to this were rats and wolves.
As a young man, I recall seeing great numbers of different species whenever I travelled outside Lhasa. My chief memory of the three-month journey across Tibet from my birthplace at Takster in the East to Lhasa, where I was formally proclaimed Dalai Lama as a four-year-old boy, is of the wildlife we encountered along the way.
Immense herds of kiang (wild asses) and drong (wild yak) freely roamed the great plains. Occasionally we would catch sight of shimmering herds of gowa, the shy Tibetan gazelle, of wa, the white-lipped deer, or of tso, our majestic antelope. I remember, too, my fascination for the little chibi, or pika, which would congregate on grassy areas. They were so friendly. I loved to watch the birds: the dignified gho (the bearded eagle) soaring high above monasteries and perched up in the mountains; the flocks of geese (nangbar); and occasionally, at night, to hear the call of the wookpa (the long-eared owl).
Even in Lhasa, one did not feel in any way cut off from the natural world. In my rooms at the top of the Potala, the winter palace of the Dalai Lamas, I spent countless hours as a child studying the behaviour of the red-beaked khyungkar which nested in the crevices of its walls. And behind the Norbulingka, the summer palace, I often saw pairs of trung trung Oapanes blacknecked cranes), birds which for me are the epitome of elegance and grace, that lived in the marshlands there. And all this is not to mention the crowning glory of Tibetan fauna: the bears and mountain foxes, the chanku (wolves), and sazik (the beautiful snow leopard), and thesik (lynx) which struck terror into the hearts of the normal farmer - or the gentle-faced giant panda (thorn tra), is native to the border area between Tibet and China.
Sadly, this profusion of wildlife is no longer to be found. Partly due to hunting but primarily due to loss of habitat, what remains half a century after Tibet was occupied is only a small fraction of what there was. Without exception, every Tibetan I have spoken with who has been back to visit Tibet after thirty to forty years has reported on a striking absence of wildlife. Whereas before wild animals would often come close to the house, today they are hardly anywhere to be seen.
Equally troubling is the devastation of Tibet's forests. In the past, the hills were all thickly wooded; today those who have been back report that they are clean-shaven like a monk's head. The government in Beijing has admitted that the tragic flooding of western China, and further afield, is in part due to this. And yet I hear continuous reports of round-the-clock convoys oftrucks carrying logs east out of Tibet. This is especially tragic given the country's mountainous terrain and harsh climate. It means that replanting requites sustained care and attention. Unfortunately there is little evidence of this.
None of this is to say that, historically, we Tibetans were deliberately 'conservationist'. We were not. The idea of something called 'pollution' simply never occurred to us. There is no denying we were rather spoiled in this respect. A small population inhabited a very large area with clean, dry air and an abundance of pure mountain water. This innocent attitude toward cleanliness meant that when we Tibetans went into exile, we were astonished to discover, for example, the existence of streams whose water is not drinkable. Like an only child, no matter what we did, Mother Earth tolerated our behaviour. The result was that we had no proper understanding of cleanliness and hygiene. People would spit or blow their nose in the street without giving it a second thought. Indeed, saying this, I recall one elderly Khampa, a former bodyguard who used to come each day to circumambulate my residence in Dharamsala (a popular devotion). Unfortunately, he suffered greatly from bronchitis. This was exacerbated by the incense he carried. At each corner, therefore, he would pause to cough and expectorate so ferociously that I sometimes wondered whether he had come to pray or just to spit!
Over the years, since our first arriving in exile, I have taken a close interest in environmental issues. The Tibetan government in exile has paid particular attention to introducing our children to their responsibilities as residents of this fragile planet. And I never hesitate to speak out on the subject whenever I am given the opportunity. In particular, I always stress the need to consider how our actions, in affecting the environment, are likely to affect others. I admit that this is very often difficult to judge. We cannot say for sure what the ultimate effects of, for example, deforestation might be on the soil and the local rainfall, let alone what the implications are for the planet's weather systems. The only clear thing is that we humans are the only species with the power to destroy the earth as we know it. The birds have no such power, nor do the insects, nor does any mammal. Yet if we have the capacity to destroy the earth, so, too, do we have the capacity to protect it.
What is essential is that we find methods of manufacture that do not destroy nature. We need to find ways of cutting down on our use of wood and other limited natural resources. I am no expert in this field, and I cannot suggest how this might be done. I know only is possible, given the necessary determination. For example, I recall hearing on a visit to Stockholm some years ago that for the first time in many years fish were retUrning to the river that runs through the city. Until recently, there were none due to industrial pollution. Yet this improvement was by no means the result of all the local factories closing down. Likewise, on a visit tei Germany, I was shown an industrial development designed to produce no pollution. So, clearly, solutions do exist to limit damage to the natural world without bringing industry to a halt.
This does not mean that I believe that we can rely on technology to overcome all our problems. Nor do I believe we can afford to continue destructive practices in anticipation of technical fixes being developed. Besides, the environment does not need fixing. It is our behaviour in relation to it that needs to change. I question whether, in the case of such a massive looming disaster as that caused by the greenhouse effect, a fix could ever exist, even in theory. And supposing it could, we have to ask whether it would ever be feasible to apply it on the scale that would be required. What of t_e expense and what of the cost in terms' of our natural resources? I suspect that these would be prohibitively high. There is also the fact that in many other fields-such as in the humanitarian relief of hunger-there are already insufficient funds to cover the work that could be undertaken. Therefore, even if one were to argue that the necessary funds could be raised, morally speaking this would be almost impossible to justify given such deficiencies. It would not be right to deploy huge sums simply in order to enable the industrialized nations to continue their harmful practices while people in other places cannot even feed themselves.
All this points to the need to recognize the universal dimension of our actions and, based on this, to exercise restraint. The necessity of this is forcefully demonstrated when we come to consider the propagation of our species. Although from 'the point of view of all the major religions, the more humans the better, and although it may be true that some of the latest studies suggest a population implosion a century from now, still I believe we cannot ignore this issue. As a monk, it is perhaps inappropriate for me to comment on these matters. I believe that family planning is important. Of course, I do pot mean to suggest we should not have children. Human life is a precious resource and married couples should have children unless there are compelling reasons not to. The idea of not having children just because we want to enjoy a full life without responsibility is quite mistaken I think. At the same time, couples do have a duty to consider the impact our numbers have on the natural environment. This is especially true given the impact of modern 'technology.
Fortunately, more and more people are coming to recognize the importance of ethical discipline as a means to ensuring a healthy place to live. For this reason I am optimistic that disaster can be averted. Until comparatively recently, few people gave much thought to the effects of human activity on our planet. Yet today there are even political parties whose main concern is this. Moreover, the fact that the air we breathe, the water we drink, the forests and oceans which sustain millions of different life forms, and the Climatic patterns which govern out weather systems all transcend national boundaries is a source of hope. It means that no country, no matter how rich and powerful or how poor and weak it may be, can afford not to take action in respect of this issue.
As far as the individual is concerned, the problems resulting from our neglect of our natural environment are a powerful reminder that we all have a contribution to make. And while one person's actions may not have a significant impact, the combined effect of millions of individuals' actions certainly does. This means that it is time for all those living in the industrially developed nations to give serious thought to changing their lifestyle. Again this is not so much a question of ethics. The fact that the population of the rest of the world has an equal right to improve their standard of living is in some ways more important than the affluent being able to continue their lifestyle. If this is to be fulfilled without causing irredeemable violence to the natural world-with all the negative consequences for happiness that this would entail-the richer countries must set an example. The cost to the planet, and thus the cost to humanity, of ever-increasing standards of living, is simply too great.
Excerpt from Ancient Wisdom, Modern World: Ethics for the New Millennium by Tenzin Gyatso, the Fourteenth Dalai Lama. Published by Little, Brown and Company, United Kingdom J 999. (pp 2 J 3 -220).
original link & photo
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Dalai Lama & The Art of Happiness
‘The Art of Happiness’ at Siri Fort
New Delhi, India - His Holiness the Dalai Lama was received by the welcoming committee of the Association of British Scholars (ABS), as he arrived at the Siri Fort Auditorium this morning and escorted to the stage. The ABS is a national forum to facilitate the networking of Indians who have studied or trained in the UK. It aims to strengthen Indo-UK relations by sharing information and hosting social, cultural and intellectual activities.
The event was introduced with authority and aplomb by Rini Khanna, a well-known news anchor, whose voice also provides reassurance to travellers on the Delhi Metro. She described several aspects of His Holiness’s life, stating that a spirit of kindness and compassion emanates from him, although he persists in describing himself as a simple Buddhist monk. The welcoming committee offered an outsize garland of flowers that encircled all of them and His Holiness. Quoting His Holiness as asserting that achieving happiness is the purpose of life, ABS President Vipin Chopra formally introduced him to the capacity audience of 2000 and invited him to address them.
His Holiness began by explaining that while he generally prefers to stand when speaking to a crowd, he is beginning to acknowledge that at the age of 82 he finds it increasingly tiring. Consequently, he sought permission to speak sitting down.
“Brothers and sisters—this is how I always like to begin—I’d like to thank you for giving me this opportunity to talk to you. As human beings all 7 billion of us are born the same way and die the same way. Physically, mentally and emotionally we are the same. We all want to live a happy life and wish to avoid problems. We grow up in the shelter of our mother’s love and affection. Some scientists even say that at a certain stage a mother’s physical touch is crucial for the proper formation of the brain.
“On the one hand, scientists have concluded that basic human nature is compassionate—which I regard as a sign of hope. On the other, they point out that constant fear, anger and stress undermine our immune system. The reality is we are social animals for whom love and affection are key factors contributing to our happiness. We need to remember this because we live in a materialistic culture that doesn’t pay much attention to inner values.
“A lot of problems we face, from violence to the gap between rich and poor and routine bullying and exploitation, are of our own making. They arise due to a lack of real concern for others and a lack of respect for their rights. Self-centredness, which is the basis for competitiveness and jealousy, provokes fear, irritation and anger, which in turn can give rise to violence. If we carry on the way we’re going, there’s a risk that the 21st century will end up like the 20th century before it—an era of violence and bloodshed. During that time, historians estimate, 200 million died violently. So what can we do? Say more prayers and perform more rituals? We Tibetans did that from the early ‘50s onwards to little effect. We need to take action on the basis of vision and sincere motivation.
“Our existing education system, oriented towards material goals with little time for inner values, is inadequate when it comes to bringing about a happier more peaceful world. We used to rely on religion for inner values, but today 1 billion people show no interest in religion anymore and even among the remaining 6 billion the faith of many is shallow.
“Having examined what actually destroys our peace of mind, we need a new approach to education, from kindergarten right through to university, which can guide us in tackling our disturbing emotions. Just as we protect our health by observing physical hygiene, we must take steps to adopt emotional hygiene. By employing our intelligence and common sense, we can tackle our destructive emotions. It’s not difficult to see how irritation leads to anger. Common sense also tells us that anger is bad for our health.
“Women like to make up their faces to look more attractive, but if your face is contorted in anger, no one will want to look at it. Common sense again tells us that inner beauty, warm-heartedness and compassion, is what brings about peace of mind. Love and affection are the basis of trust which underlies genuine friendship.”
His Holiness explained how the 8th century Tibetan Emperor Trisong Detsen invited the preeminent Nalanda master Shantarakshita to Tibet. He established the Nalanda Tradition of Buddhism which involved philosophy, psychology and logic rather than prayers and rituals. This tradition has been preserved for more than a thousand years as succeeding generations have engaged in rigorous study. His Holiness made clear that ancient Indian knowledge of the workings of the mind and emotions, assessment of reality and use of logic are of utmost relevance today. He stressed his view that India is the one country with the potential to pursue modern education and economic development, while combining it with knowledge from ancient India.
Answering questions from the audience His Holiness clarified that far-sightedness and warm-heartedness are crucial to being able to forgive. He recommended that when it comes to raising children, parents should not stint on the love and affection they show their offspring, or on the time they spend with them. Asked how to acquire wisdom he replied, “Study.” He agreed with a suggestion that some people regard compassion and kindness as signs of weakness. He suggested that people who think like that also think you only have to be tough to make money. They also tend to think that anger brings energy to whatever it is they are trying to do without realising that the energy is blind.
