NOTE: This New Yorker article was originally published in March 2008.
Last November, a couple of weeks after the Dalai Lama received a Congressional Gold Medal from President Bush, his old Land Rover went on sale on eBay. Sharon Stone, who once introduced the Tibetan leader at a fundraiser as “Mr. Please, Please, Please Let Me Back Into China!” (she meant Tibet), announced the auction on YouTube, promising the prospective winner of the 1966 station wagon, “You’ll just laugh the whole time that you’re in it!” The bidding closed at more than eighty thousand dollars. The Dalai Lama, whom Larry King, on CNN, once referred to as a Muslim, has also received the Lifetime Achievement award of Hadassah, the Women’s Zionist Organization of America. He is the only Nobel laureate to appear in an advertisement for Apple and guest-edit French Vogue. Martin Scorsese and Brad Pitt have helped commemorate his Lhasa childhood on film. He gave a lecture at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, in Washington, D.C., in 2005. This spring, in Germany, he will speak on human rights and globalization. For someone who claims to be “a simple Buddhist monk,” the Dalai Lama has a large carbon footprint and often seems as ubiquitous as Britney Spears.
As Pico Iyer writes in his new book, “The Open Road: The Global Journey of the Fourteenth Dalai Lama” (Knopf; $24), it is easy to imagine that the Dalai Lama is “the plaything of movie stars and millionaires.” Certainly, like all those who stress the importance of love, compassion, gentle persuasion, and other unimpeachably good things, the Dalai Lama can appear a bit dull. Precepts such as “violence breeds violence” or “the quality of means determine ends” may be ethically sound, but they don’t seem to possess the intellectual complexity that would make them engaging as ideas. Since the Dalai Lama speaks English badly, and frequently collapses into prolonged fits of giggling, he can also give the impression that he is, as Iyer reports a journalist saying, “not the brightest bulb in the room.”
His simple-Buddhist-monk persona invites skepticism, even scorn. “I have heard cynics who say he’s a very political old monk shuffling around in Gucci shoes,” Rupert Murdoch has said. Christopher Hitchens accuses the Dalai Lama of claiming to be a “hereditary king appointed by heaven itself” and of enforcing “one-man rule” in Dharamsala, the town in the Indian Himalayas that serves as a capital for the more than a hundred and fifty thousand Tibetans in exile. The Chinese government routinely denounces him as a “splittist,” who is plotting to return Tibet to the corrupt feudal and monastic rule from which Chinese Communists liberated it, in 1951. Many Tibetans in exile grumble that he is too attached to nonviolence, and too much in the grip of Western event coördinators, to prevent the Chinese from colonizing Tibet.
But the events of recent weeks are a reminder of the fervor he inspires among the six million ethnic Tibetans. It was a protest on the forty-ninth anniversary of his exile that led to the current civil unrest in Lhasa; the initial peaceful demonstrations met with a predictably harsh response from the Chinese authorities. As the prominent Chinese intellectual Wang Lixiong acknowledges, “Virtually all Tibetans have the Dalai in their hearts.” And the more that their economic prospects and traditional culture are undermined by Han Chinese immigration, the more this long-distance reverence is likely to grow.
Iyer writes that “the heart and soul, quite literally, of the Dalai Lama’s life existed precisely in parts that most of us couldn’t see.” His arduous daily regimen begins at 3:30 A.M., after which he proceeds, as he told Iyer, to “meditation, prostration, reciting special mantras, then more meditation and more prostrations, followed by reading Tibetan philosophy or other texts; then reading and studying and, in the evening, ‘some meditation—evening meditation—for about an hour. Then, at eight-thirty, sleep.’ ”
This sounds like a lot of meditation and reading for a monk in his seventies—especially someone who, beginning at the age of six, underwent a gruelling education for nearly two decades in Buddhist metaphysics, Tibetan art and culture, logic, Sanskrit, and traditional medicine, and eventually secured a geshe degree (roughly equivalent to a doctorate in Buddhist philosophy). But Buddhist spiritual practice is relentlessly exacting. “Strive on diligently” were the Buddha’s last words, and even the Dalai Lama can’t presume to have reached a summit of wisdom and serenity. It is his fairy-tale childhood that exalts him above most mortals. Born in 1935 to a family of farmers in the outer reaches of the Tibetan cultural domain, he was a two-year-old toddler when a search party of monks from Lhasa identified him as the potential reincarnation of the recently deceased Thirteenth Dalai Lama. Rainbows arcing across the northeastern skies of Lhasa were among the colorful portents that alerted the monks to his presence. In 1939, the child was brought ceremonially from his mud-and-stone house to Lhasa, and given the run of the marvellously labyrinthine Potala Palace.
The Dalai Lama learned calligraphy by copying out his predecessor’s will—which, in its prophetic cast, is one of the spookiest documents in Tibetan history. It was written in 1932, when Tibet, after centuries of uneasy coexistence with its big neighbor in the East, enjoyed a degree of political autonomy. Mao Zedong’s Communists were still far from winning their civil war with Chiang Kai-shek’s Nationalists. Nevertheless, the Thirteenth Dalai Lama sensed that Tibet’s isolation would soon be shattered by “barbaric red Communists”:
Our spiritual and cultural traditions will be completely eradicated. Even the names of the Dalai and Panchen Lamas will be erased. . . . The Monasteries will be looted and destroyed, and the monks and nuns killed or chased away. . . . We will become like slaves to our conquerors . . . and the days and nights will pass slowly and with great suffering and terror.
Even if the Dalai Lama shared his predecessor’s forebodings, he couldn’t do much about them. In the Potala Palace, he lived perilously close to the dark intrigues and conspiracies that had undermined his predecessors, and exposed Tibet’s weakness to its overbearing neighbors. The Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Dalai Lamas died young, some rumored to have been poisoned. The Thirteenth Dalai Lama, who barely escaped an assassination attempt allegedly by his own regent, recognized his insular country’s vulnerability to the highly organized empires and nation-states of the modern world. But his plans for upgrading the Tibetan administration and Army were thwarted by a monastic élite that lived off the labor and taxes of peasants and fought brutally to preserve the status quo. In 1934, shortly after the Thirteenth Dalai Lama’s death, the reformist politician Lungshar was punished by an ancient Tibetan method of blinding: the knucklebones of a yak were pressed on both of his temples to make his eyeballs pop out.
In 1947, the Dalai Lama, then eleven years old, watched from the Potala Palace through a telescope as monks shot at the Tibetan Army. The weeks-long battle had been sparked by the arrest of his former regent, and it killed dozens. Finally, in 1950, he assumed full political authority as the Dalai Lama. But he had no time to heed his predecessor’s warnings against Tibetan apathy. The Chinese Communist People’s Liberation Army had invaded Eastern Tibet and was standing poised to overrun the rest of the country. A decade later, the Dalai Lama and tens of thousands of Tibetans were forced into exile.
The story that the Dalai Lama himself emphasizes to his Western audience is that of his initiation into the modern world—both its vicious ideologies and its redemptive knowledge of science and democratic governance. This intellectual journey is what principally interests Iyer, a novelist, travel writer, and contributor to Time, who has written incisively on the dawning of our present moment in history “in which almost every culture could access every other.” He presents the Dalai Lama as a heartening product of the same encounters between the old and the new, the East and the West, that have stung many other tradition-minded people around the world into a reactionary fundamentalism.
“In Tibet, the Dalai Lama was an embodiment of an old culture that, cut off from the world, spoke for an ancient, even lost traditionalism,” Iyer writes. “Now, in exile, he is an avatar of the new, as if having travelled eight centuries in just five decades, he is increasingly, with characteristic directness, leaning in, toward tomorrow.” Iyer marshals a variety of evidence for the Dalai Lama’s forward-looking program. The Tibetan leader cast doubt on his divine ancestry, pointing to his premature endorsement of the founder of the Aum Shinrikyo group, which released sarin gas in Tokyo subways, as an indication that he is not a “living Buddha.” The most famous Buddhist in the world, he advises his Western followers not to embrace Buddhism. He seeks out famous scientists with geekish zeal, asserting that certain Buddhist scriptures disproved by modern science should be abandoned.
In his public appearances before English-speaking audiences, he prefers to speak of “global ethics” rather than of the abstruse Buddhist concept of Nirvana. Doubtless he doesn’t want to put off the largely secular middle-class Americans in weekend casuals who crowd Central Park to listen to him, but, as Iyer points out, this is also a reaffirmation of a Buddhist philosophical vision in which all existence is deeply interconnected. Indeed, this notion may be why the Dalai Lama was early to grasp the existential and political challenges of globalized human existence, decades before they were underlined by the disasters of climate change.
“For the first time in history,” Hannah Arendt wrote in 1957, “all peoples on earth have a common present. . . . Every country has become the almost immediate neighbor of every other country, and every man feels the shock of events which take place at the other end of the globe.” Arendt feared that this new “unity of the world” would be a largely negative phenomenon if it wasn’t accompanied by the “renunciation, not of one’s own tradition and national past, but of the binding authority and universal validity which tradition and past have always claimed.”
As the spiritual leader of six million people, the Dalai Lama can be credited with a significant renunciation of the authority of tradition—of the conventional politics of national self-interest as well as of religion. Such is his influence that a curt decree from him in the past weeks could have triggered a massive, probably uncontrollable, uprising in Tibet. Yet he continued to reject violence as unethical and counterproductive, even threatening to resign from his position as head of the government-in-exile, in Dharamsala, if Tibetan violence against the Chinese persisted. Increasingly, he has been forced to walk a difficult rhetorical line, accusing China of “cultural genocide” while still supporting its stewardship of the Olympic Games. He has consistently disapproved of even relatively modest attempts to influence the Chinese government, including hunger strikes and economic boycotts. In his view, Tibet needs good neighborly relations with China: “One nation’s problems can no longer be satisfactorily solved by itself alone,” he has said. He bravely promotes “universal responsibility” to people who want to be citizens of their own country before they start thinking about the universe.
He speaks remorsefully about Tibet’s retrograde and self-serving ruling élite in the pre-Communist period, and the country’s fatal lack of preparation for the twentieth century. For the Tibetan community in exile, he has introduced a democratic constitution and legislative elections. Recently, he offered his most radical idea yet, one that overturns nearly half a millennium of tradition: that the next Dalai Lama be chosen by popular vote.
