By The Dalai Lama
A Biased Mind Cannot Grasp Reality
I am extremely delighted to attend this inter faith seminar on the Preservation of Religious Harmony, Coexistence and Universal Peace organised by the International Association for Religious Freedom (IARF), Ladakh group. Thank you very much for the detailed explanation of the association's history, activities, objectives and their relevance in the present century. I have nothing to add on what the speakers said earlier. But I would like to say a few things.
We are now in the twenty first century. The quality of research on both the inner and physical world has reached quite high levels, thanks to the tremendous stride in technological advancement and human intelligence. However, as some of the speakers said before, the world is also facing a lot of new problems, most of which are man-made. The root cause of these man-made problems is the inability of human beings to control their agitated minds. How to control such a state of mind is taught by the various religions of this world.
I am a religious practitioner, who follows Buddhism. More than a thousand years have passed since the great religions of the world flourished, including Buddhism. During those years, the world had witnessed a lot of conflicts, in which followers of different religions were also involved. As a religious practitioner, I acknowledge the fact that different religions of the world have provided many solutions about how to control an agitated mind. In spite of this, I still feel we have not been able to realise our full potential.
I always say that every person on this earth has the freedom to practice or not practice religion. It is all right to do either. But once you accept religion, it is extremely important to be able to focus your mind on it and sincerely practice the teachings in your daily life. All of us can see that we tend to indulge in religious favouritism by saying, "I belong to this or that religion", rather than making effort to control our agitated minds. This misuse of religion, due to our disturbed minds, also sometimes creates problems.
I know a physicist from Chile who told me that it is not appropriate for a scientist to be biased towards science because of his love and passion for it. I am a Buddhist practitioner and have a lot of faith and respect in the teachings of the Buddha. However, if I mix up my love for and attachment to Buddhism, then my mind shall be biased towards it. A biased mind, which never sees the complete picture, cannot grasp the reality. And any action that results from such a state of mind will not be in tune with reality. As such it causes a lot of problems.
According to Buddhist philosophy, happiness is the result of an enlightened mind whereas suffering is caused by a distorted mind. This is very important. A distorted mind, in contrast to an enlightened mind, is one that is not in tune with reality.
Any issue, including political, economic and religious activities human beings pursue in this world, should be fully understood before we pass our judgement. Therefore, it is very important to know the causes. Whatever the issue, we should be able to see the complete picture. This will enable us to comprehend the whole story. The teachings offered in Buddhism are based on rationality, and I think are very fruitful.
Today, a lot of people from different religious backgrounds are present here. In every religion, there are transcendent things that are beyond the grasp of our mind and speech. For example, the concept of God in Christianity and Islam and that of wisdom truth body in Buddhism are metaphysical, which is not possible for an ordinary person like us to realise. This is a common difficulty faced by every religion. It is taught in every religion, including Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam, that the ultimate truth is driven by faith.
I want to emphasise that it is extremely important for practitioners to sincerely believe in their respective religions. Usually, I say that it is very important to distinguish between "belief in one religion" and "belief in many religions". The former directly contradicts the latter. Therefore, we should resolutely resolve these contradictions. This is possible only by thinking in contextual terms. A contradiction in one context might not be the same in the other. In the context of one person, a single truth is closely associated with a single source of refuge. This is of extreme necessity. However, in the context of society or more than one person it is necessary to have different sources of refuge, religions and truths.
In the past it was not a major problem because nations remained aloof from each other with their own distinct religion. However, in today's close and inter-connected world there are so many differences amongst various religions. We must obviously resolve these problems. For example, there have been a lot of religions in India for the past thousand years. Some of them were imported from outside whereas some have grown in India itself. Despite this, the fact is that these religions have been able to coexist with each other, and the principle of Ahimsa has really flourished in this country. Even today, this principle has a strong bearing on every religion. This is very precious and India should really take pride in it.
Ladakh has been a predominantly Buddhist area 'for so many centuries. But other religions such as Islam, Christianity, Hinduism and Sikhism have also flourished here. Although it is natural for the people of Ladakh to have attachment to and love for their own religions, yet this place has a very peaceful environment with no major problems of religious intolerance. During my maiden visit to Ladakh, I heard elderly Muslims using the phrase "community of sangha" in their speeches. Although such phrases are not found in Islam, yet a reference of this kind invokes a lot of trust amongst the Buddhists. Therefore, people from different religious background in Ladakh are very close to each other and live in harmony.
As far as the Muslims are concerned it is appropriate for them to have complete devotion to Allah while praying in the mosques. This is also the same with Buddhists who are completely devoted to the Buddha when they pray in Buddhist temples. A society, which has many religions should also have many prophets and sources of refuge. In such a society it is very important to have harmony and respect amongst the different religions and their practitioners. We must distinguish between belief and respect. Belief refers to total faith, which you must have in your own religion. At the same time you should have respect for all other religions. This tradition of believing in one's own religion and having respect for others is in existence in Ladakh since your forefathers. Therefore you do not have to invent it. The most important thing at the moment is to preserve and promote this tradition. I would like to thank all of you for working hard regarding this and request you to continue to do so in the future.
