
Saturday, November 29, 2008

Eye on the Paranormal – Issue 12 ~ Taking a Blink!

Eye on the Paranormal

Welcome to the last issue of the Eye on the Paranormal for 2008. Are we going away, you ask? No, we’re simply taking a blink. Why, you might ask?

~1 We’ve pretty much discredited all of Paranormal State’s claims of being a genuine reality show. We’ve shown that every episode is full of distortion, deception, omission of the truth, and lies, which are directed at the viewing audience along with the individuals who’ve invited them to their homes.

~2 We’ve proven beyond on a reasonable person’s requirements for proof that every para-celebrity that has appeared on Paranormal State, either took part in or allowed these acts of distortion or deception to occur.

~3 Unlike the Paranormal Research Society and the numerous para-celebrities connected to them, the people connected to Eye on the Paranormal and Free All Spirits really do go out and help families and individuals that are suffering from demonic torment, suppression, and possession. We do engage in real confrontations with demons and not the staged and scripted ones that Paranormal State engages in.

~4 We have a mountain of information concerning season 3, but feel that it would be better to present that information when the season actually airs.


I’d like to ask all the readers of the Eye on the Paranormal that if they find this blog informative; please visit the following sites. These people are fighting the good fight in their own way.

Bishop James Long ~ I am the Presiding Archbishop for the United States Old Catholic Church. We are ALL inclusive and we reject any doctrine that teaches exclusivity. I am an Old Catholic Bishop and not Roman Catholic.

Who Forted ~ The online paranormal magazine. In time, we hope to see many, many different articles and features written by people from all over the paranormal scene. Hell, even people who aren't from the scene. Diversity, honesty, and obviously humor, are key elements to this concept.


“It was about time someone put a damper on Paranormal State they and others have made the research of the paranormal a game of TV ratings. Its sad to see that they will do about anything for ratings. I remember ten years ago when you went to investigate someone’s home their where no expectations. Now you go in and the first thing a lot of them say do you do all the things Ghost Hunters do? Its sad now the only reason people call us is to tell their family that ghosts hunters came to there home. And the word ghost hunters just gets right under my skin. I'm a paranormal investigator, and I don't go searching for ghosts as the words ghost hunters suggests. I myself no longer watch these so called paranormal shows(Ghost Adventures), that say nothing is fabricated. They are a virus to the paranormal world. And it takes only one to show that these shows are fabricated and not completely true. Thank you for being that person. If there's anything that I can do to help you in your quest of exposing the truth please let me know.” Anonymous paranormal group


The Eye on the Paranormal has uncovered more of Chip Coffey’s cheap tricks. Have you ever wondered why blogs, web sites, blog comments, and MySpace pages that criticize Chip Coffey or expose truths that he doesn’t want you to know, disappear almost as fast as they appear? Well, it’s been shared with us by an individual connected to the Roswell Ghost Tour [No made up stories!] that Mr. Coffey used Google Alerts quite effectively. Never heard of Google Alerts? It’s a little tool that Google offers for no charge and here is the link:

It’s intended to help fans monitor their favorite singers, shows, and sports teams. But Chippie has put it to use to track any negative comments directed at him or Ryan Buell, PRS, Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal, Paranormal State, etc. As soon as Chip receives his daily alerts he scans the web sites and he goes after those sites that aren’t adding to his para-celebrity status. He fires off emails to the web hosts threatening legal action if they aren’t removed ASAP.

On November 24 a Google alert connected to Chip Coffey came out featuring this web site:

The truth about the Paranormal Research Society!
By Michael C. M.(Michael C. M.)
I myself really can't stand this show or the people on it.. especially Chip Coffey! Claims he is a psychic when all he really is, is a fraud. If you head on over to, this week Kirby talks about the recent ...
MICHAEL CM - Exposing The Truth! -

By the end of the day that blog was gone. Why? Because Chip didn’t like it and he threatened legal action to have it removed.

So what we all need to do in the name of free speech is to sign up for Google Alerts to be sent to your email address with the following individual terms:

Chip Coffey
Psychic Medium Chip Coffey
Ryan Buell
Paranormal Research Society
Paranormal State
Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal

Now, we can all monitor any and all sites that get whacked by Chip’s efforts.


Seems that around Thanksgiving, Mr. Coffey has time to break away from the holiday celebrations and spreading thanks and prayers to have MySpace blogs that he disapproves of removed. PSBS_101 [yes, those initials do mean something!] made no personal attacks against Mr. Coffey. It appears that Mr. Coffey has a new job title: internet policeman. Heads up to anyone posting anything negative concerning the above mentioned para-celebrity, there are 2 things that you absolutely need to do.

~1 Do not post it on MySpace it’s simply a waste of time
~2 Post it off MySpace, but not just at one site, get your friends and family to post it as well to ensure that if one gets whacked than others will remain.


The ‘net was afire with chatter that Kelli Ryan had been offered or had accepted a financial settlement from A&E concerning her allegations toward Paranormal State, PRS, Chip Coffey and Michelle Belanger. Well the story is not true at all. What is true is that Kelli is investigating possible legal action against A&E.

Who’s Jack? And I’m not talking about Jack Bauer. Threats against Chip Coffey’s life sounds more like a treatment to Season 8 of Fox’s hit show “24.” Yes, folks, Chip Coffey did contact the FBI over threats made against his life. Jack, who had been posting on Kelli’s blog, which was a response to Chip’s and Ryan’s lies about her, supposedly has been threatening Chip’s life for quite some time and the FBI is hot on his trail. Where’s it going to lead? Not to Jack Bauer, I hope! But one does have to wonder if Chip Coffey is such an all-fired great psychic medium and is backed up by his public relations person, Michelle Babiaraz, a/k/a Babs, and the stable of Paranormal State-approved psychics: the ParryNormals, C.J. Sellers, and Michelle Belanger, these supernatural sleuths should team up and save the FBI a lot of time and money. But then again, there’s no check in the mail nor are there any cameras rolling. I’m not holding my breath that this is going to lead to anything.

Anyone who doesn’t think that the PRS and Paranormal State are trying hard at not telling us the whole truth about the goings on behind their episodes you only need to view the last two episodes of the second season, FIRST CONTACT and I AM SIX, to wipe that thought out of your mind.


Let’s take a look at Paranormal State’s penultimate episode, FIRST CONTACT. It seems that there’s a lot more activity at the Gilliland Ranch than both Dave Schneider and Paranormal State would want us to believe. Apparently, Area 51 has nothing on the Gilliland Ranch. Even if a fraction of their claims were true, Paranormal State would not have been the first cable show to tape there. Let’s take a look at what is rumored to have gone on at Trout Lake, Washington or is happening there as you read this.

James Gilliland who brought the 70-acre spot as a spiritual healing center owns Gilliland Ranch and an organization entitled Self Mastery Earth Institute.

James claims the ranch is an opening between us and the third dimension where UFO’s are landing on a regular basis and making contact with earth beings. Now geez, why didn’t we see the landing sites? That would have been exciting footage if they existed. But there’s more! James says that he has been abducted on numerous occasions and met several different types of aliens. He also states aliens are walking around his property and interacting with him. What type of aliens, you might wonder? Pleiadeans and Andromedians. Additionally, James has had direct contact with over 1000 alien spacecraft. I wonder if the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services [USCIS] plans to open a substation on or near his property to be able to check interstellar passports?

James alleges that he has been allowed to go on board these ships and at one time was hit by three balls of light. In addition, he has been contacted by Melia, “an extremely loving benevolent and yet down to business extraterrestrial from the Orion constellation.” He also says that he is in communication with St. Germain, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Jesus, Buddha, Mother Mary, Ramtha, and Cazekiel, the reincarnate of the Biblical Ezekiel.

Now there is one problem with Ramtha. J.Z. Knight, who has channeled Ramtha since the 1980s, owns the copyright to Ramtha, and the spirit claims that he doesn’t contact anyone else but Ms. Knight. So anyone claiming they’re having contact with Ramtha and publicizing such claims is violating Ms. Knight’s copyright.

If you go back and view the First Contact episode, none of these claims are ever addressed. Why is that? Because if these claims were true you would have every paranormal investigator, every UFO research team, every abductee organization, every would-be author, and the entire international news media would be camping out on the ranch.

Note that none of the landowners around the property are making any such claims as James makes. I guess the portal to the third dimension is on the small size.


Travel weary young alien taking a rest break


When it comes to Paranormal State’s last episode, I AM SIX, the story that they kept from the viewers concerns the distortion and deception of the fake exorcism that took place on the show. If Ryan Buell, as well as Father Calder, had ever been a part of or witnessed a real exorcism, they would’ve realized that what they were presenting was far from the truth in procedural matters as well as the way Laura acted falsely claiming she was possessed. They were drawing off the movie “The Exorcism of Emily Rose” but the delivery failed miserably.

~1 Ryan talks about holy ground when he first addresses the team. Ryan should know that demons, as well as their leadership, have access to the most holy places. So just being in a church doesn’t prevent you from being attacked by a demonic spirit.
~2 When Laura greets the team does she show any signs of discomfort or pain? None at all. She seems to be very happy to be on camera.
~3 Notice that there are religious symbols throughout the house and her mom is even wearing crosses as earrings. Yet Laura shows no discomfort towards those objects.
~4 The pentagram has nothing to do with demons.
~5 Why were no religious items placed in or under Laura’s bed to see if any discomfort took place?
~6 Father Andrew Calder does a walk through but no in depth interview with Laura.
~7 When Lorraine Warren is talking to Ryan on the phone she says something not true about the legion story from the Bible. Legion was not the name of the demon -- the demon was simply saying that legion, which means many, that many demons were in the person.
~8 Ryan violates one of his own church’s rules when it comes to determining if an exorcism is even required. That rule is that all mental illnesses must be ruled out. The psychologist says that it is possible that Laura has a disassociative disorder.
~9 Father Calder should have spent time in prayer and meditation prior to jumping onto the idea of demonic possession.
~10 Father Calder should have gone through a time of Biblical fasting to prepare himself for the exorcism.
~11 The State of Grace that Ryan talks about is not something that is quickly or easily done in just a few minutes. Nor is it something you can do with a few lighted candles. But it takes in depth soul searching, prayer, and a complete confession of all sins that have taken place within your life. Each and every person in the house, including Laura’s family and the entire cast and crew, would be required to do the same.
~12 The exorcism room should have had ALL the furniture completely removed and the windows boarded up.
~13 Laura’s family should not have been allowed in the room.
~14 Father Calder does not have any assistance in the exorcism.
~15 Does Laura show any signs of real discomfort in the exorcism? She draws a pentagram in the air, which means nothing to a demon. Laura’s voice doesn’t change, nor do her physical features contort at all.
~16 Chip Coffey should not have interrupted the exorcism.
~17 Laura shows no spiritual knowledge of past or future events relating to anyone—especially Father Calder. There is no vulgarity, spitting, vomiting, defecation, flatulence, or urination.
~18 Chip Coffey interrupts the exorcism a second time.
~19 Never does the demon engage the exorcist in a battle of will, logic, or faith. Nor does the demon ever challenge his authority to be there.
~20 Chip Coffey is not allowed to touch the person being that he is not actually a part of the exorcism. By doing so, he denigrates the spiritual authority of Father Calder.
~21 In the post interview of Laura she shows no ill effects or spiritual changes that accompany a person who has been demonically possessed. The possession itself changes the person forever.