The Dalai Lama’s awareness, deepening over decades of exile, of the high costs of Tibetan isolationism has helped turn Dharamsala into an exemplary cosmopolitan community, where young Israelis coming off compulsory military duty mingle with freshly arrived refugees from Tibet. Still, it seems remarkable today that the boy who once perched upon a golden throne in a thousand-room palace has become an icon of “globalism”—the word Iyer uses, occasionally a bit broadly, to denote the decidedly mixed blessings of speedy communications and easeful travel. After all, the Dalai Lama’s only consistent lifeline to the metropolitan West when growing up had been the magazine Life. (He moved on to Time and to the BBC.) Regular exposure to Henry Luce’s periodicals did not, however, inoculate the Dalai Lama against Maoism. Visiting China in 1954, during a period of uneasy collaboration with Beijing, the Dalai Lama declared himself to be impressed by the Chinese Revolution. Charmed by Mao’s unassuming demeanor, he was startled when the Great Helmsman announced on their last meeting that “religion is a poison”—the belief that, over the next two decades, helped the Chinese justify killing thousands of Tibet’s monks and destroying most of its monasteries.
Arriving in India in 1959, the Dalai Lama was still, Iyer points out, “an innocent in the ways of the modern world.” He did not visit the United States until 1979, and then his highly technical discourses on Buddhist philosophy baffled his listeners, especially those accustomed to the brisk epiphanies of Zen, the Buddhist tradition in vogue at the time. No celebrity glamour attended the Dalai Lama’s initial visits to the country where he was to achieve his greatest fame. The Dalai Lama’s Western fan club began to grow only after he received the Nobel Peace Prize, in 1989.
His popularity seems to have been helped, at least partly, by a romantic idea of Tibet promoted in the nineteen-thirties by James Hilton’s novel “Lost Horizon,” an account of Westerners chancing upon Shangri-La, a valley near the Himalayas populated by a harmonious and pacifist society. Frank Capra’s movie version of 1937 (which inspired Franklin D. Roosevelt to anoint his Presidential retreat in Maryland Shangri-La, before the prosaic Dwight D. Eisenhower renamed it Camp David, for his grandson) opens with the lines “In these days of wars and rumors of wars, haven’t you ever dreamed of a place where there was peace and security, where living was not a struggle but a lasting delight?” Despite an ample Tibetan history of brutality, Tibetans are still primarily seen in the West as a blessedly premodern people, who naturally possess rather than pursue happiness.
Iyer acknowledges this romantic misconception as a political problem for Tibet: “It feels—or we need to make it feel—more like Shangri-La than a place that could have a seat at the United Nations.” Often, too, the Dalai Lama seems ready to oblige. His decision to simplify and secularize Buddhist teachings has brought him a much bigger audience than the Japanese Zen masters or the Tibetan sages, such as Allen Ginsberg’s guru Chögyam Trungpa, who preceded him to the West. But the gentrification of an ancient and often difficult philosophy has not been achieved without some loss of intellectual rigor. In best-selling books by the Dalai Lama, Buddhism can appear to be a ritual-free mental workout, but the form that religion takes for the geshe student cramming the three hundred and twenty-two volumes of the Tibetan Buddhist canon is considerably more severe.
The Dalai Lama can claim the sanction of the Buddha, who is said to have altered his teachings in order to reach a diverse audience. Still, there are some limits to the Dalai Lama’s pragmatism, however mindful he is of contemporary liberal sensibilities. He supports full legal rights for all minorities, including gay men and women. But, citing Tibetan texts, he remains disapproving of oral and anal sex. (“The other holes don’t create life.”) Disapproving of sexual laxity and divorce, he can sometimes sound like a family-values conservative.
None of his compromises, however, have aroused as much bitterness as his decision, first announced in 1988, to settle for Tibet’s “genuine autonomy” within China rather than press for full independence. As the Dalai Lama sees it, countries must pursue their interests without harming those of others, and Tibetan independence, in addition to being an unrealistic ideal, needlessly antagonizes Beijing. This stance has failed, however, to convince the Chinese that he is not a “splittist”; they have accused him of having “masterminded” the latest disturbances. It has also made many Tibetans suspect that what makes the Dalai Lama more likable in the West—mainly, his commitment to nonviolence, reiterated during the current crisis—makes him appear weak to the Chinese.
“The more he gave himself to the world,” Iyer writes, the more Tibetans have come to feel “like natural children bewildered by the fact that their father has adopted three others.” The Tibetan novelist Jamyang Norbu complains that Tibetan support groups and the government-in-exile have become “directionless” in trying to “reorient their objectives around such other issues as the environment, world peace, religious freedom, cultural preservation, human rights—everything but the previous goal of Tibetan independence.”
Avidly embracing the liberating ideas of the secular metropolis, the Dalai Lama resembles the two emblematic types who have shaped the modern age, for better and for worse—the provincial fleeing ossified custom and the refugee fleeing totalitarianism. Even so, his critics may have a point: the Dalai Lama’s citizenship in the global cosmopolis seems to come at a cost to his dispossessed people.
As China grows unassailable, it is easy to become pessimistic about Tibet, and to imagine its spiritual leader becoming increasingly prey to fatalism. The Dalai Lama’s retreat from the exclusivist claims of ancestral religion and the nation-state can seem the reflex of someone who, since he first copied out his predecessor’s prophecy, has helplessly watched his country’s landmarks disappear. The bracing virtue of Iyer’s thoughtful essay, however, is that it allows us to imagine the Dalai Lama as something of an intellectual and spiritual adventurer, exploring fresh sources of individual identity and belonging in the newly united world.
Certainly, Arendt’s “solidarity of mankind,” enforced by capitalism and technology, has become, as she observed, “an unbearable burden,” provoking “political apathy, isolationist nationalism, or desperate rebellion against all powers that be.” There are few things that Tibetans lashing out at the Chinese presence in Lhasa today fear more than absorption into the ruthless new economy and culture of China. Iyer’s book makes it plausible that the boy from the Tibetan backwoods may be outlining, in his own frequently Forrest Gumpish way, “a process of mutual understanding and progressing self-clarification on a gigantic scale”—the process that Arendt believed necessary for halting the “tremendous increase in mutual hatred and a somewhat universal irritability of everybody against everybody else.” It is hard to see the Dalai Lama bringing about mutual understanding in the world at large when he has failed to bring it about between China and Tibet. Such, however, are the advantages of being a simple Buddhist monk that he is less likely—indeed, less able—than most politicians to compromise his noble ends with dubious means, even as he, following the Buddha’s deathbed exhortation, diligently strives on.
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Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Monday, September 29, 2014
Is the Long Island Medium the Real Deal? ~ An Excerpt from the Book
Here is a brief excerpt from Is the Long Island Medium the Real Deal?
Chapter 5 ~ The Science of Cold Readings
Cold readings and all the little tricks behind them is what fuels 99.9% of all psychics and mediums especially if they're doing large readings. Incidentally, some of them even do these tricks during one-on-one readings.
A cold reading is the process where the cold reader gets all the information they need or at least enough knowledge that'll let them to fill in the details. Subsequently, this allows them to trick a person into thinking that they have information on them that only a psychic/medium could know. That makes them good at being able to fake things.
This is how it's done. The cold reader must possess the ability to ask many questions that are broad but can be narrowed down to specifics when necessary. The cold reader is usually an extrovert. They have a very likable personality. They are self-assured, confident, stylish, and charismatic. The cold reader has the ability to distract the person being read, in carnival terms, the mark. Your average cold reader possesses a high EQ [emotional intelligence], coupled with the ability to appear empathetic to other people's emotions. In fact, the cold reader can appear quite the opposite when they become teary-eyed. Also, they take general information into account:
~ Body language
~ Age
~ Gender
~ Their dress code: business attire, sportswear, slutty, rocker, etc.?
~ Religion – crosses, Star of David, prayer beads
~ Race/ethnicity
~ Sexual orientation
All of these points can help a reader fill in a complex and seemingly complete reading.
The larger the crowd the better. The odds are more in their favor as the cold reader can safely use more general questions.
For example, the cold reader might say:
~ Who on this side of the audience has lost a child or maybe a grandchild?
You know that's going to get reactions, allowing the cold reader to note those that respond. The cold reader might select a person to read. Or they might want to be more sure of selecting a mark that'll put on a good show.
Links to Kirby's books:
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Friday, September 26, 2014
Fear of Honesty
By Pastor Stephen Piersall
We all go through different trials and tribulations in our life and often get stuck in the rut of our state of affairs. To get the best course of relief from the hurts, bad behaviors, you are going to have to deal with the fear of honest.
Three common fears that the devil uses to keep you stuck in your rut and keep you afraid to face your truths.
The fear of your own desires.
You do not have to be afraid to deal with your; memories, sins, abuses, and hurt. If you have ever felt like that, let it all go. Each person has experienced at some time during their lives that they were losing their mind because of their iniquities. You may be shattered, but you are not crazy. You are also in the appropriate company, because we’re all broken. We all have vulnerabilities, fears, and habits, etc.
The fear of what others think of us.
You are anxious to be open, because you might be rejected or dismissed or even abandoned. Others might think less of you as a Christian. You’re fearful of being yourself, because you are all, you have. If people do not like what they see, you are hanging out with the wrong company. Do not be distressed that others will try to fix you.
The fear that being truthful is irrational.
Why tell anybody else about what you are struggling with? You feel like you have been there previously, and it did not provide relief. Consider that if you had earlier been totally honest, you would already be free. The Bible says, “Admit your faults to one another and pray for each other so that you may be healed” (James 5:16).
When you can let go of your fears and confess your mistakes to other people, God has promised you the healing you have been looking for.
Pastor Stephen Piersall
God's Preservation Ministry Soul Care
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Archbishop Ron Feyl Deals with More Than Just Demons, Exorcist has Critics
Now, don't get me wrong here, there are a good amount of fake exorcist and clergy out there in the field. Those who are fake, have ulterior motives. You can tell them fairly easy by their posts and what they put out there usually. Generally speaking, real priest do not spend a lot of time online. When you are doing good works that takes a good part of your life up and total concentration on such a constant basis, seeing the negativity on Facebook tends to be upsetting and discouraging, especially with seeing criticisms that are often fairly constant about their own work and even cruel insults that can be of a personal nature. However, that does not cover all individuals and everyone has a different tolerance.
This problem comes about mostly from the Roman Catholic stances or what people think are and often do not have any understanding of other Catholics besides Roman Catholicism. Often times, there are people pretending to have superior knowledge on such subjects as to intimidate those who might object to their criticisms of a clergy member or misstating facts many times deliberately. There are literally thousands of Christian religions and also probably that many pagan ones as well that have different beliefs in how to deal with evil forces or entities. Judging who is real or right is a matter of perception and choice and will mainly depend on an individuals background, culture and beliefs. Generally, clients stay within their own belief system when seeking help.