If a harmonious relationship is established amongst societies and religious beliefs in today's multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multi-cultural world, then it will surely set a very good example for others. However, if all the sides become careless, then there is a danger of imminent problems. In a multi-ethnic society the biggest problem is that of between the majority and the minority. For instance, in the capital Leh, Buddhists constitute the majority of the population whereas Muslims belong to the minority community. The majority must consider the minority as their invited guests. The minority, on the other hand, should be able to sensitise with the majority. In other words, both sides should live in harmony. In order to sustain this harmony, both sides should not take lightly the sensitive issues between themselves. Indeed, the majority should pay attention to and appreciate the views and opinion of the minority. Both sides should discuss and clearly express what they think about the other's view and opinion. The minority, on the other hand, should be careful about where the sensitive issues of the majority lies and express whatever doubts they have in their minds. If problems are resolved in such a friendly manner; then both sides will gain. Suspicion of each other will only harm both communities. Therefore, it is very important to live in harmony and analyse where the opinion of the other lies. The best way to do this is to engage in dialogue, dialogue and dialogue.
Excerpts from His Holiness the Dalai Lama's address to the inter-faith seminar organised by the International Association for Religious Freedom, Ladakh Group, in Leh on 25 August.
Monday, September 30, 2013
Radio Show TONIGHT - Fake Hauntings - The Conjuring
By Kirby Robinson
Deception and unethical practices aren't limited to the paranormal field but can be found within the world of independently published authors on Amazon and other websites. Indie authors want you to think that their books are better than those of long established authors with careers that span decades and include Pulitzer Prizes. They amaze readers with claims of dozens if not hundreds of highly ranked reviews while gathering hardly any one-star reviews. How is this done? The fakery involved will leave you scratching your head.
This isn't to say that there aren't legitimate success stories within the indie publishing ranks -- there are. But for every real success story there are turning out to be multiple suspect success stories that can be traced back to fake reviews and distorted sales figures.
Read more about it here:
The case behind The Conjuring. Not since The Exorcist has a horror film that had any ties to a real case [outside of maybe the Texas Chainsaw Massacre] captured the attention of America. The Perron family moved into an historic home in rural Rhode Island, enduring 10 years of haunting by dark spirits. Ed and Lorraine Warren once again play a part in it.
Over the course of our 2 hours together, we’ll study as much information as we can. This is information that the supporters of these hoaxes DON’T want you to know.
Showtime begins at 7 PM [PST] or 10 PM [EST]. See this page for more information:
Here’s the previous show: Adios, Ghosts! The Myth-Busting Continues…
EARN EXTRA MONEY! If you have a website, forum or blog you can set up an Amazon Associates Affiliate Program link and sell the Kindle version of our books. "Is the Long Island Medium the Real Deal?" [Now in paperback], "Never Mock God: An Unauthorized Investigation into Paranormal State's 'I Am Six' Case" [also in paperback!], "Investigating Paranormal State," "Paranormal State Exposed" and "Paranormal Teachings: The Best of Shedding Some Light" and earn money. You can also sell other books and products that Amazon offers. Here's the link:
Sunday, September 29, 2013
The Seven Trumpets
I’ve had a few supporters and friends ask about the “7 Seals/Trumpets” and if it is a real biblical event to come. This was provoked due to watching the TV show Supernatural. Below are small explanations and or info on the matter broken down by each trumpet. This is a cue for the Apocalypse to begin after or shortly after I believe. The book of Revelations is the 66 book in the bible but I personally don’t know if that has any relations to the number 666.
Associated with this wrath, seven angels appeared before John with seven trumpets. One by one, each angel sounded his trumpet. And as each trumpet sounded, it brought the plagues of the anger of God and the Lamb. Spiritually, this wrath of God began long ago and has continued up to the present day. It is still continuing and will rise to a crescendo at the apex of the reign of the beast who is still to come. And when it does, All these events will become physical, proving once again that in God all things go in pairs by opposites.
The first angel blew his trumpet and as soon as the mysterious notes sounded, hail and fire, mixed with blood, were dropped on the earth; a third of the earth was burned up, and a third of all trees, and every blade of grass was burnt. See Rev. 8:7
In reading these visions, remember that two fulfillments are always involved. One is spiritual, the other is literal. As these trumpets sound, spiritual warfare, catastrophe and violence sweep the earth, taking away the peace from a third of its people. At the very end, John's spiritual visions will invert and become physical -- providing a literal reality to his words. This is true of all the visions listed in the Book of Revelation's pages. In most cases, only the spiritual parts of these visions are explored. Their final physical realites are self-explanatory.
The second angel blew his trumpet, and it was as though a great mountain, all on fire, had been dropped into the sea; a third of the sea turned into blood, a third of all the living things in the sea were killed, and a third of the all ships were destroyed. See Rev. 8:8
The sea is the people. It is also the universe -- the lower waters. The mountain of fire is rage and the hatred which drives it.
The third angel blew his trumpet, and a huge star fell from the sky, burning like a ball of fire, and it fell on a third of all rivers and springs. This was the star called Wormwood, and a third of all water on earth turned bitter with wormwood, so that a great many people died from drinking it. See Rev. 8:10
Out of the rage come philosophies of anger which seduce the mind and hypnotise the wicked into committing terrible sins. We have witnessed this in the teachings of Marx, Trotsky and Lenin and the raving philosophies of human extermination that flowed from the writings of Adolph Hitler. More of this antichrist wormwood is now stirring up a great violence in the Middle East.
Jesus told His disciples, "I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning." (Luke 10:18). The draconic source of the world's wormwood is made clear in this passage.
The fourth angel blew his trumpet, and a third of the sun and a third of the moon and a third of the stars were struck, so that the light went out of a third of them and for a third of the day there was no illumination. The same was true of the night.
The Gospel will be banned. The Bible will be declared outlaw and burned. The churches of Christ will be expelled and the borders of the dragon's lands, a third of the earth, will be sealed to prevent the message of Christ's salvation from coming in.