NOTE: “Requiem” [2006], a subtitled German film also influenced the “I Am Six” episode. This film is about: “An epileptic girl suffers a breakdown during her first year at university, then decides to seek help from a priest in battling the troubles associated with her strict upbringing.”


Just tell A&E you won’t watch them as long as Paranormal State is on the air. And share with them all the lies and deception that are taking place. Here’s the contact information:

A&E Television Networks
235 East 45th Street,
New York, NY 10017

1925 Century Park East, Suite 900
Los Angeles, CA 90067

It seems some folks just can’t learn to tell the truth and their lies just get sadder and sadder. The people over at PRS/PS have been caught red-handed. It’s time to ‘fess up.

For those who are unaware, during the investigation that was part of Paranormal State’s THE MESSENGER episode, it seems that the participants from PRS decided to plant a cold can of Budweiser on a bed to get Bill the ghost to appear.

Ryan and Chip enter the room and Ryan claims he picks up a cold spot and when the intrepid pair flip on the light they claim they see an outline of a person on the bed. The Messenger, Part 2


Budweiser beer can video image

There are 3 things everyone can do in the effort to get the truth out to the general public and proper authorities. They’re free, and will only take a few moments of your time. But they can pay off big in exposure.

1) Call, write, and/or email Anheuser-Busch, Inc. and tell them that their product is being used without their permission and in an act of deception. Tell them it is reflecting badly on the image of such a respected corporation. Also, you might pitch some new taglines for their Budweiser Beer product. Mine are:


1 800 DIAL BUD
(1 800 342 5283)
Anheuser-Busch, Inc.
One Busch Place
St. Louis, MO 63118
Copy and paste this into your browser:

2) Lakeshore Entertainment is the production company behind the film “The Exorcism of Emily Rose.” It’s very clear that PRS/PS and/or Laura’s family is ripping off the story from this fine motion picture for the sake of 15 minutes of fame. Even Paranormal State puts to use the 1,2,3,4,5,6 from the film. So the production company should both be warned and compensated, or have the I AM SIX episode yanked. Here is the contact information:

Lakeshore Entertainment
9268 West Third Street, Beverly Hills, CA 90210 USA
Phone: [310] 867-8000
Fax: [310] 300-3015

3) Penn State is an established institution with a spotless reputation for serious research and above board practices. The president of the university needs to know how PRS is using and abusing its image. Call, write, and/or email them about what is happening.

Graham B. Spanier
Office of the President
(814) 865-2507 or 814-865-7611


Dear Ryan Buell, Chip Coffey, Lorraine Warren, Sandra & Keith Johnson, Dr. Ron Milione, Tony Spera, Shannon & Jeff Sylvia, C.J. Sellers, Chris Moon, Michelle Belanger, Chad Calek, Michael & Marti Parry, Mark & Debby Constantino, Kim Russo, David Schrader, Reverend Andrew Calder, Reverend Bob Larson, Grant Wilson, and Jason Hawes:

I have expressed concerns about how you conduct your investigations and the validity of those investigations, where anyone with a clear and discerning eye can see that they are not authentic. I have also witnessed heavy-handed tactics being used against people who question your alleged authority within the paranormal community and dared to raise questions concerning the validity of appearing on the A&E shows, Paranormal State, and Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal. I can no longer sit by in silence. That is why I came up with The Paranormal Moment of Truth Challenge, which will benefit you, your organization, the paranormal field, and a charity that would be assisted from the donation of the prize money.

1 ~ It would silence your critics if you are determined to be telling the truth about all your claims and how they are presented. There can be no one left to challenge your honesty and integrity.

2 ~ It would not only benefit your organization, but it would also help the entire paranormal field. Because if such evidence is true, it will be brought to a much wider audience, which hopefully would fuel additional legitimate investigations. So it’s a win-win situation for everyone.

3 ~ The charity of your choice would have the prize money donated to them. If the truth is being told, that prize money could reach $500,000.

So, what is The Paranormal Moment of Truth Challenge? I am sure you’ve heard of the Fox Network program entitled The Moment of Truth. This is where a contestant is hooked up to a lie detector test and asked 50 questions, of which 21 of them are used on the actual show. As long as you tell the truth, you keep on winning money -- up to $500,000. The production company, Lighthearted Entertainment Inc., would jump at an opportunity of doing a show with the two of you. And I will put my personal credibility on the line and appear, as well. For if you visit my Free All Spirits page (, you’ll notice that I personally make what some would call outlandish claims concerning my work as a Demonologist/Exorcist/Paranormal Investigator/Caring Spiritual Adviser.

If you would like to be "one step closer to the truth" then this is a way to achieve your goal. If interested, please contact me at this email address and I will get the ball rolling as soon as possible.

Your friend in spirit,

To date, this is the response that I’ve received from them.

Why not do the show? Only you, the paranormal field, and a charity of your choice would benefit.

INFORMATION REQUEST: If anyone wants to share any information with their experiences involving the PRS, Ryan Buell, Chip Coffey, and any other para-celebrity that has made an appearance on Paranormal State, whether it is good or bad, I would like to read it. Your confidentiality is 100% guaranteed.

NOTE: Please feel free to copy and paste this and place it all over the web. And, unlike any of my other blogs, you can even repost this under your own name!

UPCOMING RADIO APPEARANCE: This Monday, December 1, 2008 I will be on the Spooks R Us show on Para-X radio. The time is 9 to 11 PM EST.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Eye on the Paranormal – Issue 11: Another Dark Week for the Paranormal Community & S.S. Paranormal State Sinking in Lies!

Eye on the Paranormal

Welcome back to our latest issue of Eye on the Paranormal, the first and only weekly blog that takes a critical look at the world of the paranormal.


I’d like to ask all the readers of the Eye on the Paranormal that if they find this informative; please visit the following sites. These people are fighting the good fight in their own way.

Who Forted The online paranormal magazine. In time, we hope to see many, many different articles and features written by people from all over the paranormal scene. Hell, even people who aren't from the scene. Diversity, honesty, and obviously humor, are key elements to this concept.

Paranormal Skeptic “I hope to introduce many here to an eye opening blog about a certain TV show that is misleading the public and now its cast is making threats to sue the bloggers, the radio host and one of their own clients.”

Demon Designer Advocate for truth and putting an end to paranormal fraud, exploiting people, and making a mockery of paranormal investigation to make a buck. I'm DD from the A&E board.

The Ghost Divas On Tuesday, November 18, their profile was suddenly deleted. They now have a very upfront blog over here:


It’s been another bad week for folks in the paranormal field. More lies, more deceptions, and more distortions of the truth. And more para-celebrities selling out their listening audience for the sake of a few crumbs and dollars tossed their way. When will they learn as long as the folks over at the Eye on the Paranormal are watching out for the average Joe, there’s no place we won’t go to uncover the truth and expose the lies?

It seemed that just about every day had breaking news so let’s run through the week that was or what many are now calling, The Darkest Hour for Darkness Radio. In reality, Darkness Radio is now wishing they hadn’t done that segment.

Sunday, November 16. Last week a well-placed source within Paranormal Research Society informed us that Chip Coffey, Ryan Buell, and Michelle Belanger were set to appear on Darkness Radio on Sunday night. For those of you who don’t know, and going by the ratings, that would be most of you, Darkness Radio is hosted by Dave Schrader on Saturday and Sunday nights. It’s simply a dressed up infomercial for Dave Schrader’s paranormal buddies to promote their books, DVD’s, ghost tours, conventions, and paranormal reality programs. It’s taped, they don’t take callers, and quite often, as was the case with the Paranormal State hour, it was not only rehearsed but scripted to get the points across that Ryan, along with Chip and Dave, wanted to get across. You’ll notice that they can never face their accusers or debate in public but will only appear in setting where they are in total control.

It seems that many emails and phone calls between Chip, Ryan and Michelle was exchanged with Dave about what was to be asked and how it was best to go about preplanning the hour so as to avoid mentioning Free All Spirits and smear Kelli Ryan’s reputation.

Dave Schrader, for those who don’t know, has a strong tie to Paranormal State, PRS, Ryan Buell, and numerous other para-celebrities that have appeared on Paranormal State. It’s funny how they tend to end up on Dave’s photo page. Here’s the link: Paranormal State A&E Filming
In addition, Chip Coffey has an advertisement for the Darkness Rules program on his MySpace page and is being financially compensated to appear at a 3-day Darkness Radio event at the Queen Mary in Long Beach. I would gladly debate Chippy on any of those three days, but I’m not holding my breath for a response.

Thus, ethically, Dave should have excused himself from doing the interview. He has both a professional and personal relationship with Chip and Ryan, so he couldn’t ask the hard questions that needed to be asked. And his conduct on the program would have to be questioned.

That being said, things are becoming more desperate by the hour in Paranormal State-land, as they once again try to use lies, distortion, and deception to cover up the truth. They need to learn that the truth is always mightier than the lie. But should we expect such behavior? No. They chose to utter lots of lies, deceptions, and distortions within that 60-minute interview. And we’ll address them here, as now Chip Coffey and Michelle Belanger are starting to change their stories.