He spoke about becoming a refugee and the freedom it brought. In particular, he was freed of the hypocritical pretence he had had to maintain when dealing with Chinese officials in Tibet over several years.
A final questioner wanted advice on how to encourage others. His Holiness told her,
“I was separated from my family at the age of 5. At 16 I lost my freedom, then at 24 I lost my country. Since then, 58 years have passed. Our country has seen great suffering. More than 5000 monasteries and temples have been destroyed; a million people have lost their lives. And yet for all these problems, becoming a refugee has brought opportunities—I’ve met many people and had many occasions to learn. I’ve found that when you look at things from a wider perspective, problems take on a different character.”
He recited the prayer that guides his life:
Before the event was concluded with a vote of thanks, His Holiness announced that he would like to speak to the many Tibetans in the hall, mostly young students, in their own language. He told them that Tibet’s is an ancient civilization. He encouraged them to keep up their study of Tibetan, the language of the Kangyur and Tengyur, the literature of the Nalanda Tradition and the language that binds Tibetans together. He urged them to be proud of being Tibetan, and proud of their language and culture. They responded with warm and enthusiastic applause.
Anjali Kwatra formally thanked His Holiness for accepting the invitation and for being an example of peace and compassion for the world. She also expressed gratitude and appreciation to everyone who had contributed to the success of the event.
Tibetans respectfully lined the road as His Holiness left for his hotel. Tomorrow, he will travel to Mumbai.
original link & photos
New Delhi, India - His Holiness the Dalai Lama was received by the welcoming committee of the Association of British Scholars (ABS), as he arrived at the Siri Fort Auditorium this morning and escorted to the stage. The ABS is a national forum to facilitate the networking of Indians who have studied or trained in the UK. It aims to strengthen Indo-UK relations by sharing information and hosting social, cultural and intellectual activities.
The event was introduced with authority and aplomb by Rini Khanna, a well-known news anchor, whose voice also provides reassurance to travellers on the Delhi Metro. She described several aspects of His Holiness’s life, stating that a spirit of kindness and compassion emanates from him, although he persists in describing himself as a simple Buddhist monk. The welcoming committee offered an outsize garland of flowers that encircled all of them and His Holiness. Quoting His Holiness as asserting that achieving happiness is the purpose of life, ABS President Vipin Chopra formally introduced him to the capacity audience of 2000 and invited him to address them.
His Holiness began by explaining that while he generally prefers to stand when speaking to a crowd, he is beginning to acknowledge that at the age of 82 he finds it increasingly tiring. Consequently, he sought permission to speak sitting down.
“Brothers and sisters—this is how I always like to begin—I’d like to thank you for giving me this opportunity to talk to you. As human beings all 7 billion of us are born the same way and die the same way. Physically, mentally and emotionally we are the same. We all want to live a happy life and wish to avoid problems. We grow up in the shelter of our mother’s love and affection. Some scientists even say that at a certain stage a mother’s physical touch is crucial for the proper formation of the brain.
“On the one hand, scientists have concluded that basic human nature is compassionate—which I regard as a sign of hope. On the other, they point out that constant fear, anger and stress undermine our immune system. The reality is we are social animals for whom love and affection are key factors contributing to our happiness. We need to remember this because we live in a materialistic culture that doesn’t pay much attention to inner values.
“A lot of problems we face, from violence to the gap between rich and poor and routine bullying and exploitation, are of our own making. They arise due to a lack of real concern for others and a lack of respect for their rights. Self-centredness, which is the basis for competitiveness and jealousy, provokes fear, irritation and anger, which in turn can give rise to violence. If we carry on the way we’re going, there’s a risk that the 21st century will end up like the 20th century before it—an era of violence and bloodshed. During that time, historians estimate, 200 million died violently. So what can we do? Say more prayers and perform more rituals? We Tibetans did that from the early ‘50s onwards to little effect. We need to take action on the basis of vision and sincere motivation.
“Our existing education system, oriented towards material goals with little time for inner values, is inadequate when it comes to bringing about a happier more peaceful world. We used to rely on religion for inner values, but today 1 billion people show no interest in religion anymore and even among the remaining 6 billion the faith of many is shallow.
“Having examined what actually destroys our peace of mind, we need a new approach to education, from kindergarten right through to university, which can guide us in tackling our disturbing emotions. Just as we protect our health by observing physical hygiene, we must take steps to adopt emotional hygiene. By employing our intelligence and common sense, we can tackle our destructive emotions. It’s not difficult to see how irritation leads to anger. Common sense also tells us that anger is bad for our health.
“Women like to make up their faces to look more attractive, but if your face is contorted in anger, no one will want to look at it. Common sense again tells us that inner beauty, warm-heartedness and compassion, is what brings about peace of mind. Love and affection are the basis of trust which underlies genuine friendship.”
His Holiness explained how the 8th century Tibetan Emperor Trisong Detsen invited the preeminent Nalanda master Shantarakshita to Tibet. He established the Nalanda Tradition of Buddhism which involved philosophy, psychology and logic rather than prayers and rituals. This tradition has been preserved for more than a thousand years as succeeding generations have engaged in rigorous study. His Holiness made clear that ancient Indian knowledge of the workings of the mind and emotions, assessment of reality and use of logic are of utmost relevance today. He stressed his view that India is the one country with the potential to pursue modern education and economic development, while combining it with knowledge from ancient India.
Answering questions from the audience His Holiness clarified that far-sightedness and warm-heartedness are crucial to being able to forgive. He recommended that when it comes to raising children, parents should not stint on the love and affection they show their offspring, or on the time they spend with them. Asked how to acquire wisdom he replied, “Study.” He agreed with a suggestion that some people regard compassion and kindness as signs of weakness. He suggested that people who think like that also think you only have to be tough to make money. They also tend to think that anger brings energy to whatever it is they are trying to do without realising that the energy is blind.
He spoke about becoming a refugee and the freedom it brought. In particular, he was freed of the hypocritical pretence he had had to maintain when dealing with Chinese officials in Tibet over several years.
A final questioner wanted advice on how to encourage others. His Holiness told her,
“I was separated from my family at the age of 5. At 16 I lost my freedom, then at 24 I lost my country. Since then, 58 years have passed. Our country has seen great suffering. More than 5000 monasteries and temples have been destroyed; a million people have lost their lives. And yet for all these problems, becoming a refugee has brought opportunities—I’ve met many people and had many occasions to learn. I’ve found that when you look at things from a wider perspective, problems take on a different character.”
He recited the prayer that guides his life:
For as long as space endures
And for as long as living beings remain,
Until then may I too abide
To dispel the misery of the world.
Anjali Kwatra formally thanked His Holiness for accepting the invitation and for being an example of peace and compassion for the world. She also expressed gratitude and appreciation to everyone who had contributed to the success of the event.
Tibetans respectfully lined the road as His Holiness left for his hotel. Tomorrow, he will travel to Mumbai.
original link & photos
Saturday, August 19, 2017
Can Spiritually Starving Ourselves Lead To Danger?
Can Spiritually Starving Ourselves Lead To Danger?
Hello everyone. I hope you had a wonderful weekend and are enjoying your Sunday. Kids are back in school but the weather here in Florida sure doesn't feel like it's cooling down for fall. I'm lucky if I get to wear my light weight leather jackets and light sweaters 3 times each cold season. That is the truth.
Oh yes! In my humble opinion anyway. When we lose our close personal relationship with Christ we have less armor to protect us. Remember our battle is not against flesh and blood. We must be wise and stay sober to recognize evil and bad people. What I mean about 'bad people' is the ones you just know are no good and hurt others and just all around bad. That opens doors to the demonic because as many can see this world and many people are obsessed about learning more about demons. And even summoning them! All these movies coming out new tv shows that are just evil storylines. Or people claiming voices 'told me to do it.' This is after unspeakable crimes have been committed.
They are building more Santanic temples with after school care. Freedom of religion I get but these people do sacrifices! They don't just worship themselves as a living God. There is spirit cooking, human and animal sacrificing and much more. A lot of pedophilia is known to take place in these ceremonies on certain satanic holidays. They have women as ' Breeders' so there is no questioning of missing kids when no one knows they even existed for long. When they are no longer any good to these sickos they dismember these dear children and sell off body parts to canibals. I wish I could be fabricating but I'm not. I've seen too much in 26 years.
We need our Lord God more than ever. We need to turn to him and stay in his Word in these days of horror. But they the government keep pushing him away taking his name out of court some court rooms that use to say 'In God We Trust'. It will only get much worse from this point. This world has changed, we have way too many people wanting to know about the occult. That in of itself is opening a door. It will attract something I can assure you and possible bring friends. This is no joke ladies and gentlemen. Hold your kids tight. Don't let them roam too far. This world has gone to pot to put it politely.
Why is Satan and dark arts all of a sudden just considered so cool? Kids asking for ghost boxes and doing evp's at home, use spirit boards etc...They download the app version on devices and just because it's a phone (as I've said many times) and not a costly paid for device doesn't mean demons can't manipulate those apps. Phones have radio and recorders. Are they only able to do it to these devices? My bet is they can and do manipulate our phones. YouTube and the Internet and people will email me and ask "how to properly summon a demon Baal." But mainly ask the proper safe way to summon a demon. There is NO safe way to summon something from darkness. They only obey Satan. You can't control them. They will turn on you.
Look at the racial tensions due to that attack/riot in Charlottesville. This is to divert attention off of peace and love. He was loving and still is loving every bit of the chaos and sadness. His demons are dancing in hell! There will be a judgement no matter what God you believe in. I'd think doing bad things comes back on you at sometime or another. Karma pretty much in so many words. No race is better than another. We are equal in my God's eyes. This is awful what took place there. Let's send those families all our prayers.
Next week or after I'm going to talk about someone who is a speaker. Has been for many, many, years now. God saved her from deep dark occult practices she did and even facilitied some I believe. Carol Karnacki is her name. A wonderful women of God who says it like it is. No sugar coating at all. But very kind. A genuine soul who cares and loves others. I'm going to go into more detail about her. It relates to today and this world going to pot. It really is. I hate to even say that.
Written By Jennifer Auld
Hello everyone. I hope you had a wonderful weekend and are enjoying your Sunday. Kids are back in school but the weather here in Florida sure doesn't feel like it's cooling down for fall. I'm lucky if I get to wear my light weight leather jackets and light sweaters 3 times each cold season. That is the truth.
Oh yes! In my humble opinion anyway. When we lose our close personal relationship with Christ we have less armor to protect us. Remember our battle is not against flesh and blood. We must be wise and stay sober to recognize evil and bad people. What I mean about 'bad people' is the ones you just know are no good and hurt others and just all around bad. That opens doors to the demonic because as many can see this world and many people are obsessed about learning more about demons. And even summoning them! All these movies coming out new tv shows that are just evil storylines. Or people claiming voices 'told me to do it.' This is after unspeakable crimes have been committed.
They are building more Santanic temples with after school care. Freedom of religion I get but these people do sacrifices! They don't just worship themselves as a living God. There is spirit cooking, human and animal sacrificing and much more. A lot of pedophilia is known to take place in these ceremonies on certain satanic holidays. They have women as ' Breeders' so there is no questioning of missing kids when no one knows they even existed for long. When they are no longer any good to these sickos they dismember these dear children and sell off body parts to canibals. I wish I could be fabricating but I'm not. I've seen too much in 26 years.
We need our Lord God more than ever. We need to turn to him and stay in his Word in these days of horror. But they the government keep pushing him away taking his name out of court some court rooms that use to say 'In God We Trust'. It will only get much worse from this point. This world has changed, we have way too many people wanting to know about the occult. That in of itself is opening a door. It will attract something I can assure you and possible bring friends. This is no joke ladies and gentlemen. Hold your kids tight. Don't let them roam too far. This world has gone to pot to put it politely.