John heared the sound of an eagle calling aloud as it flew high over his head, 'Trouble, trouble, trouble, for all the people on earth at the sound of the other three trumpets which the three angels are going to blow." See Rev. 8:12
When the fifth angel blew his trumpet, the first of the three great troubles heralded by this eagle came to pass.
John, in his vision, saw a star that had fallen from heaven on to the earth, and this fallen star was given the key to the shaft leading down to the Abyss. When he unlocked the shaft of the Abyss, smoke poured up out of the Abyss like the smoke from a massive furnace so that the sun and the sky were darkened by it. Out of the smoke dropped locusts which were given the powers that scorpions have on earth: they were forbidden to harm any fields or crops or trees and told only to attack the wicked -- those who were without God's seal on their foreheads. See Rev. 9:1
Here is a reference to the mark of God and baptism in Christ. Anyone who has been baptized will be made immune to the troubles that flow from the trumpet of the fifth angel. This is a key argument in favor of infant baptism. The infants in Egypt whose houses had been washed in the blood of the paschal lamb were spared the ravages of the Avenger at the time of the Exodus. For more on this, refer to Chapter 13 of the 'Clock of God'. This vision in John's sequence initiates the 'three great troubles' which terminate the final moments of the millennium and which precede the arrival of the day of Armageddon.
The locusts which descend on the earth from the smoke pouring out of the Abyss had as their emperor, the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is 'Abaddon', or 'Apollyon' (the destroyer) in Greek. That was the first of the troubles; there are still two more to come. We will see further on that when the shaft leading to this Abyss is unlocked, accompanying all this smoke will be the re-emergence of the dragon who Christ had kept locked there throughout the millennium. Freed, he will come up in fury and mobilize all the nations for war.
When the sixth angel blows his trumpet, the second trouble will begin to occur. John heard a voice come out of the four horns of the golden altar in front of God. It spoke to the sixth angel with the trumpet, and said, 'Release the four angels that are chained up at the great river Euphrates'. These four angels had been put there for this specific moment in time, and now they are to be released to destroy a third of the human race. John was told that this army measured twice ten thousand times ten thousand mounted men. This is the fourth Persian empire, the beast with iron teeth that Daniel spoke about, and it will hurl at the West a huge force. See Rev. 9:13
As this massive army began to build, seven thunderclaps were heard to speak, (see Rev. 10:4) but the angel forbid John from revealing their words. These thunderclaps are words of prophesy, but they are reserved for the final age, and so their messages cannot be revealed until their own time has come. The words that these thunderclaps have been instructed to blare out are already beginning to sound and be heard -- but they are muffled by distance, so few are paying attention. It is certain that one of these thunderclaps was Lucia de los Santos of Fatima whose three prophecies pointing to the imminence of the end times captivated the entire Christian world for several decades, but faded quickly from sight at the very heighth of its fulfillment, blanketed by the elders and disinterest.
Please remember this is how I perceive things when doing my blogs. Just my humble opinion and I have a right to that despite my religious faith is Jesus. I don’t have a denomination as they divide people. Please stop putting me on a pedestal that I must adhere to if I choose not to hide my faith. NO WHERE does it say you have to be free of sin to do what I do. I became Ordained ONLY to further and support my studies. I am not nor will be in any leadership like my father Rev. Auld. I have a past with mistakes. So? Last time I checked Christ didn’t die on the cross of Calvary in vain.
Thank you again for reading my wee little blogs and the kind comments. Feel free to comment and discuss. You can disagree, it’s fine. I wont however, tolerate any type of bullying. Debating in a civil manner is just fine.I also take prayer requests that my fellow friend and Pastor prays over daily. If you are in need of help or have any questions that is ok too.
I also do Skype meetings for people who would like me to explain the possible dangers Demon/Ghost Hunting to they’re teams. No charge of course, but if anyone would like that service please let me know and we’ll set up a time that works for you. Just give me 2 days notice.
Have a fabulous week and get ready for next Sunday as I go over each signs of the Plague as presented in the Bible. Red Rivers, Locus etc.......Until then have a fabulous we my friends.
Wrtitten by Jennifer L. Auld
Associated with this wrath, seven angels appeared before John with seven trumpets. One by one, each angel sounded his trumpet. And as each trumpet sounded, it brought the plagues of the anger of God and the Lamb. Spiritually, this wrath of God began long ago and has continued up to the present day. It is still continuing and will rise to a crescendo at the apex of the reign of the beast who is still to come. And when it does, All these events will become physical, proving once again that in God all things go in pairs by opposites.
The first angel blew his trumpet and as soon as the mysterious notes sounded, hail and fire, mixed with blood, were dropped on the earth; a third of the earth was burned up, and a third of all trees, and every blade of grass was burnt. See Rev. 8:7
In reading these visions, remember that two fulfillments are always involved. One is spiritual, the other is literal. As these trumpets sound, spiritual warfare, catastrophe and violence sweep the earth, taking away the peace from a third of its people. At the very end, John's spiritual visions will invert and become physical -- providing a literal reality to his words. This is true of all the visions listed in the Book of Revelation's pages. In most cases, only the spiritual parts of these visions are explored. Their final physical realites are self-explanatory.
The second angel blew his trumpet, and it was as though a great mountain, all on fire, had been dropped into the sea; a third of the sea turned into blood, a third of all the living things in the sea were killed, and a third of the all ships were destroyed. See Rev. 8:8
The sea is the people. It is also the universe -- the lower waters. The mountain of fire is rage and the hatred which drives it.