One such person that has been under repeated attacks is my dear friend, exorcist Archbishop Ron Feyl. People are saying that he is not ordained. Right on his own Facebook page, as easy as anyone can see is a history of photos that verify that he has been ordained for quite some time and in one photo, which is of a newspaper article, stands the Bishop who ordained him with a city official that was about an award of some kind years after his ordination while dressed in a priestly attire and of obvious younger years. In looking up the Bishop who ordained him, I independently found another person named as a Bishop ordained by him and the complete listed succession online. So how hard did these people look? Not very hard. They had it in their minds someone was a fake, so therefore, they are. I have yet to see one single fake anybody ever go through the lengths of photo-shopping pictures to make up a past. People that lie just generally do not have a past or personal information out there if they don't want people questioning what is there.
One such person that is questioning Feyl authenticity is a person who had past ties with Feyl's organization, “The Order of Exorcist”. However, this person took the membership and abused it by claiming he was an exorcist when he was not and merely only a member of the order which has paranormal investigators in it. Not only did this person named Brett Watson, fake his expertise and abuse his position with the order, but, he made his own order of exorcist being only a lay person with no real training in spiritual warfare. So he was booted out of the order and for good reason. Now Brett has an ax to grind. Well, it turns out that Brett teamed up with someone else, who tends to apparently take the Roman Catholic stance on everything and have little tolerance for other Catholics, yet, could conveniently overlook Brett’s own order of exorcist and seedy exorcist credentials?
Let's look at some of the other complaints here against Feyl. First off, there has been confusion of where he is from. I suppose if you never moved away from where you were born, you just would not realize a lot of people are born somewhere else then where they live their adult lives. Feyl is not Canadian for instance. There is an Ontario California. CA for California or CA for Canada confused some people. If you never talked to Feyl, you would never guess what state he is originally from. It's not California.
Someone said that their address for their church was in the middle of the road because that is where it comes up on Google Maps. I almost hit the floor on that one. When you have experience with truly investigating people, (I do for a job I do that is outside of any paranormal endeavor) then you realize that Google Maps is often wrong and can not legitimately know every address and rule them out because of such nonsense. If you look for directions to people's houses enough, you realize how off the Maps truly are as well.
First of all, Archbishop Feyl is not a Roman Catholic. Different Catholic religions have different tenets. They do not all follow Roman Catholic ways. However, even so, it is important to know some of the misnomers out there.
ONE: Ordination of a priest to the Roman Catholics is considered by God and therefore, once a priest, always a priest. The same goes for a Bishop, who then can ordain other priest. This is because it is thought that God does not make mistakes.
TWO: A Bishop does not need a physical building or church to become a Bishop or stay a Bishop. His jurisdiction is to be in charge of group people, which, an order of exorcist is. There is nothing in the New Advent (Roman Catholic encyclopedia very much used by Roman Catholics) site once so ever about Bishops being with a church or even assigned a church or building.
THREE: Exorcist are not always Bishops and even lay people can be ordained as exorcist under the right conditions or character and are not even always Roman Catholic.
FOUR: Roman Catholics acknowledge that even a lay person has the power to cast out demons with prayer if held steadfast in prayer under certain circumstances.
FIVE: Roman Catholics by their very nature have a hierarchy that must be taken into consideration when asking for a exorcism and are known for NOT doing exorcisms most times and do not usually like to deal with people who are of another faith at all. To get one is a lengthy proposition if they do one at all.
I could go on here, but, it would be redundant. Taking out our clergy that are needed in the paranormal field just because they are not Roman Catholic is ludicrous. I challenge people to show me a Roman Catholic priest or especially a Bishop who is going to work with the paranormal community to help people. You will be lucky to find one.
I did not find discrepancies in Archbishop Ron Feyl, only misstatement of facts by those accusing. It is important to realize that just because a website says something that; 1. Doesn't mean you can assume someone published the web page with incorrect information as anyone could have done so, and 2. Doesn’t mean that you can always rely on that information as being solid and correct. The dates alone that some have reported as if lies told by the Archbishop of his ordinations are in fact wrong and therefore, not truly showing fraud at all. Just because you make a meme (picture with words made on the internet) doesn't mean it's the truth. It is easy to make up stuff and throw it out there against someone with no proof to back it up.
I'd like to add here that the Archbishop has been very forthcoming with the inquiry I have had with him, however, being I have respect for him, I will not publish his answers and will respect his privacy in this matter. I am not in the habit of going after priest unless there is clear reason to do so.
The fake priest and exorcist I go after are sex offenders or they are scamming and doing something much more then practicing a religion that others do not approve of. Like Brett who is involved with an online school for demonology and exorcists that certifies them when he had no real expertise or schooling or training to do so himself, let alone people paying him to train them and paying quite a lot for a sham.
There are other clergy members out there that are under the same type of attacks from people who probably don't really have the public's best interest at heart anyway. I was taught to have respect for men and women of cloth and to tell you the truth, I have respect for all religions and do not judge others as it should be. I completely resent people attempting to sideline me into this type of religious debate and then to act so self-righteous as to act like we allowed someone to get away, when the person who probably should not be getting away is the person cruelly and ignorantly making accusations all over the paranormal field behind so many people's backs. So maybe Ken Deel can answer for own own actions and explain to people how he only stands behind Roman Catholic ideals and have been behind much of what Brett has been saying and him as well not only of attacks against Archbishop Feyl, but, other non-Roman Catholic exorcist while ignoring Brett's own shortcomings (who is NOT a Roman Catholic or even a Catholic). There is no room for bigots in spiritual warfare.
Sorry Ken Deel, I AM NOT THE RELIGIOUS POLICE... apparently that's your job. Nothing is worse then people making a stink and not wanting their own name involved in it.
I will always be protective of our clergy and for good reason, I know what is out there.
By Evan Jensen, Producer of Beyond the Edge of Reality Radio Network.
Archbishop Ron Feyl’s “Order of Exorcist”
Monday, September 22, 2014
The Dalai Lama and the Politics of Reincarnation
The Dalai Lama suggests he’ll be the last of his line, and in doing so challenges Chinese imperialism.
By Tim Robertson September 22, 2014
If one stands at the foot of the Potala Palace – once the residence of the Dalai Lama in the Tibetan capital, Lhasa – and looks south, the beauty of the surrounding mountains and old Tibetan architecture is somewhat marred by a concrete monolith erected by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). It’s somewhat hopefully titled the Monument to the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet. When I was there in April last year I took a photo of it and, in the time that it took to bring the view into focus, two armored Chinese military vehicles had driven into my shot and were captured in time.
This is what peace and liberation looks like today in the one-time Himalayan kingdom. Lhasa is an occupied city. Police, security forces, and military officers have flooded the city in recent years. They stand on every street corner, march through the city’s squares, “guard” the temples, and terrorize Tibetans.
This once far-away city is undergoing a face-lift of sorts (perhaps this isn’t the right analogy, since its becoming markedly uglier). The expanding dusty outskirts look like any other small, non-descript Chinese city: soulless concrete shops and apartments, built solely with functionality in mind, line the recently re-laid roads. They’re occupied mostly by recently migrated Han Chinese, many of whom have accepted government subsidies to relocate. This has been an effective policy, for the CCP and Han Chinese residents now outnumber Tibetans in the capital.
Lhasa bears the mark of present-day Chinese colonialism: in regions across the country where the CCP expects to face political opposition from the ethnic minority population they move in, take control of the economy, exert their cultural influence, and become dominant, overwhelming the indigenous population.
The façade of unity is threadbare: an edict from the CCP demands that monasteries, temples, and even homes fly the Chinese flag. It may seem trivial, but since the 2008 riots many Tibetans have been locked-up or killed for committing crimes no more serious than waving a Tibetan flag or possessing a picture of the Dalai Lama.
Within China, people almost universally accept the government’s line on Tibet: that it’s only thanks to the CCP that this corner of China is no longer a feudal backwater and, rather than protest it, Tibetans should be thankful for the CCP’s intervention.
Outside China, public opinion generally swings the other way, largely because of the affable Tenzin Gyatso, better known as the 14th Dalai Lama. But it would be wrong to mistake this for real sympathy; people like to be seen to care, but any long-term activism takes real commitment. We are fickle beings and the extent of most people’s dedication doesn’t go much beyond retweeting a #FreeTibet hashtag. The most valuable thing the Tibetan cause has going for it is their Nobel Prize-winning leader who can travel the world making his case – a pretty effective megaphone.
It would be only a slight exaggeration to say that without the Dalai Lama, the Free Tibet movement would be bereft. After all, in the West, Tibetan self-immolators almost never make the news and the riots of 2008 are long forgotten.
This is hardly a problem unique to Tibet: Remember the child soldiers enlisted in Kony’s army? Or the schoolgirls kidnapped by Boko Haram? Or even the Yazidis? The West doesn’t have much of an attention span when it comes to things happening “over there.” What’s needed when trying to keep people engaged for long periods is “celebrity humanitarianism.” People like Nelson Mandala, Aung San Suu Kyi, and the Dalai Lama: individuals who can tirelessly devote themselves to a cause and, more importantly, command a large audience.
The hitch is that – despite the Buddhist belief in reincarnation – the 14th Dalai Lama, once dead, will be just as dead as the rest of us. In recent years, when asked about what will happen to the institution of the Dalai Lama once he dies, he’s said that when he turns 90 he’ll consult the high Lamas, the Tibetan public, and others concerned with Tibetan Buddhism in order to make a decision whether it ought to continue.
But his more recent comments seem to indicate that he’s leaning towards not reincarnating. Speaking to the German newspaper Welt am Sonntag, he said that “the institution of the Dalai Lama has served its purpose.” He continued, “We had a Dalai Lama for almost five centuries. The 14th Dalai Lama now is very popular. Let us then finish with a popular Dalai Lama.”
Determined not to let reality dictate terms, the CCP responded by feigning sympathy for Tibetan Buddhism and championing their own ludicrous historical record. According to the Chinese foreign ministry spokesman, Hua Chunying, ‘The title of Dalai Lama is conferred by the central government, which has hundreds of years of history. The 14th Dalai Lama has ulterior motives, and is seeking to distort and negate history, which is damaging to the normal order of Tibetan Buddhism.”
This response gives an insight into what the CCP’s plans to do once the current Dalai Lama dies. Invariably they’ll select their own puppet Dalai Lama, base him in Beijing and roll him out whenever they want to show they’re accepting of Tibetans and their culture. And to most Chinese citizens – who get their fill of “news” from the state-media – this will seem a magnanimous gesture.