Why is Satan and dark arts all of a sudden just considered so cool? Kids asking for ghost boxes and doing evp's at home, use spirit boards etc...They download the app version on devices and just because it's a phone (as I've said many times) and not a costly paid for device doesn't mean demons can't manipulate those apps. Phones have radio and recorders. Are they only able to do it to these devices? My bet is they can and do manipulate our phones. YouTube and the Internet and people will email me and ask "how to properly summon a demon Baal." But mainly ask the proper safe way to summon a demon. There is NO safe way to summon something from darkness. They only obey Satan. You can't control them. They will turn on you.
Look at the racial tensions due to that attack/riot in Charlottesville. This is to divert attention off of peace and love. He was loving and still is loving every bit of the chaos and sadness. His demons are dancing in hell! There will be a judgement no matter what God you believe in. I'd think doing bad things comes back on you at sometime or another. Karma pretty much in so many words. No race is better than another. We are equal in my God's eyes. This is awful what took place there. Let's send those families all our prayers.
Next week or after I'm going to talk about someone who is a speaker. Has been for many, many, years now. God saved her from deep dark occult practices she did and even facilitied some I believe. Carol Karnacki is her name. A wonderful women of God who says it like it is. No sugar coating at all. But very kind. A genuine soul who cares and loves others. I'm going to go into more detail about her. It relates to today and this world going to pot. It really is. I hate to even say that.
Written By Jennifer Auld
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
World Peace and Harmony through Interfaith Dialogue
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India - The drive across Mumbai today for His Holiness the Dalai Lama to attend a seminar on ‘World Peace and Harmony through Interfaith Dialogue’ at the National Sports Club of India Dome included traversing the spectacular Bandra-Worli Sealink. He was welcomed on arrival by his host Acharya Dr. Lokesh Muni to a thunderous barrage of drums and horns.
As participants in the interfaith dialogue, led by Acharya Dr. Lokesh Muni and accompanied by His Holiness and Swami Ramdev stepped out onto the stage they were met by enthusiastic applause. Together they lit a lamp to inaugurate the proceedings. Each of the guests was felicitated with a traditional shawl and a memento of the occasion.
Union Power Minister Piyush Goyal was first to speak in order that he could leave to attend the launch of the first phase of the National Cancer Institute in Nagpur later in the morning. He saluted His Holiness as a “world-renowned spiritual leader we all look up to”. He added that it is a matter of pride that Dr. Lokesh Muni-ji, who has dedicated his life to peace and harmony, was leading the gathering, observing that he has made a real commitment to bringing people together from across the country.
Goyal noted that climate change and terrorism are among the world’s greatest challenges at present. He remarked that India is taking steps to counter atmospheric pollution, but also needs to be aware of the damage intolerant thinking does to society. He ended with an aspiration for India to achieve the five ‘Ps’—power, prosperity, prestige, pleasure and position. Vivek Oberoi, present in his role as a peace ambassador, also left to attend the NCI function with the Minister.
First of the spiritual leaders to speak about peace and harmony among faiths, Maulana Dr. Kalbe Sadiq referred to the case of the Babri Masjid currently being heard by the Supreme Court. He said that if the judgement favours the Hindu community, his community should accept it, and if it favours the Muslim community they should offer land to the other party because making a gift is a way to resolve disputes. Giani Gurbachan Singh, Chief Jathedar of the Akal Takht stated that despite differences of appearance, there is a unity among all religions because they convey a common message.
Archbishop Felix Anthony Machado talked about the need for peace in our hearts if we seek to create peace in the world. What is required, he said, is unity and truth. Union Minister for Agriculture and Panchayat Raj saluted the spiritual leaders. Union Minister for Science & Technology; Environment, Forest and Climate Change; as well as Earth Sciences, Dr. Harsh Vardhan told the audience of more than 4000 that the government is determined to do what it can to take India forward, but needs the people’s support and participation.
Acharya Dr. Lokesh Muni paid tribute to Swami Ramdev for sparking a widespread interest in yoga. Observing the need to include instruction on peace and non-violence, as recommended by His Holiness, in the school curriculum, he also suggested taking His Holiness’s message about resisting the urge to resort to violence to places of conflict.
Swami Ramdev began with a characteristic declamation—“Bharat Mata ki Jai”. In the course of an extensive oration he suggested that China should be aware that all major religions are about peace and non-violence. Consequently, India, which is a religious country, is ready to engage in dialogue, but if her opponent wants war, she’s ready for that too. Jainacharya Namra Muni said he didn’t want to delay His Holiness since it was nearly time for lunch.
His Holiness was helped to his feet and took his place at the lectern. He opened his address in his customary way:
“Respected spiritual brothers and ... oh, no sisters?
“I am very happy to participate in this wonderful meeting, among spiritual leaders who not only carry out their own practice sincerely, but also take action to solve problems they encounter in a non-violent way. Usually I tell people that I don’t consider myself as anything other than another of the 7 billion human beings alive today. Mentally, emotionally and physically we are the same. Some of my friends here have a lot of hair on their faces, which I don’t, but basically we are the same.
“The entire 7 billion human beings want happiness and joy, but instead are faced by a multitude of problems—many of which are man-made. So, there’s a contradiction; no one wants problems and yet we seem to bring them on ourselves. How does this come about? As a result of our emotions, especially our destructive emotions.
“Anger and jealousy are related to our sense of self-centredness and our disregard for others. Self-centredness easily gives rise to fear, which fosters irritation, which, when it blazes into anger, can provoke violence. The time has come to accept that if we’re talking about peace in the world, we have to consider peace within ourselves.
“In this country, ahimsa has, for thousands of years, characterized the path of action, but it is related to being motivated by karuna or compassion. On the one hand, if we have a self-centred attitude, an artificial smile and seek to deceive others with sweet words—that’s a kind of violence. On the other, when a parent or teacher, like my tutor, uses harsh words entirely out of concern for a child’s welfare, that’s non-violent.
“So, the demarcation between violence and non-violence isn’t just about the nature of the action, it’s about motivation. That’s why we need to pay more attention to karuna or compassion, which scientists say is our basic human nature. They also say that constant fear, anger and suspicion undermine our immune system, whereas compassion has the effect of strengthening our health.”
His Holiness talked about our common human experience of being born and nurtured by our mothers. He remarked that some scientists have suggested that a mother’s physical touch is crucial to the proper development of our brains. We all grow up appreciating love and affection. We learn that jealousy doesn’t make us happy, whereas if we deal with each other honestly, truthfully and transparently, we’ll be content.
He went on to observe that common sense tells us that the family next door may be rich, but if they don’t trust each other, they won’t be happy. Meanwhile, the poor family down the road have very little, but because they have trust and affection for each other, they are full of joy. He suggested that the education system, oriented as it is to material goals rather inner values, contributes to our unease.
“If education paid more attention to the ancient Indian knowledge of the workings of the mind and emotions, we’d learn how to achieve peace of mind. We’ve been working with education experts and scientists to draw up a curriculum to implement this from kindergarten to university. We propose to do this on a secular basis—secular meaning not only respect for all religious traditions without bias, but even respect for the views of those who have no belief. If India can combine modern education with ancient Indian knowledge, she can make a significant contribution to the well-being of all 7 billion human beings.”
His Holiness mentioned that he is committed to raising awareness of how to bring about a happier, more peaceful world through education and common sense. Having spent 58 years in this country he has observed with admiration how religious traditions that originated here live side by side with those that came from outside. In this India is an example to the world. He said it’s unthinkable that religious faith should be a source of conflict. However, there are places now where conflict takes place within the same faith—between Sunni and Shia traditions for example—something not seen in India.
“Wherever I go, I tell people that with regard to religious harmony, India is a living example that religious traditions can live together in peace and respect.
“As a Tibetan I am also concerned to preserve the knowledge that was first brought to Tibet in the 8th century by the master Shantarakshita. It reflects the traditions of Nalanda University that we have preserved and which Buddhists in the People’s Republic of China are increasingly coming to appreciate. India is our guru, and we have proved ourselves reliable chelas, because we have kept these traditions of philosophy, logic and understanding of the mind alive. Now, I’ve made a commitment to trying to revive this ancient knowledge in India, which I consider is the only country that could combine it with a modern approach to education.”
His Holiness and the several spiritual leaders ate lunch together in a cordial display of friendship before departing and going their own ways.
original link & photos:
As participants in the interfaith dialogue, led by Acharya Dr. Lokesh Muni and accompanied by His Holiness and Swami Ramdev stepped out onto the stage they were met by enthusiastic applause. Together they lit a lamp to inaugurate the proceedings. Each of the guests was felicitated with a traditional shawl and a memento of the occasion.
Union Power Minister Piyush Goyal was first to speak in order that he could leave to attend the launch of the first phase of the National Cancer Institute in Nagpur later in the morning. He saluted His Holiness as a “world-renowned spiritual leader we all look up to”. He added that it is a matter of pride that Dr. Lokesh Muni-ji, who has dedicated his life to peace and harmony, was leading the gathering, observing that he has made a real commitment to bringing people together from across the country.
Goyal noted that climate change and terrorism are among the world’s greatest challenges at present. He remarked that India is taking steps to counter atmospheric pollution, but also needs to be aware of the damage intolerant thinking does to society. He ended with an aspiration for India to achieve the five ‘Ps’—power, prosperity, prestige, pleasure and position. Vivek Oberoi, present in his role as a peace ambassador, also left to attend the NCI function with the Minister.
First of the spiritual leaders to speak about peace and harmony among faiths, Maulana Dr. Kalbe Sadiq referred to the case of the Babri Masjid currently being heard by the Supreme Court. He said that if the judgement favours the Hindu community, his community should accept it, and if it favours the Muslim community they should offer land to the other party because making a gift is a way to resolve disputes. Giani Gurbachan Singh, Chief Jathedar of the Akal Takht stated that despite differences of appearance, there is a unity among all religions because they convey a common message.
Archbishop Felix Anthony Machado talked about the need for peace in our hearts if we seek to create peace in the world. What is required, he said, is unity and truth. Union Minister for Agriculture and Panchayat Raj saluted the spiritual leaders. Union Minister for Science & Technology; Environment, Forest and Climate Change; as well as Earth Sciences, Dr. Harsh Vardhan told the audience of more than 4000 that the government is determined to do what it can to take India forward, but needs the people’s support and participation.
Acharya Dr. Lokesh Muni paid tribute to Swami Ramdev for sparking a widespread interest in yoga. Observing the need to include instruction on peace and non-violence, as recommended by His Holiness, in the school curriculum, he also suggested taking His Holiness’s message about resisting the urge to resort to violence to places of conflict.
Swami Ramdev began with a characteristic declamation—“Bharat Mata ki Jai”. In the course of an extensive oration he suggested that China should be aware that all major religions are about peace and non-violence. Consequently, India, which is a religious country, is ready to engage in dialogue, but if her opponent wants war, she’s ready for that too. Jainacharya Namra Muni said he didn’t want to delay His Holiness since it was nearly time for lunch.
His Holiness was helped to his feet and took his place at the lectern. He opened his address in his customary way:
“Respected spiritual brothers and ... oh, no sisters?
“I am very happy to participate in this wonderful meeting, among spiritual leaders who not only carry out their own practice sincerely, but also take action to solve problems they encounter in a non-violent way. Usually I tell people that I don’t consider myself as anything other than another of the 7 billion human beings alive today. Mentally, emotionally and physically we are the same. Some of my friends here have a lot of hair on their faces, which I don’t, but basically we are the same.
“The entire 7 billion human beings want happiness and joy, but instead are faced by a multitude of problems—many of which are man-made. So, there’s a contradiction; no one wants problems and yet we seem to bring them on ourselves. How does this come about? As a result of our emotions, especially our destructive emotions.
“Anger and jealousy are related to our sense of self-centredness and our disregard for others. Self-centredness easily gives rise to fear, which fosters irritation, which, when it blazes into anger, can provoke violence. The time has come to accept that if we’re talking about peace in the world, we have to consider peace within ourselves.
“In this country, ahimsa has, for thousands of years, characterized the path of action, but it is related to being motivated by karuna or compassion. On the one hand, if we have a self-centred attitude, an artificial smile and seek to deceive others with sweet words—that’s a kind of violence. On the other, when a parent or teacher, like my tutor, uses harsh words entirely out of concern for a child’s welfare, that’s non-violent.
