Today I will discuss a list of Demon names and spiritual warfare. With this aspect I shall go over in a broad aspect of these demonic names and the subsequent forces that work under the demons associated to PRIDE. Pride is the very first SIN which was found in Lucifer as well as others in Heaven, for the word of God says that 1/3 of Heaven's angels fell as a result of the war. For the Bible discusses how harmful Pride is and that Pride comes before the fall as it is spoken.
As one knows Pride along with other aspects (Jealousy) is what caused those in Heaven to revolt against God thus being cast out and having their fates sealed permanently. Satan is the perfect example of something who fell from grace and favor with the Lord God Almighty as a result of too much pride being built up in the personality.
Once the aspect of Pride ‘built up’ over a certain period of time and passing those prideful words (which we do not know or are recorded) to the others who listened to Satan who then decided to try to 'Test' the power and Glory of God and unfortunately were not successful. This is a great example to convey how the fall comes for even Christ Jesus said “Behold I saw Satan fall like lightening from Heaven above”.
This sin of Pride comes with a great price. Once too much pride starts to build up over time in one's personality, they will then start to lose the ability to see what the real truth is in many of the important matters in your life. The only truth one will now see is what you think the truth is, even if that truth goes against the very word of God and also God Almighty Himself.
A person will then start to become a small version of ‘god’ in their mind, thinking that all of the world revolves around them and their own set agendas. One will then become very selfish and narcissistic and shall refuse to listen to any kind of correction or counsel the Lord God Almighty will try and bring their way including individuals called to present truth straight from the very word of God and how it shall be applied.
Understand this crucial point: Demons know how powerful and destructive Pride can be in helping to bring a person down. The demons will do everything they can behind the scenes to try and build up a person’s ego through false flattery and vain imaginations. The demons will use every angle they can push any form of Pride upon a person.
An example of this is when a person who falls into the falseness of believing in Ghosts. This is ALL contrary to the very word of God. Therefore, those who engage in this act of Necromancy become filled with Pride thinking that lost souls are just waiting around in an innocent aspect searching, wanting and desiring help to convey a message.
Are you starting to see how this SIN is filling the person with even more aspects of Pride? These people think they know better than God and start to play God by thinking they can have seemingly innocent conversations or patterns of communication which are harmless. The people who do these acts against God, so do you think that God will not allow those forces of Pride come against them? Of course not, as it is done to teach people harsh lessons.
Here a list of just some of the different demons who will come along with Pride and bring someone down through their actions:
Once the Spirit of Pride enters into someone, either through demons and/or through a person’s own human spirit, many of the above demons will follow right along with Pride to bring a person down as a penalty from God for disobedience.
How many prideful people do you know who also exhibit additional negative qualities such as being too judgmental and too critical of other people? Since their inflated sense of pride tells them they are always right and never wrong, then there is no room for anyone else who does not agree with them. As a result, they will become very judgmental and critical of anyone else who does not agree with them. Therefore the Spirit of Control has taken root as well which will start to encase the heart to not let anything enter as 'truth'.
As their pride continues to build up, they will then become more selfish and narcissistic, as all they will be able to see is what is in their own little world. As a result, everything else in their lives will become totally irrelevant, including the members of their own families. This is one of the ploys of Pride to separate and dominate.
They will then start to want more and more, especially in the area of power, wealth, authority, control, money, and material goods. From there a strong Spirit of Greed will start to enter in and before you know it, they will have lost all contact with God, their best friends, and family members. They will then become an island and a god all to themselves.
Then it happens, everything comes tumbling down around them. They lose all of their friends, their families, their wealth and money, and most importantly of all, they lose their connection and personal relationship to God Himself.
An example of this stated above was Saddam Hussein of Iraq. Saddam was someone who had it all in the area of power and material wealth, and then lost all of it in a matter of days as a result of letting his pride get in the way of letting the UN inspectors into his country to look for weapons of mass destruction that were never found.
In spiritual warfare once you start to see how Pride works and who Pride works with this will open your eyes. Remember the demons are masters at playing the pride game with people since that is what caused all of them to get cast out of heaven in the first place.
So many people to this very day are still continuing to fall for this type of very powerful Sin and slew of evil spirits which come hand in hand, such as some of our politicians, the CEO’s of different companies, and sadly even some of the pastors and clergy in our different churches who promote false religion or only speak partial truth. Realize partial truth is still a lie.....
Understand that Pride is a major sin and offensive weapon of demons which they will play this kind of game with anyone they feel will be susceptible to it, especially those who are in any type of leadership or authority position. I pray this has opened your eyes to see who and how Pride operates as a broad over view as well as which other demonic spirits set up shop with Pride.