The third angel blew his trumpet, and a huge star fell from the sky, burning like a ball of fire, and it fell on a third of all rivers and springs. This was the star called Wormwood, and a third of all water on earth turned bitter with wormwood, so that a great many people died from drinking it. See Rev. 8:10
Out of the rage come philosophies of anger which seduce the mind and hypnotise the wicked into committing terrible sins. We have witnessed this in the teachings of Marx, Trotsky and Lenin and the raving philosophies of human extermination that flowed from the writings of Adolph Hitler. More of this antichrist wormwood is now stirring up a great violence in the Middle East.
Jesus told His disciples, "I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning." (Luke 10:18). The draconic source of the world's wormwood is made clear in this passage.
The fourth angel blew his trumpet, and a third of the sun and a third of the moon and a third of the stars were struck, so that the light went out of a third of them and for a third of the day there was no illumination. The same was true of the night.
The Gospel will be banned. The Bible will be declared outlaw and burned. The churches of Christ will be expelled and the borders of the dragon's lands, a third of the earth, will be sealed to prevent the message of Christ's salvation from coming in.
John heared the sound of an eagle calling aloud as it flew high over his head, 'Trouble, trouble, trouble, for all the people on earth at the sound of the other three trumpets which the three angels are going to blow." See Rev. 8:12
When the fifth angel blew his trumpet, the first of the three great troubles heralded by this eagle came to pass.
John, in his vision, saw a star that had fallen from heaven on to the earth, and this fallen star was given the key to the shaft leading down to the Abyss. When he unlocked the shaft of the Abyss, smoke poured up out of the Abyss like the smoke from a massive furnace so that the sun and the sky were darkened by it. Out of the smoke dropped locusts which were given the powers that scorpions have on earth: they were forbidden to harm any fields or crops or trees and told only to attack the wicked -- those who were without God's seal on their foreheads. See Rev. 9:1
Here is a reference to the mark of God and baptism in Christ. Anyone who has been baptized will be made immune to the troubles that flow from the trumpet of the fifth angel. This is a key argument in favor of infant baptism. The infants in Egypt whose houses had been washed in the blood of the paschal lamb were spared the ravages of the Avenger at the time of the Exodus. For more on this, refer to Chapter 13 of the 'Clock of God'. This vision in John's sequence initiates the 'three great troubles' which terminate the final moments of the millennium and which precede the arrival of the day of Armageddon.
The locusts which descend on the earth from the smoke pouring out of the Abyss had as their emperor, the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is 'Abaddon', or 'Apollyon' (the destroyer) in Greek. That was the first of the troubles; there are still two more to come. We will see further on that when the shaft leading to this Abyss is unlocked, accompanying all this smoke will be the re-emergence of the dragon who Christ had kept locked there throughout the millennium. Freed, he will come up in fury and mobilize all the nations for war.
When the sixth angel blows his trumpet, the second trouble will begin to occur. John heard a voice come out of the four horns of the golden altar in front of God. It spoke to the sixth angel with the trumpet, and said, 'Release the four angels that are chained up at the great river Euphrates'. These four angels had been put there for this specific moment in time, and now they are to be released to destroy a third of the human race. John was told that this army measured twice ten thousand times ten thousand mounted men. This is the fourth Persian empire, the beast with iron teeth that Daniel spoke about, and it will hurl at the West a huge force. See Rev. 9:13
As this massive army began to build, seven thunderclaps were heard to speak, (see Rev. 10:4) but the angel forbid John from revealing their words. These thunderclaps are words of prophesy, but they are reserved for the final age, and so their messages cannot be revealed until their own time has come. The words that these thunderclaps have been instructed to blare out are already beginning to sound and be heard -- but they are muffled by distance, so few are paying attention. It is certain that one of these thunderclaps was Lucia de los Santos of Fatima whose three prophecies pointing to the imminence of the end times captivated the entire Christian world for several decades, but faded quickly from sight at the very heighth of its fulfillment, blanketed by the elders and disinterest.
Please remember this is how I perceive things when doing my blogs. Just my humble opinion and I have a right to that despite my religious faith is Jesus. I don’t have a denomination as they divide people. Please stop putting me on a pedestal that I must adhere to if I choose not to hide my faith. NO WHERE does it say you have to be free of sin to do what I do. I became Ordained ONLY to further and support my studies. I am not nor will be in any leadership like my father Rev. Auld. I have a past with mistakes. So? Last time I checked Christ didn’t die on the cross of Calvary in vain.
Thank you again for reading my wee little blogs and the kind comments. Feel free to comment and discuss. You can disagree, it’s fine. I wont however, tolerate any type of bullying. Debating in a civil manner is just fine.I also take prayer requests that my fellow friend and Pastor prays over daily. If you are in need of help or have any questions that is ok too.
I also do Skype meetings for people who would like me to explain the possible dangers Demon/Ghost Hunting to they’re teams. No charge of course, but if anyone would like that service please let me know and we’ll set up a time that works for you. Just give me 2 days notice.
Have a fabulous week and get ready for next Sunday as I go over each signs of the Plague as presented in the Bible. Red Rivers, Locus etc.......Until then have a fabulous we my friends.
Wrtitten by Jennifer L. Auld
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Haunted Collector Becomes the Humiliated Collector – Parts 1 & 2
By Kirby Robinson
Sometimes you have to
write about people you don’t wish to write about. This is one of those blogs,
but unless you hold onto your morals about reporting any deception, sleight of
hand, or lie whether large or small, you lose your grip.
I really like some
people so I will turn my back on their deception. That was a little lie so that
gets a pass. I like that show so what if they faked a case? It was great to
watch! All these things are easy for some to let slide. What happens can be
seen in the show Paranormal State and with the team PRS. They
might have been on solid moral grounds in the beginning.