~1 Lie - Ryan states that Kelli did not contact the Paranormal Research Society after the show completed filming to ask for help. The truth – she did, and got either no response from PRS, only from an A&E employee who stated, “hey, didn’t you get some help already?”
~2 Distortion – Ryan says that many of Kelli’s statements are an exaggeration. Well that means that there is some truth to what Kelli’s claiming but Ryan fails to inform the listening audience of such.
~3 Deception – Dave Schrader repeatedly throws out a rehearsed line that if he was ever part of a show that did anything deceptive he’d walk off the set. Just as he would know that Chip and Ryan would as well. This is an old propaganda psychological ploy that if you hear a phrase often enough you believe it to be true.
~4 Deception – Ryan can’t keep the same number of episodes that deal with demons straight. A few weeks ago it was only two – prior to the “I Am Six” episode, also known as “I’m Looking for a Hollywood Deal”, which would then make it 3. But now according to Ryan it’s 4, which is not the truth at all. Ryan makes it seems like neither he nor anyone else at PRS, including Chip, ever watch the episodes.
~5 Lie – Ryan now claims that he is called in on a regular basis to investigate, as well as perform exorcisms, for the Catholic Church. Just a few weeks ago, it had been just a singular case. And now he says it happens on a regular basis and he doesn’t talk about those cases. Newsflash to Ryan: You’re talking about them now. And how did Ryan, who has never been trained in the field of demonology, or ever witness a live exorcism, become a person that the church now calls upon on a regular basis? Can anyone say ego out of control, here?
~6 Lie – Ryan states that there are only 10 people that question the validity of PRS and Paranormal State. Ryan seems not to use Google as often as Chip does; it’s now more like thousands of people are who questioning the show’s validity.
~7 Lie – Dave Schrader claims for Ryan that all the dissenters out there are simply being jealous. That jealousy card is getting old and worn out. But let me say this again. I am not jealous of Chip Coffey, Ryan Buell, or of the program Paranormal State. I value too much my faith, integrity, and clear conscience to be jealous of their shenanigans.
~8 Lie – Ryan states that he values the church and is often called to give them guidance when it comes to exorcisms and demonology. Yet he openly violates church rules and doctrines in the “I Am Six” episode.
~9 Deception – Ryan says he only worries about getting approval from a small, select group of people. And one of them happens to be Lorraine Warren. This is a Freudian slip, I think, when you view all the deceptive practices that she used to sell the Amityville Horror Hoax. She has tutored Ryan well as he is copying her techniques to sell the Paranormal State Hoax.
~10 Distortion – Ryan states early on in the interview that Paranormal State has the most diverse professionals out of any of the paranormal programs on the market. But what he fails to address is this: why do they use the same people over and over and over again?
~11 Deception – Ryan claims that he doesn’t read the anti-Paranormal State blogs that are out there, which isn’t the truth. Ryan is quite the reader of all of them according to numerous authors who track visitors to their sites.
~12 Distortion – Dave Schrader comes up with a really wacky theory that you couldn’t claim that the TV show “Starsky & Hutch” was a bad show because they didn’t portray the life of cops as they really were. Someone needs to tell Dave that “Starsky & Hutch” was a totally fictitious program, where the show Paranormal State presents itself as a DOCUMENTARY, which is a factual program. There is a difference between fiction and fact.
~13 Lie - Chip Coffey gives an almost entirely bogus account of why Kelli Ryan contacted PRS. It was never about Bill’s ghost, he wasn’t causing the family any trouble. They were being troubled by a very dark entity that was in the house prior to Kelli and her husband moving in, and her spirit guide said for her not to take it on.
~14 Lie – Chip says that Kelli had a negative relationship with her grandfather, and she got upset and started to cry when he brought it up. Thus, according to Chip, it was abusive. The truth? Kelli was crying because she loved her grandfather so much, and had such a good relationship with her grandfather. She couldn’t understand how any psychic could be so wrong, and Chip’s psychological bullying to accept his inaccurate theory upset her.
~15 Lie – The beer can. Chip does his best to rehash the party line from PRS Central concerning ParaBeerCanGate. But it didn’t wash then and it doesn’t wash now.
[1] Budweiser was Bill the ghost’s favorite brand, but Bill was not haunting the hallway or the spare bedroom, it was the dark, evil entity.
[2] If it was planted by some other member of PRS then why is blank and blank’s fingerprints on the can?
[3] If it was planted without Chip’s and Ryan’s knowledge, why did it remain in the episode?
[4] What about the figure on the bed that Ryan now says he didn’t see?
[5] Why wasn’t the general public ever told about this event prior to Free All Spirits exposing it as a deceptive act?
~16 Deception – Chip thinks that Kelli has some kind of desire to have more time in the spotlight. Truth is, Chip, she could have had more time and a much easier one, if she simply said you guys did a great job, and went along with your deceptions. But Chip has difficulty understanding that not everyone has to live in the limelight.
~17 Lie – Chip is making much ado about the Ghost Cottage sign, which is only a small plaque in the flowerbed, given to Kelli by friends. As to the tours that Kelli offers, viewers of the episode asked to see the house. In addition, the area that she lives in is greatly dependent upon tourism dollars to survive. State, wildlife, and game authorities have shut down the fishing along the coastline and in local rivers for 3 years. Those who live in the area are desperate to supplement their income.
~18 Deception – Michelle Belanger never does come out and say the outburst and her and Chip’s fight never happened. Listen as Dave Schrader says it never happened. Chip goes “uh huh” but Michele remains quiet.
~19 Distortion – Michelle never brings up the fact that Kelli:
[1] Gave her a sweater that she’d been making for 2 years.
[2] Kelli gave Michelle a reading and told her some very personal things that no one had ever picked up on in the past.
[3] Kelli had numerous talks with both Chip and Michelle about her long time psychic work.
[4] Never did she ever say to Michelle, or anyone, that she had abandoned her psychic gifts.
~20 Deception – Listen for Michelle’s effort to give out Kelli’s home address.
~21 Lie – This might be the biggest lie of them all. Chip and Michelle try to sell a story about a long, hard journey through the mountains to Kelli’s home that just got them there in time for the second Dead Time. And that’s why Michelle walked out of the taping. The problem with this story is that it would get them there 2 days into the filming of the episode, which does not fit the way the events happened. Because Chip even states, in his own blog, that he arrived there the evening before his taping began.
~22 Distortion – Chip should know better -- just by telling a spirit, forcefully or not -- doesn’t mean that the spirit will leave. It seems as if Chip’s trying to say that either PRS couldn’t or wouldn’t give Kelli the help that she needed.
~23 Lie – Chip states that he is never fed information from producers. If this is true, then how does Chip explain comments that he’s made in interviews where he talks about how he’ll sit down and strategize with the producers on how to approach his walk-throughs?
~24 Lie - Chip claims he never talked to an Eric Leven at A&E. Which is kinda funny as Eric was the casting producer on 6 of the episodes that Chip was in this year.
~25 Deception – Chip builds up “The Glove” episode, which is the episode that Michelle Belanger helped in planting fake evidence. Maybe that’s one more Freudian thing.
~26 Distortion – Michelle Belanger claims she’s the go-to person for Paranormal State in occult matters. Then what is “Occult Specialist” Eilfie?
~27 Distortion – Dave Schrader basically says some things are faked on Paranormal State to make it a better show.
~28 Distortion – Chip says anyone would sell out to be a para-celebrity appearing on a paranormal show. No, Chip, only people who are solely interested in fame and fortune and to be in the spotlight constantly would sell out. I still can spell and know the meaning of the word ethics. What about you?

So, thinking that Dave Schrader was interested in the truth, and not just the bottom dollar, I contacted him with this email.

From: Free All Spirits
Date: Nov 17, 2008 11:59 PM
RE: Equal Time
Dear Dave,
I just heard the show concerning Paranormal State and all the half truths and lies that have been leveled at Kelli. I would like equal time to rebut what has been said.
Your friend in spirit,

Which led to this well thought out response:

From: KTLK-FM's DarknessRadio™ Dave
Date: Nov 18, 2008 10:11 AM
whats your number

I shot back, knowing that Dave couldn’t handle the truth anymore than the rest of the Paranormal State crowd could.

From: Free All Spirits
Date: Nov 18, 2008 7:23 PM
Thank you for contacting me.
I am on the road quite a bit and no telling what times I'll be back in L.A. If you're interested in having me on the show, give me dates and I'll see what works. As for Kelli, I doubt if she'll be able to be on the show because she'll be filing legal action against Paranormal State within the next few weeks and will be unable to make public comment about the matter.
Your friend in spirit,

From: KTLK-FM's DarknessRadio™ Dave
Nov 18, 2008 8:58 PM
Kirby To be truthful, I think its best to leave things alone.
You have more than had your chance to be heard, you have blogged, you have bulletined, you have appeared on other shows, I think everyone has heard your version more than enough at this point.

I allowed Michelle and Chip on my show as they had approached me and are my friends.
The thing that I allowed to happen was to have them address the lie being told on thier behalf.

Fact is; Kelly said they had a feud, Kelly said Michelle called Chip a fraud and had to stand up for Kelly, and both Michelle and Chip both said that never happened, nothing even like it. So, they addressed the allegations and cleared them up. I dont see how more rehashing is going to help.

This isnt a slight to you, its time to put the BS in the past and if Kelly has a legal leg to stand on, she will get her day in court and her side will be heard.

Lets leave it to the courts at this point.

So we now see that all of Darkness Radio was an infomercial to sell Paranormal State and Chip Coffey, to sell their lies, deceptions, and to witness the selling out of Darkness Radio.


On November 17 I logged onto Blogger to read a hateful comment sent anonymously from Chip, Ryan and Topher. They don’t have the guts to use their real name; they either have to come at me anonymously or with the initials J.R. It not only was aimed at me, but the missive expressed a lot of actual hate towards the Ghost Divas. So I in turn sent it to them. I knew it came from Chip Coffey or Topher, they used a phrase of Mr. Kirby, that appeared in one of Chip Coffey’s blog comments, which you can still find on his MySpace page. The Ghost Divas placed the email on their MySpace blog and proceeded to roast Mr. Coffey Bean, who got very upset Chip yelled and cried at some lawyers, who in turn contacted MySpace and threatened to file a lawsuit against them, the same way Mr. Coffey has threatened to sue me, but has yet to do. Thus, MySpace removed the Ghost Divas and eliminated over 2600 friends, 3 years worth of comments, photos, and blogs.

I guess it’s all right for Chippy and Topher to send out a comment full of hate but when others speak of the truth they can’t handle it.

You see, a few weeks ago, Chip Coffey sent the Ghost Divas an email concerning his desire to clear the air on me and Kelli’s investigation. The condition was that The Ghost Divas could never tell anyone what was said. Then that would free Chip up to do as he normally would do and say that the Ghost Divas now support him 100% and they ethically could do nothing. But the Ghost Divas, being the wise ones they are, said what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. They stated that Chip would never be able to talk about the phone call. Well, Chip never contacted them again.


The Ghost Divas luckily returned to MySpace and appeared on Blogger to the displeasure of many over in Paranormal State-land. But things only grew worse for Ryan Buell and Chip Coffey later that night.

