
Friday, January 13, 2012

The Paranormal Christian - Apologies To The Readers

By Pastor Michael Frisbee, DD/DM

My apologies to the readers of this blog and to Kirby. This week I was overwhelmed with my expanded job duties, a number of cases I am consulting on, and starting my new college path - so I was unable to prepare a blog article this week. My intent was to post a brief regarding the Pleiadian conspiracy, and the demonic who are using this façade to deceive believers of the Pleiadians to undercut the Truth God presents in His Word.

This was to lead up to our show tomorrow evening on which we will be featuring Dr. Fred DeRuvo, author of Demons in Disguise and Nephilim Nightmare, books that expose the truth behind the Pleiadian Deception. I hope you will join us at and listen in at 7 PM EST on Saturday, January 14th.

However for this week, I will have to simply apologize to you and seek your forgiveness. I will pick things up next week, when I will do a piece on Freemasonry, another cult practice hiding behind good works and the semblance of Christian beliefs. When you dig deeper, and higher, you find the true “God” behind their organization and “religion”. Many would question how this relates to the “paranormal”. It’s simple – the truth behind Freemasonry is that of a demonic doctrine, contrived by a demonic host, and thus supernatural in origin. Supernatural and paranormal walk hand in hand.

I’m sure there will be many calling for my head and claiming blasphemy, I ask you to keep an open mind and read through my article next week, and I will point you to a number of resources to follow up your research and understanding of what I have presented you.

Until then, God bless each and every one of you, enjoy your weekend, and we will see you on the show tomorrow.