Lorraine Warren is a
fake but we’ll let it slide.
Faked evidence that’s
okay, let it slide.
Andrew Calder was
never an Episcopal priest we know that but that’s cool let it slide.
In the end, we faked
everything and that’s cool.
I was sick to learn
that Chip Coffey was asked to appear on John Zaffis’ showHaunted Collector.
This is a show I had no real issues with but that one simple event raises way
too many red flags due to the fact that Mr. Coffey has been associated with
three fake programs, namely Paranormal State, Psychic Kids:
Children of the Paranormal and Celebrity Ghost Hunt.
So if you have a
quality show why do you need to bring in a person that has a cloud over their
credibility? There are many better know psychics in and out of the paranormal
field that are more well known and have more followers.
- Did Chip Coffey beg
to be on the show? Let’s not forget that Chip’s suffered two recent failures on
getting his own TV show. 1] Celebrity Ghost Hunt tanked. 2]
Chip couldn’t raise the $17,000 for Haunted Ghost Tours Investigated.
For Chip, not being seen on TV means he’s out of people’s minds.
- Was it to help in
the show’s ratings? That’s doubtful.
- Or is there
something going on that the public doesn’t know about?
You can connect Chip
and John to three events that make some go say what?
1 The Haunting
in Connecticut case which has been very controversial from the
beginning. Additionally, Loraine Warren played a role it.
2 Both had an
association with Bob Hunnicutt.
Along with everyone on
the list they have never responded to this situation, leaving important
question unanswered.
3 Andrew Calder was
never an Episcopal priest, as we have proven in our most recent book.
Unfortunately, Calder helped keep his lies going for years.
Chip’s appearance
lasted for barely one minute! Was it worth the loss of integrity the show once
had? Now we have to question each and every action taken on the show. What
happens if we start to uncover other deceptions [which we did]? And finally,
how long have they been deceiving the viewers?
This episode is one
hour long featuring 2 cases. We’ll cover both of them.
Whatsoever Community
Center is located in Kansas City, MO. Here is a link to their site:
Also, go to Google and
type in: ghosts at whatsoever community center Kansas City mo.
You’ll notice that
many paranormal groups have been at the center doing investigations. The
viewers aren’t given this information. Why not?
The viewer is told by
director Charlie Gascich that they need help ASAP. Children are refusing to
enter the building. So John Zaffis and his team rushes to the scene.
Note it appears that
John’s daughter, Aime’e appears to float from being bored to being mad
throughout the interview. Did they expect demons to be after the kids?
Here’s what we get:
- Two young girls in
white dresses standing on a stairway. Can we say The Shining?
- Punching bags
swinging back and forth.
- Ring timer going
- A woman by the name of
Shani Castle claims that she felt something pass through her.
None of the above
sound terribly freighting like the place is turning into hell house or
Amityville Horror. We can lay to rest the above claims by using logic.
1 Have any of the kids
recently seen The Shining or any other ghost films?
2 Punching bags can
easily be moved. During the walkthrough the bags are moving.
3 The timer has an
On/Off switch that can be easily reached and turned on.
4 Can this claim be
proven? A little Googling and we see that Ms. Castle has friends and relatives
that work at Whatsoever.
An even handier tool
of investigation is to call the Whatsoever Community Center. You’ll find the
number on the website.
1 The Center likes to
get exposure via these paranormal claims.
2 Most of the staff
laughs off the paranormal claims altogether.
3 They make money from
time to time due to these claims.
If Zaffis and team had
done this simple investigation, they could have saved time and money. But maybe
the producers forced this case on them. Who knows?
The first night of
investigation produces nothing more than tricks worn out by every other fake
paranormal programs from Ghost Hunters to Paranormal
1 They set up ghost
hunting devices that haven’t been proven to detect ghosts.
2 Doors slam shut. We
never see them slam shut-- we hear something and see the aftermath.
3 An EVP session takes
place and they claim it says yes [not until they prime the viewer to hear yes].
4 Ring timers go off?
Do we see it go off? No, only the aftermath.
5 The ghost
surveillance camera goes off repeatedly do our trusty investigators rush up? No
they slowly walk up and by gosh, the last photo we see has something.
The next day we learn
that they have investigated the boxing world of Kansas City and found one
strange death.
Being a fan of boxing,
I know about the history of boxing in Kansas City. At one point it was very
popular in the area as it was a sport that the poor could take a shot at
getting rich fast. Back in the 20s and 30s and even up to the 60s it was much
different from the sport you see today. Training for many was shoddy. Matches
went well past the 12 rounds you see today--some went as long as two men could
keep fighting. It was a winner takes all, no splitting the purse. Claims about
the mob being in it are true.
Deaths back then, and
even today, outside of the ring from brain injuries were and are common. There
is nothing strange about Tex’s death. What is strange is that they think the
viewer is going to buy that there was only one death!
On Wednesday, we put
this case to rest and have to deal with some bitter Coffey.
But we feel we must
share this Waylon Jennings song with Chip and John.
So after some wild
story about fixed boxing matches the team returns to night 2 of the hunt.
It contains nothing
more than the first night claims of something moving through someone. Or
punching bags swaying. We never see it start only the aftermath of someone
pushing it. Lastly, dust is being blown from under the ring. Air pump maybe?
They find some smelling salts and a bottle of Phenobarbital.
Talking to someone
from the boxing club at Whatsoever Community Center, the mat and flooring for
the ring had been changed more than once over the years. If anything had been
tucked under there it would had been found so we have to ask who put it there?
They take the items to
an antique dealer who knows what smelling salts are and has a slight
understanding of the drug but only understands the most basic facts about the
drug. What’s not reveal is that some used it as a recreational drug.