On the Ghost Divas program broadcasted on Para-X radio, Bishop James Long, a leading expert in the field of demonology and exorcisms basically laid bare every single lie, distortion and deception that was aired on the “I Am Six” episode, also known as “Can I Get an Emmy For My Performance?”


November 22 – Babs, who is one of Chip Coffey’s female sidekicks and a go to person when Chip needs a spokeswoman, revealed on Kelli Ryan’s blog that Chip had contacted the FBI over an alleged rumor that someone had threatened him.

Now I’m sure the good men and women that make up the FBI and who are on the front line of America’s war on terror, fighting the Mafia, and providing security as the threats mount against our incoming President’s life, will set aside everything and focus all their investigative powers and put Chip Coffey’s rumor on the top of their list.

Some suggest that this is a ploy on Mr. Coffey’s part to appear on the next season of Fox’s show “24” and Jack Bauer is going to be sent to Atlanta, Georgia to protect Chip Coffey.

Why doesn’t Chip just tell the FBI who made the threat, where they live, and when and how they plan to carry it out? You see Chip has a 100% accuracy rate when he appears on the Paranormal State, thus his readings should be totally trusted and this information would help the FBI cut back on their manpower in investigating his case. But you see folks, there’s no threat. It’s just another tactic in Chip Coffey’s limited arsenal of trying to deflect our attention from the truth.

Well, that’s all for this week. Well, not really. If you want to read more come back next Saturday and yes, it is a holiday weekend, but the truth needs to be told, no matter what the time of year it is. In addition, on Monday, December 1 [8-10 CST] I’ll be a guest on Spooks R Us on Para-X radio and it’d be nice to have you all there.


Just tell A&E you won’t watch them as long as Paranormal State is on the air. And share with them all the lies and deception that are taking place. Here’s the contact information:

A&E Television Networks
235 East 45th Street,
New York, NY 10017

1925 Century Park East, Suite 900
Los Angeles, CA 90067

It seems some folks just can’t learn to tell the truth and their lies just get sadder and sadder. The people over at PRS/PS have been caught red-handed. It’s time to ‘fess up.

For those who are unaware, during the investigation that was part of Paranormal State’s THE MESSENGER episode, it seems that the participants from PRS decided to plant a cold can of Budweiser on a bed to get Bill the ghost to appear.

Ryan and Chip enter the room and Ryan claims he picks up a cold spot and when the intrepid pair flip on the light they claim they see an outline of a person on the bed. The Messenger, Part 2


Budweiser beer can video image

There are 3 things everyone can do in the effort to get the truth out to the general public and proper authorities. They’re free, and will only take a few moments of your time. But they can pay off big in exposure.

1) Call, write, and/or email Anheuser-Busch, Inc. and tell them that their product is being used without their permission and in an act of deception. Tell them it is reflecting badly on the image of such a respected corporation. Also, you might pitch some new taglines for their Budweiser Beer product. Mine are:


1 800 DIAL BUD
(1 800 342 5283)
Anheuser-Busch, Inc.
One Busch Place
St. Louis, MO 63118
Copy and paste this into your browser:

2) Lakeshore Entertainment is the production company behind the film “The Exorcism of Emily Rose.” It’s very clear that PRS/PS and/or Laura’s family is ripping off the story from this fine motion picture for the sake of 15 minutes of fame. Even Paranormal State puts to use the 1,2,3,4,5,6 from the film. So the production company should both be warned and compensated, or have the I AM SIX episode yanked. Here is the contact information:

Lakeshore Entertainment
9268 West Third Street, Beverly Hills, CA 90210 USA
Phone: [310] 867-8000
Fax: [310] 300-3015

3) Penn State is an established institution with a spotless reputation for serious research and above board practices. The president of the university needs to know how PRS is using and abusing its image. Call, write, and/or email them about what is happening.

Graham B. Spanier
Office of the President
(814) 865-2507 or 814-865-7611


Dear Ryan Buell, Chip Coffey, Lorraine Warren, Sandra & Keith Johnson, Dr. Ron Milione, Tony Spera, Shannon & Jeff Sylvia, C.J. Sellers, Chris Moon, Michelle Belanger, Chad Calek, Michael & Marti Parry, Mark & Debby Constantino, Kim Russo, David Schrader, Reverend Andrew Calder, Reverend Bob Larson, Grant Wilson, and Jason Hawes:

I have expressed concerns about how you conduct your investigations and the validity of those investigations, where anyone with a clear and discerning eye can see that they are not authentic. I have also witnessed heavy-handed tactics being used against people who question your alleged authority within the paranormal community and dared to raise questions concerning the validity of appearing on the A&E shows, Paranormal State, and Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal. I can no longer sit by in silence. That is why I came up with The Paranormal Moment of Truth Challenge, which will benefit you, your organization, the paranormal field, and a charity that would be assisted from the donation of the prize money.

1 ~ It would silence your critics if you are determined to be telling the truth about all your claims and how they are presented. There can be no one left to challenge your honesty and integrity.

2 ~ It would not only benefit your organization, but it would also help the entire paranormal field. Because if such evidence is true, it will be brought to a much wider audience, which hopefully would fuel additional legitimate investigations. So it’s a win-win situation for everyone.

3 ~ The charity of your choice would have the prize money donated to them. If the truth is being told, that prize money could reach $500,000.

So, what is The Paranormal Moment of Truth Challenge? I am sure you’ve heard of the Fox Network program entitled The Moment of Truth. This is where a contestant is hooked up to a lie detector test and asked 50 questions, of which 21 of them are used on the actual show. As long as you tell the truth, you keep on winning money -- up to $500,000. The production company, Lighthearted Entertainment Inc., would jump at an opportunity of doing a show with the two of you. And I will put my personal credibility on the line and appear, as well. For if you visit my Free All Spirits page (, you’ll notice that I personally make what some would call outlandish claims concerning my work as a Demonologist/Exorcist/Paranormal Investigator/Caring Spiritual Adviser.

If you would like to be "one step closer to the truth" then this is a way to achieve your goal. If interested, please contact me at this email address and I will get the ball rolling as soon as possible.

Your friend in spirit,

To date, this is the response that I’ve received from them.

Why not do the show? Only you, the paranormal field, and a charity of your choice would benefit.

INFORMATION REQUEST: If anyone wants to share any information with their experiences involving the PRS, Ryan Buell, Chip Coffey, and any other para-celebrity that has made an appearance on Paranormal State, whether it is good or bad, I would like to read it. Your confidentiality is 100% guaranteed.

NOTE: Please feel free to copy and paste this and place it all over the web. And, unlike any of my other blogs, you can even repost this under your own name!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Eye on the Paranormal – Issue 10: Exorcism on TV – Is It Ever the Real Deal? Part 1

Eye on the Paranormal

Copyright 2008 by Kirby Robinson

Welcome back to our latest issue of Eye on the Paranormal, the first and only weekly blog that takes a critical look at the world of the paranormal. I know many of you were anticipating the beginning of my in depth analysis of Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal. But, in the past 48 hours some developments have come to light. Everyone who’s actively involved in our effort to bring integrity, honesty, and truthfulness back to the paranormal field, decided, as a whole, to delay my analysis until the information can be verified. We will then determine what the proper thing to do with it will be.

We at the Eye on the Paranormal endeavor to verify all facts and information numerous times. People have brought rumors, innuendoes, and hearsay to us and since we strive for integrity and to remain above board we refuse to engage in such practices.


I’d like to ask all the readers of the Eye on the Paranormal that if find this informative; please visit the three following sites. These people are fighting the good fight in their own way.

The Ghost Divas are a group of fine ladies who are experienced ghost hunters and paranormal investigators. They strongly believe in the truth and they’ve had the courage to expose the lies and deceptions of many of the para-celebrities.

Paranormal Preacher in his own light is making efforts to expose trickery and deception.


“I am removing you as a friend because of the mean way you have treated this gentle, kind man. It seems that you have made it your goal in life to try and destroy him for no reason that I can find, other than possibly jealousy. You present yourself on your site as someone who tries to live a life that would be pleasing to God, but you actions toward Chip Coffey belie that. Take a look in the mirror. You may need to take a deep look into your soul at your motives.” Tanila, Alpharetta, Georgia

My motives are clear to me. I'm trying to help people that Paranormal State and Chip Coffey have taken advantage of. But you're entitled to your opinions and I'm entitled to mine. You’re entitled to take appropriate actions based on those opinions just as I am allowed to take with mine.
God bless you.
Your friend in spirit,


By gosh, there’s something in the water in paranormal paradise land. And unfortunately, it’s been making folks act silly within the past few weeks.

~1 Paranormal State airs a totally fictitious episode entitled “I Am Six.” Others have named it “My Credibility is Sinking” as it concerns a fake exorcism in Quincy, IL. Numerous errors in procedures that deal with both determining if an exorcism is warranted as well as within the exorcism itself raised red flags with numerous experts in the field. In addition to the continuity errors within the exorcism itself, “I Am Six” has brought almost every credible demonologist/exorcist to question this episode.

~2 On Thursday, October 30, the Science Fiction Channel aired a block of episodes of a series entitled “The Real Exorcist” featuring Reverend Bob Larsen. We watch as he casts out numerous demons throughout America and Great Britain. The only problem is that some of the people who had demons cast out of them faked their possessions. They were no more demonically possessed than the average Joe. This was exposed throughout the Internet and numerous cable news networks.

~3 On Halloween night the Science Fiction Channel aired a 7-hour long episode of Ghost Hunters Live, where their investigators supposedly had their jackets pulled numerous times and a very mechanical sounding voice is caught on an EVP. Since then, there has been an ever-growing buzz on numerous web sites and talk shows on whether this event was staged. Sides have been taken and even friendships and alliances have been broken between longtime friends who question the validity of these events.

~4 Now it’s being alleged by numerous sites that Ghost Adventurers have been caught being less than honest about events on their show.

Folks, what’s happening here? The credibility, which was minimal to begin with, is slipping away from the paranormal field. Facing all the negative media concerning these events, we need to ask a very important question -- who’s to blame?

~1 The para-celebrities. Due to the fact that they’ve agreed to participate in these shows, and then grow accustomed to the fame and fortune that is associated with them, they become slaves to the ever-important ratings game.

People who do ghost hunting for fun and have a sincere desire to carry out paranormal investigations may like watching a group of men run through a dark building for hours and have nothing happen, all the while being informed of how to do an investigation. But the average 6-pack Joe wants to see some action. He wants to see demons. He wants to hear EVPs. So the para-celebrities and their supporters begin to develop a concept or mantra which consists of, “Okay, it’s just TV.” or “It’s just entertainment, entertainment, entertainment… and why not?” Or, “everyone else is doing it. So why not me? It’s just this one time. Well, okay, maybe twice. But I’m not doing anything bad; I’m doing it only because of the ratings and my family’s financial future. And I can’t forget all the extra money I make from speaking at conventions, and the merchandise I sell…”

~2 The producers. Because they have to please the cable networks, their advertisers, and they have to compete harder and harder for the ever-shrinking audience.