The CCP has form when it comes to circumventing Tibetan Buddhist traditions and selecting their own reincarnated Lamas. In 1995 the CCP kidnapped the 11th Panchen Lama – the highest-ranking Lama after the Dalai Lama – and installed their selection in his place. He now resides in Beijing while his kidnapped counterpart remains unaccounted for. Needless to say, Beijing’s choice isn’t recognized by Tibetans.
So what, amidst all this posturing, is the best course of action for those hoping to see China’s hold on Tibet loosened or, ideally, ended? The reality – it should be acknowledged – is that the chance of achieving independence, or even more autonomy, in the conceivable future is miniscule, not least because the Dalai Lama and government-in-exile have almost no bargaining power with the CCP. Beijing has easily rebuffed any international pressure to address the Tibet question and seems content to simply wait until the Dalai Lama dies.
Tibetan activists were able to spark a resurgence in international interest in their cause in 2008 when the Olympics came to Beijing. For the CCP, this was a chance to show the rest of the world that China was a power to rival any other. No longer a poverty-stricken backwater, China had the world tuned into her capital and was keen to impress.
This was the leverage that Tibet had lacked for so long: activists disrupted the torch relay around the world and forced the issue into the international spotlight. Within China, as well as the Chinese diaspora, this raised the ire of patriotic citizens who didn’t want to see their country’s appalling human rights record made the main focus.
But the campaign derailed when an earthquake that killed 69,195 people and left a further 18,392 missing hit Sichuan. The outpouring of grief was overwhelming and the government announced a three-day mourning period, during which the torch relay was suspended. Internationally, people reacted sympathetically and were touched by the Chinese response. In China, a country that’s uncomfortably nationalist in good times, patriotic fervor went into overdrive and, with that, any traction Tibetan activists may have hoped to gain was dashed.
The Dalai Lama has long said he’d settle for autonomy within the Chinese state, but this has about as much chance of happening as China recognizing Japan’s claim to the Diaoyu Islands. As China’s economy grows, Tibet’s state-supporters – already a rather meek lot – will continue to diminish. The most recent example is South Africa’s refusal to grant the Dalai Lama a visa.
With this in mind, his recent response to the question of whether he thinks he’ll ever see Tibet again seems misguided: “Yes, I am sure of that. China can no longer isolate itself, it must follow the global trend towards a democratic society.” Now aged 79, he must be the only person in the world so sure of this. One can’t help but feel this kind of complacency rather takes the fight and vim out of the struggle for independence.
However, there have also been times when the Dalai Lama has proven to be a rather shrewd political operator. He’s amassed a great deal of support for his cause throughout the world. He has also not received enough credit for his decision to transform the Tibetan government-in-exile from a theocracy to a democracy in 2011 by abdicating and transferring power to an elected prime minister. It’s a rare thing for an absolute ruler to acknowledge that his rule is fundamentally unfair and unjust, and to voluntarily give it up is rarer still, yet that’s what the Dalai Lama did.
This decision hints at his thinking on whether or not to reincarnate: he seems to hope that once he’s dead and, with the institution of the Dalai Lama dissolved, the political fight will be left to the politicians. This is all very radical thinking from what’s always been a very conservative institution. Moreover, with seemingly no leverage, the Dalai Lama is pushing back against Chinese imperialism.
By refusing to reincarnate, the Dalai Lama will make it more difficult for the CCP to give the impression that any puppet-leader the party installs has any legitimacy in the eyes of Tibetans. He’s also undoubtedly mindful of the fact that the move towards a democratic secular government-in-exile contrasts with the Communist Party’s brand of one-party authoritarianism.
Watching Tibetans go about their daily lives in Lhasa couldn’t feel further removed from all this politicking. Although a shadow of its former self, Lhasa is still the most sacred place in the world for Tibetan Buddhists and it draws many fanatically devout worshippers from across the Tibetan plateau.
While soldiers with automatic weapons look on, people endlessly perambulate the Potala Palace spinning prayer wheels, others performing a kind of ritual reach-for-the-sky-kiss-the-ground routine with each step. This is – save the military – quintessential Tibet; yet, one feels that if it’s ever going to be a political force, this is the kind of superstition it needs to outgrow. Until then, the Dalai Lama’s efforts to annex it from the machinations of Sino-Tibetan politics are the best hope the government-in-exile has of one day returning to its homeland.
Tim Robertson (@timrobertson12) is a Beijing-based independent journalist and writer.
original link
By Tim Robertson September 22, 2014
If one stands at the foot of the Potala Palace – once the residence of the Dalai Lama in the Tibetan capital, Lhasa – and looks south, the beauty of the surrounding mountains and old Tibetan architecture is somewhat marred by a concrete monolith erected by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). It’s somewhat hopefully titled the Monument to the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet. When I was there in April last year I took a photo of it and, in the time that it took to bring the view into focus, two armored Chinese military vehicles had driven into my shot and were captured in time.
This is what peace and liberation looks like today in the one-time Himalayan kingdom. Lhasa is an occupied city. Police, security forces, and military officers have flooded the city in recent years. They stand on every street corner, march through the city’s squares, “guard” the temples, and terrorize Tibetans.
This once far-away city is undergoing a face-lift of sorts (perhaps this isn’t the right analogy, since its becoming markedly uglier). The expanding dusty outskirts look like any other small, non-descript Chinese city: soulless concrete shops and apartments, built solely with functionality in mind, line the recently re-laid roads. They’re occupied mostly by recently migrated Han Chinese, many of whom have accepted government subsidies to relocate. This has been an effective policy, for the CCP and Han Chinese residents now outnumber Tibetans in the capital.
Lhasa bears the mark of present-day Chinese colonialism: in regions across the country where the CCP expects to face political opposition from the ethnic minority population they move in, take control of the economy, exert their cultural influence, and become dominant, overwhelming the indigenous population.
The façade of unity is threadbare: an edict from the CCP demands that monasteries, temples, and even homes fly the Chinese flag. It may seem trivial, but since the 2008 riots many Tibetans have been locked-up or killed for committing crimes no more serious than waving a Tibetan flag or possessing a picture of the Dalai Lama.
Within China, people almost universally accept the government’s line on Tibet: that it’s only thanks to the CCP that this corner of China is no longer a feudal backwater and, rather than protest it, Tibetans should be thankful for the CCP’s intervention.
Outside China, public opinion generally swings the other way, largely because of the affable Tenzin Gyatso, better known as the 14th Dalai Lama. But it would be wrong to mistake this for real sympathy; people like to be seen to care, but any long-term activism takes real commitment. We are fickle beings and the extent of most people’s dedication doesn’t go much beyond retweeting a #FreeTibet hashtag. The most valuable thing the Tibetan cause has going for it is their Nobel Prize-winning leader who can travel the world making his case – a pretty effective megaphone.
It would be only a slight exaggeration to say that without the Dalai Lama, the Free Tibet movement would be bereft. After all, in the West, Tibetan self-immolators almost never make the news and the riots of 2008 are long forgotten.
This is hardly a problem unique to Tibet: Remember the child soldiers enlisted in Kony’s army? Or the schoolgirls kidnapped by Boko Haram? Or even the Yazidis? The West doesn’t have much of an attention span when it comes to things happening “over there.” What’s needed when trying to keep people engaged for long periods is “celebrity humanitarianism.” People like Nelson Mandala, Aung San Suu Kyi, and the Dalai Lama: individuals who can tirelessly devote themselves to a cause and, more importantly, command a large audience.
The hitch is that – despite the Buddhist belief in reincarnation – the 14th Dalai Lama, once dead, will be just as dead as the rest of us. In recent years, when asked about what will happen to the institution of the Dalai Lama once he dies, he’s said that when he turns 90 he’ll consult the high Lamas, the Tibetan public, and others concerned with Tibetan Buddhism in order to make a decision whether it ought to continue.
But his more recent comments seem to indicate that he’s leaning towards not reincarnating. Speaking to the German newspaper Welt am Sonntag, he said that “the institution of the Dalai Lama has served its purpose.” He continued, “We had a Dalai Lama for almost five centuries. The 14th Dalai Lama now is very popular. Let us then finish with a popular Dalai Lama.”
Determined not to let reality dictate terms, the CCP responded by feigning sympathy for Tibetan Buddhism and championing their own ludicrous historical record. According to the Chinese foreign ministry spokesman, Hua Chunying, ‘The title of Dalai Lama is conferred by the central government, which has hundreds of years of history. The 14th Dalai Lama has ulterior motives, and is seeking to distort and negate history, which is damaging to the normal order of Tibetan Buddhism.”
This response gives an insight into what the CCP’s plans to do once the current Dalai Lama dies. Invariably they’ll select their own puppet Dalai Lama, base him in Beijing and roll him out whenever they want to show they’re accepting of Tibetans and their culture. And to most Chinese citizens – who get their fill of “news” from the state-media – this will seem a magnanimous gesture.
The CCP has form when it comes to circumventing Tibetan Buddhist traditions and selecting their own reincarnated Lamas. In 1995 the CCP kidnapped the 11th Panchen Lama – the highest-ranking Lama after the Dalai Lama – and installed their selection in his place. He now resides in Beijing while his kidnapped counterpart remains unaccounted for. Needless to say, Beijing’s choice isn’t recognized by Tibetans.
So what, amidst all this posturing, is the best course of action for those hoping to see China’s hold on Tibet loosened or, ideally, ended? The reality – it should be acknowledged – is that the chance of achieving independence, or even more autonomy, in the conceivable future is miniscule, not least because the Dalai Lama and government-in-exile have almost no bargaining power with the CCP. Beijing has easily rebuffed any international pressure to address the Tibet question and seems content to simply wait until the Dalai Lama dies.
Tibetan activists were able to spark a resurgence in international interest in their cause in 2008 when the Olympics came to Beijing. For the CCP, this was a chance to show the rest of the world that China was a power to rival any other. No longer a poverty-stricken backwater, China had the world tuned into her capital and was keen to impress.
This was the leverage that Tibet had lacked for so long: activists disrupted the torch relay around the world and forced the issue into the international spotlight. Within China, as well as the Chinese diaspora, this raised the ire of patriotic citizens who didn’t want to see their country’s appalling human rights record made the main focus.
But the campaign derailed when an earthquake that killed 69,195 people and left a further 18,392 missing hit Sichuan. The outpouring of grief was overwhelming and the government announced a three-day mourning period, during which the torch relay was suspended. Internationally, people reacted sympathetically and were touched by the Chinese response. In China, a country that’s uncomfortably nationalist in good times, patriotic fervor went into overdrive and, with that, any traction Tibetan activists may have hoped to gain was dashed.