The final client
meeting is standard fare. Aimee, John’s daughter, stands arms folded, pulling
away from both men.
Read more about paranormal
fakery in this book: Never Mock God: An Unauthorized Investigation into Paranormal State's "I Am Six" Case
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Thursday, September 26, 2013
Benefits of Thinking with a Biblical Worldview
By Reverend Mark Hunnemann
Hello, and I hope and pray you are well. It has taken forty years of studying and thinking about worldviews to assemble the seven components of a worldview. I am especially indebted to James Sire and his "The Universe Next Door" for starting me on my voyage many years ago. The only truly unique or creative addition that I have added to this list is the question relating to what our purpose in life is (nobody else had included it in their list). At a personal, visceral level, as well as surveying the landscape of intellectual history, these seven questions cover the heart and soul of human existence.
Just a quick reminder as to why we are doing this series--my passion is to see(and equip others to see)the current paranormal craze through God's eyes. In doing so, we will get to the real reality behind what is happening and why.
Which brings me to our topic: what are the benefits of thinking with a biblical worldview? Before I answer, let me list the seven essential questions that are crucial to anyone's worldview:
1. What is God like (or Ultimate Reality)?
2. What is our purpose in life?
3. What is the nature of reality?
4. How do we know what is right and wrong?
5. What does it mean to be a human being?
6. Is history going anywhere?
7. What happens when we die?
Except for # 1, it makes no difference what order they are placed, in my opinion. What God is like is antecedent to all other knowledge.Whether Ultimate Reality is the Infinite/Personal God of the bible or merely matter/energy, is going to radically effect the answers to all of the other above questions. Make sense? That is why in discussions with others we need to camp on this issue first.Look at the list and see what I am talking about.
"Metaphysics is correlative with epistemology." Huh?! That is, what God is like will determine how we acquire knowledge of Him...or "it". For Christians, God communicates Person to person with us--beautiful beyond words! If Ultimate Reality is viewed as energy/matter, then obviously how we attain knowledge of "it" will differ radically from the biblical view. This is not abstruse theory ya'll, this is where millions live moment by moment.And, I might add, it is one reason the paranormal has become so hot.
Let us see how our worldviews can be a tool of analysis in four ways: self-analysis, analysis of other individuals, cultural analysis, and academic analysis. We will look at self analysis this time, and then focus on analyzing the paranormal community (cultural analysis)next time. We personally have to have clear vision before we can accurately "see" the mental landscape of others.
Certainly one of the most important benefits of thinking with a biblical worldview is self-analysis."To become conscious of your grasp of the fundamental nature of reality, to be able to tell yourself just what you believe about God, the universe, yourself and the world around you--what else could be more important? You would be able to live the proverbial examined life." (Naming the Elephant, pg 138..James Sire)It was Socrates who said that "the unexamined life was not worth living."
Put simply, the goal of thinking with a biblical worldview is to align as closely as possible your views/beliefs with what the bible teaches regarding these seven questions (I spend considerable time in my book in answering each question biblically). Is it not wonderful that we can have certitude regarding the most basic questions that have plagued, baffled and eluded the greatest minds throughout the history of mankind?! Here is where I am (for once!) showing restraint and not rambling on about how incredibly important self-analysis is.I would only add that clearing up distortions in our worldviews is of utmost importance.
A depth analysis of paranormal reality starts with a depth analysis of ensure that our perceptual and evaluative vision is clear.
There is a new show "Ghost Mine". There is paranormal activity galore in this mine which is attributed a massacre of Chinese miners in the past. Evidently, the Chinese believed that if a person dies and their body was not buried in their home country, then their soul will roam restlessly for eternity.I only mention this in anticipation of next time when we look more closely at the paranormal community with a biblical worldview...
Hello, and I hope and pray you are well. It has taken forty years of studying and thinking about worldviews to assemble the seven components of a worldview. I am especially indebted to James Sire and his "The Universe Next Door" for starting me on my voyage many years ago. The only truly unique or creative addition that I have added to this list is the question relating to what our purpose in life is (nobody else had included it in their list). At a personal, visceral level, as well as surveying the landscape of intellectual history, these seven questions cover the heart and soul of human existence.
Just a quick reminder as to why we are doing this series--my passion is to see(and equip others to see)the current paranormal craze through God's eyes. In doing so, we will get to the real reality behind what is happening and why.
Which brings me to our topic: what are the benefits of thinking with a biblical worldview? Before I answer, let me list the seven essential questions that are crucial to anyone's worldview:
1. What is God like (or Ultimate Reality)?
2. What is our purpose in life?
3. What is the nature of reality?
4. How do we know what is right and wrong?
5. What does it mean to be a human being?
6. Is history going anywhere?
7. What happens when we die?
Except for # 1, it makes no difference what order they are placed, in my opinion. What God is like is antecedent to all other knowledge.Whether Ultimate Reality is the Infinite/Personal God of the bible or merely matter/energy, is going to radically effect the answers to all of the other above questions. Make sense? That is why in discussions with others we need to camp on this issue first.Look at the list and see what I am talking about.
"Metaphysics is correlative with epistemology." Huh?! That is, what God is like will determine how we acquire knowledge of Him...or "it". For Christians, God communicates Person to person with us--beautiful beyond words! If Ultimate Reality is viewed as energy/matter, then obviously how we attain knowledge of "it" will differ radically from the biblical view. This is not abstruse theory ya'll, this is where millions live moment by moment.And, I might add, it is one reason the paranormal has become so hot.
Let us see how our worldviews can be a tool of analysis in four ways: self-analysis, analysis of other individuals, cultural analysis, and academic analysis. We will look at self analysis this time, and then focus on analyzing the paranormal community (cultural analysis)next time. We personally have to have clear vision before we can accurately "see" the mental landscape of others.
Certainly one of the most important benefits of thinking with a biblical worldview is self-analysis."To become conscious of your grasp of the fundamental nature of reality, to be able to tell yourself just what you believe about God, the universe, yourself and the world around you--what else could be more important? You would be able to live the proverbial examined life." (Naming the Elephant, pg 138..James Sire)It was Socrates who said that "the unexamined life was not worth living."
Put simply, the goal of thinking with a biblical worldview is to align as closely as possible your views/beliefs with what the bible teaches regarding these seven questions (I spend considerable time in my book in answering each question biblically). Is it not wonderful that we can have certitude regarding the most basic questions that have plagued, baffled and eluded the greatest minds throughout the history of mankind?! Here is where I am (for once!) showing restraint and not rambling on about how incredibly important self-analysis is.I would only add that clearing up distortions in our worldviews is of utmost importance.
A depth analysis of paranormal reality starts with a depth analysis of ensure that our perceptual and evaluative vision is clear.
There is a new show "Ghost Mine". There is paranormal activity galore in this mine which is attributed a massacre of Chinese miners in the past. Evidently, the Chinese believed that if a person dies and their body was not buried in their home country, then their soul will roam restlessly for eternity.I only mention this in anticipation of next time when we look more closely at the paranormal community with a biblical worldview...
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Issue 135 – Demonic Cancer, Fake Hauntings, Fake Murder Bordello, Fake Author Reviews & More!
By Kirby Robinson
UPDATE! Due to technical difficulties, the radio show will be airing this Monday, September 30.
The show will be called AN EYE ON FAKE HAUNTINGS [7 PST/ 10 EST]
Sorry I've been away for a few weeks with my caseload,
and trying to get a book out. Sometimes, something has to give. However, we
sure have some bad bad things to share with you.
Breaking News!
After running a story in the September 23 blog about
deceptive practices in the field of indie publishing, we
heard from one of the authors listed here:
This author contacted me via Facebook email and
absolutely denied any wrongdoing.
Who Gave Ryan Buell Cancer?
Ryan Buell's incessant need for shameless self-promotion, and milking his unfortunate cult followers for money, now claims that demons could
have given him cancer.
There are a couple of issues with what he says. 1. There
is no proof that he ever ran into a demon. Should he have run into any, Ryan
has no demonology training other than consulting with the infamous Lorraine Warren.
And Ms. Warren has proven repeatedly that she'll fake any type of haunting or
demonic activity for profit. 2. It might not have been demons. Even after
bowing out of his show in 2011, Mr. Buell continued to mock God. God might have
removed His protection and allowed the illness to enter his body. For God won't
be mocked by anyone, surely not a fake ghost hunter or a fake demon chaser. In
the book Never Mock God: An Unauthorized
Investigation into Paranormal State's 'I Am Six' Case, we've shown how Mr.
Buell mocked God throughout the run of his show.
Aron Houdini & the Klinge Brothers Might Not Be Kissing Cousins but
They're Close
Apparently, the false murder bordello is going to open
in October. Sadly, the owners have chosen to turn their backs on the truth and embrace
the lies.
Billed as the last living Houdini, Aron Houdini occasionally
shows up on some radio shows. He falsely claims that he's all about truth and
honesty yet works alongside such fakes as the Klinge Brothers.
Looks like Aron wants a BAD BAD THING award.
The Galena Murder Bordello DVD – What a Ripoff!
Yes, it's that bad.
1 The DVD won't play in your DVD player. If you're
using an older laptop you're out of luck as it won't play on that, either. This
DVD will only play on newer laptops and PC's.
2 Nowhere on the cover is the consumer warned of this.
3 The cover states a running time of 54 minutes. When
you load it into the laptop you see that you're in for a running time of 1 hour
28 minutes.
4 In a future book, we'll break everything down scene
by scene. Be warned that the production elements seen in this DVD are amateurish
at best and subpar overall.
If you want to throw away $16 [$10 for the DVD plus $6
for shipping and handling] that's entirely your decision to make.
Crazy people doing crazy things when it comes to demons!
A former exchange student in Boynton Beach, Florida attacks
senior citizen, claiming he's protecting her from demons. Full story:
It's no holiday in this Florida suburb! In Holiday, a
boyfriend tries to beat the demons out of his girlfriend.
Next week: more wacky paranormal news.
The EYE ON THE PARANORMAL wants you as a blogger!
Want to join the best team of paranormal reporters? Do
you want your blog to get hits and comments? If so, you can blog for us. Please
Keep current and follow us on Twitter:!/eyeonparanormal
EXTRA MONEY! If you have a website, forum or blog you can set up an Amazon
Associates Affiliate Program link and sell the Kindle version of our books. "Is the Long Island Medium the Real
Deal?" [Now in Paperback!], "Never Mock God: An Unauthorized Investigation into
Paranormal State's 'I Am Six' Case" [also in paperback!], "Investigating
Paranormal State," "Paranormal State Exposed" and "Paranormal
Teachings: The Best of Shedding Some Light" and earn money. You can also
sell other books and products that Amazon offers. Here's the link:
Monday, September 23, 2013
Dalai Lama Speaks to Youth on Compassion & Love in Germany
DHARAMSHALA, September 21: Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama, currently in the last leg of his ten - day Europe tour said that Children of twenty-first century should resolve conflicts and problems through dialogue instead of resorting to violence.