They also don’t truly understand the paranormal field. Maybe they watched “The Exorcist” “Ghost Busters” “Ghost” or the “Poltergeist” movies. They say, what the heck, all investigations must be this exciting. When they do a real case and find out how things really work, which 99% of the time is NOT exciting, they have to make things up. Make the para-celebrities look better and what the heck, they don’t do it in every scene and again it’s entertaining, entertaining, entertaining. And if anybody catches us we’ll just say it’s bad editing.

~3 The paranormal field. They don’t have a lot of fortitude and backbone to say enough is enough. Let’s be real, let’s get real, and let’s ask for peer reviews. But they won’t. And they don’t. Because they think, just maybe if I play along I’ll get along and when the para-celebrity comes to my town to film a show, I’ll be able to buy my buddies down at the local bar and grill a round of drinks and tell ‘em to watch me on TV.

But please don’t hold your breath as the party’s just about over in Hollywood. Every time a scam is exposed more media get interested and less programming will take place. Plus the fact the current crop of para-celebrities doesn’t want any competition. They might throw you a few tiny crumbs, but you won’t ever get thrown a piece of the pie. Because, hint here folks, why do you think no major over the air network has aired a paranormal show to date? They won’t stand for any trickery or deception like the cable networks will.

~4 The general public is the least to blame but their trust is being abused. They put their faith and trust in these supposed “experts” would share with them only the truth. Only real events and only real evidence.

Shame on the para-celebrities. Shame on their shows. Shame on the producers, and shame on us, the paranormal field, for not speaking up in a louder and more united voice. Let’s all say enough is enough. Let’s return some integrity, dignity, and honesty to the paranormal field before it’s too late. The clock is ticking it’s almost struck midnight. Do you want the paranormal field to be doubted, like the general public does with televangelists? It’s up to you. Like Paul, I’ll keep on fighting the good fight even if I just have one reader and one friend in MySpace. Sometimes when you do right you gotta be willing to be dragged through the mud, to be ridiculed, and have lies spread about you. But you know, I can look at myself in the mirror. I know it’s not about jealousy. It’s not about some hidden agenda. It’s about 3 words: INTEGRITY, HONESTY, and TRUTHFULNESS.

We’ve completed our overview of Paranormal State’s Seasons 1 and 2. And with the information we now have, we could spoil it for the viewers concerning Paranormal State’s upcoming season 2.5 or 3.0 or 2.9 or whatever they’ve decided to call it. But we won’t do that; we’re going to sit on the information at this time. We will focus on exorcisms on television and give a thorough overview of Reverend Bob Larson’s “The Real Exorcist” and delve deeper into the deceptions of the “I Am Six” episode that we didn’t have time to do in issue 9.

Reverend Bob Larson is a good man, I think. I like him, I’ve talked to him, and even attended a few of his seminars. But Reverend Larson, unfortunately, has fallen off the path. He has gotten caught up, like so many I know that are involved in the radio and TV ministry field, by the demands of having to keep the money coming in an ever-changing market for religious programming, and seeing others of lesser talents getting ahead. Reverend Larson’s heart is in the right place, even if his mind isn’t.

Reverend Larson is no stranger to TV. He’s done TV specials for the BBC in the past and has been featured on numerous news programs as people question the whole concept of exorcism and his personal techniques.

So let’s take a look, since I can talk about this as I do this on a daily basis. This is my calling and this is my path.


First of all, it is extremely important when one begins such an investigation to not walk into it expecting it to lead to a confrontation with a demon. If you do that, you’re going to ignore all signs that would lead you away from that happening. My motto is to eliminate the probable before one grasps the improbable.

The first warning sign is if the person contacts me and their opening remark is, “I have a demon.” Or “I need an exorcism performed.” Quite often that is indicative of a person that may not be legitimate and may have other issues. Once I begin an investigation the first thing I do after walking the property, is sit down with the client[s] and get a thorough family history running back as many generations as possible. I want to know of any occult involvement, mental health issues, addiction issues, the level of religious activity within the history of the family, if anyone in the family has been victims of serious crimes like murder, rape, incest, etc., or if members of the family have committed such acts. You want to know as many details about the current generation as possible. The second thing I do is if they haven’t had a thorough medical check up, then get one done. Not just a 15-minute visit to an ear, eye, nose, and throat doctor, but I want the person to have a complete and thorough medical exam. Thirdly, I want to have the person go through a complete and thorough psychological examination by not one but two separate therapists or psychologists. I want to eliminate schizophrenia, disassociative disorders, epilepsy, Tourette’s Syndrome, and numerous other illnesses that I will discuss later. After that is done I take my client[s] through an extensive checklist.

The first set I go through is a list that concerns mental changes that affect the person who is possibly possessed.

~1 Look for changes within a person’s personality
~2 Has the person started to isolate themselves?
~3 Have there been changes in sleep patterns?
~4 Is there a sudden weight loss or gain?
~5 You look for changes in attitude and behavior particularly has the person become more irritable and hostile?
~6 Has the person been cursing a lot?
~7 Do they show an aversion to not only religious objects and religious texts, but do they refuse to enter a church?
~8 Look for cutting behaviors.
~9 Has their mode of dress changed?
~10 Have they stopped caring for their personal hygiene?
~11 Look for a gathering or obsession with occult materials.
~12 Has the person been destroying objects—particularly religious ones?
~13 Have they become abusive and threatening towards others on a more frequent basis? Have they been having emotional outbursts?
~14 Have they become more violent? Have they started to hurt animals?
~15 Have they experienced nightmares and night terrors on a more frequent and intensive basis?
~16 Do they perform acts where they play with their own feces and urine?
~17 Are they preoccupied with sex? Do they start touching themselves inappropriately in front of others?
~18 Have they been showing signs of having multiple personalities?
~19 Has their diet changed? Do they seem like they enjoy their usual meals or have foods that they once disliked become a favorite to them?
~20 Have they been experiencing blackouts or loss of previously expressed memories?

Next, I run through a checklist of physical changes that the person may have gone though.

~1 Do they go for long periods of time without blinking their eyes?
~2 Do they go into catatonic states often?
~3 Do they speak languages they could not possibly know? Or has their normal speech pattern changed?
~4 Does the person speak in a language that is not of this earth?
~5 Does the person become completely rigid physically like a statue?
~6 Do their eyes become almost black at times?
~7 Do they have changes in facial features?
~8 Have they shown inhuman strength?
~9 Do they begin to exhibit precognition [the ability to predict future events]?
~10 Does the person display what is called retrocognition, [the ability to recall past events they couldn’t possibly know about others]?
~11 Does the person show an interest in telling strangers information about their past lives?
~12 Has their voice changed?
~13 Have they begun to read other people’s minds?
~14 Have they begun to levitate?
~15 Has there been writing or symbols appear on their body with no explanation for those events? [This is a tricky one because often people will try to fake this. Do these events ever happen in your presence or only when the person is alone? Do they only happen on parts of the body where it’s easy to reach and does it only happen on parts of the body that one would not want disfigured—face, neck, back of hands, forearms, etc.]
~16 Do they physically move in unusual patterns? For example, do they begin to contort physically, spin like a ballerina, balance on one foot easily
~17 Does their hair color change?
~18 Do multiple voices come from their mouth at the same time?
~19 Do animals show fear in their presence?

Here is a partial list of outward manifestations that occur around the individual[s] that I look for:

~1 Do objects move by themselves?
~2 Do objects disappear with no explanation, never to be found again?
~3 Do objects disappear and are suddenly found in a new location?
~4 Do objects disappear and later suddenly reappear in front of you?
~5 Do objects suddenly come from nowhere?
~6 Banging, knocking, or pounding may be heard in a house or in just one room.
~7 Are objects smashed for no reason?
~8 Are there repeated doorbell ringing noises or pounding on the doors?
~9 Do religious objects disappear or get desecrated?
~10 Are there groaning sounds?
~11 Are there scratching sounds?
~12 Foul odors hang around this person with no explanation.
~13 Odd lights or orbs may shoot around the room.
~14 Furniture, often heavy, may move on its own.
~15 Have there been reports of shadow like people within the area?
~16 Have there been strange looking creatures reported around the area?
~17 Doors and drawers open and slam shut on their own.
~18 Electrical appliances turn on or off.
~19 Spontaneous fires – have they been happening?
~20 Have there been infestations of rodents or insects?
~21 If anyone talks of God or religion does this person go into a fit?
~22 Sounds of glass breaking may be heard but there’s never any evidence found.
~23 Sudden temperature changes in a room or the person’s body temperature changes inexplicably.
~24 Have people reported a feeling of being watched when they are alone?
~25 Unexplained voices are heard.
~26 Unexplained winds are felt.

These are checklists that I run through with my clients and there are other things that I ask but don’t feel comfortable with sharing at this time. The fewer responses of such changes being noted, activities being reported, of the individual and their surroundings makes me less certain that an exorcism is needed. If at this point I determine that further action needs to be taken I’ll often ask for a minister or a religious person of the person’s faith, to come in and say prayers over the individual. Reactions will be recorded as well as to see if there are any changes from the previous report. Quite often it’s a low level infestation and prayers and property cleansing will do the trick. But if that doesn’t work then we proceed to more serious levels of action.

Now, I’m getting ahead of myself here, so let’s go back to Reverend Larson. If one observes any and all of the episodes that were shown that evening, Reverend Larson did not do anything nearly as thoroughly as I mentioned in the lists above. And in actuality, you can go to Reverend Larson’s site right now and answer the 21 questions that will lead him to determine if you’re demonically infected. Here’s the link: which, these simple questions can’t determine that fact.

And this isn’t Bob Larson’s first brush in being a bit overeager to perform exorcisms for the benefit of the camera and his audience. The Paranormal Preacher has caught Bob numerous times engaging in unnecessary exorcisms and exposing his techniques of manipulation of his audience, whether it’s just one person or hundreds. For example, let’s use one of the cases presented on the 10/30/08 airing. The young lady, Lori Green, has come out and publicly admitted that she faked everything. Reverend Larson was way too eager to oblige her. He performed an unnecessary exorcism just for the cameras, ratings, and for the sake of his personal ego.

Lori Green, 23, feels that her involvement in the occult has led to her into being possessed by a demon.

