
Saturday, May 5, 2012

Saturday Guest Blog

We want to share some great blog sites we've found while surfing the web searching for news to bring to our readers. But first, some news and some laughs


After a long absence from the ongoing battle to expose lies and deceptions within the paranormal community, Ron Tebo has returned to the fight. Welcome back Ron from me and the staff of the Eye on the Paranormal.


We all need a good laugh, so here's a great video that will help you blow off some steam. It's called "Ghost People Song Dead People Song." Thanks to Steve Hembree for bringing it to our attention.

Finally, here is our guest blog.

Cults have taken over the new age and some would suggest they now have a stranglehold on the church. But now they now are moving into the paranormal:

New Age Gurus, Cults and Fundamentalism