“So, the demarcation between violence and non-violence isn’t just about the nature of the action, it’s about motivation. That’s why we need to pay more attention to karuna or compassion, which scientists say is our basic human nature. They also say that constant fear, anger and suspicion undermine our immune system, whereas compassion has the effect of strengthening our health.”
His Holiness talked about our common human experience of being born and nurtured by our mothers. He remarked that some scientists have suggested that a mother’s physical touch is crucial to the proper development of our brains. We all grow up appreciating love and affection. We learn that jealousy doesn’t make us happy, whereas if we deal with each other honestly, truthfully and transparently, we’ll be content.
He went on to observe that common sense tells us that the family next door may be rich, but if they don’t trust each other, they won’t be happy. Meanwhile, the poor family down the road have very little, but because they have trust and affection for each other, they are full of joy. He suggested that the education system, oriented as it is to material goals rather inner values, contributes to our unease.
“If education paid more attention to the ancient Indian knowledge of the workings of the mind and emotions, we’d learn how to achieve peace of mind. We’ve been working with education experts and scientists to draw up a curriculum to implement this from kindergarten to university. We propose to do this on a secular basis—secular meaning not only respect for all religious traditions without bias, but even respect for the views of those who have no belief. If India can combine modern education with ancient Indian knowledge, she can make a significant contribution to the well-being of all 7 billion human beings.”
His Holiness mentioned that he is committed to raising awareness of how to bring about a happier, more peaceful world through education and common sense. Having spent 58 years in this country he has observed with admiration how religious traditions that originated here live side by side with those that came from outside. In this India is an example to the world. He said it’s unthinkable that religious faith should be a source of conflict. However, there are places now where conflict takes place within the same faith—between Sunni and Shia traditions for example—something not seen in India.
“Wherever I go, I tell people that with regard to religious harmony, India is a living example that religious traditions can live together in peace and respect.
“As a Tibetan I am also concerned to preserve the knowledge that was first brought to Tibet in the 8th century by the master Shantarakshita. It reflects the traditions of Nalanda University that we have preserved and which Buddhists in the People’s Republic of China are increasingly coming to appreciate. India is our guru, and we have proved ourselves reliable chelas, because we have kept these traditions of philosophy, logic and understanding of the mind alive. Now, I’ve made a commitment to trying to revive this ancient knowledge in India, which I consider is the only country that could combine it with a modern approach to education.”
His Holiness and the several spiritual leaders ate lunch together in a cordial display of friendship before departing and going their own ways.
original link & photos:
Sunday, August 13, 2017
The Difference Between Armageddon & the Apocalypse
Hello my para beauties! I trust you've had a wonderful weekend. A lot of this in my humble opinion of what I interpret the bible to be stating. By no means do I claim to state anything is fact. Only God knows when the 2nd coming is and what other details take place in these events.
What exactly is Armageddon? Is it a place or an event? It takes place during the Apocalypse. Who will take part in it? What does the Bible really say? Over 1,900 years ago, while exiled on an island off the Greek coast, the apostle John recorded what would happen, culminating in our time. In vision, he was taken forward in time into the “Lord’s Day” (Rev. 1:10) and was given messages regarding “...things which are, and things which shall be hereafter” (1:19).
Most of what John saw in vision was foreign to him. He had to record things in a way that could be understood. For instance, how would someone from the first century describe a helicopter gunship? What about a jet—or nuclear explosion? Jesus would have inspired him to use symbols or items familiar to him. The prophet Daniel spoke of “the TIME OF THE END.” The apostle Peter said, “there shall come in the LAST DAYS scoffers.” Paul said, “In the LAST DAYS perilous times shall come.”…some may say John wasn't in his right right mind being locked up so very long however, what if you are wrong? What then?
The Bible foretells a period of seven trumpets blown, each heralding its own terrible event. Now in my last 2 blogs I spoke of the 7 trumpets/seals. Throughout history, trumpet blasts have been used as warnings of imminent danger, such as war or another calamity (Zeph. 1:16; Jer. 4:19; Ezek. 33:2-6).
However, the seventh (or last) trumpet will announce to the world that Jesus Christ is coming to establish God’s rule on Earth. Man’s way of governance is ending. Also heralded by this final trumpet are the seven last plagues (also bowls or vials of wrath) God will use to punish a rebellious mankind. Revelation describes seven angels who “pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth” (Rev. 16:1).
When the first vial is poured out, “there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast” (vs. 2). These belong to the great, false church-state system. (More on this in a moment.)
The second plague mirrors what the Egyptians suffered before the Exodus: “The second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea” (vs. 3).
The next three plagues involve the rivers and fountains turning to blood, the sun becoming so hot it scorches people, and darkness and pain becoming unbearable. After all these plagues, men will continue to “blaspheme the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repent not of their deeds” (vs. 11).
The last generation before Jesus’ Return is so vile and corrupt that God will subject them to the worst punishment possible—and they still will not repent.
The Important Sixth Plague
The sixth of the last plagues sets the stage for the final battle to resist Christ at His Return. Forces of spiritual wickedness—demons—are released to gather armies to bring about destruction and devastation on the inhabitants of Earth. Notice how these armies are able to gather: “The sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared” (Rev. 16:12).
The Euphrates River originates in Turkey and flows southeast through Syria and Iraq, finally reaching the Persian Gulf. God will cause this river to dry up, enabling, it says, the “kings of the east” to easily cross into the Holy Land. But this is just a prelude—the setting of the stage for even more significant events to come.
Apocalypse is actually the Greek Name for the word translated "Revelation" in the Bible. It is the name of the last book of the Bible. It earned its name because of its overall description of the world-changing events that occur during the timeline of this book.
Armageddon, is both a place and now referred to as an event. It is the largest battlefield on earth, where a future battle is foretold between the armies of the earth and the returning King of Glory Jesus Christ. It is said that the blood of these armies will run as deep as the reins of horses in some places, and that the fuel supplies will heat the homes of the Palestinians for 7 years. Also, the birds of the whole earth will gather to eat to their full on the flesh of the dead soldiers.
I could go on and on here and even debate with many. Many have different opinions of this and that it ok. This is simply my humble opinions of what I've read and studied and heard my dear father Rev Auld speak of. I am only bringing my opinion, I don't seek to debate what is rightfully mine. My opinion. It makes you think though doesn't it?
Written By Jennifer L Auld
Originally posted on 3/8/14.
What exactly is Armageddon? Is it a place or an event? It takes place during the Apocalypse. Who will take part in it? What does the Bible really say? Over 1,900 years ago, while exiled on an island off the Greek coast, the apostle John recorded what would happen, culminating in our time. In vision, he was taken forward in time into the “Lord’s Day” (Rev. 1:10) and was given messages regarding “...things which are, and things which shall be hereafter” (1:19).
Most of what John saw in vision was foreign to him. He had to record things in a way that could be understood. For instance, how would someone from the first century describe a helicopter gunship? What about a jet—or nuclear explosion? Jesus would have inspired him to use symbols or items familiar to him. The prophet Daniel spoke of “the TIME OF THE END.” The apostle Peter said, “there shall come in the LAST DAYS scoffers.” Paul said, “In the LAST DAYS perilous times shall come.”…some may say John wasn't in his right right mind being locked up so very long however, what if you are wrong? What then?
The Bible foretells a period of seven trumpets blown, each heralding its own terrible event. Now in my last 2 blogs I spoke of the 7 trumpets/seals. Throughout history, trumpet blasts have been used as warnings of imminent danger, such as war or another calamity (Zeph. 1:16; Jer. 4:19; Ezek. 33:2-6).
However, the seventh (or last) trumpet will announce to the world that Jesus Christ is coming to establish God’s rule on Earth. Man’s way of governance is ending. Also heralded by this final trumpet are the seven last plagues (also bowls or vials of wrath) God will use to punish a rebellious mankind. Revelation describes seven angels who “pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth” (Rev. 16:1).
When the first vial is poured out, “there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast” (vs. 2). These belong to the great, false church-state system. (More on this in a moment.)
The second plague mirrors what the Egyptians suffered before the Exodus: “The second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea” (vs. 3).
The next three plagues involve the rivers and fountains turning to blood, the sun becoming so hot it scorches people, and darkness and pain becoming unbearable. After all these plagues, men will continue to “blaspheme the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repent not of their deeds” (vs. 11).
The last generation before Jesus’ Return is so vile and corrupt that God will subject them to the worst punishment possible—and they still will not repent.
The Important Sixth Plague
The sixth of the last plagues sets the stage for the final battle to resist Christ at His Return. Forces of spiritual wickedness—demons—are released to gather armies to bring about destruction and devastation on the inhabitants of Earth. Notice how these armies are able to gather: “The sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared” (Rev. 16:12).
The Euphrates River originates in Turkey and flows southeast through Syria and Iraq, finally reaching the Persian Gulf. God will cause this river to dry up, enabling, it says, the “kings of the east” to easily cross into the Holy Land. But this is just a prelude—the setting of the stage for even more significant events to come.
Apocalypse is actually the Greek Name for the word translated "Revelation" in the Bible. It is the name of the last book of the Bible. It earned its name because of its overall description of the world-changing events that occur during the timeline of this book.
Armageddon, is both a place and now referred to as an event. It is the largest battlefield on earth, where a future battle is foretold between the armies of the earth and the returning King of Glory Jesus Christ. It is said that the blood of these armies will run as deep as the reins of horses in some places, and that the fuel supplies will heat the homes of the Palestinians for 7 years. Also, the birds of the whole earth will gather to eat to their full on the flesh of the dead soldiers.
I could go on and on here and even debate with many. Many have different opinions of this and that it ok. This is simply my humble opinions of what I've read and studied and heard my dear father Rev Auld speak of. I am only bringing my opinion, I don't seek to debate what is rightfully mine. My opinion. It makes you think though doesn't it?
Written By Jennifer L Auld
Originally posted on 3/8/14.
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
Dalai Lama on 'The Nature of Consciousness’ — Dialogue Between Russian & Buddhist Scholars
New Delhi, India, 8/7/17 - His Holiness the Dalai Lama greeted several old friends when he reached the hall in which Russian scientists and thinkers were meeting Buddhist scholars. He then examined an exhibition dedicated to Agvan Dorjiev with some interest. This Buryat monk first entered Tibet with his teacher in 1873. He went on to study at Drepung Gomang Monastery, where he earned a Geshe Lharampa degree. His appointment as a debating assistant to the Thirteenth Dalai Lama was the start of a close relationship that extended into far-reaching connections between Tibet and Russia.
In his introduction to the first session of this dialogue, Prof Konstantin Anokhin explained that many participants had been interested to attend the meeting because of a sense that Russia and Russian science occupies a position both culturally and geographically between eastern and western science. The aim, he said, was to discuss the nature of consciousness to better understand ourselves and to relieve suffering. He added that Russian participants came from a range of disciplines. They were joined by a dozen monks who are not only well-qualified Buddhist scholars, but have also acquired extensive experience of science.
When asked if he had any opening remarks to make, His Holiness explained that his childhood interest in technology and his drive to understand how mechanical things worked matured into an interest in science.
“I’ve had useful discussions with scientists for more than 30 years with two purposes in mind. The first is to extend our knowledge. Until the late 20th century scientists mostly investigated external phenomena, including the brain. These were things they could measure and which a third person could agree about. However, in the late 20th century and early 21st century more and more scientists have begun to find evidence that such experiences as meditation and mind training affect our brains in previously unforeseen ways—this is called neuroplasticity.
“The second purpose relates to the sad reality that although we are sitting together peaceably here, enjoying each others’ company, elsewhere people are being killed, the gap between rich and poor continues to grow and children in places like Yemen are dying of starvation. Organized violence—war—including the civil wars in Russia and China, took up a lot of the 20th century. Historians claim that 200 million died violently as a consequence. If a happier and more peaceful world had been created as a result, someone might say it was worthwhile, but that is not the case. In search of a solution to a disagreement, people resort to the use of force. The consequent violence just fosters further violence.