Notice that her child and her chickens are at ease in her presence. In addition, note that during her initial interview with the host, as she answers questions, her eyes dart to the side, which is a common behavior for people giving deceptive answers.

Bob meets Lori at a house that is rumored to be haunted, which is a ridiculous thing to do. A deliverance/exorcism should be conducted on holy ground, if possible. Why do an exorcism in a place that can only stir up more negative spirits?

The only three signs that she exhibits in my checklist are:

~ Cutting
~ Occult involvement
~ Suicidal thinking

But Reverend Larson is not dissuaded at all; he feels an exorcism is much required.

Reverend Larson attempts to link her cutting with death. If Reverend Larson knows anything about cutters he knows that the majority die young -- quite often before the age of 21. It’s not a demonic influence that leads to their death it’s a deteriorating mental state.

Notice when Lori talks about giving herself to the devil Reverend Larson passes up an important step in the process. He should have had her reverse that offer. But he’s too eager to get the sparks flying. Notice no reaction to the holy oil on the forehead. In addition, there’s no reaction to the cross at the side of the face.

Reverend’s Larson’s style of exorcism is one of total confrontation. He uses the term “I” far too often. Nor does he follow any recognized, established exorcism rite, which is dangerous unless you are in a state of grace and your faith is extremely strong.

When Reverend Larson attempts to talk to the demon, again he should have seen red lights going off in his eyes and heard alarms going off in his ears, the demon would not have come out passively if he’s facing a confrontational fight. Nor is it worth any time to try to get a demon to feel remorse or sorrow. Those are two emotions that a demon has no interest in. Lori doesn’t get upset until the third time the cross touches her face. It’s a good thing that Reverend Larson does of sending a demon to torment; this allows the exorcist an opportunity to reach the possessed individual.

And isn’t it interesting that Reverend Larson is taking on a gunslinger style that it’s him and the demon that is going to face a big confrontational showdown in the near future? Bob should know better that it’s not him that’s confronting the demon, but it’s all that is holy flowing through him that’ll be confronting the demon.

The second round of exorcisms is performed in a voodoo room, and again, this is not a wise idea. Reverend Larson expresses this belief that every demonically possessed individual is possessed by the Devil, Satan, and Lucifer the term being used interchangeably, which in reality, they are separate entities and have little interest in possessing individuals. They have much bigger agendas.

I’m going to let you in on the last big secret of this episode. And it might be even bigger than the fact that Lori was engaging in deception towards Reverend Bob Larson, but there’s even an additional layer of deception going on here. Just like in Paranormal State, the viewer is given the impression that these events are filmed in order and take several days. I won’t break down every single scene; I think my readers are smart enough to do that on their own. But all three scenes of demonic deliverance/exorcism and all scenes with Lori, were filmed in one day. And the exorcisms were even done out of order. How’s that for truth, integrity, and the American way?

So as we see, the para-celebrities, no matter if you’re of religious ilk or not, are engaging in deceptive practices. Next week as we dive into part 2 of this analysis, we’ll uncover more acts of deception with “I Am Six.” We’ll reveal more breeches of procedure when it comes to deliverance/exorcism rites, and even expose Ryan Buell for violating rules of his own church in this episode.


It seems some folks just can’t learn to tell the truth and their lies just get sadder and sadder. The people over at PRS/PS have been caught red-handed. It’s time to ‘fess up.

For those who are unaware, during the investigation that was part of Paranormal State’s THE MESSENGER episode, it seems that the participants from PRS decided to plant a cold can of Budweiser on a bed to get Bill the ghost to appear.

Ryan and Chip enter the room and Ryan claims he picks up a cold spot and when the intrepid pair flip on the light they claim they see an outline of a person on the bed. The Messenger, Part 2


Budweiser beer can video image

There are 3 things everyone can do in the effort to get the truth out to the general public and proper authorities. They’re free, and will only take a few moments of your time. But they can pay off big in exposure.

1) Call, write, and/or email Anheuser-Busch, Inc. and tell them that their product is being used without their permission and in an act of deception. Tell them it is reflecting badly on the image of such a respected corporation. Also, you might pitch some new taglines for their Budweiser Beer product. Mine are:


1 800 DIAL BUD
(1 800 342 5283)
Anheuser-Busch, Inc.
One Busch Place
St. Louis, MO 63118
Copy and paste this into your browser:

2) Lakeshore Entertainment is the production company behind the film “The Exorcism of Emily Rose.” It’s very clear that PRS/PS and/or Laura’s family is ripping off the story from this fine motion picture for the sake of 15 minutes of fame. Even Paranormal State puts to use the 1,2,3,4,5,6 from the film. So the production company should both be warned and compensated, or have the I AM SIX episode yanked. Here is the contact information:

Lakeshore Entertainment
9268 West Third Street, Beverly Hills, CA 90210 USA
Phone: [310] 867-8000
Fax: [310] 300-3015

3) Penn State is an established institution with a spotless reputation for serious research and above board practices. The president of the university needs to know how PRS is using and abusing its image. Call, write, and/or email them about what is happening.

Graham B. Spanier
Office of the President
(814) 865-2507 or 814-865-7611


Dear Ryan Buell, Chip Coffey, Lorraine Warren, Sandra & Keith Johnson, Dr. Ron Milione, Tony Spera, Shannon & Jeff Sylvia, C.J. Sellers, Chris Moon, Michelle Belanger, Chad Calek, Michael & Marti Parry, Mark & Debby Constantino, Kim Russo, David Schrader, Reverend Andrew Calder, Reverend Bob Larson, Grant Wilson, and Jason Hawes :

I have expressed concerns about how you conduct your investigations and the validity of those investigations, where anyone with a clear and discerning eye can see that they are not authentic. I have also witnessed heavy-handed tactics being used against people who question your alleged authority within the paranormal community and dared to raise questions concerning the validity of appearing on the A&E shows, Paranormal State, and Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal. I can no longer sit by in silence. That is why I came up with The Paranormal Moment of Truth Challenge, which will benefit you, your organization, the paranormal field, and a charity that would be assisted from the donation of the prize money.

1 ~ It would silence your critics if you are determined to be telling the truth about all your claims and how they are presented. There can be no one left to challenge your honesty and integrity.

2 ~ It would not only benefit your organization, but it would also help the entire paranormal field. Because if such evidence is true, it will be brought to a much wider audience, which hopefully would fuel additional legitimate investigations. So it’s a win-win situation for everyone.

3 ~ The charity of your choice would have the prize money donated to them. If the truth is being told, that prize money could reach $500,000.

So, what is The Paranormal Moment of Truth Challenge? I am sure you’ve heard of the Fox Network program entitled The Moment of Truth. This is where a contestant is hooked up to a lie detector test and asked 50 questions, of which 21 of them are used on the actual show. As long as you tell the truth, you keep on winning money -- up to $500,000. The production company, Lighthearted Entertainment Inc., would jump at an opportunity of doing a show with the two of you. And I will put my personal credibility on the line and appear, as well. For if you visit my Free All Spirits page (, you’ll notice that I personally make what some would call outlandish claims concerning my work as a Demonologist/Exorcist/Paranormal Investigator/Caring Spiritual Adviser.

If you would like to be "one step closer to the truth" then this is a way to achieve your goal. If interested, please contact me at this email address and I will get the ball rolling as soon as possible.

Your friend in spirit,

To date, this is the response that I’ve received from them.

Why not do the show? Only you, the paranormal field, and a charity of your choice would benefit.


Please pass this on even if you do not have kids in school. Parents should know about this killer drug. Grandparents, send it to your families and friends.

This is a new drug known as 'strawberry quick '. There is a very scary thing going on in the schools right now that we all need to be aware of.

There is a type of crystal meth going around that looks like strawberry pop rocks (the candy that sizzles and 'pops' in your mouth). It also smells like strawberry and it is being handed out to kids in schoolyards. They are calling it strawberry meth or strawberry quick.

Kids are ingesting this thinking that it is candy and being rushed off to the hospital in dire condition. It also comes in chocolate, peanut butter, cola, cherry, grape, and orange flavors.

Please instruct your children not to accept candy from strangers and even not to accept candy that looks like this from a friend (who may have been given it and believed it is candy) and to take any that they may have to a teacher, principal, etc. immediately.

INFORMATION REQUEST: If anyone wants to share any information with their experiences involving the PRS, Ryan Buell, Chip Coffey, and any other para-celebrity that has made an appearance on Paranormal State, whether it is good or bad, I would like to read it. Your confidentiality is 100% guaranteed.

NOTE: Please feel free to copy and paste this and place it all over the web. And, unlike any of my other blogs, you can even repost this under your own name!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Eye on the Paranormal – Issue 9: Review of Paranormal State’s “I Am Six” Episode

Eye on the Paranormal

copyright 2008 by Kirby Robinson

Welcome back to our latest issue of Eye on the Paranormal, the first and only weekly blog that takes a critical look at the world of the paranormal.

We’re continuing our in-depth investigation of the Paranormal Research Society and Paranormal State, along with the numerous para-celebrities that have appeared on the show and assisted in the acts of deception, distortion, and lies that Paranormal State is quickly becoming famous for. We’re analyzing Episode #33, I AM SIX, which could have gone by three other titles: I AM SICK, SHE’S SO SLEAZY, or LET’S RIP OFF THE EXORCISM OF EMILY ROSE.

In this issue we’ll also focus on the ever-growing web of lies concerning the infamous beer can incident, or what many are calling ParaBeerCanGate! Each lie PRS/PS tries to sell only paints them into a tinier corner.

We’ll also take a look at what others are talking about. And there’s a new CALL TO ACTION section – you can help expose this fraudulent show.

But first, let me introduce you to two folks who are in their own way trying to expose the deceptive acts of Chip Coffey and Paranormal State.

1. Brian Thompson of The Amateur Scientist has been working diligently to bring the truth to light and Chip even called the police on the guy! Read his blogs and enjoy the information.

2. Anyone who would rather watch an entertaining video over at YouTube will benefit from the person who’s been working tirelessly to expose the PSBS. Meet Doctor Atlantis. He has a keen eye for detail and exposing trickery.


It seems some folks just can’t learn to tell the truth and their lies just get sadder and sadder. The people over at PRS/PS have been caught red-handed. It’s time to ‘fess up.

For those who are unaware, during the investigation that was part of THE MESSENGER episode, it seems that the participants from PRS decided to plant a cold can of Budweiser on a bed to get Bill the ghost to appear.

Ryan and Chip enter the room and Ryan claims he picks up a cold spot and when the intrepid pair flip on the light they claim they see an outline of a person on the bed. The Messenger, Part 2

We exposed this act of intended deception in issue 8. Since then, PRS/PS and Chip have been selling a big, big pile of brown stuff, trying to flee from the spotlight. Take a look at each of their lies as we expose them for what they are.

~1 Bill the friendly ghost wasn’t even the issue that the husband and wife featured in the episode, Kelli and Riley, were concerned about. Bill liked Budweiser, but the spirit that was threatening the family was a dark entity who never made his beer preference known.

~2 If it was simply a joke, why did they allow the cold spot to be part of the episode? And then why did they claim they saw a figure on the bed?

~3 Why had they never mentioned this to the general public?

~4 Both Topher and Ryan on the PRS forums tried to claim that this was all brought up and explained at Univ-Con last September and there’s no story. Well, this is yet another lie. Respected Parapsychologist Loyd Auerbach, wrote: “I've spoken to the woman in question at length. Nothing she says is outlandish -- though she may be speaking through the filter of someone who believed her case (and her main ghost, who is apparently quite friendly) was seriously misrepresented.

As for the beer can -- the PRS folks showed the image during a session at UNIV-CON and stated it was a beer can. They certainly did not indicate they had placed it intentionally, and I did not see the episode, but my understanding is that the episode did not call it for what it was.

And if they knew it was a beer can -- which they should have by checking out the bed -- why did it end up on the show at all, let alone as something other than what it was?”

So you can see it’s nothing like what PRS claimed happened.

~5 Kelli placed all the beer cans, more than one were positioned throughout the house, in a plastic bag to protect them from the fingerprints of those who had handled the beer cans.

Now I didn’t attend UNIVCON but we had people there who got items that had been handled by folks over at PRS who were part of THE MESSENGER investigation. At great cost to us we found out whose prints are on the cans. Guess whose fingerprints are on the beer cans?

So ParaBeerCanGate keeps blowing up in their faces. This problem will not go away quietly, folks.


Budweiser beer can video image


As expected, Kelli and myself, as well as the Ghost Divas and Ghost Hunters, Inc. were under attack on numerous forums and MySpace blogs for the past week. Yet the attacks had little value, shallow meaning, and lack of merit and truth behind them.

Let’s take a look at some of them.

~1 The Parry-Normals – On the PRS forum they claim that I had said they were frauds and what I saw in Michael Parry’s hand were his drawings. Well, let’s look at the facts. A] I never wrote the word fraud. B] If you closely watch the episode, THE LADDER, where Mr. Parry is talking to Ryan and his client, he starts the interview holding a small notebook. After a few quick cuts the notebook turns into notecards. If you have a bigscreen TV freeze that scene and look at the cards. Are they drawings? No. They’re actually a list of topics to discuss.

~2 Chip Coffey – On Halloween he issued a MySpace blog entitled: “Smears, Lies & Videotape” in which he threatened legal action against Kelli, the Ghost Divas, and me. I had personally anticipated just such an action a while ago, and through the good graces of some of my clients in the entertainment field, I was introduced to a law firm that saw the publicity potential for such a lawsuit. They had agreed a while ago and we had been putting together a team of people who are experts in debunking psychics and well known members of the scientific community who have been able to debunk all EVPs, camera shots, etc. that numerous para-celebrities have tried to present as authentic. To date, none have stood the test of thorough, unbiased scientific investigation. I responded, and Chip being Chip, had to think he had the final word. But I have a few things to point out concerning his response.

[1] Chip is making the assumption that Paranormal State is a highly popular program. If you take the time to look at the facts you’ll find out otherwise. It is on CABLE TV, not network, and a cable channel that is dedicated to reality programs, network reruns, and once popular movies. It is not in the Top 20 weekly viewed shows on cable. And the only reason that it stays on the air is because it is very cheap to produce.

[2] Chip Coffey admits that there is such a thing as para-celebrities and they are a separate group from everyone else. I never thought that a person should ever do anything to be popular, I thought the purpose was to help others and do right.

[3] I think I did one blog about my stint on a TV show and it was after the fact. If you want to talk about self-promotion, Chip, every time you’ll be appearing at some money-making event you write a blog about it. Every time you promote Paranormal State or Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal, you gotta write about it. If some Hollywood celebrity calls you, you get all excited. And, when someone dares to criticize you, you fetch the violin and cry about dead relatives/pets. Or write a lukewarm Q&A blog, which is just more promotion for Paranormal State, Psychic Kids, or your next money making event.

[4] Well, Chip, if you consider this blog not worthwhile, then you could be doing things far more worthwhile with your time than reading my blogs. LOL. But in all sincerity, all I do is put pen to paper, my investigative team does all the rest. You’re making the assumption that people aren’t being helped, but they are.

[5] Au contraire, Mr. Coffey. My readership is bigger than ever, I am being requested to do radio appearances, which in the past I have shunned, but now I’ve decided to do them. And being popular within the paranormal community is not a must for me. Is it for you?

[6] Chip, if you would simply state that Paranormal State is a scripted show and be taken for entertainment purposes only, the Eye on the Paranormal would shift away to other topics.


After all the heaviness of this blog, let’s take a few minutes before moving on to take a look at a pair of disclaimers that will bring a smile to your face.

PRS' disclaimer: "The data & evidence collected does not prove that any of the paranormal exists or in any way is evidence of the paranormal."

Psychic/Medium Chip Coffey’s Disclaimer: “Please be advised that psychic readings cannot predict, forecast, diagnose or provide information with absolute certainty.

No guarantees or assurances of any kind are given and Chip Coffey will not be held accountable for

any interpretations or decisions made by recipients based on information provided during readings.

For entertainment purposes only.

For medical concerns, please consult with a physician. For legal matters, please contact an attorney.”


Now let’s begin our analysis of I AM SIX. And as to make my analysis easy to follow, I’m embedding links inside the blog to the segments on YouTube. I will also add the 5 different video clips in case you want to watch them after reading the blog.

Ryan Buell stated in a blog promoting this episode that they had done two previous demonic episodes. The promotion is even an act of deception. A close look at the last two seasons of Paranormal State will find that they have done far more than just a pair of demonic episodes. The subject has been dealt with in the following:

~1 Sixth Sense

~2 The Name

~3 The Devil In Syracuse

~4 Dark Man

~5 Pet Cemetery

~6 Paranormal Intervention

~7 The Haunted Piano

~8 The Sensitive

~9 The Asylum

~10 Good vs. Evil

~11 Hell’s Gate

So we see that it’s not just two episodes but in actuality, 11. Also, Mr. Buell is starting to embellish his tale of being hired by the Catholic Church to assist a group of priests in an exorcism. Back in Season 1 in “The Name” we are told about the case for the first time. It’s about a demon in a house. This year, for some reason, Ryan decided to dress it up some by saying “a group of priests and a politician’s family.” By implying “a politician” he’s trying to get you to think it’s a high ranking one. I AM SIX, Part 1

The “I Am Six” episode focuses on a young lady by the name of Laura, living in Quincy, IL with her family. The 26-year-old is allegedly being attacked by demonic forces.

One thing I ask you to do is to note Ryan’s face, particularly the right cheek area, in the opening sequence at the church. Notice there is no pimple there at that time. This issue will be brought up as we progress through this blog.

The case briefing in the church takes place at 10:26 AM Investigation – Day One. They then travel to the home, make introductions, set things up, and begin to tour the house by 11:33 AM. They sure must have eaten their Wheaties that morning.

Laura greets them at the door; we see no sign of trouble or discomfort at all. She even gives them the impression that she’s excited for them to be there—especially Ryan.

Barbara, the mother, states with little or no emotion in her voice that the first time Laura saw the black shadow, which by the way is never referred to again, that Laura got hit in the stomach and couldn’t breathe for over one hour.

Laura makes claims that writing and scratches appear on her skin periodically, yet none are present at the time of filming. And we’re told that about 10 days prior to their arrival there had been scratches of a pentagram on her skin, yet it’s totally healed and there are no photos.

We then learn that Laura claims to have been sucked down a laundry chute. Again, no proof or offering of injuries.

Now we are going to do Time Warp like only Paranormal State can do. The house tour starts at 11:33 we are told, and lasts until at least 4:10 PM. Ryan is wearing a dark shirt. We then jump back in time to 2:37. Ryan is talking to Laura who’s now minus her glasses.

We are told that an EVP caused the entity to come in, yet we never actually hear the EVP.

We then jump to 3:48 PM to Ryan talking to the mom, who’s not wearing the same outfit that she had on at 4:10. Notice how she sells the story with the phrase “All the time.” The mom adds that there is constant mayhem within the house but during the entire four days nothing happens while the cast and crew are there.

At 4:28 PM Ryan interviews Bob, the father, and Ryan’s had time to change from a dark shirt. Notice how calm the dad is and how he emphasized that his daughter could be a great artist, maybe even a star. This exchange is intercut with a shot of Laura reading a magazine in the kitchen showing no ill effects at all.

At 5:03 PM Ryan has changed back into his dark shirt for an evidence hearing. Eilfie and Sergei, who neither claim to have medical training, determine that Laura could not write on the inside of her thigh, nor on the inside of her arm. How difficult would it be to scratch yourself there? Also, they don’t take into account that someone else could have done it for Laura. Notice the markings never take place on her face or any area on her body that couldn’t be concealed with clothing. I AM SIX, Part 2

Chip Coffey arrives at 9:56 PM and does his preplanned walk-through. Now it’s supposed to be night but you can clearly see daylight in numerous shots.

Chip claims that the demon has a very dirty mouth, yet he is the only person who cusses during the entire episode. Here are direct quotes:

“Get rid of all this ****** religious stuff!”

“More religious ****!”

“Get the F out of MY house!”
”I’ll kill the bitch!”

“It ****** her in the bathtub!”

“It just scared the **** outta me!”

They find a phrase scratched into the wooden floor in the closet. Again, the scratches are done where no one would see it and be an embarrassment to the family. In addition, note that Ryan’s voiceover is not done at the same time the shot is made.

At the start of Investigation – Day Two, Ryan, who’s still wearing clothes from Day 1, points out to Eilfie the scratches on the floor. At 11:36 AM Heather calls a German translator but it’s clearly nighttime outside.

At 3:11 PM Heather interviews the former homeowner who informs her that one person had died in the house.

At 5:05 Heather informs the PRS team that two deaths happened on the property. Yet that’s not what the former homeowner said. Again, Ryan is still wearing clothing from the first day.

Ryan calls Reverend Calder at night of Day 2, and he flies in from Atlanta, GA at 9:49 PM. Must’ve been a miraculously fast flight.