Rev. Brad Luoma, A.A.E. Exorcist and Deliverance Minister
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Do Not Act On Emotions That Affect Our Mind, The Enemy Is Counting On It
We need to be enlightened by the Holy Spirit dwelling on it. Our feelings cannot be counted on especially when we are going to something or if you're mad or angry or depressed or worried. If you're not enjoying your life then you're missing God's best for you. The pressure and problems of every day life is enough to defeat us. I know what I'm saying is much easier said than done believe me I know more than you think I do. Like I said whenever there is a holiday that glorifies Christ (Easter for example) satan hates it with a passion, he cannot stand it. Personally in my life right now I have two very sick relatives very close to me and one who died recently. All of this so close together thrown upon my sister and I. I know what hurt is. I know what pain is. I know what it's like to want to die but I'm here to tell you that Jesus Christ does not want that for us. Ignore these tormenting emotions they are demonic in every way. As I said, Every time there's a holiday that glorifies Christ satan absolute without a doubt cannot stand it. You may know as a Christian or a believer sometimes more negative things seem to happen on holidays that glorify Christ which it could be a coincidence...I'm simply relaying what I've been told by people over the years and from my personal research. We must resist the Devil. He only comes to steal, and destroy.
Satan is the original liar. He is the “father” of lies. Satan told the first lie in recorded history to Eve, in the Garden of Eden. After planting seeds of doubt in Eve’s mind with a question (Genesis 3:1) he directly contradicts God’s Word by telling her, “You will not certainly die” (Genesis 3:4). With that lie, Satan led Eve to her death; Adam followed, and so have we all.
The many accounts of evil spirits in Scripture affirm the reality of powerful spiritual forces of wickedness. Evil spirits (also known as demons or devils) are depraved and quite familiar with human weaknesses and desires. They know it very well. Some are more vile than others. Spirits speak to all of us to inject ungodly beliefs into us. These are thoughts that steer us away from our identity in Jesus Christ. For some people these supernatural voices are far more destructive and can cause harm to the individual hearing them. For some individuals, hearing these thoughts can be just utter torment trying to convince them to commit suicide or to kill another. Oppression and Depression mimic each other in many ways. At times many are written off as highly depressed, now that evil can stay for life with no fear of being casted out.
When God tells us to forgive our enemies, it is not to do them a favor it is to do us a favor. We give that person free rent in our mind by allowing what they did to us constantly stay with us and torment us and I am one that has trouble with this myself. I can forgive but I can't forget which really means I haven't forgiven. Having bitterness and anger in your heart once again that negativity can attract unwanted spirits. I've once heard someone say "if we keep what God tells us to give the devil is going to take it." As long as we stay insecure and not move past we will only live with turmoil. No confidence at all. Our emotions will surely take over. Demons are attracted to this and will target you quicker than you can imagine. Our mind is the enemies battlefield friends. It's our weakness they go after. We must not let the past or what anybody has done to us continue to linger in us in a bad way. God will deal with them God will deal with everyone of us for the things that we've done that we know better. And I personally believe some people get dealt with while they're still on earth.
I've said many times satan goes after our mind. It's our number one weakness at times in my humble opinion. One way Satan gains control of the mind is when we place our trust in what many Christians mistakenly call the Holy Spirit. What I mean is "God told me to do this. . ." However, what God told them to do is completely contrary to God’s word. Jesus said in John 8:47 "He who is of God hears the words of God." God never, ever, ever leads us contrary to the Word of God. So when we receive anything we think is the Holy Spirit, the first question we must ask is "Does God’s word agree with what I believe is the Holy Spirit speaking to me?" Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 11:14 "And no wonder for Satan transforms himself into an angel of light." We should start each day by saying to God "We cannot do anything without you Lord, please be with us and guide us through every decision and choice we make." There are many demons assigned to torment us by satan just as Jesus assigns angels to look after us . We have demons running amok trying to destroy all humans before the appointed time. Yes they know very well the second coming of Jesus Christ will in fact take place. They already know they are defeated but they will still try to drag as many souls to hell with them or make our life hell in hopes we may take our own life or just live so miserable and depressed we end up making ourselves sick. They hate our guts and want nothing but death for us. And when we are not in control of our emotions and we make certain decisions and choices this is what the enemy is counting on.
We know that we are made up of body, soul and spirit. Again the soul in itself is made up of mind, will and emotions. Becoming a believer means we must have surrendered our will to the Lordship of Jesus Christ our savior. But the mind and emotions, we might not have fully surrendered to our Lord. In these circumstances either knowingly or unknowingly we are allowing the devil room to come into our lives and our homes and have a field day! Torment beyond imagining.
Many people are fooled by "familiar spirits" that come in the form of a dead love one or maybe someone who passed away for lived in that particular home at a time. That way they never truly get dealt with because people think it is a ghost a human spirit that has not yet crossed over. The Bible is full of information about familiar spirits. This allows us to study their wiles in the Bible and find out how they work. They may appear under different names; but their works, manifestations, and their deceptive ways are found both in the Old and New Testaments. We must, therefore, be alert and be prepared because Scripture warns us that these deceiving spirits and false manifestations will be found among God’s people in the last days. Familiar spirits operate under their master, Satan. They influence people to create hate and hurt. Basically raise hell and torment us relentlessly. They spew lies and make a person believe such horrible things of others and ourselves. To knowingly open oneself to the work of demons is an evil act: "Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery." To knowingly open yourself up to these demons and their tasks is considered a sin.
Written By Jennifer Lori Auld
Satan is the original liar. He is the “father” of lies. Satan told the first lie in recorded history to Eve, in the Garden of Eden. After planting seeds of doubt in Eve’s mind with a question (Genesis 3:1) he directly contradicts God’s Word by telling her, “You will not certainly die” (Genesis 3:4). With that lie, Satan led Eve to her death; Adam followed, and so have we all.
The many accounts of evil spirits in Scripture affirm the reality of powerful spiritual forces of wickedness. Evil spirits (also known as demons or devils) are depraved and quite familiar with human weaknesses and desires. They know it very well. Some are more vile than others. Spirits speak to all of us to inject ungodly beliefs into us. These are thoughts that steer us away from our identity in Jesus Christ. For some people these supernatural voices are far more destructive and can cause harm to the individual hearing them. For some individuals, hearing these thoughts can be just utter torment trying to convince them to commit suicide or to kill another. Oppression and Depression mimic each other in many ways. At times many are written off as highly depressed, now that evil can stay for life with no fear of being casted out.
When God tells us to forgive our enemies, it is not to do them a favor it is to do us a favor. We give that person free rent in our mind by allowing what they did to us constantly stay with us and torment us and I am one that has trouble with this myself. I can forgive but I can't forget which really means I haven't forgiven. Having bitterness and anger in your heart once again that negativity can attract unwanted spirits. I've once heard someone say "if we keep what God tells us to give the devil is going to take it." As long as we stay insecure and not move past we will only live with turmoil. No confidence at all. Our emotions will surely take over. Demons are attracted to this and will target you quicker than you can imagine. Our mind is the enemies battlefield friends. It's our weakness they go after. We must not let the past or what anybody has done to us continue to linger in us in a bad way. God will deal with them God will deal with everyone of us for the things that we've done that we know better. And I personally believe some people get dealt with while they're still on earth.
I've said many times satan goes after our mind. It's our number one weakness at times in my humble opinion. One way Satan gains control of the mind is when we place our trust in what many Christians mistakenly call the Holy Spirit. What I mean is "God told me to do this. . ." However, what God told them to do is completely contrary to God’s word. Jesus said in John 8:47 "He who is of God hears the words of God." God never, ever, ever leads us contrary to the Word of God. So when we receive anything we think is the Holy Spirit, the first question we must ask is "Does God’s word agree with what I believe is the Holy Spirit speaking to me?" Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 11:14 "And no wonder for Satan transforms himself into an angel of light." We should start each day by saying to God "We cannot do anything without you Lord, please be with us and guide us through every decision and choice we make." There are many demons assigned to torment us by satan just as Jesus assigns angels to look after us . We have demons running amok trying to destroy all humans before the appointed time. Yes they know very well the second coming of Jesus Christ will in fact take place. They already know they are defeated but they will still try to drag as many souls to hell with them or make our life hell in hopes we may take our own life or just live so miserable and depressed we end up making ourselves sick. They hate our guts and want nothing but death for us. And when we are not in control of our emotions and we make certain decisions and choices this is what the enemy is counting on.
We know that we are made up of body, soul and spirit. Again the soul in itself is made up of mind, will and emotions. Becoming a believer means we must have surrendered our will to the Lordship of Jesus Christ our savior. But the mind and emotions, we might not have fully surrendered to our Lord. In these circumstances either knowingly or unknowingly we are allowing the devil room to come into our lives and our homes and have a field day! Torment beyond imagining.
Many people are fooled by "familiar spirits" that come in the form of a dead love one or maybe someone who passed away for lived in that particular home at a time. That way they never truly get dealt with because people think it is a ghost a human spirit that has not yet crossed over. The Bible is full of information about familiar spirits. This allows us to study their wiles in the Bible and find out how they work. They may appear under different names; but their works, manifestations, and their deceptive ways are found both in the Old and New Testaments. We must, therefore, be alert and be prepared because Scripture warns us that these deceiving spirits and false manifestations will be found among God’s people in the last days. Familiar spirits operate under their master, Satan. They influence people to create hate and hurt. Basically raise hell and torment us relentlessly. They spew lies and make a person believe such horrible things of others and ourselves. To knowingly open oneself to the work of demons is an evil act: "Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery." To knowingly open yourself up to these demons and their tasks is considered a sin.
Written By Jennifer Lori Auld