The Dalai Lama has long said he’d settle for autonomy within the Chinese state, but this has about as much chance of happening as China recognizing Japan’s claim to the Diaoyu Islands. As China’s economy grows, Tibet’s state-supporters – already a rather meek lot – will continue to diminish. The most recent example is South Africa’s refusal to grant the Dalai Lama a visa.
With this in mind, his recent response to the question of whether he thinks he’ll ever see Tibet again seems misguided: “Yes, I am sure of that. China can no longer isolate itself, it must follow the global trend towards a democratic society.” Now aged 79, he must be the only person in the world so sure of this. One can’t help but feel this kind of complacency rather takes the fight and vim out of the struggle for independence.
However, there have also been times when the Dalai Lama has proven to be a rather shrewd political operator. He’s amassed a great deal of support for his cause throughout the world. He has also not received enough credit for his decision to transform the Tibetan government-in-exile from a theocracy to a democracy in 2011 by abdicating and transferring power to an elected prime minister. It’s a rare thing for an absolute ruler to acknowledge that his rule is fundamentally unfair and unjust, and to voluntarily give it up is rarer still, yet that’s what the Dalai Lama did.
This decision hints at his thinking on whether or not to reincarnate: he seems to hope that once he’s dead and, with the institution of the Dalai Lama dissolved, the political fight will be left to the politicians. This is all very radical thinking from what’s always been a very conservative institution. Moreover, with seemingly no leverage, the Dalai Lama is pushing back against Chinese imperialism.
By refusing to reincarnate, the Dalai Lama will make it more difficult for the CCP to give the impression that any puppet-leader the party installs has any legitimacy in the eyes of Tibetans. He’s also undoubtedly mindful of the fact that the move towards a democratic secular government-in-exile contrasts with the Communist Party’s brand of one-party authoritarianism.
Watching Tibetans go about their daily lives in Lhasa couldn’t feel further removed from all this politicking. Although a shadow of its former self, Lhasa is still the most sacred place in the world for Tibetan Buddhists and it draws many fanatically devout worshippers from across the Tibetan plateau.
While soldiers with automatic weapons look on, people endlessly perambulate the Potala Palace spinning prayer wheels, others performing a kind of ritual reach-for-the-sky-kiss-the-ground routine with each step. This is – save the military – quintessential Tibet; yet, one feels that if it’s ever going to be a political force, this is the kind of superstition it needs to outgrow. Until then, the Dalai Lama’s efforts to annex it from the machinations of Sino-Tibetan politics are the best hope the government-in-exile has of one day returning to its homeland.
Tim Robertson (@timrobertson12) is a Beijing-based independent journalist and writer.
original link
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Go Into the Light...A Falseness Exposed, Part 3
Continued from:
Go into the Light...A Falseness Exposed, Part 1
Go into the Light...A Falseness Exposed, Part 2
In the finale, part 3 of the series “Go into the Light” we will conclude how a common practice in the paranormal community and new age ministry of commanding “lost souls/lingering souls” to “go to the light” to be free is dangerous. The marker for this is biblical knowledge of how God operates from the word of God. As we have laid out for you the telling or commanding something like a demon pretending to be a “lost soul/lingering soul” is false.
As we have set the stage many of these people feel that by just being “nice” and loving you can show those who are “lost” the way towards Heaven. As if these people are telling “them” something they don’t know. Since this falseness is made clear that this will not happen, thus one cannot say “I made them go to see you in heaven.” In fact, a past client who had a group with their so called energy healer, came in to “usher” those trapped souls to the light of God made it horrific for the family.
The client told me that the “lost souls” this paranormal team thought to be moving forward were indeed Demons who pretended to be moved on. The client called this group on the drive home, who were literally rejoicing in what they had done to help this family to inform the group leader that this back fired upon the family, and now activity was much worse than prior to this act. The fact that this team, as well as many other teams who operate this way, fell for the ruse that you can send a non-living entity like a Demon (pretending to be a lost or lingering soul) to the “light of God” to be in harmony is an absolute lie and untruth.
The client was not delivered, and this problem actually got worse after that encounter with this group who brought in their so called “energy healer”. This actually resulted in 6 months of multiple Exorcism’s with many members of the family dealing with the chief perpetrator (Beel Ze Bub) and the minions this Fallen Angel brought into the lives of the people for torment upon the family. This Fallen Angel is the second in command over all of Hell.
False revelation (moving one’s soul onward) can never contradict Sacred Scripture or Sacred Tradition. Ultimately, the question which needs to be asked of these individuals is to produce Biblical evidence and/or evidence from the Church Fathers to support and justify changing a 2000 year old doctrine and process.
If this evidence is lacking of moving on lost souls refusing to go to the light, then the false revelations of these teams and individuals is false and not from God. Without the biblical evidence and those who choose not to adhere to it, lead to a dangerous demonic delusion.
Taken from Holy Scripture we discover several things or aspects regarding the nature of the demons and why commanding they go to the light is false. According to the Word of God:
Heb. 2:16-17 (NIV) 16 “For surely it is not angels he helps, but Abraham’s descendants”. 17 “For this reason he had to be made like them, fully human in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people.”
2 Peter 2:4 (NIV) 4 “For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell putting them in chains of darkness to be held for judgment;”
Matthew 25:41 (NIV) 41 "Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.”
From the Church fathers we have gathered that In A.D. 543 the Synod of Constantinople declared, against the Origen that postulated a demon’s final repentance that the free aversion to repentance was radical and definitive and that hell was therefore eternal for the demon.
Pope Vigilius stated in the Canons against Origen, (A.D. 543) "Can. 9. If anyone says or holds that the punishment of the demons and of impious men is temporary, and that it will have an end at some time, that is to say, there will be a complete restoration of the demons or of impious men, let him be anathema."
So to wrap up this series, about ushering those lost souls (demons posing in a ruse), Thomas Aquinas made the point that helping demons by prayers/telling them to go to into the light is ultimately useless as they cannot repent. As Augustine (De Civitate Dei xxi,24) and Gregory (Moralium xxxiv) state, “the saints in this life pray for their enemies, that they may be converted to God, while it is yet possible for them to be converted. For if we knew that they were foreknown to death, we should no more pray for them than for the demons. And since for those who depart this life without grace there will be no further time for conversion, no prayer will be offered for them, neither by the Church militant, nor by the Church triumphant.”
As the Apostle states in 2 Timothy 2:25-26 (NIV), 25 “Opponents must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, 26 and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.” Now St. Thomas Aquinas was known as the Doctor of the Church and "greatest theologian in the history of the Church.”.
I can understand how, without truly encompassing Jesus Christ along with not having the proper theological training, one could succumb to the temptation to be compassionate to these creatures who are posing as “lost/lingering souls” around seeking assistance.
Thus these people easily fall victim to this trickery of moving this loved one, or another once human spirit onto the “light”. The reason people fall for this false practice is that we humans find it difficult to comprehend the nature of everlasting punishment and the demonic decision to irrevocably reject their Creator.
Nevertheless, we cannot allow private actions or private interpretations of personal encounters with lost souls (demons) to ever lead us astray from sound doctrine which we have received from Jesus Christ. According to Galatians 1:8 (NIV) “But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!”
The teachings of Holy Scripture and the Church Fathers who have gone before us, much as Jesus Christ has are clear – demons posing as lost souls cannot be saved. Thus we cannot move lost souls onward into the light of God, using the name of Jesus Christ in his divine authority.
We pray this series has been eye opening for all of you.
God’s Blessings.
Go into the Light...A Falseness Exposed, Part 1
Go into the Light...A Falseness Exposed, Part 2
In the finale, part 3 of the series “Go into the Light” we will conclude how a common practice in the paranormal community and new age ministry of commanding “lost souls/lingering souls” to “go to the light” to be free is dangerous. The marker for this is biblical knowledge of how God operates from the word of God. As we have laid out for you the telling or commanding something like a demon pretending to be a “lost soul/lingering soul” is false.
As we have set the stage many of these people feel that by just being “nice” and loving you can show those who are “lost” the way towards Heaven. As if these people are telling “them” something they don’t know. Since this falseness is made clear that this will not happen, thus one cannot say “I made them go to see you in heaven.” In fact, a past client who had a group with their so called energy healer, came in to “usher” those trapped souls to the light of God made it horrific for the family.
The client told me that the “lost souls” this paranormal team thought to be moving forward were indeed Demons who pretended to be moved on. The client called this group on the drive home, who were literally rejoicing in what they had done to help this family to inform the group leader that this back fired upon the family, and now activity was much worse than prior to this act. The fact that this team, as well as many other teams who operate this way, fell for the ruse that you can send a non-living entity like a Demon (pretending to be a lost or lingering soul) to the “light of God” to be in harmony is an absolute lie and untruth.
The client was not delivered, and this problem actually got worse after that encounter with this group who brought in their so called “energy healer”. This actually resulted in 6 months of multiple Exorcism’s with many members of the family dealing with the chief perpetrator (Beel Ze Bub) and the minions this Fallen Angel brought into the lives of the people for torment upon the family. This Fallen Angel is the second in command over all of Hell.
False revelation (moving one’s soul onward) can never contradict Sacred Scripture or Sacred Tradition. Ultimately, the question which needs to be asked of these individuals is to produce Biblical evidence and/or evidence from the Church Fathers to support and justify changing a 2000 year old doctrine and process.
If this evidence is lacking of moving on lost souls refusing to go to the light, then the false revelations of these teams and individuals is false and not from God. Without the biblical evidence and those who choose not to adhere to it, lead to a dangerous demonic delusion.
Taken from Holy Scripture we discover several things or aspects regarding the nature of the demons and why commanding they go to the light is false. According to the Word of God:
Heb. 2:16-17 (NIV) 16 “For surely it is not angels he helps, but Abraham’s descendants”. 17 “For this reason he had to be made like them, fully human in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people.”
2 Peter 2:4 (NIV) 4 “For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell putting them in chains of darkness to be held for judgment;”
Matthew 25:41 (NIV) 41 "Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.”
From the Church fathers we have gathered that In A.D. 543 the Synod of Constantinople declared, against the Origen that postulated a demon’s final repentance that the free aversion to repentance was radical and definitive and that hell was therefore eternal for the demon.
Pope Vigilius stated in the Canons against Origen, (A.D. 543) "Can. 9. If anyone says or holds that the punishment of the demons and of impious men is temporary, and that it will have an end at some time, that is to say, there will be a complete restoration of the demons or of impious men, let him be anathema."