In Hanover, Germany, the Dalai Lama met with school students, spoke to the press and gave public talks on ‘Young People’s Contribution to a Peaceful World’ and ‘Ethics for the Young Generation and Strength through Compassion and Solidarity’.
His Holiness visited Wunstorf, a small town of 40,000 people and met with the Mayor of Wunstorf, Rolf Axel Eberhardt and his wife on Thursday. He then travelled to nearby Steinhude on the southern shore of Lake Steinhude, where he was the guest of the local school meeting in a large marquee.
“You need education, but you also need a vision for the future,” said the 78 year Nobel Laureate. “It (education) should also involve instructions about our minds and emotions. The world has become smaller and what happens in one place has repercussions in another. Among the 7 billion human beings alive today we have many problems, including violence and war, which are man-made problems.”
His Holiness also shared his childhood life and his relation with his parents. His Holiness also noted the importance of learning ethics or moral values in education courses.
Later in the day, His Holiness then gave a public talk to over 4000 people at Badainsel Steinhude, where the Tibetan leader said that love and compassion are important for human beings to live together.
“Some people consider the practice of love and compassion is only related to religious practice and if they are not interested in religion they neglect these inner values. But love and compassion are qualities that human beings require just to live together.”
His Holiness then explained that one need to have tolerance and patience to protect the sense of compassion.
“Sometimes people take these qualities to be signs of weakness. But they’re not, he said. “Anger is a sign of weakness. Genuine compassion and self-confidence are based on deep inner strength, which is expressed through tolerance and forgiveness.”
His Holiness then visited the Vietnamese Vien Giac Monastery. He said that the teaching of the Buddha, whether in the west or east, remains the same although the cultural trappings may change. "But it is the teaching we should pay attention to rather than the culture," he said in his answer to a question by one of the Vietnamese devotees.
He then proceeded to the Hanover Airport from where he flew back to India.
Original article with photos:
In Hanover, Germany, the Dalai Lama met with school students, spoke to the press and gave public talks on ‘Young People’s Contribution to a Peaceful World’ and ‘Ethics for the Young Generation and Strength through Compassion and Solidarity’.
His Holiness visited Wunstorf, a small town of 40,000 people and met with the Mayor of Wunstorf, Rolf Axel Eberhardt and his wife on Thursday. He then travelled to nearby Steinhude on the southern shore of Lake Steinhude, where he was the guest of the local school meeting in a large marquee.
“You need education, but you also need a vision for the future,” said the 78 year Nobel Laureate. “It (education) should also involve instructions about our minds and emotions. The world has become smaller and what happens in one place has repercussions in another. Among the 7 billion human beings alive today we have many problems, including violence and war, which are man-made problems.”
His Holiness also shared his childhood life and his relation with his parents. His Holiness also noted the importance of learning ethics or moral values in education courses.
Later in the day, His Holiness then gave a public talk to over 4000 people at Badainsel Steinhude, where the Tibetan leader said that love and compassion are important for human beings to live together.
“Some people consider the practice of love and compassion is only related to religious practice and if they are not interested in religion they neglect these inner values. But love and compassion are qualities that human beings require just to live together.”
His Holiness then explained that one need to have tolerance and patience to protect the sense of compassion.
“Sometimes people take these qualities to be signs of weakness. But they’re not, he said. “Anger is a sign of weakness. Genuine compassion and self-confidence are based on deep inner strength, which is expressed through tolerance and forgiveness.”
His Holiness then visited the Vietnamese Vien Giac Monastery. He said that the teaching of the Buddha, whether in the west or east, remains the same although the cultural trappings may change. "But it is the teaching we should pay attention to rather than the culture," he said in his answer to a question by one of the Vietnamese devotees.
He then proceeded to the Hanover Airport from where he flew back to India.
Original article with photos:
Opening a Can of Worms on "The Conjuring" -- Wednesday, September 25, 2013
By Kirby Robinson
Deception and unethical practices aren't limited to
the paranormal field but can be found within the world of independently
published authors on Amazon and other websites. Indie authors want you to think
that their books are better than those of long established authors with careers
that span decades and include Pulitzer Prizes. They amaze readers with claims
of dozens if not hundreds of highly ranked reviews while gathering hardly any
one-star reviews. How is this done? The fakery involved will leave you
scratching your head.
This isn't to say that there aren't legitimate success
stories within the indie publishing ranks -- there are. But for every real
success story there are turning out to be multiple suspect success stories that
can be traced back to fake reviews and distorted sales figures.
Read more about it here:
The case behind The
Conjuring. Not since The Exorcist
has a horror film that had any ties to a real case [outside of maybe the Texas Chainsaw Massacre] captured the
attention of America. The Perron family moved into an historic home in rural
Rhode Island, enduring 10 years of haunting by dark spirits. Ed and Lorraine
Warren once again play a part in it.
Over the course of our 2 hours together, we’ll study
as much information as we can. This is information that the supporters of these
hoaxes DON’T want you to know.
Showtime begins at 7 PM [PST] or 10 PM [EST]. See this page for more information:
Here’s the previous show: Adios, Ghosts! The Myth-Busting Continues…
EARN EXTRA MONEY! If you have a website,
forum or blog you can set up an Amazon Associates Affiliate Program link and
sell the Kindle version of our
books. "Is the Long Island Medium the Real Deal?" [Now in paperback],
"Never Mock
God: An Unauthorized Investigation into Paranormal State's 'I Am Six' Case"
[also in paperback!], "Investigating Paranormal State," "Paranormal
State Exposed" and "Paranormal Teachings: The Best of Shedding Some
Light" and earn money. You can also sell other books and products that
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