
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Issue 41 – Shaking the Fake Para-Celebrities Hornet's Nest - Part 2

Bishop James Long, the host of Sacred Dimensions, has asked me to join his show on a weekly basis. Each Sunday night I'll take part in a segment called SAY WHAT? It will be an offbeat yet informative look at all things paranormal. We'll cover breaking news in the paranormal field, 2012 prophecies, near death experiences, Hollywood's effect on how we see the spirit world, and a lot more. Most importantly, you can ask questions and get answers.

SAY WHAT? won't be a rehash of topics covered in the Eye on the Paranormal. You can choose what paranormal questions you have--just email the Bishop and I. My segment will begin airing on Sunday, September 11. The show runs from 8 to 10 PM EST.

"Paranormal Teachings: The Best of Shedding Some Light" Available September 7.

My follow up book to Paranormal Reality: Investigating Paranormal State is completed. It will be on Amazon [Kindle] and B&N [Nook] on September 7. Paranormal Teaching: The Best of Shedding Some Light contains almost 200 newly updated and re-edited blogs. You'll learn more about: demons and angels, demonology, exorcisms, ouija boards, the power of prayer and Paranormal 101. We've included bonus blogs from the Eye on The Paranormal including "Demon Exorcist" and the updated version of the Casey Anthony case.

This book is for paranormal investigators, readers and writers of paranormal fiction, and anyone with an interest in the metaphysical.


In the next few weeks we'll be releasing two of the most controversial issues to date. We can't share information at this time. Don't blink or turn away from the Eye on the Paranormal. You'll definitely want to be around when these are posted!

Send in the Clowns!

Remember Ol' Blue Eyes sang a song called Send in the Clowns? Well, looks like this week the paranormal world is being overrun by them…

ABC's "Beyond Belief" Blows Lid off "Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal"

For quite a while both SciFake and I have expressed concern with the now-canceled show Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal for being abusive towards the kids featured on it.

Watch the following ABC program Beyond Belief. The segment's entitled Psychic Detectives: Doing More Harm Than Good. The interviewer raised issues and put one of the "Psychic Kids" [former] stars on a very hot seat. Note former star's reaction when questioned too closely…

2 Reasons Not to Trust Reality TV

This week it seems that maybe karma is starting to turn on reality TV. Here are two events that shook the TV industry.

Russell Armstrong, the estranged husband of Taylor Armstrong, one of the wives featured on Bravo's hit series Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, took his own life after their separation. There are claims that the way he was perceived on the show caused his life to spin out of control. A few weeks before his suicide, Russell said: "This show has literally pushed us to the limit."

Joseph Roisman was featured on NBC's To Catch a Predator back in 2006. This is the show that uses internet decoys to lure men seeking sex with underage girls and guys who are actually young adult decoys. But in this case it seems that the decoy went a little too far. Every time she brought up the topic of sex, Joseph tried to steer away from the topic. While Joseph didn't exhibit strong rational thinking skills when he agreed to visit the decoy in person, the judge tossed out all charges claiming there was insufficient evidence and it was entrapment.  
Maybe this will teach Mr. Roisman not to hang out in chat rooms with underage girls.

What do these shows have to do with the paranormal? Any reality TV show, whether paranormal or not, might not be what you think you're seeing. The price is going to be high for those involved when they face their karma for being featured and producing such deceptions.

Chris Fleming on Warpath A/K/A Chris Fleming Attempts to be a Paranormal Heavyweight

Apparently, Chris Fleming has given himself a new title: Paranormal Heavyweight. It's now up to him to decide who can say what about fake para-celebs and fake para-reality shows. Due to the ABC expose, this has really pushed some of his buttons. Chris says anyone [including me] better watch our step or a big bad lawyer will come knocking on our doors! [I've heard that one before!]. Read Chris's logic …

1 Paranormal State was fake but his show was real -- even though the same production company was involved.

2 We weren't there. He was, so if he says it is so then it is so!

3 Chris denies that poor ratings and bad press killed the show.  

4 He is silent on the fact that whenever he and Mr. Coffey did their walkthroughs they were right 100% of time in every case. Logistically, no one is that good.

5 When asked about the "Demon House" episode he had no comments.

 Folks, this is what happens every time you question any of the so-called movers and shakers [in more than one way] within the paranormal field or the New Age movement:

1 People who are psychic just don't understand so we will tell you what is right.

2 If you're psychic you are above others because you're gifted and they aren't. [I discuss this Us vs. Them mentality and what it stems from in my forthcoming book].

3 They have access to secret knowledge that you don't.

These are primary along with a few others. The Bible warns of psychics and if you want to get them really shaking start focusing on these issues:

1 They claim to have a gift yet for you to get that gift you must pay.

2 Ask them about all those "entertaining" disclaimers.

3 Why not offer a money back guarantee if they're so good?

A CALL TO ACTION! If you have a website, forum or blog you can set up an Amazon Associates Affiliate Program link and sell the Kindle version of "Paranormal Reality: Investigating Paranormal State" and earn money. You can also sell other books and products that Amazon offers. Here's the Amazon Associates Affiliate Program link.