So to wrap up this series, about ushering those lost souls (demons posing in a ruse), Thomas Aquinas made the point that helping demons by prayers/telling them to go to into the light is ultimately useless as they cannot repent. As Augustine (De Civitate Dei xxi,24) and Gregory (Moralium xxxiv) state, “the saints in this life pray for their enemies, that they may be converted to God, while it is yet possible for them to be converted. For if we knew that they were foreknown to death, we should no more pray for them than for the demons. And since for those who depart this life without grace there will be no further time for conversion, no prayer will be offered for them, neither by the Church militant, nor by the Church triumphant.”
As the Apostle states in 2 Timothy 2:25-26 (NIV), 25 “Opponents must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, 26 and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.” Now St. Thomas Aquinas was known as the Doctor of the Church and "greatest theologian in the history of the Church.”.
I can understand how, without truly encompassing Jesus Christ along with not having the proper theological training, one could succumb to the temptation to be compassionate to these creatures who are posing as “lost/lingering souls” around seeking assistance.
Thus these people easily fall victim to this trickery of moving this loved one, or another once human spirit onto the “light”. The reason people fall for this false practice is that we humans find it difficult to comprehend the nature of everlasting punishment and the demonic decision to irrevocably reject their Creator.
Nevertheless, we cannot allow private actions or private interpretations of personal encounters with lost souls (demons) to ever lead us astray from sound doctrine which we have received from Jesus Christ. According to Galatians 1:8 (NIV) “But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!”
The teachings of Holy Scripture and the Church Fathers who have gone before us, much as Jesus Christ has are clear – demons posing as lost souls cannot be saved. Thus we cannot move lost souls onward into the light of God, using the name of Jesus Christ in his divine authority.
We pray this series has been eye opening for all of you.
God’s Blessings.
Saturday, September 20, 2014
What Are Demonic Strongholds?
This is a subject I don't feel is really discussed enough and it is very important that we understand this and how to counteract these type of demonic attacks in our lives. So many people are living with strongholds controlling many aspects of their life and they don't even know it.
A demonic stronghold is anything powerful enough to hold you in its dominion to keep you from receiving God’s love and truth. Once a stronghold is established, you provide an open door for the enemy and become exposed to demonic control and oppression in that area of your life. The existence of a stronghold can be recognized because it will be that area of your life in which you consistently have problems and cannot cope in life. Our thoughts influence our emotions and our physical reactions. A thought may seem harmless, but it can become physically, emotionally or spiritually dangerous. Satan will bring evil thoughts into our minds. We cannot entertain these. This will only give way to the enemy. We need to rebuke the evil thoughts from our minds as soon as they start. This is so important.
A stronghold is thought of a few ways. One that is common is a thinking pattern based on lies and deception. Lies and trickery is one of the primary weapons of the enemy, because it then allows strongholds to take place. A demonic stronghold is anything powerful enough to keep you in bondage so you don't receive God’s grace and peace. They cause us to think in ways which block us from God's goal for us. It screws up our personal peace in Christ. When your view of God has been messed with or a sudden lack in faith can be the work of a stronghold taking place. God wants us to be be happy and have peace. The enemy wants us miserable and tormented. It's why fallen angels are assigned to attack us and attempt to ruin our lives in any manner possible. They want your soul.
Are spirits and strongholds the same?
No. A stronghold is an area of weakness that Satan attacks when we open the door to allow him entry through disobedience. Once we open the door, Satan and his spirits begin to control through the stronghold. The spirit is the energizing force behind the stronghold. The stronghold is the symptom. . .the spirit is the root the problem. (Example: An addiction is a stronghold that becomes controlled by a SPIRIT OF BONDAGE. Self-righteousness is a stronghold controlled by a Spirit of pride. Phobias are controlled by a Spirit of fear.)
How is a stronghold formed? The Apostle Paul gives us hints to understanding how spiritual strongholds are formed by listing three important factors for strongholds to take up root. He says arguments, pretensions, and thoughts contrary to the knowledge of God. ( 2 Corinthians 10:5. This is important scripture to take note of.
2 Corinthians 10:4, "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds."
Romans 12:2 NKJV, "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."
(Matthew 16:19; Mark 3:27). Jesus called the demonic presence a "strongman." The strongman must first be bound. You must eliminate the SOURCE -- the root (strongman -- spirit) who is energizing the activity (stronghold) or he will keep coming back to harass you! (Like the vine -- the root must be pulled out or the vine will continue to grow and choke out the life of the bush!) Jesus has given us the authority of His name and the weapons of warfare to use to address the spirits that control us through strongholds and bind his power.
Research and my experience has led me to the conclusion that a purely "psychological" approach is just inadequate. We as Christians have lots of spiritual weapons at their disposal, and they allow us to be victorious in defeating satanic/demonic strongholds of any nature. I really feel believers need to learn how to use the Word of God to take authority over these tormenting demons. The stronghold of the Lord is our safety and protection in His presence. Sin causes us to separates from God. That's when Strongholds take root and goes on to flourish and prosper.
Psalm 18:2-3 2 The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my Savior, my God, my rock in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the strength of my salvation, my stronghold. The Lord should be praised. I called on him, and I was saved from my enemies.
Instead of casting out strongholds, we should tear them down, we need to rebuild our mind and the way we think due to these types of attacks. transformed by the renewing of our mind and cast down demonic. If the enemy builds strongholds through our mind continually reminding us of his lies, then we need to go in the opposite direction to destroy this type of vile bondage. We need to start keeping our mind in God's Word on a daily bases, so that the truth will sink into our minds and begin to change the way we think and react to the enemies tactics.
All Christians must be aware that God has equipped them to overcome Satan's power. The Apostle Paul said that "the weapons of our warfare are not carnal (of a fleshly or earthly nature), but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds" (2 Corinthians. 10:4).
You may recall the time when the seventy disciples returned to the Lord rejoicing about the results of their ministry. They remarked, "Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name" (Luke 10:17). But then Jesus pointed out that the great marvel of this was that the devils were subject to them because their names were "written in heaven." In other words, because they were saved -- because of their relationship with Christ, they had authority over the Devil in the name of Jesus.
Jesus has given all His followers, all those who know Jesus personally as their Lord and Savior the authority to use His name to expel the forces of evil. To all believers, Jesus said, "In My name they will cast out demons..." (Mark 16:17). "Strongholds" could be actual "demon possession," but can merely be a "strong" influence or grip, persistent oppression, obsessions, hindrances but many Christians are the victims of Satan's strongholds.
Written By Jennifer L Auld
A demonic stronghold is anything powerful enough to hold you in its dominion to keep you from receiving God’s love and truth. Once a stronghold is established, you provide an open door for the enemy and become exposed to demonic control and oppression in that area of your life. The existence of a stronghold can be recognized because it will be that area of your life in which you consistently have problems and cannot cope in life. Our thoughts influence our emotions and our physical reactions. A thought may seem harmless, but it can become physically, emotionally or spiritually dangerous. Satan will bring evil thoughts into our minds. We cannot entertain these. This will only give way to the enemy. We need to rebuke the evil thoughts from our minds as soon as they start. This is so important.
A stronghold is thought of a few ways. One that is common is a thinking pattern based on lies and deception. Lies and trickery is one of the primary weapons of the enemy, because it then allows strongholds to take place. A demonic stronghold is anything powerful enough to keep you in bondage so you don't receive God’s grace and peace. They cause us to think in ways which block us from God's goal for us. It screws up our personal peace in Christ. When your view of God has been messed with or a sudden lack in faith can be the work of a stronghold taking place. God wants us to be be happy and have peace. The enemy wants us miserable and tormented. It's why fallen angels are assigned to attack us and attempt to ruin our lives in any manner possible. They want your soul.
Are spirits and strongholds the same?
No. A stronghold is an area of weakness that Satan attacks when we open the door to allow him entry through disobedience. Once we open the door, Satan and his spirits begin to control through the stronghold. The spirit is the energizing force behind the stronghold. The stronghold is the symptom. . .the spirit is the root the problem. (Example: An addiction is a stronghold that becomes controlled by a SPIRIT OF BONDAGE. Self-righteousness is a stronghold controlled by a Spirit of pride. Phobias are controlled by a Spirit of fear.)
How is a stronghold formed? The Apostle Paul gives us hints to understanding how spiritual strongholds are formed by listing three important factors for strongholds to take up root. He says arguments, pretensions, and thoughts contrary to the knowledge of God. ( 2 Corinthians 10:5. This is important scripture to take note of.
2 Corinthians 10:4, "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds."
Romans 12:2 NKJV, "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."
(Matthew 16:19; Mark 3:27). Jesus called the demonic presence a "strongman." The strongman must first be bound. You must eliminate the SOURCE -- the root (strongman -- spirit) who is energizing the activity (stronghold) or he will keep coming back to harass you! (Like the vine -- the root must be pulled out or the vine will continue to grow and choke out the life of the bush!) Jesus has given us the authority of His name and the weapons of warfare to use to address the spirits that control us through strongholds and bind his power.
Research and my experience has led me to the conclusion that a purely "psychological" approach is just inadequate. We as Christians have lots of spiritual weapons at their disposal, and they allow us to be victorious in defeating satanic/demonic strongholds of any nature. I really feel believers need to learn how to use the Word of God to take authority over these tormenting demons. The stronghold of the Lord is our safety and protection in His presence. Sin causes us to separates from God. That's when Strongholds take root and goes on to flourish and prosper.
Psalm 18:2-3 2 The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my Savior, my God, my rock in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the strength of my salvation, my stronghold. The Lord should be praised. I called on him, and I was saved from my enemies.
Instead of casting out strongholds, we should tear them down, we need to rebuild our mind and the way we think due to these types of attacks. transformed by the renewing of our mind and cast down demonic. If the enemy builds strongholds through our mind continually reminding us of his lies, then we need to go in the opposite direction to destroy this type of vile bondage. We need to start keeping our mind in God's Word on a daily bases, so that the truth will sink into our minds and begin to change the way we think and react to the enemies tactics.
All Christians must be aware that God has equipped them to overcome Satan's power. The Apostle Paul said that "the weapons of our warfare are not carnal (of a fleshly or earthly nature), but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds" (2 Corinthians. 10:4).
You may recall the time when the seventy disciples returned to the Lord rejoicing about the results of their ministry. They remarked, "Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name" (Luke 10:17). But then Jesus pointed out that the great marvel of this was that the devils were subject to them because their names were "written in heaven." In other words, because they were saved -- because of their relationship with Christ, they had authority over the Devil in the name of Jesus.