“We have to learn from experience and enter into dialogue, remembering that others are our human brothers and sisters. We have to live together. The global economy and the effects of climate change are not limited by national borders. It’s the idea of ‘us’ and ‘them’ we have to restrain, because it so easily becomes the basis for violence. We have to educate people to understand that we are all part of humanity.
“Fear and suspicion won’t help us live together. We have to cultivate warm-heartedness. So the other purpose is to draw attention to the importance of peace of mind and the fact that we can’t build peace on the basis of anger.”
His Holiness also acknowledged that it’s useful that Russia recognises Buddhism, which is followed particularly in Buryat, Kalmykia and Tuva, as a national religion. His Holiness took up the question of consciousness and mentioned the Buddhist view that there are different levels—the sensory consciousness of ordinary wakefulness, the subtler consciousness when we dream and the subtlest consciousness that manifests at the time of death.
Moderator Tatyana Chernigovskaya invited Prof Konstantin Anokhin, of the PK Anokhin Institute of Normal Physiology, Moscow, to begin his presentation on the ‘Unity of Mind-Brain: Holistic Approaches from the Russian Neuroscience of Higher Brain Functions’. He described the Main project that involves M(ind & Br)AIN, seeking to incorporate mind from a first person perspective (M1), mind from a third person perspective (M3) and brain from a third person perspective (B3). He concluded that mind is a structure and consciousness is a process within it.
When His Holiness asked about the beginning of mind and whether he believed in one big bang or several, Anokhin answered that mind appeared when life appeared. As to whether we can say that beings with minds are only found here, he answered that we cannot, but beings elsewhere may not be like us. One of the Buddhist scholars asked whether machines with artificial intelligence have emotions.
Yuri I Alexandrov of the Institute of Psychology, Moscow, began his presentation entitled ‘Non-Disjunctive Approach to Consciousness and Emotion: a Culture-Specific View’, by explaining that although we are all human beings and similar in that respect, we are also different.
He drew attention to a series of culture-specific differences between Russian and American approaches. The one is reactive, the other active. For one certain things are forbidden, for the other they are obligatory, where one takes an analytical stance, the other is more holistic. It was even suggested that given three images—of a cow, a chicken and grass, an American would associate the cow and the chicken as animals, whereas the Russian would associate the cow with grass. His conclusion was that these differences do not represent right and wrong approaches. Instead, because they are complementary, they are helpful and to be appreciated.
The gathering broke for lunch. His Holiness ate with the presenters and kept up conversation throughout the meal.
Resuming his presentation about consciousness and emotions Prof Alexandrov showed video clips of a mouse building a nest and a person watching a video including scenes of the Simpsons that indicated the ability to track the firing of neurons in connection with familiar and favoured situations.
Tatyana Chernigovskaya of St Petersburg State University spoke entertainingly about the ‘Cheshire Grin of Schrödinger’s Cat: Language and Mind’. From Nils Bohr noting that ‘the observer is a participant in the quantum world’ to Einstein’s remark that ‘body and soul are not two different things, but two different ways of perceiving the same thing’, she quoted from Kant to Wittgenstein. She discussed language and time in terms of what they can tell us about the mind.
His Holiness took from the mention of there only being an observed object so long as there is an observer a reference to interdependence and an echo of the Buddhist thought that things exist by way of designation. He recalled Wolf Singer, a German neurophysiologist Chernigovskaya had mentioned, indicating a brain and observing that its having no central authority reflects the Buddhist notion of there being no independent self.
While discussions between scientists and Buddhist scholars went on into the late afternoon, His Holiness retired for the day, saying he looked forward to listening to their conversation again tomorrow.
Original link & photos:
In his introduction to the first session of this dialogue, Prof Konstantin Anokhin explained that many participants had been interested to attend the meeting because of a sense that Russia and Russian science occupies a position both culturally and geographically between eastern and western science. The aim, he said, was to discuss the nature of consciousness to better understand ourselves and to relieve suffering. He added that Russian participants came from a range of disciplines. They were joined by a dozen monks who are not only well-qualified Buddhist scholars, but have also acquired extensive experience of science.
When asked if he had any opening remarks to make, His Holiness explained that his childhood interest in technology and his drive to understand how mechanical things worked matured into an interest in science.
“I’ve had useful discussions with scientists for more than 30 years with two purposes in mind. The first is to extend our knowledge. Until the late 20th century scientists mostly investigated external phenomena, including the brain. These were things they could measure and which a third person could agree about. However, in the late 20th century and early 21st century more and more scientists have begun to find evidence that such experiences as meditation and mind training affect our brains in previously unforeseen ways—this is called neuroplasticity.
“The second purpose relates to the sad reality that although we are sitting together peaceably here, enjoying each others’ company, elsewhere people are being killed, the gap between rich and poor continues to grow and children in places like Yemen are dying of starvation. Organized violence—war—including the civil wars in Russia and China, took up a lot of the 20th century. Historians claim that 200 million died violently as a consequence. If a happier and more peaceful world had been created as a result, someone might say it was worthwhile, but that is not the case. In search of a solution to a disagreement, people resort to the use of force. The consequent violence just fosters further violence.
“We have to learn from experience and enter into dialogue, remembering that others are our human brothers and sisters. We have to live together. The global economy and the effects of climate change are not limited by national borders. It’s the idea of ‘us’ and ‘them’ we have to restrain, because it so easily becomes the basis for violence. We have to educate people to understand that we are all part of humanity.
“Fear and suspicion won’t help us live together. We have to cultivate warm-heartedness. So the other purpose is to draw attention to the importance of peace of mind and the fact that we can’t build peace on the basis of anger.”
His Holiness also acknowledged that it’s useful that Russia recognises Buddhism, which is followed particularly in Buryat, Kalmykia and Tuva, as a national religion. His Holiness took up the question of consciousness and mentioned the Buddhist view that there are different levels—the sensory consciousness of ordinary wakefulness, the subtler consciousness when we dream and the subtlest consciousness that manifests at the time of death.
Moderator Tatyana Chernigovskaya invited Prof Konstantin Anokhin, of the PK Anokhin Institute of Normal Physiology, Moscow, to begin his presentation on the ‘Unity of Mind-Brain: Holistic Approaches from the Russian Neuroscience of Higher Brain Functions’. He described the Main project that involves M(ind & Br)AIN, seeking to incorporate mind from a first person perspective (M1), mind from a third person perspective (M3) and brain from a third person perspective (B3). He concluded that mind is a structure and consciousness is a process within it.
When His Holiness asked about the beginning of mind and whether he believed in one big bang or several, Anokhin answered that mind appeared when life appeared. As to whether we can say that beings with minds are only found here, he answered that we cannot, but beings elsewhere may not be like us. One of the Buddhist scholars asked whether machines with artificial intelligence have emotions.
Yuri I Alexandrov of the Institute of Psychology, Moscow, began his presentation entitled ‘Non-Disjunctive Approach to Consciousness and Emotion: a Culture-Specific View’, by explaining that although we are all human beings and similar in that respect, we are also different.
He drew attention to a series of culture-specific differences between Russian and American approaches. The one is reactive, the other active. For one certain things are forbidden, for the other they are obligatory, where one takes an analytical stance, the other is more holistic. It was even suggested that given three images—of a cow, a chicken and grass, an American would associate the cow and the chicken as animals, whereas the Russian would associate the cow with grass. His conclusion was that these differences do not represent right and wrong approaches. Instead, because they are complementary, they are helpful and to be appreciated.
The gathering broke for lunch. His Holiness ate with the presenters and kept up conversation throughout the meal.
Resuming his presentation about consciousness and emotions Prof Alexandrov showed video clips of a mouse building a nest and a person watching a video including scenes of the Simpsons that indicated the ability to track the firing of neurons in connection with familiar and favoured situations.
Tatyana Chernigovskaya of St Petersburg State University spoke entertainingly about the ‘Cheshire Grin of Schrödinger’s Cat: Language and Mind’. From Nils Bohr noting that ‘the observer is a participant in the quantum world’ to Einstein’s remark that ‘body and soul are not two different things, but two different ways of perceiving the same thing’, she quoted from Kant to Wittgenstein. She discussed language and time in terms of what they can tell us about the mind.
His Holiness took from the mention of there only being an observed object so long as there is an observer a reference to interdependence and an echo of the Buddhist thought that things exist by way of designation. He recalled Wolf Singer, a German neurophysiologist Chernigovskaya had mentioned, indicating a brain and observing that its having no central authority reflects the Buddhist notion of there being no independent self.
While discussions between scientists and Buddhist scholars went on into the late afternoon, His Holiness retired for the day, saying he looked forward to listening to their conversation again tomorrow.
Original link & photos:
Sunday, August 6, 2017
Demons, Demonic Influences & Holy Angels
The first goal of demons in my opinion is to prevent us from receiving God's love and ever lasting life in Heaven..getting saved. Their sneaky are to attempt to get people to turn away from God. They do this through many forms of temptation, harassment, and also from distorting The Word Of God. Demons lie to us and work hard on our minds so that we are lying to ourselves and thinking awful things of our self worth and our ability to do things right. And pleasing to,God.
Another form of attack is accusation and criticism. Demons will interject condemning thoughts into the minds of believers. They absolutely love to conjure up the past with thoughts of, “You really failed at so much..” or “You really messed up”. Demons are on a mission to destroy us. They work together and strategize. They go after our weaknesses especially times when people are physically and/or emotionally weak. They attempt to affect all areas of a person’s body, soul, and spirit. They don’t play fair.
We know that we are made up of body, soul and spirit. Again the soul in itself is made up of mind, will and emotions. Becoming a believer means we must have surrendered our will to the Lordship of Jesus Christ our savior. But the mind and emotions, we might not have fully surrendered to our Lord. In these circumstances either knowingly or unknowingly we are allowing the devil to have a legal hold on our mind or emotions.
There are several ways by which demons oppresses people. Afflict: To inflict something hard to endure. Harass: To annoy or disturb persistently, to wear out by frequent attacks. Influence: To exercise indirect power over in order to sway or affect. Oppress: To lower in spirit or mood. Torment: To cause severe suffering of body or mind. Torture: To punish or coerce by inflicting excruciating pain. Worry: To disturb one or destroy one’s peace of mind by repeated or persistent torment. Wrong: To inflict injury on another without justification.
A demon can keep you in chains and isolate you by attacking the mind. That is the devils playground. But God has the final say and power to end it all. Rev 20:10 and the devil who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night forever and ever. Demons are not God but sometimes they become the object of worship. Behind every idol, there is a demon or an evil spirit. Sometimes we cherish certain beliefs which are not true. This can become a form of idolatry.
Psalms 106:37 They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to demons.
God's Angels Are Invisible But Every Where
God has had angels specifically assigned to supervise and protect his Church throughout all of its history (Revelations 1:4, 16, 20; 2:1, 8, 12, 18; 3:1, 7, 14). He has angels who are to always walk through the earth to watch and report back to him the overall conditions on earth (Zech 4:10; II Chron 16:9; Revelations 5:6). And God has angels specifically assigned to look after his begotten human children (Mattew 18:10 Acts 12:15). God promises: “For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways (Psalms 91:11).” Angels are Good spirits that can manifest them self into a physical body. Good spirits linked to The Holy Spirit always speak the truth. Angels are everywhere my friends. God has us under protection.
In Job 38:4, 7, God is speaking specifically of the creation of earth. He says all the angels shouted for joy at the creation of the earth. This shows us that angels were created before the creation of the earth and probably before the material universe. The suns, planets and astral bodies are material substances. Angels are individually created spirit beings, composed solely of spirit.
Written By Jennifer L Auld
Another form of attack is accusation and criticism. Demons will interject condemning thoughts into the minds of believers. They absolutely love to conjure up the past with thoughts of, “You really failed at so much..” or “You really messed up”. Demons are on a mission to destroy us. They work together and strategize. They go after our weaknesses especially times when people are physically and/or emotionally weak. They attempt to affect all areas of a person’s body, soul, and spirit. They don’t play fair.
We know that we are made up of body, soul and spirit. Again the soul in itself is made up of mind, will and emotions. Becoming a believer means we must have surrendered our will to the Lordship of Jesus Christ our savior. But the mind and emotions, we might not have fully surrendered to our Lord. In these circumstances either knowingly or unknowingly we are allowing the devil to have a legal hold on our mind or emotions.
There are several ways by which demons oppresses people. Afflict: To inflict something hard to endure. Harass: To annoy or disturb persistently, to wear out by frequent attacks. Influence: To exercise indirect power over in order to sway or affect. Oppress: To lower in spirit or mood. Torment: To cause severe suffering of body or mind. Torture: To punish or coerce by inflicting excruciating pain. Worry: To disturb one or destroy one’s peace of mind by repeated or persistent torment. Wrong: To inflict injury on another without justification.
A demon can keep you in chains and isolate you by attacking the mind. That is the devils playground. But God has the final say and power to end it all. Rev 20:10 and the devil who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night forever and ever. Demons are not God but sometimes they become the object of worship. Behind every idol, there is a demon or an evil spirit. Sometimes we cherish certain beliefs which are not true. This can become a form of idolatry.
Psalms 106:37 They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to demons.
God's Angels Are Invisible But Every Where
God has had angels specifically assigned to supervise and protect his Church throughout all of its history (Revelations 1:4, 16, 20; 2:1, 8, 12, 18; 3:1, 7, 14). He has angels who are to always walk through the earth to watch and report back to him the overall conditions on earth (Zech 4:10; II Chron 16:9; Revelations 5:6). And God has angels specifically assigned to look after his begotten human children (Mattew 18:10 Acts 12:15). God promises: “For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways (Psalms 91:11).” Angels are Good spirits that can manifest them self into a physical body. Good spirits linked to The Holy Spirit always speak the truth. Angels are everywhere my friends. God has us under protection.
In Job 38:4, 7, God is speaking specifically of the creation of earth. He says all the angels shouted for joy at the creation of the earth. This shows us that angels were created before the creation of the earth and probably before the material universe. The suns, planets and astral bodies are material substances. Angels are individually created spirit beings, composed solely of spirit.
Written By Jennifer L Auld
Thursday, August 3, 2017
Who are Fallen Angels? Why Does This Matter?
A Biblical Case for Demons and Fallen Angels being the Same Thing…and Why it Matters
By Reverend Mark Hunnemann
I bow before our Lord and offer this blog in a spirit of tenderness and humility…and gratitude to the Lord Jesus who triumphed over all evil.
Let us begin this study with a clear affirmation of the victory of the Lord Jesus over all evil!! Amen!
Colossians 2:15 “He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him.”
Many godly, sincere, and knowledgeable people are stating that there is a distinction in the bible between demons, unclean spirits, and fallen angels. Indeed, not a few respected folks state that fallen angels are particularly in doubt regarding their identity. However, I humbly offer this analysis in an attempt to show that all three are the same….focusing on the identity of Fallen Angels.
A year ago I posted an extensive blog which shows that unclean spirits and demons are the same thing in the bible.
Here is the link:
Please see comments on Revelation below as well). Not a few people were saying demons and unclean spirits were different beings, and I felt the need to address the issue. Please keep in mind that my main goal in this blog is to analyze fallen angels…but, specifically, I want to show that they are the same as unclean spirits and demons. My intent is NOT to focus on the question of when fallen angels fell, but their identity. I personally think that the classical view is correct—Satan and 1/3 of the angels “fell’ sometime before the creation of man, and Genesis 6 is a further rebellion of some of the already fallen angels/demons.
In my theological tradition/denomination (Reformed/Presbyterian) the identity of fallen angels is not in dispute. The classical view is pretty much universally held amongst Reformed theologians. For example, I was reading Jonathan Edwards recently and my views line up with his. But the ultimate guide must be the bible, and not a theological tradition, the book of Enoch, or any other non-canonical book. In addition, we must avoid the temptation to believe the views of someone regarding fallen angels simply because we deeply admire their piety, ministry, etc. Sola scriptura!
Colossians 2:15 “He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in Him”. Let us keep this truth center stage!
There are numerous words used in NT just to describe Satan: devil, evil one, Lucifer, Angel of Light, Accuser, etc. In His all-wise sovereignty, God chose to use different words to identify Satan. Surely one reason was to reveal to us the multi-faceted nature of his being and work, so that we might be all the more informed and prepared—and the more we understand the evilness and power of our enemy, then the cosmic victory Jesus won on the cross will shine with all the more luster!
And of course, think of the dozens of names and titles of our Lord Jesus in both the OT and NT, which accent different aspects of the multi-splendored nature of His Person and Work!
So, we have a precedent/s in which the same person (Satan) or Person (Jesus) is called many different names, in God’s all-wise revelation to us. Hence, should we not expect that the devil’s subordinates would have multiple names as well, yet be the same entity? I believe that what holds true of Satan, is also true of his subordinates--evil spirits, demons, unclean spirits, elemental spirits (Col. 2:9, 20), rulers, authorities, cosmic powers (Eph 6), the devil’s angels (Matthew 25, Revelation 12) are different names for the same entity. That is my premise. Each of these is designed to accent a certain aspect of their nature and activity. But once again, the darkness of evil is the backdrop against which the brilliance and refulgence of God’s glory in Christ shines more brightly!
It simplifies the biblical data without endlessly multiplying the entities populating the spirit realm…and we’ve seen the precedents for this practice of multiple names for the same Person or person.
What’s the big deal? Why waste time on this issue? And aren’t you fixating on evil instead of Jesus?
If the spirit realm is populated by more than one kind of evil spirit, then are we to deal with these different spirits in different ways? Is one stronger than another? I have heard numerous times that fallen angels are the strongest, then demons, and unclean spirits the weakest…or some variation of this. There is no doubt that some demons are stronger than others—as Jesus said that “this kind can only come out by prayer”, as well as the NT words that indicate hierarchy in demonic realm. However, this hierarchy does not imply that these are different “kinds” of entities….just variation in rank and strength. Think of the military—a general and private have different authority, but they are both soldiers.
Once you add even one more spirit, then the slippery slope comes into view. What is to keep us from multiplying these evil spirits phenomenologically--by how they appear and act…which can be endless? But most importantly, we MUST exegete the bible accurately, in honor of God. God’s precious, holy Word is worthy of careful exegesis and analysis of all topics if we are to accurately expound the whole counsel of God, which would include the identity of spirits in the spirit realm. 24/7 we are in warfare with these beings, so it is an immensely practical issue.
Some may say that I am giving the devil too much emphasis, but surely there is a difference between having a clear understanding of our adversaries, and fixating on them. In fact, it is LACK of clarity that can lead to confusion, and thus, fixation. Don’t we naturally obsessively ponder things that are confusing to us? Once it is cleared up (hopefully accurately), then we can enjoy cognitive rest. As always, we must then make a bee-line for the cross.
One last word of introduction: I’m not writing this to score debate points, but with a spirit of brokenness and humility, to God’s glory and to edify the saints.
So, who are fallen angels, and are they demons, as the classical view states? Given that some ‘big names’ have stated publicly that the identity of fallen angels is unclear, we must reaffirm that we are bound by the bible, and not by people that we may deeply respect.
1. My first argument (as defined in formal logic) is admittedly not explicitly biblical. Ockham’s razor states that: the simplest answer that explains the phenomena is to be preferred. Affirming that that unclean spirits, demons, and fallen angels (as well as elementals, etc) are the same entity is clearly the simplest explanation, and can easily and adequately explain all the biblical and experiential phenomena. No, it is not a biblical argument (logical argument, not red-faced screaming), but my reasoning is cumulative. God is the Lord of language, and He knows that using different names can accent different aspects of the same entity. If demons and unclean spirits can be (are) the same thing, then why not fallen angels?
2. 1 Timothy 5:21 speaks of “elect angels”, which is an obvious reference to good angels. In the bible there are elect and non-elect humans (Romans 9), so we may properly infer that if there are elect angels, then there must be non-elect or (bad or fallen) angels. It is the same Greek word for ‘elect’. Regardless of your view of election/predestination, there is symmetry of elect and non-elect. If you don’t like inference argumentation, then hang on.
3. Matthew 25…
31 "When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne.
32 Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.
33 And he will place the sheep on his right, but the goats on the left.
34 Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink,I was a stranger and you welcomed me,
36 I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.'
37 Then the righteous will answer him, saying, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink?
38 And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you?
39 And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?'
40 And the King will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.'
41 "Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. (to diabolo kai tois angelos autou)
42 For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink,
43 I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.'
44 Then they also will answer, saying, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to you?'
45 Then he will answer them, saying, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.'
46 And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life." (emphasis added)
Matthew 25….The context is the Second Coming of Christ and the Final Judgment. Note in v. 31 good angels are mentioned, and in v. 41 ‘the devil and his angels” (elect and non-elect) Nobody claims that “fallen angels” is a phrase actually used in the bible, but the key is whether there are bad angels, who had to fall at some time because God didn’t make them bad. Regardless, this text shows ‘fallen angels’ at the public Last Judgment…which means they must have had a very significant role in the overall rebellion against God from the dawn of time. Neither demons nor unclean spirits are mentioned in this text, yet we read elsewhere in Matthew (and throughout bible) of their constant activity of rebelling against God and attacking humans. Clearly, these devil’s angels or ‘fallen angels’ had been the chief agents of spiritual destruction on earth under Satan’s leadership, or they wouldn’t have been singled out so severely by Jesus. Hence, we see a developing pattern of synonymous usage of demons, unclean spirits, and ‘fallen/bad’ angels.
When you read the gospel of Matthew, both demons and unclean spirits are mentioned numerous times, as the agents of diabolical destruction. But in this awful scene of the Last Judgment, Matthew refers to these same entities as the devils angels. I say this gently and humbly, but this one text should be conclusive.
The devil and his angels—that comes as close to what is meant by fallen angels as one can get. Theologians often use terms not mentioned in the bible (like The Trinity) to summarize biblical teaching. Surely, the devil’s angels (as opposed to God’s holy angels) are innumerable, utterly evil, and Satan’s only army since the dawn of history.
At the Last Judgment, the goats (damned humans), Satan, and his angels are consigned to eternity in hell. Demons are not mentioned. Unclean spirits are not mentioned. But ‘Satan’s angels’ are mentioned. Obviously these ‘fallen angels” have been the army of Satan fighting against God/man since the beginning….what we are warned against in Ephesians 6.
Matthew 25 is a summary of all of human and cosmic history, where the Son of Man damns both unbelieving humans, and their spiritual counterparts who have been His adversaries (and ours) since the dawn of time. In light of this one text, how can we say that the identity of fallen angels is in doubt? If you prefer the term ‘devil’s angels,’ that is fine, but that is what theologians mean when they speak of fallen angels.
And most importantly for our purpose, “the devil’s angels” are clearly synonymous with demons and unclean spirits. If they aren’t the same, then why does Matthew show demons and unclean spirits as constantly attacking and possessing humans, but turns around and has God pronounce eternal judgment on the devils angels at the Last Judgment? It makes no sense UNLESS, they are one and the same. There is linguistic and theological symmetry of angels, good and bad, in Matthews’s presentation of The Last Judgment. Other than in Revelation, the phrase ‘the devil/Satan and his angels’ is not used, but these are sufficient. The pronouncement of damnation against the fallen angels has to signify that they have been the same culprits mentioned throughout the NT, but called by different names.
To say that these are the angels mentioned in Genesis 6 is eisogesis because the context precludes that interpretation. Besides, the angels in Genesis 6 are said to be already in hell.
4. Jude….2 Peter
6 And the angels who did not stay within their own position of authority, but left their proper dwelling, he has kept in eternal chains under gloomy darkness until the judgment of the great day--
7 just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire.
8 Yet in like manner these people also, relying on their dreams, defile the flesh, reject authority, and blaspheme the glorious ones.
9 But when the archangel Michael, contending with the devil, was disputing about the body of Moses, he did not presume to pronounce a blasphemous judgment, but said, "The Lord rebuke you."
10 But these people blaspheme all that they do not understand, and they are destroyed by all that they, like unreasoning animals, understand instinctively.
11 Woe to them! For they walked in the way of Cain and abandoned themselves for the sake of gain to Balaam's error and perished in Korah's rebellion.
14 It was also about these that Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied, saying, "Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of his holy ones,
15 to execute judgment
My point about this text is that it is consistently and symmetrically angelic….both good and bad angels. Leaving aside the nature of their sin in v. 6, evil angels (whether they were evil before this event is not clear), clearly the angels are fallen angels now, and some are probably in hell (depending on how one interprets the sin in v.6)—but most are active on earth and being blasphemed by the false teachers. In v. 10 Jude is especially (like Peter in parallel text) concerned with the false teacher’s lack of respect for angelic beings, especially bad angels. Curiously enough, in v. 10 the remaining fallen angels are referred to as “glorious ones”…(Greek, doxas), probably to offset the false teachers flippant attitude toward demonic spirits/fallen angels. This is supported by the next verse in which the arch-angel Michael refused to speak flippantly against his arch-foe Satan (once a mighty, holy angel himself) regarding the body of Moses. And then in v.14 the Lord will come with countless ‘holy ones’—an obvious reference to holy angels. My point is that, if you don’t get bogged down in interpretive details of the sin in v. 6, then the consistency and symmetry of references to both good and fallen angels is clear—even Michael is an angel, though an archangel. The angels who fell into sin (v.6)…Satan a fallen mighty angel…Michael an (arch)angel….and the countless holy angels coming with the Lord. So, the context is ANGELS, and would suggest that the ‘glorious ones’ are fallen angels….and that fallen angels are the same as demons. It makes much more sense than bouncing back and forth between different kinds of evil spirits. This is a tight argument by Jude, in which angels (both good and bad) play a key role in the everyday affairs of mankind, especially amongst the false teachers.
Arguments from Revelation—
There are many different interpretations of this book (only one is right), so I’m not going to go in as much detail as some may like. But there is a general consensus that the movement of the book is from the things that were then present to the future…climaxing with the destruction of God’s enemies and the coming of the new heaven and earth. But within this general temporal movement forward, the visions sometimes ‘double back’ to the present, complementary perspectives on the same event or phase of the conflict between Christ and Satan.
In this flow, back and forth, the Greek word for demon is used:9:20; 16:13-14 (where demons and unclean spirits are used interchangeably);18:2.
In 12:7,9 bad or fallen angels are mentioned…Satan and his angels.
My point is simple: in the midst of the wild imagery of apocalyptic prophecy, there is a natural flow and interchangeability between demons, unclean spirits, and the devil’s angels/fallen angels.
Satan Thrown Down to Earth
12:7 Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels (hoi angelo autou)fighting against the dragon. And the dragon and his angels (hoi angelo autou)fought back,
8 but he was defeated, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven.
9 And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world--he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.
10 And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, "Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come, for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God.
11 And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.
This chapter, as with most, is hotly debated as far as when these events occur. May be multi-layered.Some see this as referring to the cross, some to original ousting from heaven, and still others to increased demonic activity prior to the very end. Perhaps there is overlap. Regardless, the cross is center stage at whatever point in redemptive history. In our study of fallen angels, let us not lose sight of that vital fact!
Note in v. 7 that Michael and his angels are fighting against the dragon (Satan) and his angels. There is a linguistic symmetry (hoi angelo autou) as well as symmetry of oppositional parties. Satan’s counterpart is not God, but Michael—the archangel and prince guardian of the church--, and they lead their respective angels against each other in the cosmic battle of the ages—long term and at the end. Good angels vs bad/fallen angels have been in a battle royal for eons. .
Not once, but twice, Satan/serpent/devil/dragon and his angels (hoi angelo autou) are explicitly mentioned as being the infernal army thrown to earth to fight against the Messiah and His people. The timing of this ‘casting down’ is disputed, but certainly the context reveals that Satan and the fallen angels are simply following the same MO that they employed from the Garden—where lies and false teaching continue, as well as persecution and temptation. What are elsewhere in Revelation called demons, are here called “Satan’s angels”—just as in Matthew 25. And the fallen angels are THE spiritual agents of destruction (under Satan) throughout history, aimed at God’s Kingdom…again, as in Matthew 25. My purpose is not to exegete the text in Revelation and the details, but to show that the devil’s angels/evil/fallen angels are center stage in Revelation 12…in what is a classic, significant text in Revelation, no matter how one interprets it.
What is clear to me is that the context reveals that this event is not an isolated one, but signifies the battle in general and that we have the victory in Jesus. Satan has been defanged as far as his ability to accuse us. However, the devil has been thrown down in great wrath, because he knows his time is short. (V. 12) In addition, in v. 4 many interpreters see this as the original fall of Satan and 1/3 of the angels with him.
9:20 The rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands nor give up worshiping demons (daimonia) and idols of gold and silver and bronze and stone and wood, which cannot see or hear or walk,
21 nor did they repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts.
Again, I’ll not get bogged down in disputed details, but what is clear is that though unbelievers will be tortured by the very demons they worshipped, they don’t take heed from these final warnings. Large numbers of people are subjected to God’s wrath and demonic attack. Whereas in Ch. 12 the oppositional army consists of “Satan and his angels”, in ch.9 the same opposition are called “demons.”.Surely this is instructive.
16:12 The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up, to prepare the way for the kings from the east.
13 And I saw, coming out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits (pneumata tria akatharta) like frogs.
14 For they are demonic spirits,(pneumata daimoniown) performing signs, who go abroad to the kings of the whole world, to assemble them for battle on the great day of God the Almighty.
In ch.16 the end has come…the final, decisive battle. Divine restraints are removed and Satan and his unclean spirits/demons assemble the world for the battle; climaxing millennia of opposition to God and His people. God will utterly squash this rebellion, based on the finished work of Christ on the cross. Please note that the army which was earlier called “Satan and his angels” is now called “the dragon/Satan and his unclean spirits/demons.” In the span of two verses, John naturally switches from unclean spirits to demons.
Is it not clear by now that demons, unclean spirits, and fallen angels are the same evil beings?
18:1 After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was made bright with his glory.
2 And he called out with a mighty voice, "Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great! She has become a dwelling place for demons, a haunt for every unclean spirit, a haunt for every unclean bird, a haunt for every unclean and detestable beast
Notice again, how in v.2 demons and unclean spirits are used interchangeably. Destruction has come on God’s enemies. Not focusing on interpretive details, we see that the oppositional army consists of demons or unclean spirits, which were earlier called “Satan and his angels.”
Does not the verbiage in Matthew 25 now make more sense? Putting aside all the apocalyptic imagery in the book of Revelation, we have a clear portrait of the Last Judgment in Matthew 25, which dispels any fog surrounding the sadistic spiritual culprits.
I trust by now that the cumulative effect of these “arguments” has had its desired effect. demons, unclean spirits, and fallen angels are different names for the same entity. I am not interested in winning an argument, but I want to honor God by trying to rightly divide the Word of Truth.
The more clearly we understand our enemy, the more lovely Jesus’’ triumph over this evil becomes. Yes, it is important to know our enemy, but it’s infinitely more important that we relish in the cosmic victory our blessed Savior accomplished.
Mark Hunnemann is the author of Seeing Ghosts Through God's Eyes: A Worldview Analysis of Earthbound Spirits. It's also available in eBook format.
By Reverend Mark Hunnemann
I bow before our Lord and offer this blog in a spirit of tenderness and humility…and gratitude to the Lord Jesus who triumphed over all evil.
Let us begin this study with a clear affirmation of the victory of the Lord Jesus over all evil!! Amen!
Colossians 2:15 “He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him.”
Many godly, sincere, and knowledgeable people are stating that there is a distinction in the bible between demons, unclean spirits, and fallen angels. Indeed, not a few respected folks state that fallen angels are particularly in doubt regarding their identity. However, I humbly offer this analysis in an attempt to show that all three are the same….focusing on the identity of Fallen Angels.
A year ago I posted an extensive blog which shows that unclean spirits and demons are the same thing in the bible.
Here is the link:
Please see comments on Revelation below as well). Not a few people were saying demons and unclean spirits were different beings, and I felt the need to address the issue. Please keep in mind that my main goal in this blog is to analyze fallen angels…but, specifically, I want to show that they are the same as unclean spirits and demons. My intent is NOT to focus on the question of when fallen angels fell, but their identity. I personally think that the classical view is correct—Satan and 1/3 of the angels “fell’ sometime before the creation of man, and Genesis 6 is a further rebellion of some of the already fallen angels/demons.
In my theological tradition/denomination (Reformed/Presbyterian) the identity of fallen angels is not in dispute. The classical view is pretty much universally held amongst Reformed theologians. For example, I was reading Jonathan Edwards recently and my views line up with his. But the ultimate guide must be the bible, and not a theological tradition, the book of Enoch, or any other non-canonical book. In addition, we must avoid the temptation to believe the views of someone regarding fallen angels simply because we deeply admire their piety, ministry, etc. Sola scriptura!
Colossians 2:15 “He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in Him”. Let us keep this truth center stage!
There are numerous words used in NT just to describe Satan: devil, evil one, Lucifer, Angel of Light, Accuser, etc. In His all-wise sovereignty, God chose to use different words to identify Satan. Surely one reason was to reveal to us the multi-faceted nature of his being and work, so that we might be all the more informed and prepared—and the more we understand the evilness and power of our enemy, then the cosmic victory Jesus won on the cross will shine with all the more luster!
And of course, think of the dozens of names and titles of our Lord Jesus in both the OT and NT, which accent different aspects of the multi-splendored nature of His Person and Work!
So, we have a precedent/s in which the same person (Satan) or Person (Jesus) is called many different names, in God’s all-wise revelation to us. Hence, should we not expect that the devil’s subordinates would have multiple names as well, yet be the same entity? I believe that what holds true of Satan, is also true of his subordinates--evil spirits, demons, unclean spirits, elemental spirits (Col. 2:9, 20), rulers, authorities, cosmic powers (Eph 6), the devil’s angels (Matthew 25, Revelation 12) are different names for the same entity. That is my premise. Each of these is designed to accent a certain aspect of their nature and activity. But once again, the darkness of evil is the backdrop against which the brilliance and refulgence of God’s glory in Christ shines more brightly!
It simplifies the biblical data without endlessly multiplying the entities populating the spirit realm…and we’ve seen the precedents for this practice of multiple names for the same Person or person.
What’s the big deal? Why waste time on this issue? And aren’t you fixating on evil instead of Jesus?
If the spirit realm is populated by more than one kind of evil spirit, then are we to deal with these different spirits in different ways? Is one stronger than another? I have heard numerous times that fallen angels are the strongest, then demons, and unclean spirits the weakest…or some variation of this. There is no doubt that some demons are stronger than others—as Jesus said that “this kind can only come out by prayer”, as well as the NT words that indicate hierarchy in demonic realm. However, this hierarchy does not imply that these are different “kinds” of entities….just variation in rank and strength. Think of the military—a general and private have different authority, but they are both soldiers.
Once you add even one more spirit, then the slippery slope comes into view. What is to keep us from multiplying these evil spirits phenomenologically--by how they appear and act…which can be endless? But most importantly, we MUST exegete the bible accurately, in honor of God. God’s precious, holy Word is worthy of careful exegesis and analysis of all topics if we are to accurately expound the whole counsel of God, which would include the identity of spirits in the spirit realm. 24/7 we are in warfare with these beings, so it is an immensely practical issue.
Some may say that I am giving the devil too much emphasis, but surely there is a difference between having a clear understanding of our adversaries, and fixating on them. In fact, it is LACK of clarity that can lead to confusion, and thus, fixation. Don’t we naturally obsessively ponder things that are confusing to us? Once it is cleared up (hopefully accurately), then we can enjoy cognitive rest. As always, we must then make a bee-line for the cross.
One last word of introduction: I’m not writing this to score debate points, but with a spirit of brokenness and humility, to God’s glory and to edify the saints.
So, who are fallen angels, and are they demons, as the classical view states? Given that some ‘big names’ have stated publicly that the identity of fallen angels is unclear, we must reaffirm that we are bound by the bible, and not by people that we may deeply respect.
1. My first argument (as defined in formal logic) is admittedly not explicitly biblical. Ockham’s razor states that: the simplest answer that explains the phenomena is to be preferred. Affirming that that unclean spirits, demons, and fallen angels (as well as elementals, etc) are the same entity is clearly the simplest explanation, and can easily and adequately explain all the biblical and experiential phenomena. No, it is not a biblical argument (logical argument, not red-faced screaming), but my reasoning is cumulative. God is the Lord of language, and He knows that using different names can accent different aspects of the same entity. If demons and unclean spirits can be (are) the same thing, then why not fallen angels?
2. 1 Timothy 5:21 speaks of “elect angels”, which is an obvious reference to good angels. In the bible there are elect and non-elect humans (Romans 9), so we may properly infer that if there are elect angels, then there must be non-elect or (bad or fallen) angels. It is the same Greek word for ‘elect’. Regardless of your view of election/predestination, there is symmetry of elect and non-elect. If you don’t like inference argumentation, then hang on.
3. Matthew 25…
31 "When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne.
32 Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.
33 And he will place the sheep on his right, but the goats on the left.
34 Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink,I was a stranger and you welcomed me,
36 I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.'
37 Then the righteous will answer him, saying, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink?
38 And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you?
39 And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?'
40 And the King will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.'
41 "Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. (to diabolo kai tois angelos autou)
42 For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink,
43 I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.'
44 Then they also will answer, saying, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to you?'
45 Then he will answer them, saying, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.'
46 And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life." (emphasis added)
Matthew 25….The context is the Second Coming of Christ and the Final Judgment. Note in v. 31 good angels are mentioned, and in v. 41 ‘the devil and his angels” (elect and non-elect) Nobody claims that “fallen angels” is a phrase actually used in the bible, but the key is whether there are bad angels, who had to fall at some time because God didn’t make them bad. Regardless, this text shows ‘fallen angels’ at the public Last Judgment…which means they must have had a very significant role in the overall rebellion against God from the dawn of time. Neither demons nor unclean spirits are mentioned in this text, yet we read elsewhere in Matthew (and throughout bible) of their constant activity of rebelling against God and attacking humans. Clearly, these devil’s angels or ‘fallen angels’ had been the chief agents of spiritual destruction on earth under Satan’s leadership, or they wouldn’t have been singled out so severely by Jesus. Hence, we see a developing pattern of synonymous usage of demons, unclean spirits, and ‘fallen/bad’ angels.
When you read the gospel of Matthew, both demons and unclean spirits are mentioned numerous times, as the agents of diabolical destruction. But in this awful scene of the Last Judgment, Matthew refers to these same entities as the devils angels. I say this gently and humbly, but this one text should be conclusive.
The devil and his angels—that comes as close to what is meant by fallen angels as one can get. Theologians often use terms not mentioned in the bible (like The Trinity) to summarize biblical teaching. Surely, the devil’s angels (as opposed to God’s holy angels) are innumerable, utterly evil, and Satan’s only army since the dawn of history.
At the Last Judgment, the goats (damned humans), Satan, and his angels are consigned to eternity in hell. Demons are not mentioned. Unclean spirits are not mentioned. But ‘Satan’s angels’ are mentioned. Obviously these ‘fallen angels” have been the army of Satan fighting against God/man since the beginning….what we are warned against in Ephesians 6.
Matthew 25 is a summary of all of human and cosmic history, where the Son of Man damns both unbelieving humans, and their spiritual counterparts who have been His adversaries (and ours) since the dawn of time. In light of this one text, how can we say that the identity of fallen angels is in doubt? If you prefer the term ‘devil’s angels,’ that is fine, but that is what theologians mean when they speak of fallen angels.
And most importantly for our purpose, “the devil’s angels” are clearly synonymous with demons and unclean spirits. If they aren’t the same, then why does Matthew show demons and unclean spirits as constantly attacking and possessing humans, but turns around and has God pronounce eternal judgment on the devils angels at the Last Judgment? It makes no sense UNLESS, they are one and the same. There is linguistic and theological symmetry of angels, good and bad, in Matthews’s presentation of The Last Judgment. Other than in Revelation, the phrase ‘the devil/Satan and his angels’ is not used, but these are sufficient. The pronouncement of damnation against the fallen angels has to signify that they have been the same culprits mentioned throughout the NT, but called by different names.
To say that these are the angels mentioned in Genesis 6 is eisogesis because the context precludes that interpretation. Besides, the angels in Genesis 6 are said to be already in hell.
4. Jude….2 Peter
6 And the angels who did not stay within their own position of authority, but left their proper dwelling, he has kept in eternal chains under gloomy darkness until the judgment of the great day--
7 just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire.
8 Yet in like manner these people also, relying on their dreams, defile the flesh, reject authority, and blaspheme the glorious ones.
9 But when the archangel Michael, contending with the devil, was disputing about the body of Moses, he did not presume to pronounce a blasphemous judgment, but said, "The Lord rebuke you."
10 But these people blaspheme all that they do not understand, and they are destroyed by all that they, like unreasoning animals, understand instinctively.
11 Woe to them! For they walked in the way of Cain and abandoned themselves for the sake of gain to Balaam's error and perished in Korah's rebellion.
14 It was also about these that Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied, saying, "Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of his holy ones,
15 to execute judgment
My point about this text is that it is consistently and symmetrically angelic….both good and bad angels. Leaving aside the nature of their sin in v. 6, evil angels (whether they were evil before this event is not clear), clearly the angels are fallen angels now, and some are probably in hell (depending on how one interprets the sin in v.6)—but most are active on earth and being blasphemed by the false teachers. In v. 10 Jude is especially (like Peter in parallel text) concerned with the false teacher’s lack of respect for angelic beings, especially bad angels. Curiously enough, in v. 10 the remaining fallen angels are referred to as “glorious ones”…(Greek, doxas), probably to offset the false teachers flippant attitude toward demonic spirits/fallen angels. This is supported by the next verse in which the arch-angel Michael refused to speak flippantly against his arch-foe Satan (once a mighty, holy angel himself) regarding the body of Moses. And then in v.14 the Lord will come with countless ‘holy ones’—an obvious reference to holy angels. My point is that, if you don’t get bogged down in interpretive details of the sin in v. 6, then the consistency and symmetry of references to both good and fallen angels is clear—even Michael is an angel, though an archangel. The angels who fell into sin (v.6)…Satan a fallen mighty angel…Michael an (arch)angel….and the countless holy angels coming with the Lord. So, the context is ANGELS, and would suggest that the ‘glorious ones’ are fallen angels….and that fallen angels are the same as demons. It makes much more sense than bouncing back and forth between different kinds of evil spirits. This is a tight argument by Jude, in which angels (both good and bad) play a key role in the everyday affairs of mankind, especially amongst the false teachers.
Arguments from Revelation—
There are many different interpretations of this book (only one is right), so I’m not going to go in as much detail as some may like. But there is a general consensus that the movement of the book is from the things that were then present to the future…climaxing with the destruction of God’s enemies and the coming of the new heaven and earth. But within this general temporal movement forward, the visions sometimes ‘double back’ to the present, complementary perspectives on the same event or phase of the conflict between Christ and Satan.
In this flow, back and forth, the Greek word for demon is used:9:20; 16:13-14 (where demons and unclean spirits are used interchangeably);18:2.
In 12:7,9 bad or fallen angels are mentioned…Satan and his angels.
My point is simple: in the midst of the wild imagery of apocalyptic prophecy, there is a natural flow and interchangeability between demons, unclean spirits, and the devil’s angels/fallen angels.
Satan Thrown Down to Earth
12:7 Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels (hoi angelo autou)fighting against the dragon. And the dragon and his angels (hoi angelo autou)fought back,
8 but he was defeated, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven.
9 And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world--he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.
10 And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, "Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come, for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God.
11 And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.
This chapter, as with most, is hotly debated as far as when these events occur. May be multi-layered.Some see this as referring to the cross, some to original ousting from heaven, and still others to increased demonic activity prior to the very end. Perhaps there is overlap. Regardless, the cross is center stage at whatever point in redemptive history. In our study of fallen angels, let us not lose sight of that vital fact!
Note in v. 7 that Michael and his angels are fighting against the dragon (Satan) and his angels. There is a linguistic symmetry (hoi angelo autou) as well as symmetry of oppositional parties. Satan’s counterpart is not God, but Michael—the archangel and prince guardian of the church--, and they lead their respective angels against each other in the cosmic battle of the ages—long term and at the end. Good angels vs bad/fallen angels have been in a battle royal for eons. .
Not once, but twice, Satan/serpent/devil/dragon and his angels (hoi angelo autou) are explicitly mentioned as being the infernal army thrown to earth to fight against the Messiah and His people. The timing of this ‘casting down’ is disputed, but certainly the context reveals that Satan and the fallen angels are simply following the same MO that they employed from the Garden—where lies and false teaching continue, as well as persecution and temptation. What are elsewhere in Revelation called demons, are here called “Satan’s angels”—just as in Matthew 25. And the fallen angels are THE spiritual agents of destruction (under Satan) throughout history, aimed at God’s Kingdom…again, as in Matthew 25. My purpose is not to exegete the text in Revelation and the details, but to show that the devil’s angels/evil/fallen angels are center stage in Revelation 12…in what is a classic, significant text in Revelation, no matter how one interprets it.
What is clear to me is that the context reveals that this event is not an isolated one, but signifies the battle in general and that we have the victory in Jesus. Satan has been defanged as far as his ability to accuse us. However, the devil has been thrown down in great wrath, because he knows his time is short. (V. 12) In addition, in v. 4 many interpreters see this as the original fall of Satan and 1/3 of the angels with him.
9:20 The rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands nor give up worshiping demons (daimonia) and idols of gold and silver and bronze and stone and wood, which cannot see or hear or walk,
21 nor did they repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts.
Again, I’ll not get bogged down in disputed details, but what is clear is that though unbelievers will be tortured by the very demons they worshipped, they don’t take heed from these final warnings. Large numbers of people are subjected to God’s wrath and demonic attack. Whereas in Ch. 12 the oppositional army consists of “Satan and his angels”, in ch.9 the same opposition are called “demons.”.Surely this is instructive.
16:12 The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up, to prepare the way for the kings from the east.
13 And I saw, coming out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits (pneumata tria akatharta) like frogs.
14 For they are demonic spirits,(pneumata daimoniown) performing signs, who go abroad to the kings of the whole world, to assemble them for battle on the great day of God the Almighty.
In ch.16 the end has come…the final, decisive battle. Divine restraints are removed and Satan and his unclean spirits/demons assemble the world for the battle; climaxing millennia of opposition to God and His people. God will utterly squash this rebellion, based on the finished work of Christ on the cross. Please note that the army which was earlier called “Satan and his angels” is now called “the dragon/Satan and his unclean spirits/demons.” In the span of two verses, John naturally switches from unclean spirits to demons.
Is it not clear by now that demons, unclean spirits, and fallen angels are the same evil beings?
18:1 After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was made bright with his glory.
2 And he called out with a mighty voice, "Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great! She has become a dwelling place for demons, a haunt for every unclean spirit, a haunt for every unclean bird, a haunt for every unclean and detestable beast
Notice again, how in v.2 demons and unclean spirits are used interchangeably. Destruction has come on God’s enemies. Not focusing on interpretive details, we see that the oppositional army consists of demons or unclean spirits, which were earlier called “Satan and his angels.”
Does not the verbiage in Matthew 25 now make more sense? Putting aside all the apocalyptic imagery in the book of Revelation, we have a clear portrait of the Last Judgment in Matthew 25, which dispels any fog surrounding the sadistic spiritual culprits.
I trust by now that the cumulative effect of these “arguments” has had its desired effect. demons, unclean spirits, and fallen angels are different names for the same entity. I am not interested in winning an argument, but I want to honor God by trying to rightly divide the Word of Truth.
The more clearly we understand our enemy, the more lovely Jesus’’ triumph over this evil becomes. Yes, it is important to know our enemy, but it’s infinitely more important that we relish in the cosmic victory our blessed Savior accomplished.
Mark Hunnemann is the author of Seeing Ghosts Through God's Eyes: A Worldview Analysis of Earthbound Spirits. It's also available in eBook format.