It’s 3 AM Dead Time. Laura is sleeping with her glasses on. And what is this mysterious illness that she’s supposed to have? Please don’t forget they asked the parents to leave the home.

In the upstairs bedroom, Ryan, Chip, and Reverend Calder are arranged one way in one cut, and in the next the Reverend is in a different area of the bed so the camera guy could get a clear shot of Chip and the fictitious doorknob incident. Did anyone see the doorknob turn other than Chip? Also notice that numerous shots from this supposed Dead Time are done in daylight and an attempt is made to block out the sun as much as possible. I AM SIX, Part 3

Laura is supposedly attacked in the bathroom while she is alone. And Eilfie asks, where’s Ryan? As if she has no idea where he’d be at that time. And did I say that he was wearing his shirt from day one? And in the very next shot the mother inexplicably appears in the bathroom, yet the family had been asked to vacate their home.

We see six scratch marks on Laura’s back and we learn that the demon’s name is Six.

Let’s stop the narrative at this point and let me say this. There was no haunting. There was no demonic presence whatsoever. What we have here are two groups.

~ 1 Paranormal Research Society and Paranormal State

~ 2 Laura and her family. Both groups have common needs. They want an exciting show, they know the formula of Demons + Exorcism = Ratings. Laura is seeking publicity and a desire to be in the media spotlight.

The film “The Exorcism of Emily Rose” provides an opportunity for the pair to achieve their goals. Watch the film and see how it’s an accurate depiction of how possession happens. You’ll also see some terrifying things from Emily’s perspective. It’s interesting to note that the demon in the film and the TV episode both say “I Am Six.” Notice how similar some scenes are within the movie and the episode.

In addition, there have been two claims made by Laura’s family and Paranormal State.

~1 No paranormal group would help the family within the Quincy area. After checking with various groups in the region, most weren’t contacted. Those who were checked it out and found no evidence of a haunting.

~2 They claim the Catholic Church dropped the case. What they don’t tell you is why. None of the local charismatic churches were contacted to come in and assist the family.

Back to the storyline.

There’s a voiceover of Chip and Laura done during the fake exorcism. We’re given the impression that it happened then. The mother claims that it scratched I AM SIX on her back in the past, yet again, no proof. Also take note that both outfits that Laura and her mother are wearing are the same outfits they wore during day 1 and we’re nearing the end of Day 2.

Day 3 starts off with a call at 12:20 PM to Lorraine “Amityville Horror Hoax” Warren. Note this call is done on a different day than the rest of the episode. Look at the dark pimple on Ryan’s face; it’s hardly noticeable that day and in the days to come.

We go into Time Warp again, the way that only Paranormal State can do. The identical shot with the father, the scene is set exactly the same way. Both Ryan and the dad wear the same clothing from two days ago. What they discuss is a scene taken verbatim from the “Exorcism of Emily Rose” where she becomes totally rigid while in the bedroom.

The interview with the psychologist is done poorly. Ryan seems to know very little about what diseases could be misinterpreted as demonic possession, and he fails to ask the proper questions concerning this.

The family doesn’t react in a shocked manner when they learn of a possible exorcism rite being done—it’s almost as if they’re wanting/anticipating it. Notice that we’re in the evening of day 3 and Ryan is wearing the same shirt as in the beginning of day 1. I AM SIX, Part 4

For a young lady facing a pending exorcism, Laura is very calm, her hair and makeup are flawless, and she’s posed very provocatively on her bed toward Ryan and Reverend Calder. She already has a red nose at the beginning of the scene, indicating she’d been crying and this wasn’t the first take. The shot wasn’t done at night but in the daytime. Watch the transition to the next scene. The Reverend states that nighttime is the time of Lucifer. Newsflash to the Reverend, God made day and night so Lucifer has no more claim to the night than any other entity.

Ryan tells us that he must enter a state of grace. What he doesn’t say is that every single person connected to the exorcism must enter a state of grace and how they indicate you go about it is totally wrong.

We now come to Exorcism Day. You’ll notice the shutters in the living room switch from open to closed at will.

The EMT is shown one time and disappears for the duration of the episode. Ryan’s shirt has gone back to his day one shirt, which is when the exorcism was filmed.

We’re told the exorcism starts at 3 PM but notice the scanner that Ryan uses reads 4:01 PM. They cut and spliced numerous scenes together for a complete exorcism. Suddenly, it’s 6 PM according to their clock.

A big deal is made about it raining. Unfortunately, what they don’t tell you is that it rained off and on throughout that day. According to the Farmer’s Almanac.

On July 18th, 2008, the closest available weather station to Quincy, IL (QUINCY MUNI BALDWIN FLD, IL), reported the following conditions:

High Temp: 88°F
Low Temp: 68°F
Average Temp: 78°F
Dewpoint: 66.2F
Wind Speed: 4.6 Knots
Precipitation Amount: 0.03 Inches
Observations: Rain/Drizzle, Thunder

Suddenly, it’s 4:45 and sunny. Ryan walks out of the house at 4:45 to talk to Lorraine Warren yet we’re told it’s 7 PM when he goes outside. I AM SIX, Part 5

We’re then shown it’s 11 PM and Chip has moved into the living room to take control of the exorcism. I guess he brings with him mystical and magical powers, because suddenly it’s sunny outside again.

The worst thing that the demon can do throughout the whole episode is call the poor girl sleazy. Also, notice how her hair changes from being up to down, neat to messy.

The clock is moving backwards because we’re supposed to be at 11 PM but it’s back to 5 PM.

It’s Chip who decides she’s not breathing, from across the room, so what happened to the EMT? And notice how Ryan pops around the room. Suddenly we see it’s 10:55. They keep splicing the show to make it appear more exciting. Observe, at the very end of the exorcism, how Chip pushes aside Reverend Calder, in order to have the final word. Remember, Chip was the one who declared in “The Name” episode that he was neither a demonologist nor an exorcist.

When Chip walks through the house for the final check, it’s daylight outside, and sadly, we learn that her 15 minutes of fame may not be up. Two weeks after the PRS cast and crew left she had a negative reaction to holy water. The sad story goes on and on.

And what is the lesson that we learn? The audience can be tricked into buying a lie and the truth is hurt because there are demons and there are people who are harassed, oppressed, and possessed by them. Not all of them are like the people who seek fame, fortune, and celebrity status. I AM SIX, Part 1 I AM SIX, Part 2 I AM SIX, Part 3 I AM SIX, Part 4 I AM SIX, Part 5


There are 3 things everyone can do in the effort to get the truth out to the general public and proper authorities. They’re free, and will only take a few moments of your time. But they can pay off big in exposure.

1) Call, write, and/or email Anheuser-Busch, Inc. and tell them that their product is being used without their permission and in an act of deception. Tell them it is reflecting badly on the image of such a respected corporation. Also, you might pitch some new taglines for their Budweiser Beer product. Mine are:





1 800 DIAL BUD
(1 800 342 5283)

Anheuser-Busch, Inc.
One Busch Place
St. Louis, MO 63118

Copy and paste this into your browser:

2) Lakeshore Entertainment is the production company behind the film “The Exorcism of Emily Rose.” It’s very clear that PRS/PS and/or Laura’s family is ripping off the story from this fine motion picture for the sake of 15 minutes of fame. Even Paranormal State puts to use the 1,2,3,4,5,6 from the film. So the production company should both be warned and compensated, or have the I AM SIX episode yanked. Here is the contact information:

Lakeshore Entertainment

9268 West Third Street, Beverly Hills, CA 90210 USA
Phone: [310] 867-8000
Fax: [310] 300-3015

3) Penn State is an established institution with a spotless reputation for serious research and above board practices. The president of the university needs to know how PRS is using and abusing its image. Call, write, and/or email them about what is happening.

Graham B. Spanier

Office of the President


(814) 865-2507 or 814-865-7611



Dear Ryan Buell, Chip Coffey, Lorraine Warren, Sandra & Keith Johnson, Dr. Ron Milione, Tony Spera, Shannon & Jeff Sylvia, C.J. Sellers, Chris Moon, Michelle Belanger, Chad Calek, Michael & Marti Parry, Mark & Debby Constantino, Kim Russo, David Schrader, and Reverend Andrew Calder:

I have expressed concerns about how you conduct your investigations and the validity of those investigations, where anyone with a clear and discerning eye can see that they are not authentic. I have also witnessed heavy-handed tactics being used against people who question your alleged authority within the paranormal community and dared to raise questions concerning the validity of appearing on the A&E shows, Paranormal State, and Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal. I can no longer sit by in silence. That is why I came up with The Paranormal Moment of Truth Challenge, which will benefit you, your organization, the paranormal field, and a charity that would be assisted from the donation of the prize money.

1 ~ It would silence your critics if you are determined to be telling the truth about all your claims and how they are presented. There can be no one left to challenge your honesty and integrity.

2 ~ It would not only benefit your organization, but it would also help the entire paranormal field. Because if such evidence is true, it will be brought to a much wider audience, which hopefully would fuel additional legitimate investigations. So it’s a win-win situation for everyone.

3 ~ The charity of your choice would have the prize money donated to them. If the truth is being told, that prize money could reach $500,000.

So, what is The Paranormal Moment of Truth Challenge? I am sure you’ve heard of the Fox Network program entitled The Moment of Truth. This is where a contestant is hooked up to a lie detector test and asked 50 questions, of which 21 of them are used on the actual show. As long as you tell the truth, you keep on winning money -- up to $500,000. The production company, Lighthearted Entertainment Inc., would jump at an opportunity of doing a show with the two of you. And I will put my personal credibility on the line and appear, as well. For if you visit my Free All Spirits page (, you’ll notice that I personally make what some would call outlandish claims concerning my work as a Demonologist/Exorcist/Paranormal Investigator/Caring Spiritual Adviser.

If you would like to be "one step closer to the truth" then this is a way to achieve your goal. If interested, please contact me at this email address and I will get the ball rolling as soon as possible.

Your friend in spirit,

To date, this is the response that I’ve received from them.

Why not do the show? Only you, the paranormal field, and a charity of your choice would benefit.

INFORMATION REQUEST: If anyone wants to share any information with their experiences involving the PRS, Ryan Buell, Chip Coffey, and any other para-celebrity that has made an appearance on Paranormal State, whether it is good or bad, I would like to read it. Your confidentiality is 100% guaranteed.

NOTE: Please feel free to copy and paste this and place it all over the web. And, unlike any of my other blogs, you can even repost this under your own name!

Come by next week to read a very exciting issue. If I told you what it’s about it wouldn’t be a surprise. But rest assured, it’ll be shocking and entertaining. But above all, it’ll be the truth.