Jesus has given all His followers, all those who know Jesus personally as their Lord and Savior the authority to use His name to expel the forces of evil. To all believers, Jesus said, "In My name they will cast out demons..." (Mark 16:17). "Strongholds" could be actual "demon possession," but can merely be a "strong" influence or grip, persistent oppression, obsessions, hindrances but many Christians are the victims of Satan's strongholds.
Written By Jennifer L Auld
Thursday, September 18, 2014
By Mark Hunnemann
As a parent or grandparent how can we help our children to thrive in secular schools, and not stumble over the many arguments that are antithetical to Christ? (2 Corinthians 10:4-6) Put another way, how can we teach them to be in the world but not of the world?
Yesterday I was watching an "Animal Planet" special on Africa. One of the most fascinating animals to me is the Honey Badger. It is not that big but I was astounded by the way it attacked a King Cobra. The cobra "ran" when it saw the Honey Badger by climbing a tree. Undaunted, the badger scampered up the tree and jumped from limb to limb until the cobra fell to the ground. Unlike Riki Tiki Tavi, this crazy Honey Badger ran straight to the cobra and its celebrated fangs. This unassuming badger ran right up to it and did swift business with it, and ate it. The commentator stated (and this is key) is that it had been stung and bitten so many times by bees and cobras that it had become immune to the stings and bites of both. Incredible....
There are two extremes to avoid as a parent. Some think, I'll quarantine my children. Homeschoolers are especially tempted to this extreme, but if the virus is still out there in the world, and if they are not given some exposure to the world, then they will not have built up any resistance.When I was in college, I saw so many professing Christians take Old Testament or New Testament classes in order to learn. However, many lost their faith in a semester or two because they had not been exposed to the arguments that are out there. It was horrible to watch. So, quarantining is a bad idea.
The other extreme is overexposure where the kids are cast as sheep among wolves, and hope it will toughen them up. This is what happens by default when we have no strategy against Satan's schemes.
So, what is the golden mean? As Jay Richards says--inoculation: measured exposure to a pathogen.We can be inoculated against smallpox by getting an injection of of cowpox, to which our bodies react by developing antibodies which protect us from more harmful pathogens. Or like the Honey Badger who builds up immunity. We need think about ideas like Darwinism in the same way. We do not want to wait until high school or college before our children hear the best arguments for/against Darwinism. Mom and dad need to discuss these things before then, and be able and willing to have the compassion to give honest intellectual answers to honest intellectual questions.
Richards says, kids should learn to ask their professors, "What would be the best argument I could go read against what you have just told me?" (lol, can you imagine the prof's reaction?!) They rarely know the answer to that question, but that is what intellectual honesty requires. Imagine a jury that only heard the prosecution but not the defense. What I found in higher education were professors who knew all the liberal nonsense, but did not even know the names of hundreds of scholars who could defend the biblical view. However, at Covenant Seminary in St. Louis (and other conservative seminaries), my professors knew the best liberal arguments, and were on the cutting edge of showing their intellectual bankruptcy, and the reasons for why the bible is the inerrant Word of God.
Last week we talked about how oppression is an unassuming, but very common, tactic of Satan. It is not as sensational as possession, but is very ruinous. Likewise, in the arena of ideas, Satan is tearing to shreds millions of Christians who have not been equipped. The best way to equip our children to handle the landmines of education is by measured exposure to the world.Then, like the Honey Badger, they will be equipped to seek and destroy arguments and bring every thought captive to Christ.
Mark Hunnemann is the author of Seeing Ghosts Through God's Eyes: A Worldview Analysis of Earthbound Spirits. It's also available in eBook format.
As a parent or grandparent how can we help our children to thrive in secular schools, and not stumble over the many arguments that are antithetical to Christ? (2 Corinthians 10:4-6) Put another way, how can we teach them to be in the world but not of the world?
Yesterday I was watching an "Animal Planet" special on Africa. One of the most fascinating animals to me is the Honey Badger. It is not that big but I was astounded by the way it attacked a King Cobra. The cobra "ran" when it saw the Honey Badger by climbing a tree. Undaunted, the badger scampered up the tree and jumped from limb to limb until the cobra fell to the ground. Unlike Riki Tiki Tavi, this crazy Honey Badger ran straight to the cobra and its celebrated fangs. This unassuming badger ran right up to it and did swift business with it, and ate it. The commentator stated (and this is key) is that it had been stung and bitten so many times by bees and cobras that it had become immune to the stings and bites of both. Incredible....
There are two extremes to avoid as a parent. Some think, I'll quarantine my children. Homeschoolers are especially tempted to this extreme, but if the virus is still out there in the world, and if they are not given some exposure to the world, then they will not have built up any resistance.When I was in college, I saw so many professing Christians take Old Testament or New Testament classes in order to learn. However, many lost their faith in a semester or two because they had not been exposed to the arguments that are out there. It was horrible to watch. So, quarantining is a bad idea.
The other extreme is overexposure where the kids are cast as sheep among wolves, and hope it will toughen them up. This is what happens by default when we have no strategy against Satan's schemes.
So, what is the golden mean? As Jay Richards says--inoculation: measured exposure to a pathogen.We can be inoculated against smallpox by getting an injection of of cowpox, to which our bodies react by developing antibodies which protect us from more harmful pathogens. Or like the Honey Badger who builds up immunity. We need think about ideas like Darwinism in the same way. We do not want to wait until high school or college before our children hear the best arguments for/against Darwinism. Mom and dad need to discuss these things before then, and be able and willing to have the compassion to give honest intellectual answers to honest intellectual questions.
Richards says, kids should learn to ask their professors, "What would be the best argument I could go read against what you have just told me?" (lol, can you imagine the prof's reaction?!) They rarely know the answer to that question, but that is what intellectual honesty requires. Imagine a jury that only heard the prosecution but not the defense. What I found in higher education were professors who knew all the liberal nonsense, but did not even know the names of hundreds of scholars who could defend the biblical view. However, at Covenant Seminary in St. Louis (and other conservative seminaries), my professors knew the best liberal arguments, and were on the cutting edge of showing their intellectual bankruptcy, and the reasons for why the bible is the inerrant Word of God.
Last week we talked about how oppression is an unassuming, but very common, tactic of Satan. It is not as sensational as possession, but is very ruinous. Likewise, in the arena of ideas, Satan is tearing to shreds millions of Christians who have not been equipped. The best way to equip our children to handle the landmines of education is by measured exposure to the world.Then, like the Honey Badger, they will be equipped to seek and destroy arguments and bring every thought captive to Christ.
Mark Hunnemann is the author of Seeing Ghosts Through God's Eyes: A Worldview Analysis of Earthbound Spirits. It's also available in eBook format.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Darlene Watts Hijacks Evan Jensen's Blog This Week
My name is Darlene Watts. I generally just edit blogs, writing or co-write with Evan Jensen in a consorted effort and write my own blog, “Haunted Ishpeming” (Ishpeming is the town I live in, pronounced “Ish-pa-ming” meaning high place, close to the creator or to some “heaven” in Ojibwe (Chippewa) Native American.
For this though, after seeing what is continually put out there against Evan, which borders on sheer lunacy at times and the readers NOT knowing who Evan truly is where by a certain amount of chaos ensues, it’s time that people see a different and altogether more personal perspective not only of Evan, but, of Kirby Robinson as well.
Now, as many that have a deep connection and draw to the paranormal and helping others in this manner that involves the spiritual and often religious areas of people’s lives, there is a connection to a higher power and to the spiritual. It is what motivates both Evan and Kirby. I call it being spiritually drawn. Their actions have very little to do with anything other then trying to do what they are drawn to do that is right and it has NOTHING to do with being famous or any other goal. In fact, exposing people is by its very nature, a degrading, insulting and often thankless effort and when people do understand and appreciate the effort, most often one never knows it. For doing this kind of exposing makes one a target, as well as those outwardly being proactive or even suggesting they are behind these actions or even appearing to be endorsing them. Those that are exposed often glory in the chaos and cruelty they unleash on others that appear to be in some theorized conspiratorial pursuit of them as some sort of retaliation they always do.
I did get permission briefly to do this from Evan, whom was a bit leery of me doing such a subject and writing it myself. He is just not much of a self promoter in endorsing someone doing what it is I mean to do. He is a very modest guy with a big heart.
Evan is happily married to a woman that he’s been married to for over 20 years. She is NOT a mail order bride and assuming so because of her nationality is at best shallow and racist. She is Philippine and he met her in another country that was not the Philippines. The story to HOW he met her probably is as remarkable as Evan truly is. Imagine going to another country and hearing the voice of an angel singing in a mall that he follows her voice and finds this beautiful lady with the voice to match that he falls in love with. Personally, I take offense at those speaking of this woman in any way shape or form in some insulting way. She is not even involved here; yet, these people see no problem bringing in family members that are not involved in to ridicule in an effort to shame the person who puts out the truth about them, even when they probably did something first in the insulting and cruel arena. (Rick Rowe did and was the aggressor way before Evan was.)
Evan did not only serve time in the service of his country, he was injured severely almost losing his life where two other of his close friends and troupe members were killed. Thereby the grace of God Evan survived. But, it is the reason he does not speak of it. He is a hero to this country. (Although, never considers himself a hero.) I have always had the information to what he did and who he is soon after the criticism flew. I did not even have to ask him for it. He sent it to me on his own. But, I’ll tell you, anyone that knows Evan will know of the truthfulness of whom he once was just speaking to him at lengths. He is tough and even ruthless when someone challenges him, like the soldier he still is. It is in who he is as well as his outlook and how he lives today. So much so, I joke that he is Rambo. Let me just say here, he’s probably NOT the guy you want to tick off for that reason. He will defend others to a fault and is entirely fearless in doing so.
I have never known anyone to care more for others then Evan and be as entirely selfless as he is. People should know that Evan is actually considered terminally ill. Now, when people come to him that tells him they are being bullied, he doesn't just sit on the sideline, he actively does something about it. How many people would help others when they were facing such an uncertain future? Frankly, Evan has my admiration for his stance here. By gosh, he seems to be the only one going after these bullies as well. How is that? The guy that is willing to stand up to these people who gather together like a gang of thugs, is actually terminally ill. And these people think they are all big and bad getting on him while never admitting what he finds and post proof of and never EVER even refuting it.
