
Saturday, March 22, 2014

EVP's and ITC Devices. Dangerous....

Hello my para beauties. I hope you enjoyed your weekend and everyone you love is healthy. It's nice to have Spring/Summer upon us. The weather in many places this winter was brutal. I pray everyone is safe and didn't suffer badly. I'm loving the time change. I can never adjust to it being dark at 6 pm. I hate it. Lol. It completely throws me off as well as others who hate it. Grrrr.

I know back in September 2013 I wrote about EVP's and I feel the need to discuss this again along with ITC (Instrumental Trans Communication) devices. Kids between the ages of 9 and up are asking for recorders and ghost boxes to do their own EVP's and investigations. I know of 6 children here all under 13 were given digital recorders, ghost boxes, Ovilus etc...I can't imagine why anyone would allow a precious child risk the many dangers. That is too young for them to fathom and understand the risks. I know these parents truly feel there is no harm. I'm certainly fully aware it is a innocent act.

It's just my humble opinion on the subject of EVP's and ITC devices. I've witnessed many good people suffer the consequences from a unhealthy obsession wanting " to just see what is around". I pray before each one I have to do for a case or investigation however, that is the only time I resort to EVP's. I'm aware this subject has been discussed and many feel they are harmless. Maybe these cases I speak of just had bad luck but it's no different than attempting communication via ouija board or automatic writing. Just because you left a location with nothing going wrong doesn't mean all is well. Demons are very patient and very dangerous once you have their attention. This is pure evil, why would anyone risk this? I had a case where said person was constantly doing these. She lost her friends and some family as she only seemed to care about was doing EVP's. At that point she could not bathe. She refused further help. Family and friends no longer can even reach her. She disconnected her phone and uses only a PO Box. 

My point is use these things with caution if you must use them. 

Written By Jennifer L Auld