As for the numb nut that put out Evan was guilty of kidnapping and had the nerve to lie and say he served 10 years, talk about the pulling crap out of your hat. First of all, he took a child out of a very dangerous situation and for a moment, was charged with kidnapping until it was clear what was going on. It was a matter of formality and of the law. The charge was dropped and the parent lost custody of their child. The kidnapping charge should not even be showing up and even so, it is listed for the wrong year, as he was still in the service at that time and not even in the states. So, we are not even sure they didn’t just manufacture it and its coincidence that there was a story that somewhat matches, but as far the prison time though, that never happened. I would like to think anyone would do as Evan did and stand up for a defenseless innocent child.
Here are some things people should know about Evan, he saves animals. He tends to have such a big heart, that he feeds a wild squirrel that has gotten to know him and beg every morning for food. The dog he has was a rescue directly from rescuing her from an abuse situation that was going on and he interjected. Imagine, seeing a dog abused, putting yourself in harms way to stop it and taking the dog home to keep her safe and give her a better life. Evan is bold this way, but, he’s never unreasonable and doesn't ever go after anyone that has not provoked him in some way. My advice to people, don’t provoke him. He is very intelligent. Albeit his eyesight isn't so good right now he misses his grammar and punctuation mistakes, he is higher then average intelligence by far. People are often underestimating him and who he is. YOU WILL NEVER INTIMIDATE THIS MAN, no matter what you do. Don’t want issues with Evan, don’t lie and cheat people and DON’T bully them and do not stand behind these people that are criminals. If Evan warns you and you do not at least ask questions and find out if at least what he is saying is true or not and you blindly endorse a criminal after you were told, expect that he will indeed show people how you have a lack of ethics and endorse a person that would steal or endanger the public for your own gain. It’s really simple.
Me, I’m just an artist that has grown up around Native Americans and because I did, have a different outlook on life and tend to have learned a lot of lessons in life that have proven much of what I learned from family members is indeed truth and valuable. I am sometimes completely shocked that I have so much in common with Evan being who he is. I do not back down either and have learned that humility is a good teacher and have no problem showing people their own humility when they mistreat others. I do not run afraid either and am also spiritually drawn. I live my entire life on instincts as that is how I grew up. If something feels right or does not, I will base my decisions on that feeling I pick up on. I go by my gut all the time. I have to say on this, Evan has very sharp instincts for figuring out what is going on and how to deal with it. He knows how to investigate like nobodies business. He knows how to deal with thugs and bullies in a way that may seem harsh to some people unless you see all of what these people are doing and understand how long they have done it.
The people we are bringing out have a wake of people behind them that they have upset and have had enough of them. It is how it is. We have not once gone after one of these people. They spar with us first and reveal themselves just by being friends with someone they attack and being behind them.
I want to say a few words here about myself and Kirby. We go back years now and were not always on the same side of the fence. One thing I can say of Kirby is that he is spiritually drawn, uses his instincts and prayer to do what he does. He has always been a spiritual teacher of sorts and spiritual person. That is what he was when I first met him online. He is very loving and to tell you the truth, he is not some ruthless cruel person some make him out to be. I have been doing fraud exposing before even Kirby did. But, like a lot of people doing it for the right reasons you burn out and get tired of the daily drama and chaos and have to take breaks from it. I've always been in the background doing this since the Paranormal Police. Kirby is most certainly the most effective, longest running fraud exposer out there and has earned a following for his courageous and often controversial stand to stop the fraud and abuse out there. After all, if people put lies out there about the spiritual world, they are hurting the spiritual world and anyone that does not know they are lying. They are no different then false prophets.
Written by Darlene Watts
Graphic artist, editor, co-host and publicist for Beyond the Edge of Reality Radio Network.
On behalf of Evan Jensen.
Producer and host to Beyond the Edge of Reality Radio Network.
The Hub of all we do is now here!
Monday, September 15, 2014
Dalai Lama Calls Inter-faith Meeting in India Amid Rising Tension
Buddhist spiritual leader to convene unprecedented talks in attempt to boost religious harmony in emerging economic power
By Jason Burke in Delhi
The Dalai Lama is to convene an unprecedented meeting of Indian faith leaders in an effort to encourage religious harmony in the emerging economic power.
Aides said the Buddhist spiritual leader was concerned about rising communal tension in India as well as a number of other important issues, from environmental degradation and natural disasters to discrimination against women.
"His Holiness is concerned by the things that are happening. The aim is to come up with an action plan to promote religious harmony," said Gelek Namgyal, a spokesman.
Though aides stressed that the initiative was apolitical, it comes amid concern at increasingly fractious relations between majority Hindu and minority Muslim populations in the country.
In the election campaign this year, candidates from the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) were accused of playing on deep-seated sectarian prejudices to boost support. Narendra Modi, who took power after a landslide victory in May, told supporters during the campaign that refugees from Bangladesh, who are largely Muslim, should be deported, while suggesting that India was the "natural home" of Hindu refugees. A key aide, Amit Shah, is facing criminal charges of hate speech.
Supporters say Modi believes in true equality for India's minorities by ensuring fair opportunities and development for the country's 1.6 billion people. His critics accuse him of undermining decades of official secularism.
One BJP minister said recently that profits made from slaughtering cattle for export – a trade dominated by Muslims – funded terrorism, while another BJP official said Muslim religious schools were "manufacturing terrorists".
Politicians and activists from a variety of hardline Hindu organisations have claimed that Muslims in India engage in "love jihad", a supposed systematic campaign to convert Hindu women through marriage. Some Christian groups have backed the allegation, which is denied by Muslim community leaders.
Since fleeing to India from Tibet in 1959, the Dalai Lama has scrupulously avoided any intervention in Indian domestic politics. Aides said the meeting had "nothing to do with any political party being in power" and simply stemmed from the Nobel peace laureate's concern for the country which has hosted him for decades.
"Religious leaders have a great role and influence here in India. After living here for so long he wants to do something for this country," one said.
When "politicians disharmonised" it was possible for religious leaders to "bring harmony", the aide explained.
Representatives of all faiths are expected to participate in the meeting this weekend. They include the Hindu guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, a senior Shia Muslim cleric, the archbishop of Bombay, and leaders of India's small Jewish community.
At the top of the agenda is "promoting such human values as kindness and compassion, tolerance and forgiveness" and "fostering inter-religious harmony and understanding".
The Dalai Lama, who is revered by his followers as the 14th reincarnation of the Buddha Avalokiteshvara, who achieved spiritual enlightenment, gave up his political functions in 2010.
Beijing considers the 79-year-old, who left Tibet after an abortive uprising against Chinese rule, to be a violent separatist.
The conclave was originally scheduled early this week but would have clashed with the first visit to India of China's president, Xi Jinping. Indian media reported that it was postponed after a request from the prime minister's office.
Modi used his Twitter feed on Monday to issue a statement welcoming Xi to Ahmedabad, the capital of Gujarat state, which will be the Chinese leader's first stop on Wednesday. Xi is on a week-long tour of South Asian states including the Maldives, Sri Lanka and Nepal.
"Am sure his visit will strengthen India-China ties. Buddhism is a very strong bond between China & India. In fact, Gujarat too has a very rich Buddhist heritage," Modi tweeted.
Modi has previously been accused of failing to prevent rioting in Gujarat when he was chief minister there in 2002. An estimated 1,000 people, largely Muslims, died in the violence. A supreme court judicial inquiry found no evidence to substantiate the charge.
See original photo and article here:
By Jason Burke in Delhi
The Dalai Lama is to convene an unprecedented meeting of Indian faith leaders in an effort to encourage religious harmony in the emerging economic power.
Aides said the Buddhist spiritual leader was concerned about rising communal tension in India as well as a number of other important issues, from environmental degradation and natural disasters to discrimination against women.
"His Holiness is concerned by the things that are happening. The aim is to come up with an action plan to promote religious harmony," said Gelek Namgyal, a spokesman.
Though aides stressed that the initiative was apolitical, it comes amid concern at increasingly fractious relations between majority Hindu and minority Muslim populations in the country.
In the election campaign this year, candidates from the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) were accused of playing on deep-seated sectarian prejudices to boost support. Narendra Modi, who took power after a landslide victory in May, told supporters during the campaign that refugees from Bangladesh, who are largely Muslim, should be deported, while suggesting that India was the "natural home" of Hindu refugees. A key aide, Amit Shah, is facing criminal charges of hate speech.
Supporters say Modi believes in true equality for India's minorities by ensuring fair opportunities and development for the country's 1.6 billion people. His critics accuse him of undermining decades of official secularism.
One BJP minister said recently that profits made from slaughtering cattle for export – a trade dominated by Muslims – funded terrorism, while another BJP official said Muslim religious schools were "manufacturing terrorists".
Politicians and activists from a variety of hardline Hindu organisations have claimed that Muslims in India engage in "love jihad", a supposed systematic campaign to convert Hindu women through marriage. Some Christian groups have backed the allegation, which is denied by Muslim community leaders.
Since fleeing to India from Tibet in 1959, the Dalai Lama has scrupulously avoided any intervention in Indian domestic politics. Aides said the meeting had "nothing to do with any political party being in power" and simply stemmed from the Nobel peace laureate's concern for the country which has hosted him for decades.
"Religious leaders have a great role and influence here in India. After living here for so long he wants to do something for this country," one said.
When "politicians disharmonised" it was possible for religious leaders to "bring harmony", the aide explained.
Representatives of all faiths are expected to participate in the meeting this weekend. They include the Hindu guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, a senior Shia Muslim cleric, the archbishop of Bombay, and leaders of India's small Jewish community.
At the top of the agenda is "promoting such human values as kindness and compassion, tolerance and forgiveness" and "fostering inter-religious harmony and understanding".
The Dalai Lama, who is revered by his followers as the 14th reincarnation of the Buddha Avalokiteshvara, who achieved spiritual enlightenment, gave up his political functions in 2010.
Beijing considers the 79-year-old, who left Tibet after an abortive uprising against Chinese rule, to be a violent separatist.
The conclave was originally scheduled early this week but would have clashed with the first visit to India of China's president, Xi Jinping. Indian media reported that it was postponed after a request from the prime minister's office.
Modi used his Twitter feed on Monday to issue a statement welcoming Xi to Ahmedabad, the capital of Gujarat state, which will be the Chinese leader's first stop on Wednesday. Xi is on a week-long tour of South Asian states including the Maldives, Sri Lanka and Nepal.
"Am sure his visit will strengthen India-China ties. Buddhism is a very strong bond between China & India. In fact, Gujarat too has a very rich Buddhist heritage," Modi tweeted.
Modi has previously been accused of failing to prevent rioting in Gujarat when he was chief minister there in 2002. An estimated 1,000 people, largely Muslims, died in the violence. A supreme court judicial inquiry found no evidence to substantiate the charge.
See original photo and article here: